Category: Torture phone sex

Titty Torture Phone Sex with Ivy

torture phone sex

I don’t discriminate. Male, female, black or white… all of my victims I choose has something to offer. Whether it be titties or testicles, I love to torture them all. This one in particular had huge beautiful breast. She was a neighbor of an old friend. He sits on his porch and watches as she sways around her house. I guess she didn’t mind a wandering eye. She leaves her blinds open and her robe too so he can see those gorgeous tits. But night after night he’s left with a hard dick and blue balls… and you know how much I love sweet revenge right? Sounds like a perfect night for a home invasion. As my friend sat on his porch like every night I prepared myself for my takeover. I hid in the shadows as she swayed her hips and let her robe come loose. She closed her eyes and started rubbing on herself…that’s when I went in for the kill. I quickly grabbed her arms and put my knife around her neck and dared her to scream. I grabbed her big tits and fondled her in the window so my friend could see. I knew he was hard as hell and this little teasing bitch did it. I pointed to him and invited him over. As he made his way over, I tied her to the table face down with her titties hanging off the other end. We tortured her so good. Tied a rope around both tits and watched as they turned black and blue. He stuck his cock right up her shitter, fucked her raw as I put clamps on her pussy and clit. I took a flogger and whipped her ass and titties over and over again until he dumped his load inside her. I mean it was long over due. Maybe next time she won’t be such a teasing whore.


I’m Going to Fuck You Up!

Snuff Phone Sex Ivy

If you even dare to scream, I’ll only cause you much more pain. Don’t bother crying either, matter of fact, cry… cry hard… it’s funny how you were such a big man an hour ago when you tried to fuck me… now I’m going to fuck you!  Get on your knees and beg me not to release the blood from your body and let it flow all over the floor.  It better not touch my stilettos either. Bloody stilettos make me angry, and you don’t want to see me angry. People bleed when I’m livid. Body parts turn black and blue when people make me mad. Keep that in mind. So how do you like to be tortured? I’m sure what ever your poison, I can accommodate. Unless you like to be poisoned, oh the irony right? Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you.  Defile you until you are begging me to stop. I’ll have you scratching at the door like a pathetic little puppy… don’t run from me now… you want to fuck don’t you? Well, tonight is your lucky night. There will be a lot of fucking going on around here. But whose holes are up for the taking? 

Dinner Will Be Served

angie2Right now she is in a room next to mine. The windows are bricked up. There is a bathroom but any and all possible exit or attempt to call for help has been sealed and secured. I don’t want her in the basement, not this one, she is our holiday feast. I want her comfortable and as relaxed as she can be. i have been feeding her well. Good wholesome healthy foods.

I have had her for a week and watched her put on the pounds thanks to the food and limited exercise. I have made sure she has music and television and books that she enjoys. Other then being captive and not knowing why, her stay has been and will continue to be pleasant  I want her meat fresh and tasty for my guests. Her blood is going to be used to make the sauce for the cranberries, the cherry pie and the blood pudding. Her organs are going to be so tender and make the best giblet gravy ever. I really don’t think there will be much left of her. I am going to cook her slow and low all night long and the food she has been getting has all the herbal flavors I love so not only will the marinade make her flavorful but her meat is going to taste of the herbs. I can’t wait for dinner to be served this year!

Poor Mommy REDRUM

torture phonesex karmaAs long as I could remember he beat her ass. Every night, not just once in a while. He beat her bloody with in an inch of her life. I remember being young and the sound of her screams ringing in my ears as I covered my head with the sheets trying to drown it out.
I don’t know when it happened but there came a time when I had to see it with my own eyes. I would sneak down the steps and hide and watch as each blow of his fist caused the blood to squirt in long streams like a water gun squirting water across the room.
At first I couldn’t watch, then i could if I peeked through my fingers but as time went on the scene before me became mesmerizing.
  When I started going threw puberty and watched a feeling started deep in between my legs that I couldn’t ignore. I would watch and stick my hands down my pants trying to make the yearning go away that watching her get beat caused.
One day he heard me. I was so scared , I just knew I was going to be beat too and up till now he never laid a hand on me. I tried to creep into the shadows so he wouldn’t see me but it was to late.
He saw me there, eyes wide with a mix of fear, apprehension and excitement and my hand in my panties.
With the same hands he was beating her with, all covered in blood, he gently picked me up and laid me on the couch. He told me to continue what I was doing and that she needed to be beaten a little more.
I could see him watching me out of the corner of his eye rubbing my cunt harder every time he hit her.
he turned to me and asked if I really wanted to know the pleasure i was trying to find watching her get beat and feeling the build up in between my legs.
I shook my head yes and that is when he showed me the satisfaction that one only gets from causing pain and releasing pleasure.
it wasn’t long after that he did her in and brought us new woman often, he would beat them and fuck me.

