Category: Violent phone sex

Snuff Porn Shot In A Hospital Makes For Lots Of Bloody Rooms!

Snuff porn

I have always been a chat of Dr. Victor Fries’ work. I know that he really gets into his creations, turning humans into monsters, and being a wicked brain surgeon, of course he is completely mad! So when I approached him that I wanted to make a snuff porn film for all of my admires and my own amusement in his back woods busted down mental hospital I expected him to tell me no right away. When he said yes I was both honored and excited. I gathered by camera and selected a couple of nice pretty girlies for my portion of the movie. 

I started filming in his room. It smelled heavily of iron. That was the layers of dried caked on blood that immediately flooded your senses when you entered into the abandoned mental hospital. In a rusty wheel chair sat the Doctor’s latest victim. His skull was already partially removed. The poor babbling idiot would not quit crying as the Doctor preformed brain surgery to get rid of his desire for being a weak women server. Dr. Fries did not believe in that, and only tolerated me for my talent. Once he decided the project was to be scrapped I left the camera on a tripod to watch the mans demise. I could hear his screams echo throughout the halls void of life, but full of their remains. 

bloody phone sex

I could hear my two crying from their gags. I grabbed them each from the broom closet I had them stuffed in. Their blonde hair gripped nicely between my fingers. I chuckled as they fought, thinking they were going to be getting away. Once we were in their room I strapped both down to their urine soaked gurneys. I was going to give these little bitches the makeover of their dreams. I filmed myself making a big bloody phone sex mess as I cut the scalpel into their skin. Their shrieks were like music to my sadistic ears. I even gave the fillers, of course it was concrete and not collagen, but same thing right! 

Blode dripped down their faces and over their beautiful hair. Once they were done I styled them very nicely I must say! I even persuaded them to help me make a promo ad for my movie. They said I was the best Doctor ever. What dumb sluts, they actually thought I would let them go. They screamed as I showed them their reflections. Bad little skanks, it is not nice to be so unappreciative! That was all it took too! I slammed the mirror right against ones face. Taking a large shard of glass I slit their dumb throats. How dare they insult me. Dr. Fries took all of the bodies downstairs where we watched them burn in the crematorium. Bye Bye barbie bitches. 

taboo phone sex


Souls Cry out within the Bloody Room

snuff phone sexAlone in the bloody room with closed eyes.
Afraid to look ahead,
Afraid to look behind.
I fear that death has come for me.
My end is near.
No one hears my pleas.
So I lie here waiting, my breath abating.
My heart still beating.
Splattered in red,
that comes from me.
Evil is here.
It won’t let me be.
The knife twists deeper
and still I bleed.
And into my cunt,
he pumps his seed.
I pray to heaven
that I die tonight.
That my end is quick
and the light is bright.
Cause alone in the dark is no place to die.
Left here to rot
until my bones are dry.
Evil is near.
Her name is Natasha.
If she catches you,
the devil has gotcha.
Run for your life,
girls and boys.
Cause you are nothing to her
But pretty fuck-toys.

Room For Rent

taboo phone sex karmaI need to make some extra money so I decided to rent out my extra room. It is advertised as a lovely room with a view that is well decorated and affordable with all utilities included. All true, it is a lovely room and the view is a beautiful brick wall that has filled in the only window. The scheme of the room is blood red and white. I have had five people come to look at it so far. Of course once I collect the rent, they add to the blood red decoration for the next tenant. They will never use any of the utilities…..and they will never leave their new accommodations. Not only have I made some pretty good money, I have kept a hot, wet pussy while enjoying snuff, torture and violence thanks to them. Come on over and take a look at the room. In this case vacancy is a relative term…there are several lifeless occupants, I would love to add a few more. Will you be next?

Taboo phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

I could not fight him off, he just took me. Middle of the day and people around. They just kept walking like they did not hear me screaming. Maybe they thought he was my pimp coming after me for money. He got me to him home and threw me down the stairs. I know my ankle is broken the bone is sticking out of my skin. He walked down laughing his evil laugh. He ripped my panties off  and stuck his cock inside of me. I was screaming trying to fight him off. “You like this don’t you! Your pussy is wet, you are a dirty whore.

Snuff porn

You love it! Tell me you fucking love it!” He came inside of me as I screamed. He chained me up to a wooden pole in his basement. I am not the first one he has taken. I am not the last. I sit here on the cold floor, screaming for help. I am bleeding and watching the door at the top of the stairs. What is he going to do next? Is he going to end my life? Tell me what you would do to a druggy whore locked in your basement.

