Category: Torture sex

Whores must die

snuff sex My friend invited Macey and me over to snuff out the new girls in the neighborhood. A little promiscuous bunch moved next door. We could see all types of guys come in and out. My friend invited Macey and I and wanted us to lure the three sluts over. We wanted to give them a home welcoming to the neighborhood. In actuality, we were just going to fuck the whores up and do some wicked snuff stuff with the twats. The three girls were dressed up like complete prostitutes ready for dick. Macey and I got all three fucked up and ready to be used. It was so hot to see them beg for mercy. None of them were going to leave without being subjected to snuff sex. Having three whores tied up is hard work, but it was so fucking hot to see the blood sweat and tears stream. We were going to make sure they each got our masters cock till they all died. Watching them choke out and taking their last breath. Sex with dead

Snuff Sex by Suffocation

snuff sexSnuff sex by suffocation was his plan. I was his bondage whore and his coke buddy. I was completely bound tight. I was wrapped up like a Christmas present. I couldn’t move. When he sat on my face, I thought it was just to lick his ass, but he shoved his dick so far down my throat I started to choke. I was unable to breathe because his asshole was over my nose and his cock was making sure I couldn’t breathe out my mouth. I started flailing about. My arms were restrained behind my back, so all I could do was shrug and rock a bit. He was not a little man. I thought he was joking when he said he was going to smother me to death. He is a drug buddy. We get high and we fuck. He never has been violent towards me. He is one of the few mean who has not abused me. I still thought it was some sort of joke until I passed out. I thought that was the end, but his urine stream in my face woke me up. He was laughing at me. According to him, we were just getting started. He invited other guys to join our kinky snuff porn. Every guy sat on my face, choking me with his cock until I passed out. They woke me up by pissing in my face.  I have rope burns on my wrists and ankles. Veins are visible on my face and in my eyes. I look like I survived something, but I can’t tell anyone that I look like shit because guys smothered me with their nut sacks all night and pissed on me to revive me. That doesn’t sound like something a soccer mom would let happen to her. But then, I am no ordinary soccer mom.


Deflowering a virgin

snuff sex The task was quite simple I had to bring a virgin to my master so he could have endless snuff sex with the new slave pet. I found the perfect victim. Naomi was sweet as pie and a goody two shoes. I knew I had to ruin her life and bring her to the dungeon with my master. I invited her over for a project we got assigned to and it spiraled from there. My master was pleased and wanted me to help torture her holes. I felt terrible, but I knew If I didn’t assist I would be dead meat. I helped drug her and take her to the cell. I knew she would never see the light after this. My master had his way with her popped her cherry and fucked her for hours on end. He loved deflowering her virgin young pussy. It was hellish to see but I had to keep my mouth shut or I would be ruined too. When Naomi awoke, she was utterly incoherent. I was surprised the dosage was so loud it knocked out all recollection. My master let her go and was sly she didn’t even remember being tied up and also fucked though she awoke midway with blood-curdling screams. He liked that she was blind to the fact that she was being used. I know this isn’t the last time I will be bringing Naomi over. Master liked her way too with dead bodies

Gangbang Nightmare Ch.4

Taboo phone sexMy man traded me to the 5th Ward Crips for four crack rocks. They keep me in a room with a boarded up window and a dirty mattress on the floor. These thugs treat me worse than a plastic sex doll. My jaw aches from blowing multiple men for hours at a time. And my pussy and asshole hurt from this never-ending gangbang.
Tec-9 walked into the room with a dog leash and an evil grin on his tattooed face. He put the collar around my neck and walked me into the front room on my hands and knees. I was completely naked and felt totally exposed being the only female in room full of dangerous gang members. In the corner of the room, a gangster had a furry friend on a leash. The gangster let the leash go and the furry friend ran straight towards me. He mounted my back and his pink cock enter my tight cunt. He humped me and the gangsters laughed. The furry friend panted in my ear and his drool slid down my back. His cock knotted inside me and I couldn’t pull away. The gang laughed even more at my struggle to get away from the furry friend. I felt totally humiliated and completely defeated. When will the living hell end?


Snuff sexI have been close to death before with men and sex. But they always chicken out and don’t take the final step in snuffing my life out. They will torture my body. Suffocate me until I pass out. But no matter how much I beg I cannot get them to finish the job. The ultimate orgasm that I could have would be death after I am beaten and tortured. And this is something I am denied over and over. Guys talk about loving to fuck a whore and then kill her but I have yet to find me one of these guys to follow thru. Maybe they are scared they will get in trouble. Lol, I will be dead who is gonna tell? And really the law does not care about another dead whore.

Snuffing Your Wife And Fucking Your Daughter

home invaison phone sexIt is time for some home invasion phone sex tales from your angel of death.  You wanted your snooty wife who never puts out taken out. You told me you had drugged her drink and was out like a light.

