Category: Torture sex

Let’s go old school

bloody phone sexBored and tired of snuffing all the same dumb idiots the same boring way? Yeah, me too. Let’s take things back to 1892 and go on a Lizzie Borden rampage. My choice of weapon this time; an ax – ready to chop and hack away at whatever pathetic slut that gets in my fucking way. I wanted to have the perfect killing, just like Lizzie Borden so I started my research. I read all about the things she had done, my pussy started to get wet. I scrolled down on Wikipedia, and that’s when I came across an anonymously written skipping-rope rhyme sung to the tune of the then-popular song Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay. I started to rub my cunt as I read it,

 “Lizzie Borden took an ax

And gave her mother forty whacks.

When she saw what she had done,

She gave her father forty-one.”

My cunt was practically dripping, I felt the need so bad, I wanted it, I needed it so fucking bad. I closed my laptop and grabbed my ax, and my hatchet for good measure. I watched from across the street of the local park, looking for the piece of shit who’s head I was going to bash in. My cunt was throbbing hard, I decided to pick the young slutty looking Mom. No one cares about this fucking whore anyway. I followed her she went to her car, parked away from everyone else. One hit to the back of the head and that bitch was out. I shoved her into the trunk and took her out of town…to one of my favorite places. She was awake when I stopped…kicking and screaming. I opened the trunk ready as she tried to jump and run I slammed my ax down onto her head…no mercy, no explanation. She fell back, the blood flowing and I started hacking…

You need me…

accomplice phone sexYou need your accomplice to help you… only I can understand your needs and desires and only I can make them cum true. You’ve been dying to get a hold of that little brat neighbor next door. This little bitch is such a fucking whore; I know it drives you crazy! She leaves her windows open so you can watch her undress at night, and she even fucks with her window open, so you can hear her little moans for more. You know she wants your cock, and she deserves to be treated like the little slut she is and I can help you do just that. She won’t be making it back home, so let’s play it safe and let me befriend her first. She’ll think we’re just skanks together, she’ll sneak out of her house to hang out with someone older and I’ll be there to take her to our meet up spot. She will be so confused to see you there, but she’ll soon realize exactly why I brought her there. For you, of course. I will hold her down as you cut this little sluts clothes off, rub your cock against her as I tie her up. She will act like she doesn’t want it, but she lets all the boys fuck her, and she is way too young to be fucking anyway this little bitch, she gets what she asks for! I will tell this slut to suck your cock and if she refuses I’ll hold her nose until she has to breathe through her mouth and you can stuff your dick right down her throat and she’ll suck it like a good girl. I know what she really wants is your cock in her pussy, look at her swallowing your cock lil the lil baby skank she is! Let’s see what else we can do to this little bitch…

The Woods are Bleeding….

snuff phone sexShe fucking knew better. Seriously, a petite little thing like her can’t keep bumming rides and expect to live. I spotted her on the road and called my pervert friend. I could hear him slapping his cock in glee as I described her firm, young body. I knew his demons and what he planned, so of course, I agreed to stop by and help him out.
Driving home a bit later, she was gone and I knew he had her. It was his game, picking up tender teens and taking them to hell. His own private hell back in the woods. He’d use them, fucking every hole on their body before poking a few of his own, and fucking them, too. He loved to peel the skin away from their faces, just leaving a bloody gash to shove his cock into. He’d cut off their tits for dinner, and cut them from asshole to pisshole. The more they screamed, the harder his cock got. He was fueled by torture and pain, which made me his immediate friend. You know I’m hardcore with the pain and blood fetish.

knife play phone sex
I pulled up behind him, deep in the woods. I could hear her screams already. He was laughing. Poor little cunt thought she’d run, not knowing that these woods were booby-trapped. A spiked tree had caught her mid-section, ripping her tits open, and she was bleeding profusely. He had her on the ground, jabbing his fingers into her open wound as he viciously pumped her ass. I stood and watched, fingers in my panties, rubbing my swollen clit. Just as he was ready to cum, I grabbed his hand and slipped one of his bloody fingers into my mouth. And then I slit her throat. …..
He left her lying there on the ground where the critters would gnaw her carcass. Her bones would join the dust of our other victims. We got back in the car and drove away, already looking for our next victim.

bloody phone sex

Missing Person

Cannibalism phone sex

It is so sad when a young teen run away who is  hitchhiking goes missing. The worst part is when they finally get to their destination. A lot of teens runaway to Vegas to get away from the rules their parents make. Once they are in my home, they wish they could go back home. They will never leave my home again. I trick them into coming with me. I promise a hot meal, shower and a warm bed to sleep in. Once I get the runaway home I feed them a home made meal. Even tho it is left overs my meat is still juicy. My new Meat source is getting sleepy as she eats. Little did she know that in her meat I put a ton of sleep meds in there! I love it when she finally woke up. She was strapped down on the counter top, as I was getting her skin all oiled up. I don’t want her to dry out as she cooks away in my oven. I love explaining to her what she is going to be cooked for! I am so excited to eat this runaway hitchhiker!!

