Evil Phone Sex Fantasies Help Us Deal with Stress

evil phone sexEvil phone sex cures the dog days of summer. Seems to be a heat wave across the country. Politics pissing people off. Heat pissing people off. And we all need a little escape. I know I do. And killing and torturing people helps me deal with stress. Plus, it makes the world a better place because I rid the world of assholes and bitches.

And yesterday, I murdered an annoying couple I met by happenstance. As a Goth chick with a murderous streak, I still do regular things like grocery shop. And while I was in the produce aisle a couple hit on me. I mean they wanted to go Goth for a moment. Do I look like the kind of woman you can approach about having a threesome? No, I don’t. I look like the kind of woman who will put you in snuff movies.

Although I politely declined, they followed me through the aisles talking about their Goth girl curiosity. No means no. And if I need to tell you more than once, you better pray for your life. After their final attempt, I agreed. But I was not fucking these vapid swingers. I had something else in mind. Sexual mutilation and murder.

Evil Fantasies Cure Those Summer Blues

When I showed up, they offered me a drink. I carry these strips around with me that let me know if a drink is spiked. And sure, enough it was. I do not think they wanted to fuck me. But I drugged them before finishing my drink. Their plant enjoyed my roofied wine. And I enjoyed the torture sex. When they woke up, they discovered that I tied them up. And they did not appear happy. But they appeared even less happy when I sexually mutilated their junk.

I carved up her pussy. And afterwards it resembled raw hamburger meat. And of course, I removed his balls. But I put his severed testicles in his wife’s mouth for shits and giggles. I spent hours there. Even though I enjoyed torturing them, I had to kill them. They saw my face. So, I slit their throats and left them to bleed out on their bed. Least they can go to hell together.

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