Category: Torture sex

Role playing phone sex

taboo phone sex aubreeLet start off by saying The No Limit No Taboo phone sex kinda whore! The more sex the better. I love talking about fantasy rape porn stories.I love role playing and get kinky and wild. So if your looking for the next door I’m not her. But if your looking for a cum slut whore that you can use then I’m the slut for you . Give me a call!!!

Bloody Mutilation Phone Sex Fun

taboo phone sex karma1Mutilation phone sex fun keeps my cunt dripping wet. The feeling of my knife slicing through skin and into a body sends jolts of electricity through my body and straight to my aching cunt. dismembering a body slowly and meticulously as I cauterize each area to stop the bleeding and add to the pain makes me cum hard over and over again. So when I saw the old gelatin at the auction I knew I had to have it. I brought it home and set out building the bed so that I could lay my victim down instead of having her kneel to be beheaded. I found a victim quickly all dressed in her cocktail waitress uniform, walking home in the dark, damp evening.  After torturing her for a while I placed her on the gelatin facing up so that she could see the blade. Watching the tears streak down her face and seeing the fear in her eyes had me right on the edge of an earth shattering orgasm. As I released the blade and watched it cover in blood, severing her head, her body twitching, I fell to my knees as the force of my orgasm took over my body. I am going to have many nights of fun with my new toysnuff porn karma

taboo phone sex

taboo phone sex

I started dating this guy online, who I thought was a really nice man. He turned out to be someone’s worst nightmare, and I had no clue that it was going to be mine.

We went out for a couple of drinks and appetizers, as the night got late we decided to go back to his place to play. My definition of playing drastically differs from his. Let’s just say he won.

I walked inside and noticed he didn’t even bother turning on the lights. I looked around for a switch, and I had no luck. I went to open the front door and realized it was locked from the inside.

I called out his name to find him, all I heard were knifes being sharpened. I started running through the house searching for anything I could find.

I realized I was his little doll to play with, trapped in his play house.

I got to a room and stared at some sort of contraption. It looked as if others had once laid there. Dried blood was all over the floor. What does that machine do? Would I be safe if I hid in here? I can hear him getting closer, “Why are you running so fast, you know there is no way out”



Snuff porn

snuff pornSo my Halloween went rather well- you could say. Well that is if I were still alive to see the next day. I thought it would have been fun to go out with all of my friends. They always say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. I never even knew that the people, whom I called my friends, would be my enemies. They set me up and I wish I would have seen it coming before I was laying on the cold cement chocking on my own blood. I dressed up, looking extremely slutty. I met up with my friends, who obviously had to put something in my drink. I went from being extremely liked, in my small brain- to being extremely humiliated and treated like a ratchet doll. They sold me to my next master. They just gave me up and didn’t even think twice. They watched him on a big screen as he ripped my clothes off to piss all over me with his cock. They didn’t even blink as they laughed their asses off watching him put my fighting body in restraints to shove his cock inside of me, making me choke and throw up. He used every single hole. He made huge gashes in my skin. I was pathetic, I wont even try to feed you bullshit. I was fucking begging for my life. All that made him do was laugh even harder. I guess that made taking my life even more of a sport.

Keeping Your Dreams

taboo phone sex karma1Dream catchers have always fascinated me. Perhaps because of the connection to the spirit world that they are supposed to hold. That and what and how they are made if they are authentic. A dream catcher is supposed to be placed over where you sleep, good dreams flow through the center and bad ones are trapped in the web surrounding the center and destroyed by the morning light. The hoop is made of willow and the web is made of sinew, which is actually taken from animals and made of the fibrous tissue that connect muscle to bone. Eventually the willow dries and the tension of the sinew will break the hoop. I want to make reverse dream catchers. I want the nightmares to flow through the center and the good dreams to be trapped in the web. So I have the brilliant idea to change the materials I use to make the dream catcher. I am constructing them out of the body parts of my victims and giving them to all the brats at the playground instructing them to hang them over their beds. Next week I will return to the playground and see if my evil plan worked. Just the idea that the little fuckers have pieces of dead bodies hanging over their beds is a rush in itself.

Snuff Porn

snuff pornThis new guy I am fucking was like so, “Wanna make a snuff porn?” He knows I am a submissive whore, so I never say no. I like the idea of pretending to die on film. It really is all about angle and lighting. I can control my breathing well to give the appearance of death. I had my ass on his cock looking right at the camera begging to be snuffed out. He was pounding my ass so hard you would have thought he wanted to make an ass rape porn. As his cock assaulted my back door, his hands tightened around my throat. My eyes started to bug out. I could feel myself suffocating. It was hard to not fight him. I really thought he was just getting carried away with method acting, but I passed out from lack of oxygen. He kept fucking my ass hard because it jolted me awake. I could see from the little window on the camera that my throat was purple from his grip on my throat. My ass too. Apparently he was holding on to my ass cheeks so hard as he anally tortured me, it left bruises. This felt too real. I started to get off of his cock but he put both hands around my neck like he was wringing a chicken’s neck. He violently thrust me down on his cock while strangling me. I felt a windpipe crush and blood fill up in my throat. As I started to gag on my own blood, he pushed me off his dick, onto the floor and shot his load over my face as he kicked me in the belly repeatedly. “Smile for the camera you dead stupid whore,” he said as he spit on me. I certainly felt dead.

