Category: Torture sex

Taboo Phone Sex Taught By Snuff Porn Comics

Taboo Phone Sex

I have always dreamed of the day that I would be able to be as big of a bad ass as one of my favorite comic book heroes that I look up to. I guess hero is not that right word, well not the word at all. Villains of course are my cup of tea. My favorite, and who I base a lot of my taboo phone sex mayhem from is Harley Quinn. She is a mean nasty little cunt who laughs as she dismembers her enemies, or someone who just makes her mad at that second. I love how she smiles and giggles her way through torturing her victims in the snuff porn comics that I read.

snuff porn comics I giggle too, as I tear my hand up through one of my little brats that I am turning into my own little play puppet. She likes to fuck too, uses her sexuality to her advantage. I also am like that, my pretty colored hair and tattoos are starting to grab more and more attention. My clients flock to me for all of their play time fun. One day I shall make a xxx snuff porn of Harley Quinn, actually I think I am going to make that my next project. HA!ha!HA!ha! Now I just need to find my Mister J.

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Castration Phone Sex Inspiration from Snuff Porn Comics

castration phone sex knife playCastration phone sex really excites me. You would be surprised how many men know they don’t deserve their balls. I consider myself a castration queen. I have no qualms about taking your balls on the phone or in real life. I’ve been saving the world one ball at a time for awhile now. Certain people should never be allowed to procreate. Some do not deserve the pleasure of cumming. Hell, some don’t even deserve the right to continue breathing. On occasion, some pathetic excuse for a man will hire me to castrate him and I deem him more suitable for snuff porn. Usually, any loser who wants his junk removed by someone else is so weak and wretched that they are worthy of death anyway.

Eli was one such loser. I was all prepared to take his balls. I watched some torture porn, castration videos, even looked at some hot snuff porn comics for inspiration on just how to remove his junk. I hate to be boring and just snip balls off in a nice neat fashion. The way I see it, if you want your balls removed with a surgeon’s precision, you call a doctor, not me. I’m like the back alley abortion doctor for castration! The more I researched Eli, however, the more I decided he needed a hell of lot more gone than his nut sack. He has sired 9 brats that he doesn’t pay for; been married 4 times; been collecting disability for drug addiction for years; and has several charges against him for animal abuse and domestic violence. Clearly this loser can’t pick a fair fight and his testicles are the least of his worries.snuff porn comicsWhen he arrived, I collected his money, strapped him to my castration chair and let him believe I was going to just give him the service for which he paid. He asked about all the plastic under the chair. I was matter of fact in my response, “I don’t want you making a mess on my carpet.” I tied up his balls tight to restrict the blood flow, strapped his cock to the board, then used my big jaws of life pliers to take his balls clear off with one motion. There was a lot of blood, which I didn’t mind, but it made him so queasy he passed out. When he woke up, he wondered why he was still strapped to my chair. “Because you are a drain on society. No one will miss you. And I want you dead,” I replied blissfully. He thought it was a joke, I read back to him his litany of offenses. “Mother Theresa would want you dead, you fucking loser,” I retorted.

taboo phone sex castration fantasiesI let him plead and whine for a bit on why I should spare his life because it was amusing. I channeled my inner Mrs. Voohres and chopped his head clear off with an axe. The blood was profuse. It was exciting to watch his body twitch, blood spurt from his neck stump until he finally went lifeless. I felt myself getting my angel wings for ridding the world of another dreg of society. Something I had seen if one of those snuff comics stuck with though. This image of an evil seductress like me, covered in blood, sitting naked on the head of the loser she just killed, like it was her trophy. I decided to imitate art. I sat on his head like a tyke does on one of those bouncy balls, rubbed my pussy on his dead head while holding his lifeless pecker and celebrated another dead loser. Perhaps I could mount his head to the wall like a deer?

Be careful what you ask for with me because you might just get it. snuff porn castration

Snuff Porn is Better Than Spiders: What is Your Fear?


snuff porn big titsWhat is your worst fear? Mine is spiders. Snuff porn is better fate to me. I hate spiders. I have a horrible fear of being paralyzed and covered in mutant spiders. Not your garden variety daddy long legs, but SyFy movie channel 8 legged creatures from hell. One of my masters discovered my fear and used it to break me. I was sitting in his dungeon, chained. It was dank and smelled rotten. I had no idea what he was going to do to me. He was not my full time Master, but a guy my Master sold me to for a weekend. He found me obstinate, but really I was just scared. I promised I would be a good slut, but he smacked me, chained me up and left me in the dark to think about my “unacceptable willfulness.”

