Category: Torture phone sex

Who’s the freak now.

torture phone sexI went to the park today to meet up with some friends.. When I walked by this ass hole called out freak and all his friends started laughing. He must have thought he was being funny cuase he followed me making little snide remakes about my ink and my clothes. Finally I had enough. I started walking back toward my car… and he follow. I acted hurt and afraid.. cause I knew he couldn’t pass that up. His friends all hung back in the park but he couldn’t let it go. I walked around the back of my car and popped the trunk. I waited for him to get close and and started crying. Just enough for him to move in for the kill.. lol He was so occupied with bullying me he didn’t realize he was out of sight from his friends. Or that no one was around. When he walked around the corner of the car he wasn’t expecting me to crack him over the head with a tire Iron. I was barely able to push in the the trunk of the car. I drove him deeper into the park. I found a very small old road and drove down it till we were in the middle of nowhere. Then I popped the trunk. He was awake but still loopy. Stumbling to get out of the trunk.. LOL I waited for him to regain so of his balance then I took the tire iron and hit him as hard as I could in his nut sack! Of course he fell to the ground screaming. Covering his dick with his hands. And I started to kick him over and over again in his nuts. This just wasn’t making me feel better. So I went to my trunk and pulled out some rope. I tied the tope to his hands and to a tree. Then tied his feet spread eagle to another tree. He was begging me to let him go. I pulled out my knife and cut his pants and underwear off. His dick was purple and black. He kept saying sorry over and over..but it was to late now. I took my knife a cut slits all the way down his dick. And then started kicking him again Over and over. His dick will recover. lol.. Now I guess we know who the freak is. He will never be able to piss right again. Fucking fag!

Evil Phone Sex Bitch

hot phonesex karma4You thought when you saw me at the farmers market today you would save me. You had to start in on me with your preaching and your holier then thou attitude. You wouldn’t let me leave even when I told you that wasn’t what I believed. You had to back me into the corner and spew your beliefs on me. Beggaring me and continuing to insist I needed saving.
Who needs saving now bitch?
I waited for you in the shadows when you finally let me go. I know how to capture little bitches like you. Now your sitting there looking at me with tears running down your face praying to a God that isn’t going to save you.
You love your Jesus so much I am going to show you what it feels like to be him. The cross is constructed, the thorny crown is made, the whip has been laced with razor blades, all while you watch and repeat your silly prayers.
I drag your limp body to the cross and tie you down and still you keep on with the endless prayers feeding my desire to bring you down. By the time I am done you will admit that you are wrong. And I can’t wait because your going to do it one way or the other.
Funny how silent you fall when I grab the hammer and the first long, rusty nail as I position it over your palm. Your prayers are now sobs aren’t they?
You should have left me alone.
I cum in pouring gushes as you scream when I hit the nail on the head for the first time driving it into your flesh. I am not hitting it hard enough for it to go threw in one swing…no this is going to take a bit. Each scream brings a fresh round of cum running out of my pussy.
I think before I do the other hand and your feet I will shove these thorns into your tender scalp and relish the sounds of your pain.
No one can hear you from our spot in the woods and it thrills me to see you urinate all over your self as I inflict more pain.
Your a pissy little bitch now aren’t you?
When your all nailed down and I use the pulley to hoist you up right I tingle at the look in your eyes as I loft the whip in the air.
It’s going to be along and lovely night for me, not so much for you.
You messed with the wrong evil bitch sister!

My Bitch now

Evil phone sexSo my best friend Brandi wants to be a bad girl. She follows me around like a fucking puppy. She tries stealing my look. My attitude. My dark ways. So Im gonna give her a taste of me. LOL I dressed her up in my favorite fuck me pumps. Slick Red paten leather 5 inch pumps. A pair of matching little leather thong panties. I found my favorite nipple clamps with the red dangle hearts and slipped them right on nipples. I of course had to make her cute nipples hard. I did her hair and let her use some of my toys. Then when she was looking fine. I brought in a little sissy fag for her to play with. He begged to beaten. To be treated like a little whore. And Brandi was a NATURAL! I knew she would be! My sissy still paid full price of course! I will let her train on some of my sissy’s. And then she can get her own. But of course my training will cost her. She will give me 50% of everything she earns! That’s right. She’s my whore now. I own this Bitch! She will pay me till I don’t want her fucking ass anymore!  And when she is in deeper… thats when i will really teach her. I will make her kill. Thats where the money is. Blood and gore…lol She should have been more careful in what she asked for. LOL

Rough & Ready

Listen, you can save all that flowers and romance shit for some other girl, that’s just not my style. When I want a good hard fucking, don’t give me all that  sweet talk and promises of a future together with a white picket fence.  I could  give a fuck about all that.  