Violent phone sex

Snuff Porn Harper Quits Her Summer Job Like A True Bad Ass

It is not that I do not like to work, or even that I am no good at it. It is just, every time I find myself in outside employment I have to deal with shitty people. Shitty people with shitty attitudes who need a fucking adjustment. This last summer I got a part time job at a car wash. It was not really a big deal, and did not bring home much money, but was a way to get my parents off my back. Making as much money as I was with snuff porn they were starting to question some of my more hefty purchases. So I started working at this car wash, made minimum wage, and got shitty tips from all of the rich folks her were too lazy to use their garden hoses. This one cunt struck me more then all of the others. She was a rich bitch and always hoovered over me with her disgusting winy voice. The bitch needed to be put into her real place, but of course Boss man though I should hold my tongue. 

Snuff Porn

Well, there came the day that he was not around. It was slow ans he needed to run some errands so he left me there my myself. Guess who pulled up? Miss Priss Bitch. She had the same attitude she always did. Ragged on me for my boyish appearance that day and demanded I do a good job because I always left her car spotty. I could feel my blood starting to boil and felt like I had steam coming from my ears. As I finished the job she had nothing to offer but nag, nag, nags.That was it, I just snapped. I turned around and stiff armed the wretched cunt knocking her to the ground. She yelped and went to grab the back of her head as I wrapped my hands around my throat till she was unconscious. 

Taboo Phone Sex

As she came to I had the water hose wrapped around her. She laid there completely stark naked. I knelt over her. She told me I was a dike and to get off of her. You know when someone has you nude and tied up the last thing you want to do is antagonize them. That was all there was to it too! I took the end of the squeegee and began to force fuck her ass hole, ramming it all the way inside her. As she tried to yell I took the hose and shoved it into her mouth. Water filled her. I began to get excited listening to her choke. Turning around I held her nose shut and let her drown, drown while I watched the bitch die. When my boss got back he was not the least bit surprised, in fact he fucked her cold dead body just for one last fuck you. I quit, I am not good at dealing with cunts like that. And she was thrown into some chemicals to decompose, and her car was sent to a chop shop. Bye bye little slut!

Dear Master: I’m a Taboo Phone Sex Whore with a Death Wish

taboo phone sex subDear Master:

I am a taboo phone sex slut and your willing victim. I have known for a very long time that I was a worthless whore, bred only to be abused, violated, even snuffed. I want to die Master. I deserve to die. But, I don’t deserve to die in some painless or quick way. I have been a very bad girl. I deserve to be tortured for days, even weeks before you finally snuff me out. I trust you are a sick twisted bastard and can find hundreds of ways to use me. I make a most excellent fuck pig. My pretty tight holes feel good being stabbed with a cock or a knife.You should have the pleasure of my cunt and ass for how ever long you want before you end my life. You can even enjoy my dead body if it is still in tact after I take my last breath.


snuff porn subI provide wonderful stress release. You can punch me like a boxing bag. Kick me like a soccer ball. Bounce my pretty face off the floors or walls. Stab me with sharp instruments. Break my bones. Burn me with your cigars. Gut me like a pig. Strangle me. Suffocate me. Give me a 1,000 lashes. Torture me with power tools. Dismember me. Force fuck me with baseball bats, swords or whatever deadly device you want. Saw off my girl parts. Cook me. Whatever you want to do to me Master, I will accept my fate. I never complain. I may scream from the pain of whatever you are doing to me, but I will never beg you to stop.I will only beg you to hurt me more. Hurt me dead.


Strangulation phone sexYou can profit off my body too Master. For a whore, I have the body of a Goddess. Pimp me out for gang bangs. Sell me to be force fucked. Use me as a drug mule. I can be sold to do all the dangerous things others don’t want to do like kidnap the little ones for private movies. Sell me as a slave. Lots of men pay top dollar for a pretty fuck pig to hurt. I am trusting that you can find a creative and violent way to rid this world of another blonde whore.There are hundreds of way to die.  I don’t care how I die Sir, as long as it brings you pleasure and or money. My only request is to make it bloody and painful. I should not have an open casket funeral; that is of course if they can find my body and recognize it after you are done with me.


