Category: Violent phone sex

Parking Lot Rape Fantasy

rape phone sex fantasiesI had just finished shopping for supplies needed for our evening meal, when I was approached by two men. The were chatting nice enough when the next thing I knew I was being grabbed and thrown into the vehicle that was parked beside me. I had no time for screaming or anything. They took me to an old abandoned building where they proceeded to rip my clothes from my body. They told me my body was theirs to use and abuse as they saw fit. Being used is nothing new, but I was accustomed to these encounters being set up by my Daddy.

I was forced down on my knees and two cocks were put in my face and I was told to suck them. I tried taking one at a time into my mouth and was told “No bitch, open that damn mouth wide and take them both together”. I did the best I could to take both huge cocks into my mouth at once. When I choked and gagged the men only laughed sadistically. The older of the two slapped my face hard and told me I best do a better job if I wanted to live. They fucked my face roughly for a while at one point almost making me puke as they went into my throat, stretching my throat and jaws.

Then they decided it was time to get down to business. One pulled me down on top of him and forced his massive cock into my ass. With no prep or lube, he ripped my asshole and I began to bleed. The other did not care that I was bleeding. He just shoved his cock deep into my pussy taking no mercy on me at all. I was in so much pain as they took their turns fucking into my body and using me like nothing but the cum slut that I am. I had two huge cocks inside me at once and they showed no signs of slowing down. To my disgust, I realized I was close to coming and I would not be able to hold back. My body would betray me yet again. I was hurting and disgusted, but I would come , because for me, extreme pain is equal to extreme pleasure.

ass rape porn

Ass Rape Porn w/ Rape Porn Pics of a BitchBoi

When someone really pisses me off there is nothing I wish for more than REVENGE!!! I like to start with some humiliation making an ass rape porn video of what is foreplay. Rape porn pics of this bitchboi are taken as I laugh with an evil edge as sharp as my blade. Once I’m done with my foreplay I will perform some castration phone sex of this pathetic asshats penis.

ass rape porn

As a witch I make everything into a ritual and make sure to present an offering to the Goddess. In this case my offering is the pathetic cock of this bitchboi that threatened to raise his fucking hand to me. Yeah, THAT will happen in his wet dreams! Well, at least one tool that he felt made him a man is no longer a threat to his title as a Bitch. It saddens me that his blood loss was extreme and I stood over him as I watched his pathetic body go cold. 

Rape Porn Pics

Daddy’s Fantasy Daughter Rape Porn Videos Lead To More

strangulation phone sexI find Daddy watching his favorite fantasy daughter rape porn videos again and I  know it is going to be a long night. I try to sneak past him and into my room, but I am caught. Roughly, he grabs me and shoves me to my knees. He drops his pants and I see that his cock is already hard. He tells me to open up and he grabs me by my hair shoving the whole length of his cock down my throat. I gag and choke. He only laughs calling me a stupid cunt and telling me to take it all. He fucks my throat hard and deep until it is raw and burning. He puts one hand around my neck and squeezes. Things begin to get dark and I feel as if I am floating and I go limp. He keeps one hand behind my head and one around my neck as he fucks himself hard into my throat over and over. Finally, he releases the hold on my neck, and I return to awareness just as my aching throat is coated with his Daddy Juice. For this I am thankful as his thick come helps to relieve the burning in my throat

I know this is just round one and before this night night is over, he will take my pussy and my ass hard and forcefully. He may even allow a “Special Uncle” to join in as he loves to see me get used and abused by other men as well. Daddy loves how tight my pussy and ass get when I am double penetrated. Are you going to be my Uncle tonight?

daughter rape porn

Snuff Porn Valentine

snuff porn blairSnuff porn for Valentine’s Day sound like fun to you? Not to me, but I knew my oldest son had nothing romantic in mind when he told me to slip on a pretty pink outfit and be waiting for him. He saw the fear in my eyes when he came over. He can smell fear on me. Nothing turns him on more than seeing his mommy scared. He has my ex husband’s mean streak. Thankfully, my two youngest boys from husband number two are the opposite of him in every way. My first born is unstable. I would not be surprised if he has killed in the past, so every time he wants to see me, yes I get scared. I do what I am told with him not out of love or even my submissive nature, but pure fear. I put on this pink latex outfit he loves so much. I hate it. My nipples are exposed for him to torture and it fits so tight my circulation gets cut off. He arrived but sans any sign of romantic gestures like flowers or candy. He smacked me hard across the face and called me a whore. Forced me on my knees so he could skull fuck me, then pissed in my eyes and acted like it was champagne. His urine burned my eyes making me squint to see anything the rest of the time. I knew not to cry, however. That always gets me burned with cigars. He pulled my red mane, dragging me to the bedroom where he fisted my ass to prep it for his cock. He loves to make his own ass rape porn with me. I guess I was not faking excitement well enough for my Ted Bundy offspring, so he punched me in the face. Broke my nose. When the blood cascaded down my face, he called me his little bloody valentine. He punched me in the gut a few times, kicked me, spit on me, pissed on me one more time, then said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, whore,” and left. Seeing how our last encounter resulted in a spiral fracture, I fared better this time.

Daddy’s Submissive Whore

fantasy phone sex

I’ve been Daddy’s submissive whore for so long I forget there are other girls who never said no, they always said yes and meanwhile I am here making Daddy force me when I say no and resist him…well I used to at least. I only resist him now if he asks me to, cuz I know he likes an excuse to beat me and be even rougher. These other submissive whore’s have their own story but it’s nice knowing I am not the only one. Not that I mind anymore anyway…I’ve accepted my place in life as a subby fuck toy that deserves everything that happens to me. I already know that…so that’s why I lay there in my sexy clothes waiting for Daddy to come into my room at night to take advantage of me. To feel as he forces his cock into my pussy as he drags my neck to him arching my back. He is forcing his tongue into my mouth thru my moans and cries. He is slamming it in and out so deep I can feel it ripping me apart and all I can do is take it as Daddy’s little slut.

