cum get me

snuff phone sex

 There is nothing I love more than having my insides filled with cum from multiple random guys and treated like a shitty slutty bitch. Yes, oh yes please, drill and pound my ass hole until it unfolds its self out watch me contract, If you cum in me how I like I’ll even push your fluids out of my ass so that it drips down my pussy. But, don’t stop there. I want to be bound and gagged after you have had enough. I want you to call every friend you have and tell them you have a fuck toy that really needs some cock and cum to fill here up. My face, ass and pussy are stuffed completely tied up slap me with any cord or cable you have. Make me bleed and call me a bitch while doing it. If i cry I want you to continue this pain and pleasure. Fuck me until i cant breathe, lifeless almost . Dump me out on the streets still bound so others can have their turn. I really love it. Come get your turn with me! waiting just waiting for you.

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