Snuff sex and snuff fantasy porn what could be better?

snuff sexIt’s easy to think about; hard to resist the snuff fantasy porn you want so badly. There’s nothing wrong with the want, the need to snuff all these little sluts out. Make them the stars of our snuff porn. They love it, can’t you see? Kinda hard to see with all that blood, with her chocking on your cock…hard to see through her tears and all that cum. What a nasty little whore, she had it coming – she wanted to act like a whore so we’ll treat her like a whore. Tear her down and use her, cut her up and lay her in her own blood and cum. All before we kill the bitch, done with her. She needs to be used though, fuck her holes raw and make her beg for it. She’ll beg so hard, thinking she actually has a chance. We’ll laugh and my pussy will be dripping wet watching you slam your cock into her ass. Fuck this slut like she nasty piece of shit she is, but once it’s time we’re going to fuck her to death and I will record, the whole thing. Fuck her hard, thrust your cock into her wet bloody pussy, feel her warm against you and I’ll slit her throat… she won’t even see it coming. You will though and you’ll cum deep inside her pussy as she bleeds out right there, helpless as they always are.

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Torture Sex Girl Loves Gore Snuff Porn

torture sex knife playTorture sex gets me off. I’m not a vanilla girl. Ever since I was a little thing, I have been obsessed with gore snuff porn. The bloodier the better. I would watch movies like “Last House on the Left,” “Faces of Death,” and “I Spit on Your Grave,” and masturbate. No Disney films for this girl. Now, thanks to modern technology, I can watch snuff movies on my computer. I can even make them. I learn from horror movies like “Saw,” and “Hostel,” how to brutalize folks. This bitch from high school suddenly reappeared in my life. I had no use for her then, and I had no use for her now. She was in recovery and working on some silly steps. Thought she could show up unannounced and apologize for her mistreatment of me in school. I offered her a special brownie, which rendered her incapacitated for a bit. She woke up in my basement tied up. My camera was rolling, my assortment of torture devices laid out in front of her. She tried to apologize, beg for forgiveness. A little too late. I got sick of hearing her talk, so I put a chainsaw in her mouth. No one knew she was there. There has been no communication between us for a decade. She would just be another missing girl no one would look hard to find. I’m sure you know plenty of bitches who think more of themselves than anyone else does.

gore snuff pornI let her plead for a bit; watched her cry, then I turned on the chainsaw and watched the blood spurt. I watched her face dissolve. I filmed her tortuous death. My pussy got wet hearing her scream, watching her twitch, seeing her bleed. Her sinew splattered my walls. I filmed every moment of it for instant download on my snuff porn podcast. I have quite a fan base. Folks think my movies look so real. There is a reason for that. Because they are. Who would you want to star in my next killer production?

Sorry, Not Sorry

Its freezing in here and I haven’t had anything to eat for days. Well, except for the few mouthfuls of your cum that you shot down my throat. Now I am so hungry that I am craving even that – at least it was warm in my stomach and moistened my tongue and throat. This ball gag in my mouth makes me salivate but I know its useless because you aren’t going to feed me. You’ve brought me here to torture me and let me wither away to nothing until I die. I know you picked me because I was skinny – I remember you saying it before you smashed me in the head with that brick.

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I woke up alone and naked with chains draping my wrists and ankles and you jamming your cock in my ass so hard that my eyes were watering. I tried to scream but then realized the gag was in place and simply began to shed tears. Once you noticed I was awake, you began fucking me harder and telling me what a filthy rotten little teen slut I was and how I shouldn’t have teased you every day walking home past your house with my little spindly legs and short skirts. I tried begging you with my eyes to stop but that only made you more aggressive.

I swear I could feel my asshole ripping open as you continued to pound me with your giant cock. You kept telling me that I was a bad little girl and that I tease boys with my tiny body. I wanted to apologize and tell you I didn’t do it on purpose, but somewhere deep inside even I knew that was a lie. I used to choose the shortest skirts and I used to daydream of someone snatching me up and making me their little fuck doll. Now that it actually happened I am terrified and I know I won’t ever see my family again. I can see how skinny I am getting – your way of making me look even younger – just how you like it. My ass is still searing with pain and I can see blood trickling down my legs. Two questions haunt me: How long will I last, and will even stop fucking me when I die?

Bondage Pleasure

taboo phone sex angie1The smell of leather that has been soaked in sweat is one of my favorite smells. It is an aphrodisiac that sends jolts of pleasure through my body making my nipples hard and my cunt nice and juicy. Watching while the terror sets in and the struggle to be free begins drives me absolutely crazy with lust. I love to taunt my captive by rubbing my body all over them as they struggle against the restraints. The thrill of the fresh struggle that is in genuine earnest gets my blood boiling. My pleasure increases as the fight in my captive subsides and I can see the resignation in their eyes. Inevitably I spew hot cum all over their weak and tiered body before continuing on to the next step in sexual gratification. Recently I have been visiting a sister site of ours: delighting in the adventures of these weak and timid whores. Right now I am enjoying stalking the site but soon I will make one of  the delicious creatures my own and she will experience submission and bondage like she never has before! 

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