Starving them for Ash Wednesday

blasphemy phone sexIt’s Ash Wednesday and that makes me excited. It’s time for my annual Catholic schoolgirl massacre. Watch the news and see how many go missing. Ash Wednesday brings out the religious nuts. They’re all bragging about fasting for Lent and sacrificing, like that no meat on Friday thing. It’s funny how fast they all turn when they’re locked in a cage doing some real fasting. Starve them all week and throw a bone to them on Friday. See how fast they will gnaw the meat off. Starve them a few more days and even the most devout will revert to blasphemy once they realize that prayer isn’t gonna save them. You should hear them cursing the God that they once believed in. I fucking love it. I masturbate to the sounds of them cursing and begging.
Ash Wednesday is just fucking weird. That ash on the forehead shit. Does it come from powdered bodies? Now that excites me. Pouring gasoline on my victims bodies (if they are lucky and not still alive) burning them extra crispy, and grinding them to a fine powder sounds like fun. Like their good book says, “”Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return” (Genesis 3:19)” I just want to help them get there a little faster. Right after I violate some virgins pussies and inflict some pain.
So, run, little Catholics, pray hard that you don’t meet me on the way home from mass. Fear the devil, but fear me more.

evil phone sex

Submissive Whore – A Poem

domination phone sexWhen being willing to submit,
And accept what you get,
Leads to desire,
And fans the fire,

When him using the whip,
To make the blood drip,
Makes your pussy gush,
And your heartbeat rush,

When feeling the pain,
From being hit with the cane,
Brings out the lust,
It’s all that you trust

When what you were made for.
When what you adore
Is just to be used
and completely abused

Being bound by leather belts,
So tight they bring up welts,
When being a submissive slave,
Is the life you that you crave,

When he pulls on your hair,
While you are bound to a chair,
You know you’re a slut,
You feel it in your gut.

He puts it deep in your ass,
You are fucked by a toy made of glass,
Not a drop of lubrication,
Still, you love the vibration.

You’ll never be a loving wife,
No, that’s simply not your life,
You are a subby whore,
Down deep within your core.

Black history month is for killing!

snuff phone sexMan, I fucking hate this time of year. Unlike other numb-minded fucking idiots I paid attention in class and I am aware that as of now, currently those niggers and nigger lovers are celebrating black history month. All I wanna do though is hang them! I can only think of myself doing horrible things to those knuckle draggers. I am fucking disgusted that there is a whole month dedicated to those nasty brown things. They should be doing what they do best and be taking their ass to the fields to pick cotton instead of breathing up and wasting up all of society with their pathetic ass. I know that there sure isn’t a white history month…and that’s why I am going to make one particular black cunt suffer. Thinking she can be the hood hard ass kinda girl, well I am going to hang and lynch her black ass up and that’s exactly how I am planning on spending my black history month. She’ll be the start of them all! Because every day they are celebrating nigger month I will be celebrating in my own way too. I’ve already got a location picked. I’m going to have a forest full of cut up and beat up black sluts and pathetic tiny dicks niggers too. I want to cut off some cocks to show everyone that those big black cocks they talk about are no such thing. Maybe I’ll stuff a couple into a sissy bitch’s mouth while I am at it! Either way they’re coming off and I’ll be cumming to the sound of their screams. They’ll be begging and begging for my mercy but I have none for their kind – they are so below me I honestly have no idea how the niggers got a whole month of recognition! But that’s okay, I’ll make sure they know exactly how I feel every single day up there in nigger forest…

snuff sex

Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sex karmaBinding her to the table with her legs spread wide made my cunt fucking gush. On the table next to her are my surgical tools. None of them sterile or even shiny and silver anymore. The are dull and coated with blood and rust, just the way a well used set of surgical instruments should be. She has her eyes closed so tight that her face is disfigured, time to pry those eyelids opened so I can see the pain and fear. Taking out the sewing kit I pry those pretty little eyes opened and begin to stitch her eyelids open.  Now for the fun stuff, alligator clips, wire and prying that cunt open so that I can see what I am doing. I think I will remove the clitoris first. such a delicate surgery and with dull blades….Ahh the screams, the blood, the eyelids that are ripping as she tries to shut her eyes. Next we move to the pussy lips…Castration phone sex…it’s not just for men any more!

Make me feel the pain.

domination phone sexI called my daddy today. “Go away, you druggie slut. I have a good life with my new wife. Call your whore mama for help.” he said and hung up. So I called Mama and she said, “I cleaned my life up and I’m going to church now. Go away.” and another click. So I called one of my connections. “Aurora, my dear, come on over. I have plenty of what you need.”
So I went over. The place was buzzing with action. Skip was a pimp and a dealer. He sent me to a back room where a client was waiting. He was masked and his cock was already hard. I had serviced him before. He was an evil man who got off on inflicting pain. He pinched and pummeled. He pulled out clumps of hair. He left bruises. He liked his sex rough. Driving his cock into a dry asshole got him off. So did ramming his cock down your throat until you puked. It took him hours to cum but when he did, as soon as his cock started pulsing, he liked to punch a girl repeatedly until he shot every drop of his load. He did pay well for the service though.
I smiled at him and said, “Bring it.” I am a woman without feelings, unwanted, empty, higher than a kite on drugs, and most of all, I just love being a human punching bag and a cum dumpster. It really gets me off. At least this way I have a purpose in life. Make me feel, lover, even if it’s just pain.