Snuff movies were his fave, I really was suprised how much my boss loved wicked porn. If only he knew all of enocunters with my slave he would probably have a permanent irrection twenty four seven. I was going throw my bosses browser history on the computer. I was doing some filing work and was a little nosey and found the links to some porn sites and when I saw his interest I nearly froze. I made a playful joke and he got so embarressed and turned so red. I honestly didn’t think it was such a big deal. I then went for lunch when I got back there was a note on my desk from him. He wanted to meet me after work. I wonder what he wanted I sat their and was thinking, maybe he thought I was going to let people know about his secret porn obsession. I really had no intent. I sat their daydreaming about him fucking me rough during work hours and just making his way with me and fucking my pussy and mouth. I hope this meeting is more like my day dream.
Category: Violent phone sex
Snuff movies were his fave
Selling Pussy
From day one my man has drilled it into my head that I belong to him. Like a branded cow belongs to a farmer, I belong to my crack-addicted boyfriend. When he looks at me he sees dollar signs. He doesn’t work because he makes me sell my ass to the highest bidder. I walk the streets and sell myself on the internet to keep my old man high. Sometimes I fuck so many men in one day that my pussy lips painfully swell up. Sometimes the johns get rough and abuse me with vicious acts of violence. I come home with bruises, black eyes, and bite marks and my old man doesn’t blink an eye. As long as I keep crack in his pipe he’s happy. But if I don’t make enough money that’s a guaranteed ass-whooping’. Why can’t I leave this terrible relationship?
Sex with dead bodies
I had his hands around my neck and his cock balls deep inside of my pussy. My pussy lips were stretching around his cock. His big balls where beating harder against my ass. I could not breathe, my hole body started to turn limp. I felt myself leave my body. I was floating over myself watching him fuck my dead body.
Even though I was not breathing he was crushing my wind pipes right into his hands as his cock kept fucking me harder and faster. I was completely limp on his cock. He took a knife and started stabbing my body, making my cold blood spray all over him. He started cumming inside of my holes as he bathed in my blood.
After he was done, he gave me a sweet kiss right on my lips. He flipped me on my tummy and took my ass from behind. He was no where done with my little dead body.
Bondage Phone Sex Turns Deadly
I do bondage phone sex calls daily. I have done bondage fetish modeling for drug money. It was not a far stretch for me to make a bondage film. The pay was good, so I responded to the ad. I Googled the production outfit. They have been in the fetish film making industry a few decades now, so I had no reason for concern. When I arrived at the house being used for the set, no red flags went up. It looked like a professional porn fetish film set. All the lighting equipment was there. There were assistants and a catering spread. If I was being duped, they went to a lot of trouble and expense to make it look real. There was even a script. I didn’t care that it was hardcore bondage; I needed money. After about an hour of filming, my character was strung up into the trees. Suspension bondage isn’t common, but I was fine with it. I was up in the air for over an hour when I realized all the crew was gone. Only the director remained. I either fell asleep or had been drugged. I told him I needed down because I had to pee. That’s when the torture sex began. He lit a flame torch and started burning my feet. The pain was beyond anything I had ever experienced before. I started screaming for help. My flesh was burning as I was screaming. No one was coming to my rescue. The director was filming me while stroking his cock. Underneath me was a bale of hay that he lit on fire. As the flames grew taller, the heat blistered my skin. Was he making a snuff film or was I dinner? When he added another bale of hay, so the flames would grow even taller, I knew this was the end. Dinner or snuff, either way, I was being burned alive, like a witch on a stake. I passed out as the flames charred my legs…
Bloody phone sex
I was chained up and it was dark except for the overhead light beating down on my naked flesh above me. I was gushing blood but I could not tell where it was coming from. I was completely soaked from head to toe. The guy responsible for this was standing over me, his cock was out. He was happy that I was finally awake. He said I keep drifting in and out of consciousness.
He lowered the table I was in and took a sharp blade and cut off my nipples. He slid his dick right into the fat of my tits and began to fuck away the fat from the muscle. He was mashing up my tit fat while he jerked his cock inside of my tits. His cock was saturated in my blood as he jerked himself off inside of my tit flesh.
He made me lick his blood covered cock and moved it down to my cunt. He pushed his way inside of me cunt and began to stab my uterus as his cock slid in and out of me. I wish he would just kill me but he says that would be no fun.