I wasn’t down there long when I felt things crawling all over me. Was I imaging it? I’ve heard that fear can induce psychosis. I tried to swat the creatures off me, but my hands were bound. I tried twitching my body as much as I could to get whatever was crawling on me off. Then panic sunk in. More started crawling on me and I knew it was spiders. I could feel them falling from the ceiling. My heart raced, I peed myself, and I started shaking and sobbing. I heard laughter from above me. They weren’t falling from the rafters, they were being dumped on me. Suddenly, the lights came on and huge ass creepy spiders covered my body. These were inbred looking mother fuckers. Not regular spiders.

taboo phone sexI screamed so loudly, but one got in my mouth. I tried to spit it out, but more fell inside. I tilted my head, spit them out and begged for mercy. Managed to get out a “I’ll do anything,” before an 8 legged freak tried to climb in my mouth again. He came down from the rafters with a fire hose. Although I was glad they were off me, the hose was so forceful it bruised my skin and took off some flesh. “You gonna be a good fuck pig now,” he inquired with a devilish smile. I nodded incessantly; I was still too freaked out to utter a word. His scare tactics worked. I would do anything no matter how sick or perverse to not endure my worst nightmare again.

Ass rape porn was what was in store for me next. Master cleaned me up, tied me to a bench and ushered in about 50 men who sodomized me one after another. My ass was gaping open with what felt like as much cum as there was water in that fire hose running out. But I was happy to be anally tortured and force fucked. I’d rather be snuffed out than be covered in creepy 8 legged creatures ever again.

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Taboo Phone Sex Games with Blair: Submissive Whore for Hire

taboo phone sex submissive slutTaboo phone sex subjects are my favorite for phone calls. Incest, rape fantasies, torture, BDSM, bathroom play, four legged friends, even snuff. You don’t call me if vanilla is what you crave. I’m a subby bitch whore in real life and on the phone. This weekend my son pimped me out to one of his friends. He does that often. “Why should one of my friends pay for common street hooker, when they can buy you. A suburban, classy, clean soccer mom,” he said to me as he pushed me into the arms of Edgar, a 45 year old co worker of his with a love for S and M games. I was blindfolded and thrown in the back of his van.

He threw me in a cage in his basement where I remained for 24 hrs in the dark with no food, water or human contact. I was forced to pee and defecate in the cage. Because I could not see, I was stepping in my own waste. I felt so violated. When Edgar returned for me he called me a “filthy pig.” I was forced to oink like a pig and roll around in my own shit. I wanted to wretch. This was not how I wanted to be treated. “You were bought and sold bitch. Stop your whining. I own you for at least another day,” he quipped as he pulled my head back gruffly and slapped a heavy chain around my neck.

torture sex submissive whoreI stood before him, naked, covered in my excrement, shackled and scared. He used a cattle prod to shock me, which made me piss down my leg further. He shoved the prod up my ass and I convulsed so hard I shit and puked all over the floor. These torture sex games went on for hours until I passed out in a pool of my body fluids. I woke up back in the cage with the words “dirty fuck pig” carved into my chest.

I thought that was the end of it; that I would soon be home to my son. It was just the beginning. I felt a fire hose turn on me, washing the skank off me. Naked, wet and scared, I was yanked from the cage, thrown in a room and sodomized for hours. Ass rape porn was part of the package. Edgar shared my tight asshole with about 50 of his closest friends. Instead of being covered in my own shit and piss, I was now doused in cum. By the time they were done with me, I prayed for death. I wondered if my son knew just how badly his business associate was going to treat his mommy? How would you treat your mother?

Check out other submissive whores like me at our new site SubmissiveWhore.Com.

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Torture Phone Sex Summer Rituals

Torture Phone Sex

      Torture phone sex in summer can be so hot! I love the calls that leave me on edge all the way to the end! This particular caller sure had me on edge!….

    No one understands rituals anymore. It’s an age old tradition that dates backs for thousands of years. Its summer vacation and no one could prepare me for this chilling call. We were in the Amazonian Rain forest you and I. You said this was a great place to fuck and no one would hear my screams. I didn’t know what you meant but I would soon learn. I felt the spear head explode in my stomach  and my eyes flew open as I fell over. Circling me you bound my hands with rope. Smacking me over the head with a club I was dragged to a tent. I woke up with a head ache. The first thing I noticed was that I was in a steel cage. It seemed as if you were chanting to the sky and then you grabbed a stone chisel and hammer. You placed the tip to my teeth striking a blow and two of my teeth ripped out.

