Category: Violent phone sex

Teen rape porn

teen rape porn

 I met some cute girls at the mall today. I offered them to come to my house for a little party and of course since they are impressionable and have little to non life experience they thought with their pussies in between their legs when I mentioned older boys there. I took them back to my place where my master was eagerly awaiting their arrival.

As soon as we got there he sedated them so we could tie them up and get them into the positions that most fancied him. We got the smallest tinniest virgin and put a noose around her neck and made her dance from the ceiling like a puppet. My master got underneath of her and shoved his cock inside of her and she had no chance but to bounce up down his dagger in fear for her life.

The other two awaited their fate watching their friend get bounced and tortured. Didn’t their parents ever teach them not to talk to strangers?

Snuff Porn with Venus

snuff pornDo you watch snuff porn? I used to all the time. Now, I make it. I’ve had my eye on this young whore. She cock teases all the men at the mall. She is a mall rat. The few times I go there, she is always there doing the same thing. Flirting with old perverts for free Starbucks’ drinks and food from the food court. She was going to be pregnant and on welfare soon. The mall is my favorite hunting ground. This little teen dream was easy prey too. I told her I was a casting scout for a SyFy Channel movie that was filming in town in a month. I had her come out to my car for a script and card. I pushed her in the trunk and drove to my old abandoned house I inherited. It looks so old and creepy on the outside, no one ever goes near the place. There are rumors of it being haunted by dead prisoners because my grandpa was an executioner at the old prison. It was his house and he was known to take home memorabilia when the prison was shut down. It is just local urban lore, but I love that it has a haunted house story associated with it. Its been my kill pad for a decade now. It was a secret basement underneath the real basement that is sound proof. That is where I make snuff movies. It is all set up with an old execution chair and table where the coroner would pronounce a death row inmate dead. Its prison furniture from the 50s. Super cool, super creepy. I brought my little whore out of the trunk and strapped her to the table. She screamed bloody murder. Her screams of fear made me wet. She called me a liar, but I told her she was the star of my own killer production. I told her to smile for the camera, then I dismembered her with a rusty chainsaw. So bloody and gruesome. I felt like Jigsaw.

Sadistic phone sex with a slave

Sadistic phone sex with a slave, I have plenty of stories to share with you but one of the naughtiest and creepiest has to be my masters obsession with his younger sister, Shes a blonde who is away at college and he literally has a thing for her, I didn’t realize it till he let me in on his secret, he fucks his wife thinking about her and makes his wife wear this shade of bleach blonde just like his sister, it’s beyond weird but at the same time it gets me excited because he made me wear her school outfit on Friday and had me wear a blonde wig and got so turned on by the rape fantasy that was conjured in his head he started to cum like never before, I’m shocked he hasn’t made a move on the girl, he will never take it their so he plays out his sick and twisted fantasies out on his slave pets, his wife has no idea and neither does his mistress of why he does what does, but to me its a sick hot obsession. This morning he made me permanently dies my hair blonde and take a ton of pics taking cocks.

sadistic phone sex



A Cup in the Sink

Sadistic phone sexI was having a hot shower after having sex with a smelly john. The hot water felt so good hitting against my flesh. I was also enjoying a few moments of quiet reflection when my man burst into the bathroom. He pulled me from the shower by my hair also causing the shower curtain and rod to come crashing down. He dragged me into the bedroom and flung me against the wall. He pulled his leather belt from his pants and started beating me.
I cried out, “Why, why, what did I do!”
But he wouldn’t answer me. He just kept swinging his belt. He always waits for me to be in the shower to abuse me. He knows that wet flesh equals more pain. Over and over again he hit me with his belt until my body was covered in welts. I found out later that I got beat because of a dirty cup left in the sink, his dirty cup.

Taboo Phone Sex Coke Whore

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is all I do. Incest, rape fantasies, extreme humiliation, rough anal and snuff are what guys want to do to me. Many guys call me because I am a natural red head too. Guys hate ginger whores. Not sure why, but even out and about guys say crude things to me and wish me dead. I was going to score some coke last night when the girlfriend of the dealer tossed a bottle at my head. She started encouraging her boyfriend and his friends to hurt me and force fuck me. She was speaking in Spanish. I didn’t understand much but she was calling me an evil cunt. That much I understood. Whatever she was screaming, it worked. The guys swarmed me, stripped me naked and force fucked me into oblivion. My head got smashed against the wall. I thought they would kill me, but after an hour or so of fucking me to near unconsciousness, they stopped at her word. It was like she was a witch controlling them. Suddenly, she was standing over my battered body yelling at me in Spanish again. She lifted her leg, pissed on me like a dog marking her turf. They all laughed at me. I could understand her saying I was essentially a red headed whore. I was tossed out in the rain in my torn clothes without coke. The Spanish bitch wouldn’t let him sell drugs to a ginger whore saying it was bad luck because I was cursed. I was jonesing so bad to get high, that I sucked a dirty old cock of a homeless dude just to share a line. I ended up partying with some street junkies, but not before they made me their ass rape porn star first. I came home, battered and reeking of piss, but at least I got high.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Men Lead, Women Bleed