Taboo phone sex

From The Torture Sex Club to Underground Snuff Porn

torture sexTorture sex clubs are popping up all over. For a submissive fuck slut like me, I can’t help but try them all. There is always going to be a risk. Some clubs are linked to the underground snuff porn world. I have gotten roughed up pretty bad at a few. Even came close to death once when a guy cut me too deep. I keep going back because I am a risk taking pain slut junkie.

This new club looked like many others I have visited. Stark basement, brick walls, dark and damp. Industrial feel. Women are always able to attend one of this clubs with no back ground check, but men are subjected to various tests. I guess that gives me some sort of false security. I met a guy at the club who took an immediate liking to me. He likes buxom blond bimbos. We went to a private room where he suspended me and used me as a punching bag. He was very fond of going Mike Tyson on my fake tits. They were black and blue within an hour. So was the rest of me.

underground snuff pornI was forced to suck his cock while hanging upside down. I nearly gagged on his cum. He slapped me. Punched me in the stomach a few times then left. Just left. Left me hanging in pain for hours. I was getting ill from the blood rushing to my head. I screamed for help. Screamed until my voice was shot. Still no one came. I puked and had to swallow my own bile. I pissed on myself. My own urine ran down body, over my tits, hitting my chin. Finally, I passed out. No clue how long I had been out. No memory of being moved. But, when I woke up, I was hanging up right like a side of beef in a cold dank basement with several other blonde buxom bimbos.

I started screaming. Trying to get the other girls to talk to me. I soon discovered they were all dead. I was the only one breathing in that room. I wondered how long that would last. I heard a voice over a speaker like the Saw movies. All he said was, “Welcome to the Dead Bimbos Club.” I came into the club as a pain slut whore. I would leave the club as a snuff porn queen.

snuff porn

Venus’s Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Brutal Rape Porn Means Lose Your Dick on Route 66

rape phone sex fantasiesMen are not the only ones with rape phone sex fantasies. A trucker cut me off the road a few months ago. No apologies. Not even a wave. I saw his truck at a rest stop, decided to pull over and confront him. Then, I thought this ass wipe deserves more than just a verbal lashing from me. He could have killed me. I got my big ass knife and strap on from the car and paid him a little visit in the bathroom. “What the fuck bitch,” he started to yell at me before I slammed his head into the urinal wall.

brutal rape porn strap onI fucked his ass with my strap on like he was a dirty lot lizard I paid to use. As I slammed my big cock in and out of his ass, I held my knife to his cock. “Resist me bitch, lose your dick,” I giggled sadistically. I was getting my kicks on Route 66. Well, maybe more like him losing his dick on Route 666. I was enjoying force fucking his worthless ass. Many men need taught how to respect women. I’m old school. I believe in vengeance. I believe in an eye for an eye. In this case, a dick for bad driving. I knew I was taking his dick; I just wanted to ruin his ass first. Hurt him.

bloody phone sexOnce I had his ass gaping open, I shoved my knife up his butt. Brutal rape porn on Route 666. Blood was gushing out his sphincter, running down his legs until he was standing in a pool of his own blood. He was crying; blubbering like an idiot. I gave one last hard jab upwards into his torn asshole, twisted, pulled it out, then sliced off his pecker and shoved it in his mouth. Left him on the rest stop bathroom floor to bleed out. Every time some ass wipe cuts me off in traffic, I fantasize about using him for ass rape porn. Woman aren’t the only ones who force fuck bitches.

Rape phone sex fantasies are my specialty!

rape phone sex fantasiesOh this is a good story for ya, laughable even. I guess my extensive experience in violently fucking, torturing and snuffing out girls got around. That’s my reputation. There was this guy who owned a construction business a couple cities over…he was looking for an accomplice. He sent me an email telling me exactly what he had in mind… and wanted to see if I could help. Well of fucking course I took his offer, as if I would ever in a million years turn down the opportunity to quench my rape fantasy phone sex desires. He was very specific with what he wanted, so I made sure to give him exactly what he asked for… It was clear it wasn’t the first time he had done this to his daughter, I knew he wanted to spice things up a bit, put a new edge to things. He told me he would be meeting me at a rest stop very late at night, when it would be mostly abandoned except a few trucker guys. Not just any trucker guys, guys that were ready to torment this little bitch till she was begging for it all be over. I’m not sure of the story he told her, the plan was to get her in the woman’s restroom, so I waited patiently. She came in, dressed like a slut as I knew she would be, I knew it was time to fuck this little whore up. I quickly left, putting signs up saying the restrooms were closed and sending a quick text to my friends and her Daddy. I came up behind her as she was washing her hands, holding a knife to her throat as I covered her mouth. “Surprise whore, you’ve been set up.” I whispered in her ear. Before she could struggle all my friends were surrounding her, grabbing at her, kicking, and smacking her. Telling her what a nasty fucking whore she is, ripping off her slutty skirt. I laughed at her, dragging her by her hair to the biggest stall. This bitch was about to get it, but first I wanted to show her just how fucking serious I was about her behaving like the submissive little whore she is, I shoved her face in the toilet holding her head under water as my friends helped. We flushed the toilet over and over, not letting her come up for air. She was struggling frantically… and just when I knew her vision was starting to go out I let her up to breathe. I made sure the first thing she saw was her Daddy who betrayed her, and all my friends who were more than ready to abuse her.

