Category: Torture phone sex

Medieval Torture Sex: Weapons of Destruction

torture sexTorture sex is my favorite. I know it is hard to believe, but I am a glutton for punishment. A total pain slut. I’m attracted to cruel dominant men. I’m not talking spankings or even floggings or cannings. I want to experience serious pain; come inches to dying; need medical assistance. I can’t have an orgasm without pain. I have my own collection of weapons that Masters sometimes have to be encouraged to use on me because they are deadly.

I recently procured a medieval spiked mace and sword. Nice addition to my collection. It is very menacing, very deadly if used correctly. The problem is that I can’t use it on myself. I knew just the man who would. I called Master Louis. He came right over. The thought of hurting me had his dick rock hard. He is a twisted mother fucker who loves destroying the looks of hot bitches. When I showed him my new toy, I mean weapon, he practically salivated .

snuff pornWe went to my basement. He laid down plastic and strung me up. With glee in his eyes, he began to spin the mace balls. One shot to the stomach and it was an instant blood fest. The spikes ripped my flesh. He hit me several more times with it. I could feel the blood pouring out of me. I was turned on by the pain. The plastic beneath me was covered in my blood. Looked like a snuff porn had been filmed. Aroused by the blood. I wanted him to hit me in the face with it, but he was too much of a wuss. I taunted him, called him a coward and finally, one of the spiked balls hit me in the jaw. That was the last thing I remember before waking up in the ER.

I’m healing up nicely. But it is only a matter of time before someone else tortures me. Maybe it will be you?

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies in my Own House

My parents left me home alone to “watch” the workers that are remodeling the kitchen. I decided to just stay in my room and ignore them til they left. I didn’t like the way the one kept leering at me and my ass every time I went near the kitchen. I was laying in bed and I heard someone coming down the hall towards my room. I knew my folks weren’t home yet, so I sat up in bed and tried to jump down to get to my door and lock it but it was too late. It swung open and it was that man – the dirty one with the dark eyes.

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He came straight for me and before I could even scream he had his hand over my mouth telling me to shut the fuck up. All the banging and saw noises coming from the kitchen meant no one would hear me anyway, so I obeyed him and he let go of my mouth. He shoved me back on the bed and said he was going to play out all his rape phone sex fantasies on my tight little body. I begged him not to touch me, but he was so strong. He stunk and was sweating all over me as he grabbed me and spread my legs below him.

His fat fingers were inside my pussy and I tried to close my eyes and pretend I was somewhere else but it wasn’t working. I could hear him unzip his pants and felt his hard cock start ramming my cunt. I couldn’t help but moan and scream as he plowed it inside my tight little pussy. He pounded me without mercy and my cunt was on fire from the fast strokes. He grabbed me by the throat and the room started spinning as he tightened his grip right before he came. I lost consciousness just as his hot cum poured deep inside my pussy, and he left me laying right there on my bed for anyone to find.

Screamer Sex

You spent all day getting my body ready. I got to come upstairs and shower and put makeup on. You had a tight black leather outfit for me to wear and that told me you were in the mood for some brutally violent abuse tonight. I put my makeup on slowly and did my hair perfectly, knowing the whole time that it would all be destroyed before the sun comes up tomorrow. I put on the heels laying on the floor, and still half naked, made my way back to the basement where you were waiting for me.

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You have control of me now, and you know I won’t try to run. My heart still races like a wild animal every time I see you. My brain screams at me to run, and I know the pain that awaits me. But you make me feel special, and that means everything to a pathetic slut like me. I get on my knees on the dirty floor, and you grab me by my hair. You pull so hard that my eyes water, but I dare not scream yet. I have to control my fear so that you torture me all night long. I want to stay alert and if I lose to much blood too soon then I will go out early. My screams make you slice deeper, so I have learned to control them for you.

