Category: Violent phone sex

Devoured by Wolves

Snuff Sex

I was kidnapped by burly looking mountain man. He left me hogtied in a burlap sack in the back seat of his old truck as he took me somewhere far away. When the truck stopped, he dragged me still in the sack across the ground. When he released me, I could see we were outside in the night. By the vivid detail in the night sky, it was clear we were very far from any civilization. Barely able to see in the dimly lit night, I could barely make out the silhouette of a chain link fence surrounding us in the yard behind an old log cabin.

He pinned me to the ground as he ripped off my clothes, causing twigs and stones to dig into my back. Although, I barely noticed the pain as I tried to fight off this strange man. He pulled out his cock from his pants and forced himself inside my dry pussy. I squealed from him going too hard and too deep, but he didn’t care. He tore through me like truck stop whore. His rough hands gripped my throat tight enough to cut off my breathing. I choked for air as he continued to beat up my cunt and abuse my body.

By the end, I didn’t even have the energy to lift myself off the ground. I laid still on the ground, hoping he would leave me for dead and I could escape into the night. But when he went into the cabin, I heard to sounds of metal gates being lifted around the perimeter of the fence. Keeping completely still, I listened for any signs of movement. I heard scuffling and then a deep growl. My stomach dropped as I made out the faint view of the hungry wolves surrounding me. Before I could even scream, they pounced, ripping apart my flesh and snapping my bones. The searing pain of teeth tearing me limb from limb was the last thing I experienced before I slipped into the dark.

Little Fuckers

 Murder phone sex FantasiesMaster took me out on a hunt to get the little fuckers and bring down to the basement and make them our little bitches. One of the new girls refused to use the little fuckers. Bad bad fucking decision! Stupid ass bitch now Master is having me cut off her nipples and feed them to the little fat fucker in the group. Now we are having the skinny fucker bite off the clit while we fuck her with the butterfly knife. Bitch you should of listen you already know how master gets. We slowly start poking her eyes with fucking sharp needles. That makes masters dick so hard. He then puts his dick in her eye, now that is what master calls a good face fucking. He ordered me to get all the little fuckers together and start biting her all over her fucking body. But to save the asshole for him.

Taboo Phone Sex Slut Gets Assaulted in the Bathroom

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is all I know. I was at the mall, minding my own business for once. I was not even high or looking to score. I was picking up a few things for an upcoming beach vacation with my family. These young boys were checking me out. They clearly had MILF fever. I flirted with them. I am not shy when it comes to young cock. I cock teased them shaking my ass and bending over frequently. When one of the boys made me an indecent proposal, I rebuffed him. I was on a time schedule, but enjoyed the attention. One of his friends got aggressive and shoved me into a family bathroom as I was attempting to walk away. His friends followed. Once we were all in the small bathroom, the boys pulled out their cocks and forced me to blow them. They pulled my hair, smacked my face, spit on me and called me names as they skull fucked me. They laughed as they pissed down my throat. They were high school boys treating me like a dirty whore. I was on the floor of a mall bathroom being skull fucked and humiliated by teen boys. It got worse. When I pleaded to go because my family was waiting for me, they shoved my face in the toilet and sodomized me with the mop handle of a dirty mop resting in the corner of the bathroom. They laughed and cheered one another on as they took turns sodomizing my ass and pushing my face in the toilet. When they were done, they made me clean my shit and blood off the mop handle. They hurled some more humiliating things to me, spit on me in unison and laughed as they left me on the floor of a mall bathroom. I didn’t know high school boys could be so mean.

Smashed to Death

Necrophilia Phone Sex

I joined a twenty-four hour gym because of my hectic schedule, and I found a smaller one in town with a low rate. One night, I went there quite late and was the only person there. Awesome, I thought, I can get some privacy. Toning up with some of the smaller weights, I had my earbuds in and didn’t even hear the scuffling behind me.

Turns out, the owner of the gym waits for young girls to be there alone in the middle of the night. He had locked the doors while I was distracted. Sneaking up behind me, he smashed me over the head with a metal weight and dragged me to the backroom. My skull was cracked in already and it only took a few moments for my life to pass from my body. This didn’t bother him though, in fact it only turned him on more.

He had a stash of heavy weights in the back, which he used to smash and crush my bones. The sounds of my body cracking under the weights made his cock throb even harder. He would remember the way my limbs crunching sounded forever, and masturbate to the memory. Now that I had been properly pulverized, he tore off my pants and fucked my dead cunt until he was blowing a huge load inside my hole.

Lets make snuff movies!

snuff moviesOne fetish I don’t get to explore as often as I’d like to is making snuff movies. Obviously, there’s a higher risk of being caught if I show myself on tape doing all the sick and twisted things I love to do so much but I just couldn’t resist the temptation! I decided that as long as I was masked it should be ok, after all I am not heavily tattooed or anything, no distinguishing marks on me so no one would ever know that it was me doing all the killing. I got my sweet tender little victims ready and we started rolling. I tortured them slowly, breaking their little bones and burning their flesh… just toying with them to start. Then I fucked them to death my my favorite dildo, the one with the razor wire embedded into it! They bled so much, their screams were so piercing, honestly I was in heaven! And now I can relive that moment whenever I want to!

Drown a cheating whore

suffocation phone sexSometimes a mouthy cheating whore needs some suffocation phone sex to shut that trashy,  cum slurping mouth. You called and told me about your cheating slut girlfriend who broke your heart. I may be evil and warped but I aint no fucking cheater.

