Cooking With Raven

Accomplice phone sexWelcome to my kitchen.  It’s a bit of a mess, but no worries.  Today we are going to be making the best cupcakes EVER!  Sure you can get cupcakes anywhere, but these…THESE are extra special.  They are not only made with a false sense of love and care, they are made with blood, sweat and tears.  Not mine mind you, but they are used none the less.  First, you will need to find an unwilling victim.  This is easy, just grab someone.  Next, you will want to make sure they have good veins.  I would stay away from any type of Intravenous drug user, or drug user of any type.  Who wants cupcakes all Herioney tasting? Not me.  I suggest something sweet, young, and innocent.  Full of spice and everything nice don’t you know.  You want to make sure they are trussed up nice and tight at this point, because this is how you get those blood sweat and tears I was speaking of earlier.  The secret ingredient so to speak.

Rape phone sex fantasiesYou will want to take a kitchen utensil, whatever is handy.  I am using a spoon for demonstration purposes.  You take your utensil of choice and start shoving it into places no kitchen utensil should ever been shoved.  Up little tight cunts, small tight assholes, back of throats, or just skip the utensil all together and use glass.  I only use the spoon to get the sweat and tears really, glass however is used for the blood.  I find that a few pieces jammed into the lower part of the inside arm in a diagonal direction seems to produce the best amount of blood.  Put the blood, the tears that you have collected, and some sweat from their forehead into a mixing bowl along with some Betty Crocker cake mix.  Your choice of flavor, it’s fucking Betty Crocker, all her shit is good.  Then mix and bake according to the directions on the package.  Do NOT remove the glass from the arm, you will need that in the next step.  After you have taken them out of the oven, place the hot from the oven cupcake pan on your victims back to cool.  Once they have cooled, it is time to decorate.

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Grab a can of frosting, swirl that shit on top, then for the piece de resistance…remove those glass shards from your young thing’s arm. Make sure you are careful not to drip any blood until you get to the frosted cupcake.  Shaking your hand from side to side, while holding the glass firmly between your thumb and forefinger splatter the top of the cupcake.  Go all Jackson Pollack on it.  Then simply place the glass into the cupcake to complete the decoration process!  Now you have a very dangerous yet rather tasty cupcake.  Feel free to give them to people you hate for a memorable gift.

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