Torture sex is what he made me endure for hours. Sexual mutilation with a sadist was not what I signed up for. I met him online and we clicked. I never told him I was a submissive whore. I didn’t want him to think less of me. I try to have normal adult relationships even though I know I don’t deserve them. He was a poser. He was friends with Master and they set me up. I had to be punished for being a cheating slut and thinking I was worthy of a man’s affection. He drugged my drink and when I woke up, I was hanging from a beam naked with my clit tied up and puffy. My master was there assisting with an evil grin on his face. I knew that look and I was in trouble. Maybe enough snuff porn trouble. He threatens to kill me all the time. Somedays, I wish he would. It was hard to hold back the tears as I knew what was coming. I saw the torture instruments. He had on a table in front of me a blow torch, various knives, a taser and clamps. The thought of a blow torch to my clit made me piss myself. “See something you like Cassandra,” Master seethed as he touched the blow torch like he was reading my mind. He knows my fears. He lit it and laughed. His accomplice thought he was just taunting me. When Master actually melted my clit away, his partner puked and passed out from the grotesque image of my mutilated girl parts. The smell of burning flesh lingers in your nostrils for days. I was in shock from the pain. I puked, but didn’t pass out, which might have saved me. In Master’s eyes, I was tougher than his failed assistant. He turned the blow torch on his balls and dick and I was just grateful the focus was no longer on me.
Category: Torture sex
Torture Sex of My Girl Parts
Torture Sex With Ivy
Torture sex always makes my cunt wet and tingly. I am very possessive of my man if I even see another bitch looking at him I will fuck her up. So you can just imagine how I felt when I saw our new neighbor. I’m sure the look on my face said it all. She is a little petite Asian chick with a fake boob job. She never has on a bra and her shorts are so short you can see her ass checks.
She is always waiving at you and yelling hi hi. You keep telling me that I am over reacting that she is not your type. You tell me that you would never cheat on me. You tell me that I misunderstand her intentions due to a cultural difference. But I know better I see the way she looks at you. You decide that the best way to handle this is to invite her over for dinner. I leave the room to get us a bottle of wine.
When I return that fucking little cunt is sitting on your lap. I drop the bottle of wine on the floor. It breaks and leaves shards of glass and red wine all over our hardwoods. I grab her by her long black hair and throw her to the floor. You are telling me to calm down. I tell you that if you really love me you have to prove it to me. I have my foot on her throat.
I tell her to open her mouth and suck your cock but she refuses. I tell you to hold her mouth open and I piss down her throat. I reach over and pick up a shard of glass off of the floor. I apply more pressure to her throat while I start slicing pieces of her tits off and feeding them to you.
I feel the life drain out of her body as I am slicing off her pussy lips. I put her bloody pussy lips into my mouth. I shove you onto the sofa. I slide your big hard cock into my hot wet pussy and start fucking you. As we are fucking I feed you her bloody pussy lips straight from my mouth into yours. As you shot your jizz in my pussy I whisper in your ear how much I love Asian food.
Bloody Monetta
I became a slave to my boss. With fear of losing my job and upsetting my parents I tried my hardest to keep my boss happy with handjobs and blowjobs. I stalled and made him content but he wanted my sweet ass more than anything and he wasn’t going to stop till he got it, when he gave me the ultimate of packing and leaving or getting my ass gaged and fucked I almost walked out. I knew I couldn’t so I became his anal slut. Getting his cock in my ass was just the beginning soon he began to fist me so hard that my ass would bleed. The more bloody I got the harder his dick twitched. I was his cum dump and slave.The other night he got so turned on by the sight of me drenched in blood and cum that he invited his twisted buddy over to help. I had both of them beat me to a bloody pulp and use my holes. I am forever tied to him and his demands like the perfect submissive pet. Whenever he gets the urge he invites his poker buddies to fuck me up as well. I’m the bloody cum slut for my boss.
Head bitch in charge
Snuff sex is what I need to keep me happy. I don’t like it vanilla I never have and surely never will. I can’t stand any of that lovey dovey shit. I am the type of bitch that will fucking cut your cock off when I finish making it cream. I like to see fear in your eyes and watch you squirm and cry and plead for help. It takes a special wicked soul to enjoy what I do. If you don’t you will become my victim real fast. I like to be dominated but don’t cross me or I will fuck you up and castrate you in front of all your friends. I love embarrassing you and making you feel worthless. I love being able to fuck you and with a strap on and make your pathetic cock show. I will make sure you don’t forget your place is in my knees and I will gladly leave you in a puddle of cum and blood.