Snuffing Another One…

snuff phone sex (2)

In today’s world, these bitches don’t care about what happens to them. I mean look how they dress. They think they’re grown, wearing heavy makeup, short skirts, teasing shirts so everyone can see their precious little bodies. I call them sexy walking victims. Especially the one I saw today. Walking from cheerleader practice it seemed. She looked tired… no real energy so I offered her a ride. Of course she took it… who wouldn’t?

The real offer I gave her was life or death… obviously this sexy slut didn’t care too much about life.

I brought her back to my place where my eager friend was waiting. He helped me get her into the basement and that’s when all the fun happened.

We ripped off her clothes…. exposed the little whore for what she really was, which was nothing more than a scared little virgin…my favorite.

That pussy looked so sweet, I had to taste the little cunt and while I was devoured her, he had some fun with the back of her throat. I went from her pussy to her nipples. I started licking and biting them as he got ready to stick his cock in her virgin hole. She didn’t need these nipples anymore… she will be useless after we finish so I cut them off with my knife. He plunges into her tight cunt and I wrap my hands around her neck.

My friend wanted more and so did I…. He flipped her over and ripped open her ass. Blood all over his dick…that shit turned me on!

I waited for this all day, to slice her throat as he came in her ass.

It was a good day… don’t you think?

Bloody Fuck

angieThe need for blood was overwhelming today. I found her . I kidnapped her and brought her back to the house. I chained her in the cold dank basement and covered her in tasty morsels to attract the rats. I left her there to be nibbled on so she was nice and bloody for me and my man when we decided to go get her. He came over and we took our time with dinner and drinks before going down stairs and turning on the hose full blast for the maximum amount of pain to get the rats off her. The water was cold to make sure she was awake.
We Took her up stairs and I took out my dildo that he made for me with small scalpel blades embedded in it  and I fucked her pussy bloody. I licked it and savored the taste of her sacrifice.
 He shoved a blade in her ass and then proceeded to fuck her bloody gaping hole, making her lick all the blood and shit from his cock when he was done. Our wounds coupled with the bites from the rats and the bitch was one bleeding little whore.
Of course we didn’t want to risk infection and we needed to clean her up.
We weren’t done we wanted some for later. So we got the bottle of Clorox and dowsed her in it, fucking to her screams.
Back to the basement you go until we are ready for more, my sweet.angieII

Fuck The Piglet

Torture Phone Sex

Why hello there little cuntling.  Nice of you to wake the fuck up finally.  You would think someone who spews bullshit smack words from their mouth to My boyfriend’s pretty young offspring would be able to handle a little dose of GHB in your chocolate milk, but I suppose I was giving you too much credit.  You see, she came to Me, and believe Me, I am the LAST person someone her age would come to for comfort.  She told Me all about the shit you have been saying, how you have even laid hands on her.  Oh muffin, don’t you know that’s a big ole fucking no no?

Actually, it doesn’t matter if you knew that, because you are about to learn what a huge no no it is. You see I don’t give a good god damn if you are the age you are as you have crossed a line with Me.  I do this not for her so much as for My boyfriend, because he has a huge cock and knows how to use it.  I can’t have him walking around worried about his little one because it takes away My fuck time with him. That, My stupid one, I will not tolerate.

