Category: Torture sex

Snuff Porn For The Light Torture Lovers

Snuff Porn

Master has started to really pick up a cult following of his snuff porn films. He decided that he wanted to branch into more categories besides his usual ass rape porn. He says these things to me but I am finding it hard to believe that Master is not manipulating me in some way. He loves every minute of pain I endure when random objects are probed into my anal cavities and my rectum bleeds so much I pass out. Still he insisted that there are other things that I need to do to impress my fans. Short of murder I was not sure what Master was asking of because if he could dream it in his sick twisted mind he could do it.
He strapped me to a chair and blind folded my eyes. I was terrified that I was going to be killed. It is a funny feeling when you are used as someone’s torture victim for as long as I had been. I was terrified that the next person whom was going to die at his hands was going to me.

Ass Rape Porn

Yet at the same time, this feeling of relief would come over my body when I finally accepted that the end was now. Suddenly my nerve endings were hit with a sudden sting. I screamed out gripping the edges of the chair, my wrist pushing against my restraints. The burning moved down across my bell, and down towards my cunt.
I took a second to compose myself. It smelled floral, and then I realized that it was warm. The overwhelming feeling of death had caused me to instantly freak out. He was burning me only slightly and dripping my body in candle wax. I quiet liked the feeling actually. He coated me in wax and then uncovered my eyes to a view of him holding a knife. That feeling came back and I started to scream. He gave me a devious grin and began to scrap the wax from my rib cage. I whimpered at the thought that any minute now he would dig in deep. He didn’t, he just continued with his mind fuck. Ass hole.

Taboo Phone Sex

Babysitter Phone Sex Fun

babysitter phone sex karmaWhy anyone would ask me to watch their precious little ones is beyond me. But I love jumping at the chance to do just that. I watch as they bend down and kiss the brats goodbye. I can feel my stomach tensing and the juices start to flow as they brush a wisp of blonde hair out of that innocent, wide eyed face. Soon those eyes will be wide for an entirely different reason. Her Daddy has no idea what the words “Be good for Karma” means as he pats her bottom and stands to walk out the door. As soon as the door closes I begin to dial the number  I know that he will want to come over and let me give him a therapy session. She is perfect for him, young and innocent, soft with straight lines and two pink little circles just above a flat belly that leads to that perfect Y. Not one inch of her is puffy or swollen yet. That will all change over the next few years, curves will form, flesh will swell and change, she will smell and taste different then too, nothing will ever be the same after that. Now is the perfect time. My hands are shaking when I hear his voice and I tell him how OK it is for him to come over. He knows I will talk him through every step of the way. He loves the way I cover the harsh edge of evil in my voice with the calm softness that coos at him and encourages him not to stop, to do it for me…..

Going Shopping

violent phone sex angieI am getting ready for a big party and as always the food is of the utmost importance. I recently heard of a farm that raises the best meat. I hear it is young and tender and well fed. They allow you to inspect your purchase very carefully. It’s a long ride to the farm. The place is in the middle of the woods, well secluded and well guarded. No one gets in or out with out permission of some sort. I can’t count the number of times I cum on the ride there. Finger fucking my pussy the entire way there. Thinking about the specimens waiting for me. Shaved bald and just waiting for that bullet to the head once I make my choice. Watching them wrap the body for me and putting it on ice for the ride home makes me hotter then hell. I get home and take the body out of the car. Laying it on the table I carefully unwrap it and taste the flesh by licking it, working my way down to the cold blue nipples sucking them into my mouth, I work my way lower, spreading her open and dipping my tongue inside, knowing the thrill of cutting her up and packaging her  to my liking is just minutes away. I always peel the skin off her pussy and ass to fry up as a crispy treat while I work. Only the best cuts will be served at the party and they must be marinated just right. I think I will make a batch of blood pudding… much to do to get ready for the big day!

