Rape phone sex fantasies are okay with me. In fact, I like them. I encourage them. At least on the phone, I do. My daddy force fucked me all during my youth. So did his friends. When I ran away as a teen girl, I said no one would fuck me against my will again. That did not go so well for me. Men cannot control themselves around me. I bring out their animalistic desires. I was at a club last night with girlfriend. Last time I went clubbing, I was drugged, and gang banged. I decided to take a chance again. I figured lightening does not strike twice, right? Same club. But I knew the odds of anything bad happening again were slim to none. I was dancing with this one nerdy guy. He was a hot nerd. This asshole kept trying to push his way on to the dance floor with me. I told him he was being rude, and I was not interested. I was trying to avoid the bad boys. Bad boys never treat me well. I thought the jackass got the picture, but he followed me to the bathroom. It was an individual unisex bathroom and he pushed me in and locked the door. He said I needed to stop being a cock tease. I kneed him in the balls because I was not going to be a victim again. He slammed my head against the mirror, cutting my head. With blood trickling down my face, he pushed me up against the sink, yanked my panties off and shoved a bunch of fingers inside me. He shoved his dick inside my ass, choked me and fucked me savagely for 15 minutes. He left me with marks on my throat, cum in my ass and blood on my face. I was gone so long my nice guy was not in the club anymore. Even when I am trying not to be a taboo phone sex whore, bad boys find me. I do not think I am worthy of a good man. Do you?