Category: Violent phone sex

GangBang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornIt was just as good of a day as any to make a gangbang rape porn. I needed drug money and  this kind of porn pays well. I showed up ready to earn my money. This particular director really makes me work hard for the money too. There were over 100 men waiting. I was the only woman in sight. This was more men than ever before. More than double the amount of men than any time before. I tried to negotiate for more money, but was met with a punch in the face and ridicule.  No one was wearing condoms like I insisted.  They didn’t care what I wanted or how I felt. They saw a bitch and decided to make an ass rape porn instead. Two even three dicks went in my ass at once as fists and cocks were shoved in my pussy. I knew better than to scream. I just thought about the money. They guys were doing meth and crack which was making them really aggressive towards me. Pulling my hair, smacking me, even pissing on me. They were enjoying degrading me. Cum was oozing out of my fuck holes. I was practically wore completely out. I started to pass out from exhaustion. They had been gang banging me for hours. One guy grabbed my head and smashed it on the floor. Blood trickled out of my mouth and nose. The sight of blood  turned them all. They took turns bashing my skull against the concrete floor. My brain felt scrambled. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t even think. My face was smashed in. Pretty sure I had several broken facial bones, not to mention a broken nose. This was no longer worth the money. They were tweaking and I was going to end up brain dead or worse. The next blow left me unconscious. When I woke up no one was around anymore. I was covered in cum, blood and piss. I looked worse than Rocky. No money was anywhere to be seen. I think I made a snuff porn instead.

ass rape porn

Cut Me

Freddy makes me bleed in so many different ways and pushes me to new limits every time we are near each other. He is a sexy cut lover and loves when I open up my chocolate skin exposing pink flesh. I always was curious about pain and why I liked being hurt which led me to discover cutting. In  school, some girls did it for attention but I’m grown and need a new way to get my rocks off! I started slow with occasional shallow slits on my inner thigh. When I walked I would feel the burn of my wounds rubbing against the fabric of my pants. Then, I progressed on into deeper cuts that resulted in massive blood loss. I loved the way it felt to have warm blood flowing out of me and over all the sweet spots on my body. I would vigorously rub my clit until I violently orgasmed from the sensation of pain and pleasure. When I met him he pushed me to another extreme: Stabbing. He makes me stab my mound and my thighs and even right above my bellybutton. I have almost severed a couple arteries and almost punctured my uterus. That’s not enough to make me stop and every time I see him call I soak my shorts. I know that he is going to make me feel ecstasy immediately after i experience the most excruciating pain in my life. When I stab my cunt I love to feel the hot blood run down my clit and into my hole. I stab my pussy hole with the knife and lick the blood and cunt juice off after im done. It feels nowhere near as bad as it sounds and the pussy heals fairly quickly. This way I don’t have to wait too long in between my tortures. Call me and I’ll be your little pain slut too

2 Girl Phone Sex Let’s fuck bitches up!

2 girl phone sex (41)

You’re here because you don’t want any vanilla shit. You want me to be your little accomplice with one of these stupid victim sluts. That’s what we call a 2 girl phone sex call…the kind that involves you and me using her until we snuff her out. Then on to the next! Don’t worry Daddy, you know my pretty little face can lure any girl to us. I can befriend her or get close enough to knock her ass out and bring her home for us. What do you wanna do Daddy? What can we do to fuck this whore up?! Oh you know I am going to get my knife and we are going to fuck her with it. But not yet, that’s for the end. First I am going to hold her down for you Dad. Let her scream and cry and wish she was already dead. She will beg for mercy and beg for us to do anything but hurt her and fuck her but that’s all we want to do anyway! Silly girl! I am going to sit on her face to shut her up Daddy…you do whatever you want while I talk your through it, while I take care of what you really wanna do. Go violate those holes, let me help you. You know you want to make her cry…and I want to hear her muffled screams through my pussy. Do what you wanna do! Get that tight pussy and make it yours. You know that’s what you want and I am going to help you take it and OWN it. Make her your sex slave, make her your little bitch. Get her pussy all bloody with your dick then make her suck it. I’ll help ‘convince’ her with my knife. Only to shove it deep in her little cunt until she’s got a huge gaping hole! That’s enough to make her bleed out, right Daddy???

