Cora’s Forced Feast of Filth: kidnapping phone sex

 Kidnapping phone sex

My breath hitched as I  felt the cold grip of duct tape across my mouth – My masters twisted signature move for tonight’s fucktoy escapade. My struggles were futile; he was already yanking me towards his car, a wicked glint in his eye that spoke volumes of what he had planned for me tonight. The drive was tense; every backroad we took seemed to echo with my silent screams for help, but none came. We arrived at an isolated motel, its neon sign flickering like a sick beacon in the night. He shoved me into a room that smelled of stale cigarettes and old sex – a fitting stage for their perverse play.

As I stood there trembling, My captor unveiled his surprise – his musclebound friend with an immense cock like a black snake ready to strike. My heart raced with a cocktail of fear and anticipation; I knew what was coming next – an unforgiving pounding from that monstrous dick plowing into my raw, untouched ass while my master watched with eager eyes from the foot of the bed. My body resisted at first, but his relentless force overpowered my defiance – he was determined to take what he wanted tonight.

He pinned me down roughly, spit on in my ass to lubricate his entry point before ramming into me with an animalistic fury that left no room for doubt – this was no longer about consent; it was about power and control as he claimed my most sacred place with each brutish thrust. Eyes welled up with tears from pain and degradation; as he my master stroked his own cock in sync with the savage assault on my ass, I couldn’t deny that somewhere deep inside my twisted core, there was a dark pleasure igniting with every thrust of that massive black snake fucking me mercilessly until I shattered into a thousand pieces of ecstatic agony on that filthy motel bed… And I loved every goddamn second of it because this is who I was – or at least who I had become under his watchful gaze guiding me into this abyss where love and hate danced together in a twisted waltz…

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