What I do give a fuck about is all the filthiest and most twisted fantasies you have ever had because I want to make them a reality. If you want to get a taste of my sweet pussy you’ll have to bring your A game and just be ready for the fucking your cock has always imagined.

Fuckalicious NatashaAt times, I enjoy being subservient to a strong worthy dominant man, now I dominate you and enjoy you being my little fuck toy. Binding your hands together and bending you over my bed, I put on my favorite 10 inch strap on and ram it so hard and deep up your ass. Whipping your ass with my riding crop as I’m fucking you faster, Mmm and you’re just begging for me to fuck you harder, aren’t you, you fucking dirty slut.

Grabbing you by the hair on the back of your head, I pull you harder as I grind my big thick strap on so far up your ass hole. I know you love it, and I’m going to stretch out that puckered little hole so much you’ll be shitting yourself for days. In fact, that gives me an idea.

I pull you by your hair and have you lie down on the floor. It’s time to show me just how much you obey me and trust your Mistress. As I climb over your and straddle my ass over your face you know exactly what to do. I slowly lower my tight little ass hole over your mouth and you begin to tongue fuck it like a good little whore. Now you’re going to open wide like the nasty fuck you are and take all of the dirty long shit I take into your mouth. Such an obedient fuck slut you are, now as you lick up and clean my ass hole of every bit of my shit I continue to fuck your already gaping ass hole and maybe if you continue pleasing me, I just may let you cum. What do think, can handle it pet?


Torture Phone Sex To Thank The Spirits

hot phonesex karma3As I laid in the centenary naked and accepting of the spirits and their touch. I felt the penetration of an evil entity. He entered me with force and showed me no mercy. I loved the pain and agony it inflicted on my cunt showing it’s superiority. It let me know that I was receiving what I asked for and that all the conjuring and sacrifice had been accepted and received. I was instructed to sacrifice a female every month for the nine months until my gift arrived. If I comply he will arrive healthy and serve us both well. So tonight I sacrifice the first of the nine. She is so scared and crying like a little bitch. Tied to her pole staked into the ground waiting for what she knows is to come. I have told her what will happen to her tonight and how she is helping the seed growing in me. She is feeding it with her blood and life. She begged and pleaded but it won’t work. This bitch is going to die. Before I begin I will rape her and take great pleasure in her flesh. Then I will make it slow and painful to appease the spirit that gifted me. She will cry and scream in agony as he delights in her torture and ultimately comes to take her to his fiery hell to serve him.My cunt has been wet and happy all day while I prepare everything and get ready to enjoy the pain I will bring. No one will hear her for we are deep in the forest. Night is falling and the time is drawing near.

Master Piece

knife play phone sexSometimes I need to blow off steam. Sometimes I do it just for fun. The hunt, the thrill of the catch. The Omnipotent grace that washes over me.  Covers me as their blood covers me.  It is perfection. An art of sculpting with my blade and painting their blood on a clean pure canvas that makes me realize just how perfect life can be. The feel of the cold metal placed in my hands as the warm blood pouring over my instrument. Washes over me as I create my ballad of pleasure and pain. The smell of fear and life fills my senses.  As I  bask in the glory of life as it slips thru my  fingers one cut at a time. The sweet anguish of its cry’s as I empty the vessel of it life force.  And when I am  done I get to look at my  finished master piece and know that I created the single most important even it its life. And no one will ever forget what I have done.  The art I have created with my hands and my knife.


Taboo phone sexI went out Friday with a new boy. He was cute enough and smart. I do like a smart boy. But he kept checking out every other girl in the room. And he took me to his favorite burger place and all the girls knew him. Then his ex girlfriend came over and he let that bitch sit with us.. ON MY FUCKING DATE. I could tell pretty fucking fast he was using me to make her jealous… Who the FUCK does he think he is messing with???? I told him I wanting to talk to him in the truck. That bitch just started to smile… like she fucking knew what was coming. When we got out to the truck I pushed him against his door and dropped to my knees and gave her something to watch. I sucked his cock right there. Then when he was so close to nutting. I pulling off and told him to fuck me. I knew everyone was watching but I still let him dip his dick into me. I put on a really good show.. And right when he told me he was ready to cum. Lol.. I pulled off and turned around and kicked him right in the nuts as hard as I could. He was on the ground crying! I looked down at the piece of shit and let him know. His dick wasn’t good enough to cum in me. I could hear everyone laughing. I turned around a blew a nice big kiss to his ex… lol just letting that bitch know I could have him if I wanted him.. but I don’t!