What you didn’t tell me is that I would run into your brat trying to wash period blood out of her panties and shorts at 2 am in the morning. Something about her spoke to me and she saw me with my blade and wasn’t scared. I grabbed her by the hand and whispered where was her room? You sweet teen brat led me into her room and I threw her on the bed and kissed her and started playing with her pussy as I bit her neck and drew blood. I fucked her as I feasted on her. My hand covered with blood that I gave her to clean up.  After she came as I ate her bloody cunt she asked who I was there to kill. I said her mother and she asked if she could do it. My little evil bitch took the blade and we entered the master suite.   She stabbed her mother 52 times blood splattered everywhere.  I undressed and we fucked in the bloody aftermath. Right beside your dead wife.  We took her minced heart out of her chest and washed and set the house ablaze. What a good little fucking evil whore your daughter is watching the house burn o the ground with her mother’s heart in a baggy.  I brought her back to my dungeon for some hot torture sex.

Snuff sex with my ex

snuff sex

There is nothing like fucking an ex over. I am not into makeup sex. I much prefer getting even and showing my ex who is boss. We had a tumultuous relationship I must admit I was probably the culprit of the problems. I am not one to shy away from drama. I love sex drugs and rock and roll. I don’t mind being loud and fighting when I high as fuck. I would get in all rage deathmatch fights with anyone in sight. My ex-decided he had enough and called it quits. I was beyond humiliated and wanted revenge. I waited for a couple of days to pass by, and I was going crazy home thinking about how could I possible fuck him over. It dawns on me. I invited him over and he accepted. I pulled an award-winning performance. I made him believe I was going to fuck him crazy, but I was more in to snuff sex he should have known better. I made him feel like the bitch he was as soon as my strap was in all his hoes. I had no mercy for the dumb fucker. 

Pain is the game

Torture sex  I have been waiting to get my clit to be pierced. I finally got it and I love it I surprised Derek hes my emo sick perverted little fuck toy. Hes such a bitch this time I am surprised him with my new knife I usually don’t have enough balls to play with him like that but this time is different. I want him to bleed and give him an actual reason to be a fucking little bitch. I fucked his ass hole with my dildo then shoved the handle of my spatula in so hard I love fucking and getting fucked with objects that can hurt. I took my knife and jabbed him in the ass made a little blood. He freaked out and I told him that he was going to enjoy it and I started to strangle him while I was forcing my fist in his gaping ass hole. After, I got done hurting his ass cheeks and made his little ass hole burn I told him it was my turn.. He did not go easy on me . I guess I am making him an actual man. He begged for more that whole night.

Drugged for a Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornIt was a casting call for a gangbang rape porn. I needed coke. I have done worse for less. I figured this would be a cake walk. When I arrived at the warehouse where the movie was being shot, I was ordered to my dressing room to get naked. I was accosted there by a woman with a needle. I told her I don’t do smack. I am strictly a coke and weed girl. “Today you do what we want bitch,” she seethed as the needle pierced my vein. I immediately felt euphoric. Suddenly, I understood why so many folks get hooked on this shit. It is a powerful drug that took me to never never land.  When I started to come out of my drug induced haze, I realized I had rope burns on my body from being bound too tight. That was the least of my problems. There was a baseball bat protruding from my ass. I guess I made an ass rape porn too while I was out. Only the handle of the bat was sticking out, which meant I had about a foot of wood up my shit box. No wonder they made me do smack. I started to fight and cry because the pain was hitting me. I felt another needle pierce my flesh. I lost big chunks of time over the course of the day. I apparently lost a pint of blood and some flesh too because when I woke up there was a pool of my blood under my ass. The director paid me my $500 and told me to sit on a raw steak to help heal my prolapsed ass. He wants to use me again because I can take the best anal torture sex he has ever seen. It must have been the heroin. I want some more.

The Church of Blasphemy Sex

I really hate Church folk and the Holier than thou attitudes and all the ignorant crap that surrounds this shit. So I decided to take it onto myself to make some blasphemy phone sex fun on this fine Sunday and really get some satisfaction. I paid a visit to a local Church before services to seduce a sinner of a Priest and dominate the shit out of his pious filled fucked up world of young males. As I expected I caught him with his dick out jerking off to the forbidden fruit these fuckers seem to get all worked up over.

I slipped in and as he was busy with his pud pulling adventures I got behind him, duct taped his mouth, yanked his arms back and bound them with duct tape, and lastly bent him over his desk. I took my special crucifix cock with thorns and started slamming it in his rectum. I slammed him with it as I held up a Bible and preached him a sermon of how he is the Unforgiven. He was turning blue from the inability to breath, oops I covered his nose when I taped his mouth. He was in shock from the thorns of Christ ripping at his rectum and bleeding him much how Christ bled out. I continued to preach as I doused him in “Holy Water” or Vodka and as I was leaving his quarters that I had already surrounded with gasoline, I lit a joint and tossed the lit match. In a Blaze of glory I pronounce thee Cleansed by fire.

Blasphemy Sex