Evil phone sex is the bloodiest.

evil phone sexI knew from the way he looked at me that he was pure evil, the epitome of evil phone sex. Still, I knew he had the good drugs and I couldn’t resist. He watched me warily as I approached him in the parking lot. He was an unattractive man with a reputation as having a huge cock and lots of money. “Excuse me, sir. I’m looking for something special to help me celebrate tonight.” His gold grille flashed as his evil mind ticked. “Please step inside of my limo and let’s talk.” But I was so naive. As soon as I sat down, I felt his hands around my throat. “Damn trashy drug whore. Why you bother me?” he hissed.He flicked his knife out and cut my bra, exposing my huge tits. “Nasty.” he grumbled as he slashed his blade across them. The blood spurted all over his pretty limo. This really enraged him and he let loose with a barrage of punches. My neck snapped back with the impact as my nose shattered and my eye sockets crunched. I felt a tooth fall into my cleavage. He pulled out his cock and began to jerk it, obviously pleased with the damage he had done. ” Here’s your something special, whore.” He motioned to two of his men. “Give her a double and dump her.” I saw the flash of a needle as something was injected into my neck. I began to foam at the mouth as they shoved me from the limo. I landed right in the middle of hell in the homeless district as the dirty bums surrounded me with grins on their faces. Out of my good eye I saw cocks being pulled out as I lost consciousness. The coma took me before I knew how many men were to violate my half dead carcass that night, spewing diseased cum into my drug ravaged body. Such is the life of a druggie slut.

Don’t go into the woods

The crackling of the fire and the sound of her choking on her own blood made me warm inside. I was so warm I couldn’t feel the pain just yet. I was tied up being forced to watch them hurting my friend. Kali had stopped fighting. Her body had gone limp 20 minutes ago. I can’t close my eyes, I can’t look away. They  are forcing me to watch.

Violent phone sex

It was 30 minutes ago when he walked out of the dark into our camp site. He asked if we were alright and if we wanted to share some fish he caught. Kali and I didn’t just want his fish. His shirt was off and we could see his rock hard body. That tattoos on his tanned flesh made both of our tight bald pussies throb. Kali and I stole some beer from our daddies. “Now are you two even old enough to touch a beer bottle?” He knew right away we weren’t even legal. Our assholes were puckered up, worried we were about to get into trouble. We did what we always do. Asked if there way ANYTHING we could do to make him forget our age. The way he licked his lips after he took that first drink of his ice cold beer made our pussies throb. I squeezed Kali’s hand as we waited for his answer. He sat down next to us by the fire, he opened his bag and handed us a big bottle of whiskey. We should have ran right then and there, He made our skin crawl and we were already too drunk to notice it was fear not sexual desire. 

2 girl phone sex

We smiled as he said “You two young ladies drink this here bottle and we gonna be just fine.” His southern drawl had my nipples so hard. I wanted him and the way Kali was looking at him, I knew she wanted him too. The whiskey was hitting us hard. I was so loopy and drunk that I could not believe my eyes. We thought it was just a joke. He chained me up to the tree and slowly cut my clothes off with his big sharp hunting knife, he gave me butterfly’s when he ran the back of the blade between my pussy lips.  I thought he was about to have kinky sex with me and Kali all night long. He turned from me to go to Kali, I thought he was just going to tease us both all night. He pulled out his big thick cock and made her suck him. I could hear her choking and gagging. Then I heard her scream… I could see him fucking her eye hole!

Torture sex

He was skull fucking her as he stabbed her in the back with that giant fucking hunting knife. After 20 minutes he realized she had been lifeless for the last 15 minutes. He pulled her off his cock, there he still warm body on the fire and walked towards me.

The Joys Of Observing Torture Sex

torture sex angieI stopped in my tracks and was on full alert.

Not moving a muscle I listened.

I know I heard it.

There it is again.


Clearly the sound of a cry that is being muffled by a hand or gag. The sound is unmistakable.

My panties are getting wet and I follow the sound. Stopping every now and then to make sure it is getting closer.

Peering through the branches I see him.


Eyes glowing with evil satisfaction.

Under him lay a body.





His dick is standing at attention facing her.

Bouncing happily.

Pre-cum covering the tip.

Covered in her blood.

Silently I watch as he administers his own special brand of hell. Savage torture sex for her. Erotic, powerful pleasure for him.

Masturbating to the scene before me, I am aroused vicariously through him and he doesn’t even know I am there.

Finally he tires of her and leaves her there.



Barely breathing

Her eyes fill with tears and the hope is evident when she sees me emerge from the trees. She feeds the twisted fire with in my soul with her optimism.

I walk towards her and gently run my hands over her tattered flesh. Her blood is thick and beginning to congeal in places.

My cunt is pulsating.

I can’t resist any longer.

I pull my pants off  while removing the dirty towel from her mouth I replace it with my cum soaked panties.

I begin to rub my wet pussy hard against her bloody, swollen and bruised cunt.

I hold the knife to my tongue feeling the sharp tip of the blade waiting for the explosion that is near.

As my orgasm grows closer so does her end.

I will feel her body spasm as she takes her last breath under me, my cum flowing onto her flesh as life leaves her body.

