Daddy’s Little Torture Whore

taboo phone sex

Daddy loves his little torture whore! Every day he finds new and inventive ways to inflict pain and suffering on my little body. He loves to tie me up and torture my tits by binding them til they are black and blue and slicing off my grotesque dead nipples. Daddy loves crushing my toes with his steel toe boots and snapping my fingers one by one. The sound of my bones snapping makes daddy so hard. He loves pinning my pussy lips open with thumb tacks to fuck my pussy so hard. He loves to knife my cunt and asshole to carve a nice bloody hole for him to fuck. Daddy also loves to bring little whores that I can watch him snuff and torture. He gouges out their little teeny eyes to shove his thick into their eye socket and fuck their squishy brains until they spill out onto the floor. Daddy loves finding these ways to fuck with me before he fully snuffs me. 

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