     You guided your fingers to my eye sockets and removed them followed by the strands of the ocular nerves. I screamed at the top of my lungs but there was no one to hear me. Taking the stone knife you proceeded to cut around my jaw. The skin was peeled and blood started to squirt out. Placing your hand at my jawbone you yanked the mandible right off. The jaw came off and my tongue flailed wildly against my neck and throat hole. Picking up boiling water you poured it over my legs and arms catching the melting chunks that fell off of my arms and legs. Taking one final pot of boiling water you poured it over my face. Still half coherent I tried moving my limbs to move as you forced your cock in my mouth. The last thing I remember is the last part of boiling water poured on my face and flowing down peeling the skin off my face. Loads of cum poured over my bones and to this day I guess my skeleton is still there. After this call I smiled and played with myself until I came all over. Yes, I love torture and death! Will you play your fantasy with me hell raiser?

Torture phone sex; my online experience

torture phone sex

I was surfing the net and found an ad for “unusual sex”. For some reason I was completely interested. I immediately responded and found myself at some strangers house. I never got a good look at his face. He offered me a drink as soon as I came in, and me being the stupid little skank that I am, I of course said yes. I passed out and woke up to sand paper rubbing my nipples. I screamed! It burned and hurt so bad. After he was done scrubbing my nipples and areolas he moved down to my clit. He shaved all of my skin on my pussy lips and also shaved my clit off with that sand paper. My skin was bloody and raw. He asked me if I was thirsty and I said yes, once again that was a mistake. He got alcohol and poured it all over my wounds! It felt like I was getting burnt by a flame. I begged him to stop. The alcohol seeped into all of my open wounded bloody raw skin. He then brought out a cigar and started to smoke. Not putting away the cigar cutter, he traced my body with it. He held it up to what was left of my nipples,and cut them all the way down. Blood gushed out. He then thought my finger nails needed a cut. He cut my finger nails all right, including my finger tips. Just when I though he would be done he wasn’t. He shoved his cock in my pussy and fucked me while blood poured out. He then pissed inside of me as he let out his load. I passed out and woke up again. I was upside down with hooks in my back, blood now all down my face. I wonder how long he will keep torturing me, my body is growing so weak.

Snuff Porn, The Demise of Innocence

Snuff Porn

When Master first took me, I was still in that delightfully excited pet phase. He was not into the snuff porn as much then, but that did not stop him from inviting the Devil’s Princess over for some Taboo Phone Sex Fun. I thought that she was another one of his cumsluts. I thought that he just tortured her a little bit like me. I met her at school, she looked innocent enough so to say. We chit chatted one day in the bathroom while we were at school. I was not till I got back home and Ivy was sitting on the couch that I knew her intentions were different.
My impression on Master’s company was so much different then. I thought everyone was as sweet as he was. That is how innocent I was, I though Master was sweet. He asked me to strip for Ivy, she had a weird look in her eyes but I was not sure why yet. I looked at him confused, he had never had me do anything like this. I started to protest and what hit with a quick fist across the face. I whimpered grabbing the side of my cheek. It stung my face but really my hear more. I slowly took off my clothes and sat in front of them, I spread my legs so that Ivy could see my hairy cunt.

taboo phone sex Ivy stared for a second, I was not quite sure what she was going to do. She questioned whether or not I knew what they called her. I was not sure who they was, although I know now it is all the ass holes of the snuff porn ring Master belonged to. I gave her attitude as I told her no, I did not give a fuck what they called her either. She grabbed my throat in a strong hold and pushed me back into the chair. I kicked and clawed at her hands as they gripped harder, keeping air from entering my lungs. Ivy leaned in close to my faces and shouted that she was the Devil’s Princess and I was to treat her with the respect she deserved.
She took a knife from her back pocket and held it to my throat as she started to undo her pants, pulling them down and reveling her pretty cunt. She forced me to put my mouth on it. I started to lick at her clit and it was then that she held my head against her hard. My mouth filled with the warm acidic liquid. I tried to back off as that bitch pissed in my mouth. I whimpered and tried to get loose. Ivy hit me with the back handle of the knife. She continued to torture me, she sliced my skin and forced he fist into my ass hole stretching me wide. When she was done I realize Master was recording the whole thing and curled into a ball while he and Ivy laughed at my pain. If I would had known then what I know now I would not have given them the satisfaction.

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Snuff Porn Vids Sorority Hanging