Snuff phone sex in the park

snuff phone sexI’d had a very nice day at the park doing drugs and panhandling. I’d even crashed a few parties and been offered a few drinks. I was feeling no pain as I staggered through the grass. I had no clue that I was being watched until it was too late. A group of homeless men living in the shadows of the park were like silent predators, seeing my small, drugged body as the perfect sexual target. They were on me like wolves, beating me unconscious and pulling me into the netherworld of the forest.

I could barely open my battered eye sockets. I tasted the blood on my lips. A dozen of them stood around me. I could feel my ravaged pussy now as yet another one of them climbed on top of me. His foul breath came in gasps as he pumped me viciously with a rock hard cock. Another feral creature stepped forward and grunted, trying to get his nasty stick into my ass at the same time. I whimpered and they knew I was alive. A third one grabbed me by the air, pulling me upward to his giant cock and plunged it into my throat. He used it like a weapon, asphyxiating me, as I wheezed for air. This seemed to inflame them and I was surrounded by horny animals, all wanting to use and abuse me. I felt the world going dark around me as he rammed my windpipe over and over with his oversize meat stick. Even in my drugged state, I knew I was dying. My soul seemed to leave my body and I found myself hovering over it, watching these monsters continue to fuck my dead carcass. Despite it all, I felt my pussy begin to twitch in orgasm. It was one bad drug trip…or was I really dead?

A Day in the Park: Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesMy callers love to hear me share my rape phone sex fantasies. All women have them, right? It is just not considered politically correct to admit you have rape fantasies. I told this one caller months ago that one of my rape fantasies was to be taken spending the day in the park. Coincidentally, I spent Saturday at the park by myself. Honestly, I was not thinking of being gang banged or anything like that. I was just hiking in a nearby national park. Getting high, while up high on the mountains. I was not paying attention to my surroundings as usual and before I realized I was in danger, several men rushed me. I almost fell backwards into the gorge. I was saved only to be tied up by mountain climbing rope and suspended to a tree. At first, they just taunted me calling me names like stupid whore.  Then the torment escalated. They hit me with sticks and threw rocks at me like I was a piñata. I screamed for help, but none came. A rock hit me in the head. Blood started running down my face like I was in some horror movie. Talk about a wrong turn. I was in a secluded part of the park not marked by trails. I had no cell service. The men left me bleeding hanging from a tree.

bondage phone sex A single hiker came by what felt like hours later. I was so excited to be rescued. He was not exactly the rescuing type. He saw an opportunity and he took it. He cut me down with a knife, left me tied up and force fucked me. My mouth, my ass and my pussy were all up for grabs with him. He never spoke once to me. Just grunted like a wild animal as he shoved his cock in my fuck holes. I was violated twice in the middle of God’s country. Finally, a park ranger rescued me, but because drugs were found in my system, no one believed my story. They thought I got high and fell down a hill. When I got back to my house, my caller I shared my day in the park rape fantasy with called me to see how I was healing up. I will never know which one he was.


violent phone sex

Our neighbor came over today to talk with me while my husband was gone at work. He expressed that he had noticed a change in my husbands behavior and that he did not mean to sound rude or nosy but e had over heard some of our incidents that had been going on lately. I acted like I had no idea what he was talking about and played stupid to it all. If my husband found out that I had been running my mouth to anyone especially the neighbors I’d really have it coming to me. Well apparently my neighbor had not been as kind and caring as he came off to be at first. He started to get irritated with my whole dumb and denial act and his mood quickly flipped. He started ripping my clothing off me and screaming ” is this what you like you old whore? ” and before I could escape him he had me bent over holding me down while he forcefully fucked my old cunt. I begged him to stop but my pussy was saying otherwise. I had gotten so wet and he claimed that I liked it and wanted more so that is when he started ramming my already torn up asshole. Pumping his cock deep into my ass that is when he shot his wad right up inside me. He quickly pulled his pants up and told me if I knew what was good for myself I’d keep my mouth shut. And I will. Which in return only gives him the power to take what he wants whenever he wants just as my husband already does. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Save me Daddy

Kidnapping phone sex

It was their plan all along to get me in to the bathroom and rob me. I start digging around in my purse to grab the goods when out of nowhere one of these fucking assholes grabs my hair and smashes my head against the sink. Disoriented and confused, I flailed wildly at the guy. I then felt a sharp pain in my side. I soon realized the other guy l was punching me. The first guy, smashed my head against the sink again and everything went dark.
I woke up and everything was dark. I realized my hands were zip-tied together, and I was in the trunk of a car. I had no idea what time it was, or where I was. The car came to a stop. After a few minutes I heard some muffled noises and what sounded like another car pull up. I hear the guys start yelling at someone. Shrieks begin to drown out scuffling sounds as, what I assume, is someone beating up the guys. All I can think about this whole time is Daddy. Please Daddy, I need you. They are taking your fuck toy away!