This is what is going to happen, we are going to play a game called: Fuck The Piglet.  I can see by the tears on your thick eyelashes that you are scared.  I have to tell you, I’m glad you are, you should be.  This is not going to be something that you can put a snoopy band aid on and make it all better.  I am going to tear your tight whore hole up.  I am going to use anything, and everything that I can lay my hands on.  I will fuck you until you pass out, then fuck you more when you wake up.  You bullied the wrong person, so you need to learn, it’s very simple.  You get a good hurtful, painful, traumatic fucking, and I can get back to having My boyfriend’s cock slipping in and out of Me.  Oh, and also, his little one will never have to hear your words again, because after you learn your lesson, you will cease to exist.  Let’s begin.


There Is No Refusal

torture phonesex karmaThis little bitch thought she was going to tell me no. she thought she actually had a choice in things. I have to admit she was strong willed, she fought me all night tooth and nail. I beat her with in an inch of her life and she still defied me. Spitting ion my face, telling me I would never break her. I did every thing I could think of to make her submit, to bow down to me and give in. Finally I gave up. But only for the night. I has an idea a damned good one to. When the sun came up I left her there tied to the tree in the full rays of the heat with nothing to drink and nothing to eat while I went into town. I came back with a dog shock collar. This bitch may have won the battle last night but I was about to win the war. I placed it around her neck and the fun began. The intensity of the shocks increased and soon her resilience waned and by noon I won. She did just as I asked before I killed her stupid ass for all the trouble she gave me. I am keeping the collar and will use it again, for my pleasure.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

snuff phone sex

Would you mind someone like me, sexy and deviant, to have your life in the palm of my hands? Could you imagine me making the decision on if you live or die? To me it will be a sweet death. This is how it would go…

I would bring you into my home, and take you to the basement. Once inside I would make you strip. Take off all your clothes while I admire your body. You are just so damn sexy…. well endowed too. I would then lay you on the cold metal table where I tie your hands above your head and legs wide apart. It’s my decision… so you can’t get away with whatever choice I make. I run my long painted nails against your skin causing chills. Making my way down to your cock I touch it, tease it, even taste it. I want to see it grow one last time. How perfect it is. When it’s nice and swollen I get a razor and start to make some beautiful artwork on your abs. Slicing and carving my mark. Taking that blood and smearing it all over my naked body. I climb up on the table and slowly slide your cock into my sweet spot. As you see my body ride yours, I look into your eyes. I switch from my razor to a scalpel and slice a clean line from one ear to the next ear. Oh what a beautiful death. I ride your dick like a thief after he struck gold. Watch as the life leaves your body, as the blood drains, as you fill me up with your last seed. 

I Feel Like Busting A Nut!!!!!-Dont You?

  I am salivating over the thought of destroying your nuts!!!  Since the last time that I was with you, I have been fantasizing about new, creative, and exciting ways to DESTROY THOSE FUCKING NUTS!!!! There are so many sick, twisted, and pleasurable ways that I can ruin those fuckers!!!  Your nut sack is worthless!!! You know it-that is why you come and see me. You don’t need that pathetic sack of fucking balls!! I want to slice and dice those nuts.    I will soak your nuts in bleach and use them as a sponge to clean my toilet after I take a shit! You want to bust a nut right? Well, so do I-motherfucker!! I want to bust your nuts…only, I will do it in such a way that will destroy them while you are releasing your sperm! Imagine this:  your balls are emptying during ecstasy-you cum hard-emptying those nuts while I stab them with my grandmother’s knitting needles! Blood squirts everywhere-you scream your fucking head off-the pain is unbearable-but so is the pleasure-you fucking bitch!! Oh yes, I will torture those nuts to make you cum, while you cum, and after you cum! Nasty mother fucker!!! Bring your nuts to me and I will use power tools on them-burn them-then cut them!  I want to remove those nuts-but before I do, I will do everything humanly possible to mutulate those fuckers!!! I hate nuts!! I love destroying them!!! It turns me on-makes my pussy wet!!! Do you have a fat ball sack? Mmmmmmm-I love those-more to destroy!!! In the end, you and I will gnaw on and eat your fucking nuts!!!…..snowballing those mother fuckers!!! YUMMY !!! HARDCORE!!!