I got all dressed up and headed out to the club where she hung out. She had her ass and tits hanging out, rubbing on every cock on the dance floor.  I decided to be her new BFF. I ground my pussy against hers and squeezed her tits, She followed me home for the promise of some drugs and my BF for a threesome.

You were waiting for us. She didn’t notice because she was so excited about the big bubble bath you had waiting for us. As soon as we were in it, making out, you came up behind us and dunked her head. I laughed as she gagged up water.  You dragged her out of the tub and knocked her back on the bed. I dived on top of her, punching her in the mouth.

I laughed at the fear in her eyes as you pulled the bag over her head. Her first scream used half of the oxygen. The bag sucked against her open mouth as you jerked your cock. I laughed and laughed as your cum splattered against the bag as she took her last breath.

Dirty Grandpa

Violent phone sexThe rain was pouring down and my feet hurt from walking up and down the boulevard. I still had five more miles before I was home. I was soaking wet with mascara running down my face. A car pulled up beside me and an older gentleman rolled down the window.
“Do you need a ride?” , he asked.
He looked so gentle, like someone’s grandpa. I got in his car, but as soon as I sat back in my seat I heard the doors lock and I knew I was in trouble. He had the door rigged so that I couldn’t unlock it from the inside. Fear consumed my body and I begged him not to hurt me. He punched me so hard the back of my head slammed against the window.
“Shut up, you dirty little bitch!” , he yelled.
I knew to not say another word and sat in silence while he drove towards the outskirts of the city. We drove for another 45 minutes before he pulled down a rocky country road. He turned the engine off and gripped me by my hair to force his dick into my mouth.
“Suck me, bitch!” , he screamed.
I sucked his cock hoping and praying in my head that he wouldn’t kill me. Then suddenly he pushed me away and reached over me to put my seat back. He climbed on top of me and shoved his hard dick inside of me. He pumped my pussy hard and fast before cumming and collapsing on top of me. When he got his strength back he unlocked my door and pushed me out of his car. He left me on that dark country road and I dropped to my knees thanking God I was still alive.

Crazy ex and Cavity search

My ex-boyfriend was a crazy man, and I remember it well. There was one time where I had just walked in the door and he stopped me dead in my tracks. He instructed me to strip because he wanted to inspect every piece of me to make sure I didn’t have the smell or fluids of any other person on my body. He started by spinning me around and looking at my body inspecting my ass, tits and everywhere visible, he then bent me over and spread my ass cheeks while he did a thorough cavity search of my asshole.

Cheap phone sex

I was then told to lie down and he spread my legs while he checked my pussy getting fingers and eventually his whole fist in there, as I begged him to stop trying to reassure him, I was not a cheater, he slapped me and told me to shut the fuck up.  After he was done inspecting me, his cock was nice and hard and he bent me over our bed and grabbed my neck, he rammed his hard cock into me pounding while choking my neck and squeezing his grip as he whispered to me, your mine bitch, remember that!

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Are You Man Enough to Take What’s Yours?

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies? Every guy harbors a few, especially for a particular women: an ex girlfriend or wife, daughter, sister, a girl who rejected him, the boss, even a former teacher. Face it, women are cock teasing bitches. We love strutting around in revealing clothes and calling you a pig when you eyeball us. We enjoy getting hot and heavy with you then right as you are ready for penetration, we change our mind. I got what was coming to me the other day according to Paul. He is this guy I met at the gym. We got hot and heavy once at my place one day a few months ago. I saw how small his package was and said I changed my mind. He was a big burly guy who takes steroids and it shrunk his junk. That was my guess. I thought he was cool with the blue balls, or as cool as you can be. Apparently, he was not cool with what I did by a longshot. He waited and plotted for months to get his revenge. I was coming out of the gym late one night and there he was waiting for me. He seemed cool. Offered to walk me to my car because there was a serial attacker on the loose. Little did I know that serial attacker was him. When we got to my car, he hit me over the head with something. I woke up bound to some contraption in an unnatural position. My ass and pussy were exposed wide and he was fucking and fisting me. “No one denies me, whore,” he yelled as he forced fucked me. He sodomized me mostly. I wanted to laugh at his tiny cock. He wasn’t really hurting me, but he was clearly in some steroid induced rage. I was afraid he would kill me. I acted like I loved his small dick and how he should have done this to me months ago. He spared my life, but now I am his sex slave. Would you have spared my life if I cock teased you? Are you man enough to take what is yours like Paul?

Butchered Whore

Violent phone sexA sadistic psychopath has been calling my house phone for days now, threatening to kill me and saying all sorts of weird and creepy shit! He clearly has been stalking me because he knows all of my day-to-day moves and locations. He’s been telling me how I better watch my back, or else. I didn’t really think much of it to be honest, i’ve had dumb shit like this happen to me several times before, I thought it was just a sick joke that some dumb motherfucker was playing on me! Oh but I was so very wrong. As I was washing dishes the other night, my doorbell rang and as I walked over to open the door, in busted an intruder! He ambushed me, strangling me and holding a knife to my throat as he hammered his throbbing cock inside of me me with no remorse. I could see the evil coldness that saturated his eyes, I knew that it wasn’t going to be a good turnout for me, either way you slice it! In fact, I was the one to be sliced, butchered in fact. He dug his knife deep inside of my thigh, making me hurl out moans of pain. He stabbed my other thigh and watched me squirm in agony! Slicing cut marks and stab wounds all over my body only made his cock fuck me harder! As he continued to force fuck me, he shoved the blade deep into my hand, digging the knife into my carpet floor. He shot his load of cum all over my stomach and left me there to bask in my own pool of blood like the sorry ass bitch that I am. Another victim whore that he was able to add to his list!