Let’s Feed Off One Another

Aria red head1It’s been several days and I’ve had this constant ache between my legs and a taste for blood. I begin to finger my tight smooth cunt and feel how hot and wet I am.

I need a cock I can ride hard and deep, who is deserving and unafraid to push it to the limits. I need someone like me, who craves something more, perhaps another little treat…so fresh and unspoiled. 

These young delicious offerings are untouched and new; well, not for long while in our company, right baby? Once secured, I anticipate in forcing them to partake in my very own beverage I’ve put together just for their enjoyment, hmm our enjoyment I should say… 

A waste of space such as these little fucks wouldn’t dare disobey a simple request to savor such a delicious concoction now would they? That would be highly rude and disrespectful as a guest of ours and under no circumstances will be tolerated, the severity of their actions is great and will be dealt with forcefully and swiftly…

Ah, well you see the choice is theirs, the experience can be a positive, unique and memorable one or it can be something out of their worst nightmare, their most darkest and deepest fears realized.

Either way, we plan on making the most of this young fresh morsel I have secured for our pleasure and let’s admit it… that’s all we give a shit about anyway.

We’re the perfect team, you and I. My sweet, soothing voice lures them out of their senses feeling safe until finally they realize what a foolish choice they’ve made in trusting me.  With your years of experience and intuition and my powers of persuasion and all consuming knowledge of the sexual mind we are an unstoppable, unquenchable and unbelievably erotic pairing, let our adventure begin.

Dog Drop Soup


.My mom told me that I was twisted and that I deserve to be in a fucking mental institute tonight! Evil Laugh… She asked me to make dinner tonight while her and my step dad went out to take care of a few things. Did the stupid bitch really think that I was going to make something that she wanted me to make?

She told me to make some Chinese Egg Drop Soup. I decided to make my own kind of egg drop soup. Dog drop soup! My mom freaked out when she got home. I have been telling her for the last week to stop yelling at me and having me take care of her stupid fucking mutt! I hate stupid animals! They are worthless in this world and should all be tortured and used for pleasure or food. Sometime I simply just like drinking their warm blood….Evil Grin…

She said she is calling the police on me for killing the stupid little worthless mutt, she may want to watch out what she says or does or we could end up having Mommy Drop Soup Next! Evil Laugh…

BeFunky_BeFunky_Dog Soup .jpg

First Cookout Of The Summer!

hot phonesex angie2The weather was perfect last week end for my first cook out. And I out did myself. I set up my fire pit with it’s rotisserie stick and got the fire nice and hot. The little bitch was screaming and crying the whole time I was working which only served to make my pussy dripping wet with anticipation. She wouldn’t be screaming for fucking long. Soon the others will arrive and help me prepare our feast of roast bitch.
I walked over to our dinner and took out my shaving cream and razor and began to shave that fucking cunt  clean. All her hair would be removed except what was on her head. The only two things we eat off the fucking head are the eyes and the tongue any way.
Just in the nick of time the guest began to arrive so we could lay the little bitch out. It was time to skewer her ass for dinner. We could do it the merciful way and start threw the mouth but we are not merciful and that would be no fun at all.
With the bitches ankles tied together and her hands tied behind her back we laid her flat on the ground belly down. I spread those ass cheeks wide and watched him shove the skewer straight up her ass. Of course we have to hold the cunt still as we want the skewer to go in straight so it exits threw her mouth.
The agonizing screams make us all laugh with delight.
Ever so slowly we push the skewer up that ass, threw the abdomen and out the mouth. Then it is time to place her over the fire and begin basking her in herbs and seasoning.
This bitch must be grade A meat because she smells delicious! My fucking mouth is watering as much as my cunt is as we take turns slowly turning the skewer to insure even cooking. As we drink and laugh.
The sides are all ready and in a few hours we will enjoy our meal. After dinner we will satisfy our craving for wicked sex. We will laugh and joke about our little cunt and how good she tasted while we fuck each other in the most wicked and taboo ways you could ever fucking imagine! There is nothing like the first cook out of the summer. It is always a great party and a day full of fun for all!picnic1