Category: Torture sex

Master has a new Sadistic game for us PT 2

Domination phone sex MonettaThe look on his face as he entered through the doorway sent shivers down my spine. He was so cocky, so sure that he was going to taste Master’s property. I flashed a seductive look to him, and quickly changed my glance to the menacing figure that stood behind him. His tall and built body moved with such grace that it made the hairs on my arms stand at attention as to get closer to him. By the time the poor little sissy boy realized someone stood next to him, this mysterious figure already inside, it was too late. And with one whack across the useless dick dribble’s head he was down for the count. I squealed for joy as I helped Master drag him the rest of the way in, and closed the door behind us. I jumped on my tiptoes and clapped my hands together in excitement quickly thrusting my arms out to embrace Master in a hug.
My face was met with the cold familiar sting of Master’s fist into my cheek bones. I sat on the floor startled by the reaction I just received from him. Rubbing the sore spot I whimpered and averted all eye contact. I had upset him it was clear, and for that I would surely be sorry alongside the passed-out piss ant that lay on out living room floor. I sat against the wall whimpering like a sad little puppy my knees pulled too my chest. I could feel his anger radiating from his body, it made me cold. I felt the sting as he suddenly reached between my legs and grabbed my bare clit hard pinching tightly between his fingers. I let out a loud yelp and jerked swiftly my back hitting the wall I was already against.
“Little fucking slut”
His hoarse voice spoke with such fierceness. I was startled I had not seen this side of my Master in so long. I knew I had been bad, real bad and now I was going to pay for it. I was going to pay in ways that I had never imagined. I thought it was bad before, I prayed for help. I have a feeling I will only be praying for the sweet release of death now.
“How dare you skate you fucking skanky cunt, MY CUNT around bare for this chump to see.”
I was confused I thought that was point of the game. I thought that was my job was to wrangle in a piece of man meat for Master to abuse. I thought that is what he wanted me to do, I thought I was doing a good job.
“But…I thought…”I whimpered.
He smacked me across the face and than took his hands into my hair and jerked my neck up to meet his face. He was so angry, and that terrified me. Was I going to go back to the days when I wished for death to visit me in any form.
“That is your first problem you fucking whore, nobody asked you to think. You have a useless mind why the fuck would anybody need it messing everything up trying to think. You piss me off so much.”
He punched me hard and I blacked out.
When I woke up it was to a familiar place that I had feared. I was chained up in the basement, a place I thought I would never have to see again. It smelled of dried blood and mildew. It was always cold down here, the cold air made my lungs ache. I had no clothes on and my arms and legs were spread far apart. I was not ready for this again, and tears swelled into the corners of my eyes. I was in the torture chamber. Not too far away from me was the puke I picked up from the park. I felt kind of bad now that he was going to have to go through this. We would together. I was so scared my heart raced so fast. I passed back out. I hoped I never woke back up.Rape phone sex fantasies

Girl on Girl Rape Porn: The Soccer Mom and the Sadistic Cheerleaders From Hell

Gangbang rape porn girl on girlA few weeks ago, my son sold me to these evil bitches who violated all my holes for some gangbang rape porn. Well, today the bitches showed up at my house, forced their way inside, and made me make some girl on girl rape porn with them this time. I told the head cunt I wanted nothing to do with her or her sadistic companions. “My son’s debt is settled, so get the fuck out of my house,” I screamed. No surprise that didn’t go over well. They throttled me, tore my clothes off, and started violating my holes with anything they could find. They held me down on my dining room floor and fucked me with my son’s baseball bat I use for protection. The very thing used to protect me from intruders in the past was now destroying my ass.

As they fucked my holes with objects not meant for insertion, I was forced to lick their dirty asses and pussies. One of them called me a human toilet and pissed in my mouth. Then she shit out cum from her ass all over my face. She told me it was my son’s cum. I tried to fight them, but they punched me, smacked me, spit on me… They broke  out a gym bag of huge dildos crammed them down my throat and up my cunt while the baseball bat remained in my ass like some macabre trophy. They were getting sick pleasure from fucking up a soccer mom. One girl kicked the baseball bat so far up inside me,  I felt like I was being gutted.

girl on girl rape porn druggie whoreI’ve been used as a punching bag, fucked savagely, anally tortured, even buried alive, but these girls were among the most brutal bitches I’ve ever encountered. My ass was gaping open so wide when they pulled the bloody baseball bat out that they could spit from across the room and have it land inside my asshole. I heard a tea kettle go off and thought to myself, “They are fucking going to have tea and crumpets after gangbanging my ass and cunt?” I wish. The evil head sadistic poured boiling water down my gaped out asshole. That was a first. She scalded my ass. I screamed louder than I ever have. To shut me up, one of them sat on my face and shit down my throat.