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You know sometimes I come across a guy who is extra cruel in his torture tactics when creating snuff porn vids. He thinks all kinds of nasty thoughts while he is home with his wife. This guy is a professor at some collage. He is not really likes by the students, and is super pissed that none of them want to make any arrangements for grades with his cock either. We have come up with a solution after he contacted the queen of snuff porn. I was going to make my way into the sorority house that he loathed so much, one with all the little slutties that make fun of him and snicker when he teaches.
It was easy really. It did take a whole entire week of prep work to get ready for the festivities however. I had to become a summer pledge for the girls. These were some nasty ass bitches, loved giant cock in their cunts. Every time they laughed I could picture me stabbing each one of them in the side of the neck. When it was the night of the invasion he stormed in. We were all in our PJs, and I hopped up being handed a gun to shove in their little dumb faces.
We made them take of their panties and shoved them into their face hole. I shoved the barrel of my gun into one of the ring leader’s cunts. She cried as I violated he twat. It was already so stretched out, I did not see what the problem was. I made he dumb slut friend lick it clean again. He said he was ready to start making xxx snuff porn. I grabbed the ropes we had prepped already into nooses and wrapped one around each of their necks.
I watched as one by one the dumb bitches were strung up by their thin necks. I laughed as they kicked and tried to find the ground to stand on beneath their feet. They gagged and gasped for breath as one by one they all met their death. One dumb bitch shit her pants, emptying her bowls all over the floor. Another couple pissed themselves. The professor held his cock against their legs, switching from girl to girl. He stroked himself on them. He came all over their feet. We almost did not realize that one little twat waffle was left. I went up to her licking the side of her face before I slit her throat, blood spraying all over my face.

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Snuff Porn Makes Me Wet So I Make Snuff Porn Vids

snuff porn sadistic bitchSnuff porn makes my cunt wet. I will lay on my floor all day long playing with my pussy watching snuff porn vids I made. I will even masturbate to the work of other sadistic filmmakers. My favorite ones have a stupid cunt being tortured before ultimately being snuffed out. The bloodier the better. You see, I have no tolerance for stupid sluts. Gold diggers, mean girls, cock teases, spoiled princesses, slut wives, crack whores, home wreckers, animal abusers, drama queens, bullies, self entitled cunts… Most women. There is just something so intoxicating about hearing some whore who treated you like shit beg for her life. Screams, tears,  pleas, begging are foreplay for a sick bitch like me.

I remember my first kill. I was just a school girl myself. It was very impulsive. I was at summer camp and this teen twat was taunting me. Pretty much had been bullying me for weeks because of my Goth look. We were in the mess hall on pots and pans duty, when I picked up a big ass knife and jabbed her in the gut 82 times. I had pent up aggression clearly. In a moment of panic, I tied her up, sodomized her ass with a rolling pin and tossed her in the industrial dryer so as to look like a random sex crime. The case was never solved. No one even looked at me as a suspect even though I was the last to see her alive. It was really easy. Too easy.  I got wet anytime anyone spoke of the random, senseless crime committed against the school sweetheart. The school’s sweetheart was an insecure, mean twat who got what was coming to her. Sadly, I was too young and impulsive to have filmed her death. It was epic.

snuff porn vidsNow, when I snuff someone out, I film it. Sometimes I make snuff movies for fun, sometimes I have been paid to do it, other times it just because I was in the right place at the wrong time for some cunt or asshat or I was just a lucky accomplice. Think about it. The world needs people like me. I’m an equalizer. I get rid of the bad, so the world is a better place. We all have encountered someone who deserves to be snuffed out.  Killing is actually very therapeutic. I look at as a creative and healthy way to deal with stress. Who can I eradicate for you?

Don’t forget to check out our new site of tasty treats. Quite an array of submissive whores for us to snuff, torture and force fuck, don’t you agree?

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Torture Phone Sex Calls

Torture phone sex


     Torture phone sex calls are the best ones. I was thinking today of a fantasy a caller and I had reenacted. It just made me cum so hard I thought I would share! I was strapped down to a medical exam table. My legs were spread apart and the fucking bastards had a full view of my shaved cunt. I looked at the other gang members with their bitches kneeling and ready to suck their cocks. You wheeled in a large tray of hypodermic needles. “This is bee’s venom. I am going to inject you so that your future torture sessions will be far worse than this.” You pressed the needle far in my tit meat. You pressed the plunger making my tits numb. Quickly you did the same with the other tit. Grabbing a metal speculum you forced it into my pussy and opened it wide. Taking another syringe you pushed it far into my pussy hole.

     Looking at my tits I could see that they had already begun to swell. Picking up a tit press you placed them in side and began to turn and squeeze the lever to tighten. You tightened the device so much that my tits became flat. Forcing your cock in my throat the tears fell down my face. I could feel the rigidness of your cock and the massive meat that gagged my throat.  Turning your attention away you took your cock out of my mouth and turned your attention to my pussy. Using needles you begin to use my pussy like a giant pin cushion. You pushed the pins in my pussy so deep that your fingers were wet with my blood.

     Picking up a knife you said, “I am going to use this to carve my initials in your ass.”Not waiting for my answer you began to slice at my ass cheeks. I screamed and writhe but there was no stopping you. Taking me off the table you pinned me to a cross and began to flog me. My screams were not enough you picked up a sjambok the worse machine of discipline as I struggled to get away. This was just the beginning of hell in the conversations we had. I wonder what other pleasures you had in store?