Gore Snuff Porn; The Bloody Kill

Snuff Porn

I have done the worst thing imaginable. I have went from masters gore snuff porn slave to being his bate for murder. I begged him to kill me instead, I truly wanted the sweet release of death, but he would never give me that. Let me start from the beginning. It all started by us having a great week. I was allowed up stairs and got to sleep in my old bed. He told me I was sorry he was a little crabby with me. If that was a little crabby then I would hate to see what he was like pisssed. Of course I believed it, I always did. He told me we were going to go on a date. I was so happy; finally I had made up for all of my many mistakes. It was amazing; I was having so much fun. I went to the bathroom and came back and he was talking to some other girl. Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks in the face as I walked back towards them. I tried to look cheery as he introduced her to me. His newest victim. He introduced her as new to town, and having no family to help her. Of course we brought her home.
They were waiting there. In my room when I went in to get changed. His snuff film guys just grabbed me around my mouth. They were wearing nothing but vinyl aprons. At first I breathed a sigh of relief I thought I was going to be the one dying. I was handed an apron and then I just cried. I was not going to be the victim he was going to make me help. He was going to make me help him hurt this poor girl. I could hear them start to work on her. He screams went from intense to muffled. They brought me into the slaughter room where she laid there in a puddle of her own blood. She whimpered and struggled to breath and tried to reach up to me.
I cried and covered my mouth, reaching out to try and help her. Master slapped my arm down and put a knife into my hand. He ordered me to finish the job. I tried to run out of the room and caught a fist to the side of my head. He told me that if I did not kill her now, he would keep her around and make me watch as he slowly killed her for weeks. He told me he would feed her to me. Make me so hungry that I would be forced to love the taste of her dead body. I cried and walked over to her, my whole body shaking. I went to slit her throat and her told me too easy. I cried even harder leaning over her and began to scream plunging the knife into her body. I stabbed her over 50 times before collapsing to the ground covered in her blood. He laughed and kicked me to the side locking me in the dark with her. I bear on the door till I passed out, he took the knife with him too, I could not even kill myself.

Gore Snuff Porn

Evil Yet Soothing Therapy

rape phone sex fantasies karmaHe comes to me wrought with desire. Our needs are in sync as always. The straight lines of the young body not yet developed and so innocent. We feel the desire burning inside of us to touch them. The admiration so deep that we are practically drooling over them. Using a calm and soothing voice I urge him to fulfill his need for soft young flesh. As soon as he touches her it is as if her flesh sears his hand and the burning desire moves up his arm and into his groin. His rape phone sex fantasies are so vivid that he can feel his dick pushing into her, stretching her, until she has completely encased his dick with in her. I cover her mouth so that she can not scream but the tears are flowing freely down her face. All the while I tell him it is OK. This is not bad it is good for all of us. I take his hand and place it on her nipple urging him to pinch and pull it while he pounds deeper into her, so close to exploding. He will plant his seed deep with in her and soon she will be swollen and ready to give us a gift that we will cherish together.

Making Her Watch

bloody phone sex angieI knew as soon as I saw them that they would be mine. Their perfectly manicured hands and feet, their expensive clothes, the way they carried themselves, all preppy and proper, their long blonde hair, laughing with out a care in the world, carbon copies of one another……their world was about to turn upside down. The sunshine is about to become darkness, the laughter screams of pain and that blonde hair will be matted with clumps of congealed blood and chunks of flesh. Watching and waiting while imagining the scene my cunt pumps out juice with every evil and twisted thought in my head. The daughter looks good enough to eat. But I know that if I allow fear to pump adrenaline through her, the meat will be tainted. Decisions, decisions, should I enjoy making them watch each other be tortured or should I enjoy the terror in the mother as I butcher her daughter and make her share the feast  before sending her to her own living hell? Both sound like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and both ideas please me greatly. It looks like the perfect moment to grab them I will decide once I have them secured in my basement.

Teen Rape Porn Beats Up My Poor Pussy

Teen rape porn

Master told me I was going to be getting a break from all of the ass rape porn. I was so excited that my swollen, bloody ass was going to be getting a little bit of a relief. He even led me up on a leash so I could use the toilet and take a shower. It was like every time I thought that he no longer cared about me he proved a little glimpse of humanity still remained inside of his cold heart. He did only let me use cold water and also said that I was only allowed to use disinfectant soap but I was appreciative none the less. He took me out into his room and made me change into my uniform; I just figured it was time for another field trip. When I came into the living room 4 masked men stood there. I froze up and stared at them. Master told them to remember my anus was off limits because they did not purchase that package. I flashed my eyes to him in horror.
The men started to approach me. My feet, having a mind of their own turned and ran down the hall way. The men roared with excitement chasing me down into the room where I once slept. I screamed trying to pull free of them. They ripped apart my clothing and tore into me with their cocks. My throat was their fuck hole of shame. I could hardly breathe between the rods and the choke hold I was put in. I kept trying to relax and just take it but my body had other plans, clawing and kicking at them. They punished every part of my body. My ass was getting a break but the now beat up pussy I had was not. Two cocks went into what was once a tight pussy hole. I screamed trying to get free. I was choked until I passed out and woke up in a pile of blood and cum. I curled into the fetal position and cried of it to end.