Torture sex in the middle of campus
Torture sex in the middle of campus. It was brutal and pretty shocking that my master had sent these guys to pound me in broad daylight. I was in class and got a text from my master I assumed he wanted me to go to the dungeon after school. So I didn’t text him right away because I was in the middle of finals. My mistake I regret it because I know I made a promise I’d put my master above anyone and anything. He is not one to take stuff like this very lightly. He sent some of his guys to fuck me in on campus. It was about 4 PM. Everyone was scattered and I was out back. I was walking to the garage and thought nothing oddly everything looked normal and I was going to get home and call my master to see what was up. Then I felt a hard push it was Gavin and Troy my master’s guys. They began to strip me without even caring that anyone could see. They started to fuck me hard and beat my ass with a paddle they had brought. I was shocked that they were so open to doing this. To my surprise, no one even helped. A couple people passed by but they kept on about their business. My ass and pussy were sore for days. I got up and the guys pushed me back down. They told me that master wanted to send me a message never to ignore or disobey. After they left I was distraught and filled with cum I received a text letting me know I better have learned my lesson loud and clear.
Gangsters’ Playtoy
I should have known something was up when my man started being extra nice to me. He took me out to eat and brought me a new outfit, something hasn’t done in years. When we were heading home, he passed our street and headed towards the 5th Ward Bloods trap house. I started begging for him not to take me there and he said I owned him for dinner and the outfit. Dread filled my body and tears fell from my eyes. He had to drag me to the door because I put up a fight. He finally knocked me out with one punch to my jaw. I woke up on a dirty mattress with a gangster huffing and puffing on top of me. When he got done fucking me the next thug took his turn. Seven thugs fucked me before they gave me a break. I had dry cum stains all over my body. I was used and abused for three days before my old man came back to get me.
Guzzlin’ A Cum Bomb
I woke up with a funnel down my throat and I was already choking so hard I could barely breathe.
That’s when I realized I was swallowing tons and literal actual tons of shit and piss from a beer bong.
I had some how gotten lost on campus and ended up being the subject of hazing by a frat who were
enjoying their first gang bang kegger. I was tied down to the table and the tube was almost all the
way down my stomach. The shit smoothie pouring down my throat and and I was pretty positive it
could not get worse than this but that’s when they whipped out their dicks and started filling my
stomach with jizz. My tummy bloated up like I was pregnant, I was so full of cum. Then they sliced me
open and fucked my belly button as if it were a flesh light. Finally when they were done with me
they skinned my body and used me as their new battle flag during Greek week. I wonder what the football
is made of.
Castration Phone Sex with Venus
Castration phone sex is by far my favorite. I am not a man hater. Guys think that because I like removing some dude’s nuts that I am some ball busting male hater. I look at what I do as charity. I am stopping the spread of stupidity. I am stopping the spread of misogynistic behavior. If a guy begs me for junk removal, he is no man. He doesn’t deserve his testicles. Those are for winners. Many times, however, I take a guy’s junk for free. I consider that charity. I did some fine charity work over the weekend. The mall is my hunting ground. Usually when I am there, however, I am hunting young flesh to exterminate. I have noticed a dirty old pervert stalking the jailbait for weeks. Facial recognition programs told me he was on the sex offenders list. He diddled some young girls and showed his old creepy genitals to some other girls playing in the park. He was clearly hunting new victims. I appreciate other sick fucks, but I do hate a certain type of P man. The ugly fat slobs with no game who even a fat ugly girl would reject. I confronted him. I explained I knew who he was, and I would report him for violating his parole. He tried to pull a knife on me in the food court. I knocked it out of his hand and pushed him into a public restroom. I yanked down his pants, laughed at his small pecker and cut off his balls. Right then, I de nutted the creeper. I had nothing to stop the bleeding because I planned on drugging him and doing this at home. I flushed his nuts down the toilet and told him he won’t be preying on young girls again. I walked out of the bathroom with a big smile. I heard later a man had been rushed to the hospital, the victim of a violent castration. He is an old pervert who preyed on young girls. The list of suspects who wanted his balls, I was sure was long. It was a charitable castration.
He died slowly
This guy walked in knowing that we were making a snuff film, but he thought that he was going to be killing some little whore, he had no idea that he was the one that was going to die! It was hysterical, the look on his face when he finally realized that there were no other victims, only him. He started crying and begging for his life but I just laughed cruelly and hit him again with the bat, I beat him until he was barely conscious and curled up in a little ball on the floor, then I stripped him naked and tied him to the table. I forced his tight ass open wide with a giant strap on cock, he screamed like a little bitch but he had to take it! I fucked him hard and deep and tore that asshole wide open until it was torn and bleeding then I slit his fucking throat and let the blood spray all over me!