Your subby whore always,


bondage phone sex

It’s Almost Time

violent phone sex angieDear Beautiful Victim:

You don’t know me yet, but you soon will. I have been watching you for months. Silently, in the shadows. I know you better then you know yourself. You visit him often to get your fix. I watched last week when he took you inside and you sucked his cock while fingering your cunt for the goodies that you need. Your blonde hair was flowing down your back and your plump tits were bouncing up and down. I took a picture for prosperity and I am enclosing it in this letter. Time is running out for you, all though you don’t know it. Soon you will be mine and reading this letter is going to prepare you for your fate. You see my dear you are my new BTK (bind, torture and kill) project. You live your life for that next fix and I am going to use your addiction for my pleasure. There is a new drug in town, it’s called the Zombie Drug on the streets. The high is much like the one you get from your precious heroine. The catch is that after prolonged use it eats your flesh causing it to fall off the bone and causing agonizing pain. I have almost perfected the formula and soon I will bind you in my basement. I will inject you with ridiculously large amounts of the drug and make note of how long it takes for your flesh to rot off your beautiful body. I will relish in the torture that I will administer and wait for the final dose that kills you all while my fingers are knuckle deep in my cunt. Soon you will bring me more pleasure then you have already. I can’t wait for our first meeting and to see the look on your face as you read this before I begin my sadistic plan.

Sincerely Yours,

Sick and Twisted Angietorture phone sex chelsea

On A Deserted Road

violent phone sex AngieIt was a sunny day and I was out for a drive. Taking turns down dirt roads that I have never been on. Driving deeper into the country and away from civilization. Looking for remote areas that I can bring victims for some evil and twisted fun. So far out that no one will hear them screaming but me and bodies will deteriorate and be consumed by animals so that if ever found they are nothing but bones. And there it was in the distance. It looked like an old shack. There weren’t even electrical lines going to it. A scene straight out of a horror movie. Shining in the light and nailed to a big tree out front was a sign. “Body Parts For Sale” I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was this a hoax? Perhaps something left over from Halloween and a haunted house set up way out here in the middle of no where. I had to touch myself as the juices flowed and my mind raced. Did I really just get lucky and stumble upon a gold mine? As I pulled up and shut off the ignition my hands were shaking and then when I got out of my car and smelled blood and flesh heavy in the air. My knees went weak and my step quickened as I approached the old shed.

Mommy Rape Phone Sex Fantasies?

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies can be about a stranger. A random act of opportunity. Or, they can be about someone you know. Some woman who has cock teased you for years, perhaps even your own mother. Be honest with yourself. You want your mommy to be your bitch. I bet she cock teased you from the day you were born. I love being a subby mommy. I know how to be a good mommy. If I were your mommy, your cock would be catered to 24/7. I would let you fuck my ass, cum on my face, pimp me out to your friends, humiliate me, even physically hurt me. How can a good mommy say no to her son?

I said no once. Many years ago. I learned a valuable lesson. My horny boy came into my bedroom with his hard cock in his hands and tried to force it into my mouth. When I scolded him, he slapped my face, grabbed the candle stick next to the bed and sodomized me until my sheets were bloodied. He was too young to even have swimmers in his ejaculate yet. However, he was not too young to make his mommy his bitch. Mothers shouldn’t tease you, nor should they scold you for your natural biological urges. Every boy wants to fuck his mother. If your mommy wont fuck you, this mommy will and more. My holes are to be used by you.

The Bitch is Back!!

bloody phone sexThat greedy little fuck just thought he was gonna move in on my kill. I had been eyeing this tiny brunette all night, watching her flaunt her shit. I fucking hate Barbie Doll bitches who expect men to fall at her feet. She was rubbing her titties on every man on the dance floor and I was watching her. Then just as I was ready to pounce, some dumb fuck hick asshole thinks he can whisk her out the door. Well, they were in for a big surprise.
I followed them as they left the club, pulling onto a dirt road where men take their easy meat fuck toys. I parked about a quarter mile away and circled back through the woods. They weren’t even discreet about their fucking. I can already hear her moaning as he bucked between her thighs in the backseat. Disgusting animals. I pulled out my blade and ducked down. I knew they weren’t smart enough to have locked the car doors. I planned it like a predator. Just as I heard him hit his nut, I yanked the door open and buried my knife between his shoulder blades. There was no stopping his rushing cum and it shot out along with his blood. I laughed loudly as his orgasm cry became his death shriek. Dumb cunt was trapped beneath his carcass. I wanted her pain to be slow and deliberate.
“Please don’t hurt me. Why are you doing this?” she asked my masked face. I waved my blade in front of me, making the light glint off it. My pussy leaked with excitement. I calmly walked around the car, pulled open the door, and looked down at her. Still trapped beneath his bulk, his dead, shriveled cock still in her pussy, she was helpless. I loved the way her ugly, make-up smeared face looked now. Not such a sexy toy now. I leaned down and kissed her forehead and slit her throat. She died looking at me, still wondering how this happened.
And that’s the way I roll, baby. Can you play hard and kill without remorse? And can you handle a death whore like me? Try me, but be warned. I kill those who can’t handle me.