Cuts Like A Knife

taboo phone sex angieWhen I saw this mid-evil picture it made my cunt twitch. I knew I had to set this up and I knew I was going to go nice and slow and make this last a long time. It took me all day, going from store to store before I found the perfect saw for the job. I thought about getting it sharpened and cleaned and then decided against it, after all it would be so much better dull and rusty. I already had a cute little honey in the basement that I had been playing with for a couple of days and this would be the perfect way to end the games. Mutilation always drives me crazy with lust for blood. When I grabbed her and unlocked her shackles she started sobbing and begging, adding fuel to the fire that was already burning inside me. Pulling the rope around the hoist that would suspended her at just the right height with her legs spread eagle my body began to respond to the thrill of what was about to happen. Now in position with her tattered and torn dress hanging over her face and her pink pussy that I had gotten to know so well over the last few days exposed, I positioned the dull and rusty saw in between her lips and began to saw. Just a few inches for now. Her screams were ear piercing and perfect. Blood dripping down both the front and back of her body. Taking her hand I fucked the cum out of my cunt and went up stairs for a nap. I would be back later to saw a little more. This could last days if I played my cards right.

In The Dead Of The Night

taboo phone sex karmaAll tucked in, teddy held tight in your arms, your eyes are heavy and you long to be in that magical world known as dreamland. You feel yourself drifting closer to that place where the clouds are giant marshmallows and you can play with all the animals. Not tonight…..tonight I am sending the darkest shadows to that happy place. Where you thought there would be light, there will be dark. Terror lurks in every shadow and evil is chasing you. Your heart is beating with fear, the faster you run the closer it gets. The walls are closing in on you, breathing in and out and trapping you. You open your mouth to scream but no sound escapes your lips. Mommy and Daddy are no where to be found. You’re alone, abandoned, helpless and the devil himself is breathing down your neck. You can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck. You dare to turn around and look into the glowing red eyes that are the face of death. Your going to die here in what was once your safe place. You wake up with a start, sweat soaking your cute little pajamas, your walls softly lit by glowing stars and moons. Afraid to close your eyes and go back to sleep? Good that is how it is supposed to be…. 

Jingle, Jangle, Tick, Tock…

torture phone sexHere comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail….WTF is it? It can’t be human. It’s not the freaking Easter Bunny. It’s Michael, the jingly jangly bell wearing pansy. He’s coming down the hall, dancing a jig, and looking pukey in pepto pink. I hate faggots, and bunnies, and sissies who wear “pretty pink penis pouches.” And I especially hate pink.
If I had the chance, I’d like to turn him blood red instead, after I beat his fairy ass with a cane until he cries like a little girl. Oh, I wouldn’t kill him slowly and painfully. I’d just give him what he wants. I’d slice open those ruffled panties and stroke his pathetic little cock until it was swollen. Then, I’d make him beg for his life. Or worse, yet, I’d cut off his balls and useless appendage and make him into a girly with an ass-pussy and a pair of jingly bells.

kidnapping phone sex
“Oh Michael, better pay up. The WBMT girls need vacation money. We are some greedy bitches. If you don’t comply with our wishes, and become our paypiggy, we’ll make your name public in our blogs so the whole world knows your secret, Michael Fra…”
(Evil giggles) I think I’ll turn your pretty pink pics into my own evil creations. Maybe then you’ll know how serious we are, you little pansy. Better open that wallet wide. Blackmail bitches are coming for your cotton candy ass.
Shake that cute little ass right over to the bank now and give in to our demands and we’ll spare you the shame and humiliation of having your friends and family know your dirty little secret. I’d hate to have to send that nasty cum-stained penis pouch home to your family. Makes my pussy wet just to think about the pain I’d cause.
Ohhhh, pink is so much prettier when it’s splattered with red…..

Your evil freak,

evil phone sex