Crash: Part Two

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I took the opportunity to go look at the brat and woman more closely; I wondered if they were truly dead.  Everyone took for granted that they would be…or would be soon.  The brat was making gurgling noises in the back of its throat, choking on its own worthless blood.  I wouldn’t mind hacking the body up a bit more, I thought; but, my attention was caught by a shadowy figure above me.  She was blonde and had a leg brace.  “I did that crash, but I survived.  Only got it half right,” she said and motioned to her prosthetic leg.  She was pretty, and I thought she would look even prettier on my mortuary table.

I seduced her into returning home with me.  She was easy to coax into my dungeon, curious at everything.  She instinctively hobbled onto the table, and undressed; yes, I liked her.  When I came closer, she kissed me and I felt a sexual sensation run through my veins.  She took off her brace…and seemed, again, to read my mind.  “Cut it open,” she whispered and kissed me again.  I peeled back the flesh with a knife and stuck my fingers into her open wound.  She reclined and watched as I jabbed my fingers into the open hole, blood spurting everywhere.  She moaned and seemed to cum; and, uncharacteristically, I bandaged her back up.  I wanted to know more about her…before doing away with her completely.  But, I already had a plan for decapitating her and kicking her head around the field where the crashes took place.

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