They left me brutalized even worse than they did the first time. “Tell anyone whore, and we make a snuff film with you next time. This baseball bat will go up a dead ass as well as a live one,” head bitch quipped at me as I laid in a pool of my own blood and bile. My ass was dead. Pretty sure if there is a third time with these bitches, I will kill myself first.

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My New Ass Master

taboo phone sex anal whoreI have a new ass master. That is what he calls himself. He wants nothing to do with my pussy. According to him, good women, the kind you marry, get fucked in the pussy; but dirty worthless whores like me only get fucked in the ass. It is not about my pleasure, but about the pleasure of my masters.  It feels like master is training me for the anal Olympics.  He fucks my ass for hours. He is relentless. The objective is to ruin my whore ass; make it gape open so everyone will know what a filthy fuck pig I am. Once my ass is open so wide he can slide his fist in and out of my cavity without touching skin, he pisses into me.  Not just him, but all his friends. It’s a circle jerk of sorts only instead  of spraying me with cum, they piss into my asshole.

domination phone sex fantasies analAfter a dozen or so men  have peed into my anal fuck hole, he shoves a butt plug in my ass and forces me to hold it in for hours. It feels like my ass is drowning in piss. If I leak any out on the floor I get kicked so hard I puke. Eventually, master lets me shit out the piss in my ass into a pitcher. I then have to drink every last drop. If I spill, they all piss into my ass again. It’s degrading to drink my own pee. Can you imagine how humiliating it is to drink strangers’ piss that has been  in your dirty ass for hours? According to my ass master, I am worthy of the upmost form of humiliation. For I am a special breed of worthless trash. I know you agree.

Ass Rape Porn: The Things I Do for Drugs

ass rape porn MILFI owed my drug dealer quite a lot of money. In fact, he cut me off until I could settle the score. I had no money. I had already sold everything I could for my next fix. I pleaded with him just to give me a little more until I could figure something out. “You have not sold everything Blair,” he said giving me that look. He suggested I make a little ass rape porn with him. He would wipe my debt clean and give me an eight ball. “Deal,” I said, even though I was a little nervous about what exactly ass rape porn meant.

I soon found out. He took me to this dingy basement studio where he makes underground porn. Nothing vanilla about his movies. He caters to the darker, more perverse fantasies. According to him, women who get anally tortured is a huge market generating lots of capital. I’m a coke whore, but he insisted on shooting me up with some smack to relax me. I refused, but he insisted. I had no choice; he shoved a needle in my arm. Bam, just like that I was relaxed. Perfect timing since he showed me all the things that would be rammed up my ass for his sick little movie.

But before he had his sadistic bitch of an assistant start violating my ass, she spread my cunt wide and started fisting it. Got her entire arm up my pussy. So deep inside me I thought she was going to yank my uterus out. The smack helped dull the pain, but I could still feel immense pressure, and blood. Warm blood trickling down my thigh, or maybe it was piss. She went right from my fisting my cunt to fisting my ass. No lube, just my pussy lather and piss to insert her arm up my back door. When she pulled out, I knew it was shit coated. She shoved it in my mouth and made me suck her f clean. I gagged.

torture sex hardcore analAfter that it was a series of objects up my ass. A baseball bat; wine bottle; speculum;  a barbell; various huge vegetables and dildos; but the worse was the meat hook. That was saved for last. She shove a meat hook in my asshole and hoisted me up in the air screaming like a slaughtered pig. While suspended, she whipped my ass with a cat o nine tails. My skin started to separate from my ass, blood oozed from my wounds. I was crying from the pain, begging for more smack. The only smack I got was across my face. For hours my ass was tortured with objects not meant for anal penetration. By the time it was over, my ass was a bloody mess. In fact my asshole was inside out. Looked like a deformed rose.

I was released from the hook into a pile of my own piss, bile, blood and vomit. My dealer said, “Good whore,” and tossed me a 8 ball, but I begged for more heroin.  Guess we can add junkie to my list of titles.