rape phone sex fantasiesWhat are your rape phone sex fantasies? We live in an ultra sensitive society where women are supposed to be respected and treated equally. I am no feminist. I believe men are superior. I believe men should take what they want and use women as they need. I dress like a whore because I am a whore. I am a dirty trashy whore who loves violent sex. Some men, however, don’t get that. They want to treat me like a princess. They want to put me high on some pedestal where I do not belong. Luckily, there are men like you, right? Men who know a woman belongs on her knees or on her back. Men who believe women are not equal to men and belong barefoot and naked in the kitchen. I am not a feminist. I am not for women’s liberation. Instead, I am for the subjugation of women. Men lead; women bleed. That sums up my philosophy of the sexes. I am a submissive whore who needs constant slave training so that I don’t start to believe all those women are equal mantras going on currently. This “me too” social media campaign is propaganda because you can’t assault or force property. We are yours to take and yours to use. You can call me for all your taboo phone sex fantasies. I want to be your slave, your whore. It is all any woman is good for if you ask me.

The Biter

Sadistic phone sexMy man has a serious crack addiction. He keeps me around to keep his crack pipe full. If the cash is right my man will let you have me. Last night, he took me to a new client. The client looked so sweet, like someone’s grandfather. He was sweet and gentle at first, but when my man left I saw face change into pure evil. He punched me so hard that I flew across the room. He was a true sadist, he couldn’t get off unless he was causing pain. He pulled me up from the floor by my hair and dragged me to his bedroom. He got me on my knees and forced he cock so far into my throat that my eyes watered and I nearly threw up. But the worse part about this cruel man was that he was a biter. He bit me all over my body. My screams turned him on and he bit me harder. When my crackhead boyfriend finally came to pick me up I was a bloody mess. He didn’t say anything about my appearance. He just took the money and we drove to the crack house.

Strangulation phone sex

strangulation phone sexI thought I was having a normal fuck tonight with this guy I was seeing. We were in his bedroom about to hook up until I changed my mind. I told him no, but I guess it was too late. He told me he was going to take my pussy and holes how he wanted and I do not have a choice. He pushed me down on the bed and ripped my clothes off of my body.

I tried to wiggle my body out of his grip but there was no way to break free. The more I struggled the more tighter his grip got around my neck. He was squeezing my neck so hard that I could not even gasp for air. His cock slid inside of my pussy and he thrusted huge thrust into my pussy rocking my whole body up and down his bed and cock.

He was fucking my dry pussy so rough that it was hurting. I am going to have a choker of bruises embedded on my neck from his huge hands.

Snuff movies are his fave

snuff movies are his fave, yesterday he brought all the guys over and made sure I showed them what I have learned, I had to take a cock in my mouth and was made to gag on it til I threw up all over. It was pretty gross but I have no choice but to do everything he tells me to do, I have to recreate scenes for his own enjoyment, if I have an issue with it he will have his way with me and struck me with his whips and makes sure his evil wife fist me til I am in so much pain and there’s a puddle of tears , I have to make every recreation of every scene as best as I can, I sometimes have to redo scenes because that’s what my master craves, he loves to watch me get pins on my tits and pussy lips, and loves to gag me and make me cry, He is getting so wicked and its all because of all the torture porn he watches.  Snuff movies

Bondage phone sex

bondage phone sexI was at my girlfriends house watching her daughter while she was out of town. She never mentioned she had a stalker. I but her daughter to bed and I went to go take a shower. In seconds of being in the shower I was hit over my head and collapsed. I came back into consciousness while I was bonded up with her daughter. We were back to back and tied from our ankles and wrists together.

The rope was so tight there was no escaping. She cried and begged the man not to hurt her. That did not stop him from slicing her head open with a sharp blade. I felt two side of her bloody head rest against my back as he fucked her dead limp body. I can feel her tiny body get fucked harder and harder.

As I lay on my back and her blood rushes all over me I know I am next and I can not imagine what he has in store for me.