Cooking your Family

cannibalism phone sex

Ready to recount my cannibalism phone sex tale? Ahh, but you have the homemade video to watch. Does it make your dick hard everytime you see your wifes’ throat sliced and her guts cut out? Chopped up and put through the meat grinder flavored with so many good smelling spices that your drool for a taste of her flesh cooked to perfection. What about those cute daughters? How I had them pumped full of Nigger cum and hung them so those pretty necks just snapped ever so quickly! Them the wood fire roasting teen bodies like little piggies! Bahaha. I loved how I made you watch every moment and filmed your arousal! I am a demented dark soul who wants to do you in next. I want to cut every digit and limb slowly as we watch the snuff porn we made over and over. I want to feed you and fatten you up with your family flesh baby. Makes me so hot to know how evil I am how much more can you take dear! 

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