Master has a new Sadistic game for us PT 1

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We have started to play a new game Master and I. He has grown quiet fond of it and with the new spring weather I could see it happening more often. The fact that Master involves me in these games goes to show how good I have been and accepting of his discipline. I am undeserving of his love or attention so I am glad I can contribute to his happiness. Now back to the sadistic game Master has developed for us. With the warmer weather comes the lack of clothing that follows and outdoor activities alongside it. So what better way to enjoy these outdoor activities than with Master allowing me to be his bait in a good ol’ game of torture the silly little boy who looks at his pet? Oh how I love this game, it brings my Master so much happiness and for that I will do anything. Master lets me dress super skanky with a little tiny skirt and slutty inviting pigtails and rollerblade around the park. My cunt feels so good as the air rushes past it up my skirt, I bite my lip as a jogger approaches. Master sits on a bench as I flash him a glance for his approval. He nods.

“Damn doll face you always roller blade like that?”
He tries to sound super slick as he approaches me. I can see his rape fantasies while he eyes looks through my clothes already. He is perfect for Master; I received the nod of approval, my heart races with anticipation. I giggle at him, seeming as though I am bashful.
“Only when it feels this great outside.” I replied. Then I questioned him, “You always approach random women at the park?”
I already anticipated the comeback; I knew this kind of boy, this kind of little tiny, pathetic, waste of human tissue that Master always ranted about. I raised my eyebrow and gave him a half cocked smile in anticipation for what was about to come from his wretched face hole.
“Only when they look this good out. HaHaHa.”
His chuckle made me want to vomit all over the sidewalk. This tiny boy who though he was a man was about to realize what a real man was, Master would show him, Master would show him what it meant to be a real man. What it meant to dominate and what it meant to have a good little pet to submit to every demand because they want to please.
“How ‘bout we take this back to my place. I don’t live far I promise.” And just like that I turned my back to him gave him a wink and wagged my finger in a come hither motion. And just like that the poor little puke of a puppy dog followed hot on my trails. I could see him uproot from his bench, Master was quickly steps ahead of me. A smile grew across my face. The douche behind me thought it was for him but my allegiance was with the brilliant mind of my masochistic Master waiting for the next step of our game. We take my car, I tell him I can drive him back to the park, but really I do not want any evidence in his douche rocket of a vehicle when they find it abandoned there.
When we pull up he points out how beautiful my house is, how “well groomed” my garden looks trying to flash his dull innuendos in my direction. I chuckle for him slightly, fake of course, but he doesn’t seem to notice. As we step across the walkway to the entrance of Master’s home a smirk began to reach the very corners of my mouth. Thinking of Master on the other side of the door, of what he was going to do with this piece of waste when he walked in, made me burst with love juices. My pussy throbbed hard for his hard cock to penetrate his pet, and we had not even got to the best part.
I reached for the brushed brass door handle furnished upon the heavy door painted red and gave it a turn. Slowly I pushed it open and held out my arm directing my pussy thirsty guest inside. I smiled from ear to ear, I was a good little pet, like a cat bringing home a dead bird to please it’s owner I brought mine home for my Master. He was dead already, he was just lucky to have a pulse.

Or were we the lucky ones…

Branching Out!

Accomplice phone sexI had to branch out ad find some new little sluts to babysit. So I put an ad on Craigslist. I know.. Who the fuck would hire some stranger off Craigslist to watch their little ones! It is like they were BEGGING me to make their little ones into sluts! And I am always ready to give someone what they want or deserve! Now the business is just pouring in! Last night I watched a sweet little piece of meat. She was so young and tender! I had her drugged and waiting when her parents left. She was so good to go. I let Mike have the fun. He ripped her little princess dress off and fucked her like a 2 dollar hooker. I am going to make a killing off this tape. And I loved watching that little piece of meat getting used like the slut she really is! The harder Mike fucked the whore the wetter I got! And when mike finally made that little slut his cum whore! I came so fucking hard!

Rape phone sex fantasies Langley’s Story

Rape phone sex fantasies


The Rape phone sex  fantasies are  awesome! Every time my daddy plummeted into my little cunt and made it seem real before coming to college I would say that.  What an idea to get my fix. I would do anything to feel good for a few seconds. I was trying so hard not to think about all the things that could happen to me or the why it would happen.  It was the matter of perspective  that it did happen  at all. I was so high most of the time in class I don’t know what was going on from one day to the next and  they say little ones shouldn’t be afraid of the boogie man! I was afraid more then you think and when he came  for me millions of miles away from  home .I tried to fight and too scream but nothing came out of  my mouth but a squeal.

