Frat to Kill Part 2

The car began to move and I felt the sharp glass all around my legs and head. No matter how much I tried to move the ropes and ties got tighter each second. I couldn’t believe the crap I was in. If I moved too much the bind around my wrist would cut me and if I turned the glass would pierce my skin and the blood would ooze out. I heard the screams from the front and couldn’t make out what was going on there. My head hurt and I wanted so badly to turn my head so that I could not feel the blade that was pressed into my cunt. Ripping me in half whoever it was kept pushing it deeper within my womb and the blood ran deep and red. Pulling on the rope he put it across my tits and pulled tightly. It burned and I could no longer breathe from the sharp pain of the knife.  Taking it out of my pussy and placing it on his tongue he licked the blood from the end and began to rip it into my ass. Cutting my ass made the screams so earth chilling and I wished for death but I knew this would not be the end not by a long shot….

Ass Rape Porn Langley1

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