Strangulation phone sex

Ass Rape Porn is Killing Me

ass rape porn

Being the little star of Master’s ass rape porn is going to be the death of me. It has not been him for a while, just others. That means every time that I get penetrated or sodomized it is by someone who has emotional attachment to me or my rectum. He said it makes for better snuff porn. That it is more real and genuine. He reminded me that I am worthless to him now, and that means I am very much disposable. I remember when he used to care about me, when I used to be his little pet. Now I just sit in a puddle of my own piss and blood. On the off chance that I have enough in my stomach to take a shit that is usually a loose combination of shit, weird objects that have been left in me and blood. It used to feel good being forced upon, now I scream and I cry. I beg for them to stop hurting me and to give me just a moments rest from their anal torture, or better yet I beg for them to end my life all together.

snuff porn

Costume Party

Torture SexIt is Cinco De Mayo and that means there is a party somewhere! I decided to get all slutted up and go down to college row and see what kinda house parties were going on.

There were some dumb sorority bitches having a party but I’m not going to get laid there! Then I found this fraternity party! I had no idea who they were. They were all dressed in black hooded robes and wearing stupid masks on their faces. I didn’t care. Doesn’t matter who they are as long as they have liquor and a cock!

Of course I walked right in like I owned the joint. They did not seem to pay too much attention to me which was a little fucked up, especially considering I was the only girl there.

No one was talking, just chanting like some other language or something but finally someone handed me a drink! I don’t have a clue what it was and I guess he didn’t either cus when I asked he just went on chanting and walked away!

The room started to spin after about 3 or 4 of those drinks! Next thing I remember, I woke up with some guy slamming the shit out of my cunt and a line of about ten guys right behind him, all with their cocks out!

There was a different group of guys screaming at them to fuck me! Telling how to grab my tits and tear my ass!

The men in line were rushing and fucking me like I was a bitch in heat! But each one stopped before they were about to explode! Then they pulled out and unloaded all that salty cum in a mason jar!

After the last guy was done banging my gaping ass, they rolled me over and held me down. One of the guys held my nose to force my mouth open and then another guy started pouring all that jizz in my mouth!

There was so much of it and I couldn’t breath! I thought I was going to drown in cum!

They started punching me, screaming at me to swallow! They were pulling my hair and hitting me so much that it was barely getting in my mouth!

By the time they were finished, my hair was drenched, my make up was destroyed and the clothes I had on were torn! My body was so bruised I couldn’t get up. They picked me up and threw my naked body in the back of a filthy pick up truck. Then they drove me to my street and rolled my body out of the truck! The pavement stung as I hit the ground!

I read in the paper the next day that a fraternity house was  being shut down for their illegal and immoral initiation rituals. Too bad! It was nice to have a few guys in town that know how to treat a girl!

Ass Rape Porn Makes Me Wish For Death

ass rape porn

My ass hole has been taking a lot of damage lately. Master has decided that it is his favorite fuck hole. I guess I would rather feel the wrath of his cock inside me than not at all. Master decided that he wanted to make his own ass rape porn. My ass hole was so soar that would be what it was too. I begged him to please stop and give me a rest. He was begging to tear me apart. That was all that he needed to hear. He spread my ass cheeks wide and forced his cock inside me. I screamed out trying to push him off of me. He began to grunt louder and wrapped his big hands around my throat. I scratched at him trying to get my throat free from his hold. Tears ran down my face, I knew this was it, today was the day he was going to kill me finally. I began to be filled with a very euphoric feeling. I passed out, and woke up to a cold sting all over my body. Master had thrown me into an ice bath. My body shook heavily and I tried to get a grip on the edge of the tub. My lungs panted hard trying to regulate their breathing. I flipped out of the tub, my naked body curled up into the fetal position onto the floor. My body would not stop shaking as I lay in a wet puddle on the bathroom floor. He did not kill me, he kept me alive. I cried hard wishing that it would had been the end of my suffering.