      Quickly ,my hands and feet were tied and then mauled in the head by what was that a hook or brick?  No one could tell but I did feel  the rip of my skirt and my panties being pulled down and then the insertion of a needle or what was that metal hooks inside my little cunt. My legs were forced open and I felt the pressure of lips and teeth on my clit. I felt him spit out blood on to my face and I had to resist the urge to kick him. I would do anything and fuck anyone I had to  get the powder oh that powder would kill me but I didn’t care. His massive head sat at my fuzzy clit ripping it open with every thust. The blood that came from me did nothing to stop him from thrusting forward and pushing inside of me. I screamed but the words could not form in my throat.”You like that you are a filthy whore..” Taking a knife and cutting my skin off and then placing it in his mouth made me want to throw up. Blood seeped from me as his over-sized filling enveloped me. Turning me over, he put his hand near my ass and began to probe further with a needle. I was pass pain but I couldn’t say a word. Then I felt the piercing steel enter my flesh and him drinking my blood and then ….

     Have you seen this girl? My parents were canvassing the neighborhood looking for my remains I am sure by now. I had the brightest future of any of my pupils and I threw it all away for the sugar cane that went up my nose. He was coming for me and  I knew he would not stop until I was gone but it didn’t stop me from going and disappearing. My parents would never find me and him he would go back to his life my step daddy. My killer, who had held me  down and did these terrible things. But who  would believe it? The only evidence was this faded photograph and Rape fantasy phone sex tape that was destroyed by his accomplice. I was gone so will you call and retail my death things in after life can be sketchy and there is not a Damn thing I can do right now but maybe if you call you can!

Wounded Slut

violent phone sex langley (1)My pussy was burnt raw and I could imagine that by the looks of things I was not going to survive. I was one of those people that knew when death was coming and I just didn’t know how I was going to spin this tale. Could I start with my time in England before I was taken? No that would be too easy let’s just go back to the fuckers who had tied my ankles to hooks, and watched as the bones cracked in my legs. He used an ax blade to cut into them and the end of a rod was stuffed up my tiny little cunt. It was something that I knew would kill me one day. My flirtations with people I didn’t know. But I wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon. He was coming and I could hear the hacksaw that was getting closer. I knew his ways very well. He would beat me with his fist and use that saw up my little ass cutting the flesh and pouring acid in the wounds.
He would then take down his pants and rub the blood all over his cock and put it in my mouth making me gag on the tip. If I threw up from the pressure of his cock he would use the five tail whip and lash it across my flesh and the sound would be heard in the air like a pounding hammer as it tore at my flesh.I don’t know why he liked using that five tail whip but from the stiff ridge of his cock it created such pleasure for him. Then his friends would take turns shoot darts on my tits and ripping my ass open with their bulging cocks. It was one of those things that I had grown accustomed to and it was one of those things that was allowing the darkness to fill up over my face and the world to become black.

Cold As Ice

torture sex karmaThe night was as dark as my heart. The clouds covered the light of the stars and the moon. The air was heavy with the impending storm and her body lay shivering, naked and afraid. The flames of the fire made light dance on her trembling cold flesh giving the illusion that she was dancing for me while tied to the slab. Dancing around her to the sound of the haunting music I had playing, Each time I touched her and felt her body shiver my cunt grew wetter. I could now hear the rumbling thunder in the distance, it was getting closer and soon the sky would open with the furry of the storm. That is what I waited for to begin the mutilation that I longed to inflict on her. I didn’t have to wait long for the furry that spurred me on. Lightening cracking all around me and thunder drowning the sound of her screams as I cut flesh from her body savoring it, uncooked and sweet while quenching my thirst with her thick hot blood before finally laying on top of her and writhing against her until I came hard. This morning she was stiff and cold, covered in blood laying on the slab with her eyes wide and still fixed in fear. What a shame I was hoping to inflict some mere pain and mutilation. But the thought of fucking her cold and lifeless body was just as arousing as I approached her and shoved my fingers deep in her cold pussy. Breakfast was served and I savored every bit of it.

Girl Scout Cookies and torture sex, what could be better?

torture sexDid you know that today is Girl Scouts Day? Well, it is and just knowing that has put me in the mood for cookies and and torture sex and maybe a little mayhem too. All I need to do is wait for the perfect opportunity, I’ve already seen several of the little cunts out walking door to door, it won’t be hard to get one of them inside my house and once they are inside, they won’t ever be leaving. I know just the little brat I want too, she is small and delicate with long curly brown hair and I want this one because she is very independent and always walks around the neighborhood all by herself. Once she finally gets here it will be easy to get her inside, she’s been here before and trusts me. I will take all of her cookies and offer her a nice cold drink, walking door to door is thirsty work after all, so I am quite sure that she will drink every drop. It will be drugged of course and once she is sleeping I will be able to do anything I want to her, isn’t that fabulous?