Don’t Betray Me or I’ll Kill You slowly!

killer phone sexI hate betrayal. And if you’re spying on me to try to use it to your advantage! I will murder you. Killer phone sex from a sick bitch! I take pleasure in giving pain. Screams of mercy make me so fucking hot that I just might cum without touching myself. That is how my brain works. Soon you will find yourself strung up and hanging like a pig on a meat hook. Darkness gives way to me and my weather outfit and boots. A whip lashes out and stings your naked body. The mark of the devil already carved in your belly. Balls locked up tight in a metal small cage that is attached to cables. A jerk in your dick feels nice at first then an unwilling erection is pushing your cock painfully in the cage. And next a more powerful shock rips through your body! Shitting and pissing yourself your heart is dangerously close to stopping. My pussy drips as you scream and beg your God to help you. You have crossed a demonic Slut and you will die! One swift move and I cut your dick off and it falls to the floor, the electricity pulsing through and making it flop like a bloody fish! Shock rips through you and you realize with hanging upside down your will bleed out fast. Baby, here eat my pussy and ill solder your skin and give you a pee hole. Oh wait I think I’ll start slicing you up with the bone saw as you eat me out and die hanging like the Pain pig you are! 


James Your fucking next! Cant wait to see how I torture and kill you next so Your murder phone sex fantasies are fuffiled! 

murder phone sex fantasies

Jezabels pain slut, Kill Count is rising! 


    • James on June 1, 2021 at 12:12 pm
    • Reply

    I just saw your latest blog post. It made my cock hard and my heart pound fast. Then I saw MY picture and a big smile came to my face!! Thank you for thinking that much about me that you use our sessions to write about. I loved the postscript note to me. It is a real honor to play with you Jezabel. Thank you for being my Snuff Mistress.

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