How deep is your love?
My master knows I worship him and will do anything and everything for him. He wanted to know how deep was my love for him. He has an insatiable appetite for youngins. I see the way he looks at hot young sluts. I know he wants to fuck them bad. He likes hot co-eds like me but what really make his cock twitch is snuff sex with youngins. He has made me prove to him how deep I will go to satisfy him. I will go above and beyond for him. One of the most sinister things came out of his mouth. I didn’t think twice I knew if it made his dick feel good it was something I must do. He wanted me to bring my younger sister and he wanted front row center. My master wanted to see me fuck her up and use her till she was a snuff doll. I had no choice but to do just that. I brought over my cute young step sister and made her into a slave of my own. I think I passed the ultimate test.
Summer sins
My new boyfriend is a professor. Yes its cliche and all but I was his student last semester. This past summer we have had a blast fucking whores up. It’s the perfect killer phone sex scenario you might want to visit.
Every single year there is a roster of dumb twats that are on the verge of failing and saying bye bye to their scholarships and mommy and daddies gifts. These spoiled cunts are at risk of failing so they need to visit summer school.
My boyfriend has been rough with these whores in the past but now that he has me as his muse he has up’d the ante. I am able to get him to do some fucked up shit.
We eventually make these whores so desperate to pass that they are willing to be cum dum sluts and willing to take piss all over. Piss and cum in their eyes thats a beautiful fucking picture. These whores earn their A for sure.
He likes to make me jealous
I am very territorial with my master and I can’t stand when a new slut comes around. I like to show them that I will forever be the hot slave pet that owns the bosses interest. I work extra hard to remind my boss that I will forever be the best at everything that is enticing and enthralling for him. I have no competition when it comes to torture sex. I always win every single time. I won’t admit I go into panic mode and begin to see how could I possibly sabotage any competition. I begin by being a nasty mean slut and I snuff them out in front of the boss. I make them undress and start fucking their twats with my strap, and I of course make them cry and master can’t help but come right over and kiss me and give me his cock because I have made him one happy boss. I love being his number one slave.
Torture Sex is Sweet When She Is Dying Out
Knife Play Phone Sex is Better than Gun Play
Knife phone sex fantasies are among my favorite kinds of calls. As a sadistic my knife is my best friend. A knife allows for much more damage than a gun. You shoot a gun; the person is dead or wounded depending on where the wound is on the body. A knife casts a wider net for torture. You can make small stabs all over the body for a slow bleed out. You can slash a major artery and watch your victim bleed out quickly. You can dismember limbs. You can mutilate sex organs. A favorite of mine is castration. You can slice a tongue off. You can cut eyeballs out. You can give a little whore a womb clean out. You can slice off tits of any size. Fuck, you can fuck with a knife. You can stab a pussy or stab an ass. A knife allows for torture sex. You can’t mutilate a body with a gun. I can skin a victim with a knife too. Even prepare a meal. I have a huge knife collection. A knife for all types of victims and all kinds of torture. My family members are circus freaks. My father was an expert knife thrower. I guess you could say knife play is in my blood. I am so wet right now discussing how much better the blade is over a bullet. I think it’s hunting time.
Violent sex
I am sitting on my favorite weapons, bondage equipment and more. My brain is wired differently. I love torture play. Last night I had this guy who kept asking to come over to my house. I let him know I really wasn’t his type. He looked frail and sad. I thought at least this wouldn’t be a challenge. But, he sure as hell couldn’t please me. I am not into fucking I am into roleplays, and sick shit. I let him come back to my house. I told him I wasn’t his type of girl. When we arrived I showed him all my tools, he was caught off guard of course. He let me know that he would be into kinky shit but not all the weapons and bondage. My boyfriend was hiding in the din. W cuffed him and the tagged teamed his ass. He begged and yelled for us to stop. We had so much excitement ripping his holes and sucking his bleeding bolding ass. We left him there for a little while he could barely move. He eventually was released by my boyfriend. Fun time with boys is so much fun.