You yank my head back and use your other hand to grab a small knife to slit the corners of my mouth. Blood drips down my chin as you slide your cock inside. I can taste your hard cock and my coppery blood and I try to suck but the slices in my mouth make it impossible. You fuck my face so hard that I feel like your cock is going to come through the back of my throat. Such cruelty, and I am so lucky to have you to do these things to me. I stare up at you but you won’t even look at me. I am not worthy, not even with all my makeup. You bring the blade down to my breasts and continue my mutilation until you get me screaming…

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Reality

Murder Phone Sex Fanatsies      Murder phone sex Fantasies can be so real! The calls I have like this not only send chills down my spine but take care of that sadistic need of torture that possesses me!
      It was all I could do to keep from gagging on the stuffed panties that were pushed into my mouth! The tape was mashed against my mouth making it impossible to breathe. 50,000 volts from the stun gum placed at my neck knocked me unconscious. You couldn’t control yourself as you picked me up and dragged me to a nearby table. I thought this was some cruel joke but I knew it wasn’t. I tried pulling at the ropes to release myself but it was no use. My blouse is ripped open and I see the cruel looking devices you are taking out of your bag. Ripping the tape off of my mouth you pull out the sogging panties. I told you I could use my tongue really well and now you want a sample. My moans are like rasping sounds in my throat. You said you would have great pleasure in me choking and place the plastic bag around my head..
     I feel your hardness through the plastic as you ram your cock deep down my throat. The bag puffs up and bounces around as I thrash around on the floor. My legs try to kick free from the bonds but I cant. You don’t try to thrust further inside of my mouth. You simply rely on the milking of my squeezing throat muscles and vibrations of me choking. My tongue begins to swell almost painful against your rigid cock. Suddenly the bag sucks up tight against my face my body rises and I began to violently spasm beneath you. I am still twitching as you shoot the last load of cum down my throat!
torture phone sex

Snuff Porn Barbie Doll Fantasy

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I would have to say that I have always been a really big brat. From the day that I was born I wanted nothing but to hurt those who needed hurting. One time my mommy thought I needed a spanking because I knocked her bottle of jack onto the floor. I decided she did not need those beautiful blonde locks of her and cut them off while she was sleeping. She did not really mess much with me after that. She did however try to turn me into the nasty ass pretty princess like she always wanted.
No fucking way I was having that. The bitch kept buying me all kinds of Barbies thinking that would do the trick. I would show her! I set up all of those little dumb ass dolls so that she would find them. Made my very own Barbie snuff porn scenes! Mommy did not like that. She asked her fuck face of a husband to give me a good lashing. I laughed as he took the belt to the back of my thighs. I have no idea what he was trying to accomplish but it was only making things worse, for him anyways.

taboo phone sex That night I had everything planned out accordingly. I was going to teach those two. I was going to show them just how much Barbie meant to me. I waited till everyone was sound asleep. I could not hardly contain my excitement. I pulled a ski mask on and let my friends Max and Henry in. Those two were a lot older than I was at the time. I was there leader in most instances, but we were the perfect accomplice team. We headed into their rooms. Max gabbed mommy and held her arms behind her back and big Henry got on top of dad and held him down at the wrists.
I grabbed one of the coveted Barbies and began to taunt my mom with it. She started crying, asking us to stop. We had ski masks on so she could not see our faces. She knew it was me though. I popped the head off of the doll and shoved it into her mouth, placing duct tape over her dirty slut lips. I was such a fucking little bad ass. I continued to sodomize and torture my parents with the Barbies, Both of them, till my dolls were coated in the blood of their dirty little ass juices. We knocked them out and when they woke up we were all gone and I was asleep in my bed. My mother could do nothing but cry at the sight of me for the next month. It would be years before they stood up to me again. I would be more than ready to take them on myself!

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Torture phone sex with my master

torture phone sex

 My master can be so cruel sometimes. I know I deserve every bit of pain he gives me. Today when I woke up I felt a big strike over my head. I woke up and found myself out in the hot heat tied to a chair. I was so thirsty, my body and head ached with pain. My arms were strapped so tightly behind me I could not even feel them anymore. It was so hot that I couldn’t even catch my breath as my nakedness stuck to the chair. He wanted to make me suffer in every way possible. My head was ringing from the impact that had previously happened to my head. My legs were completely spread open and my pussy was fully exposed, along with my nipples. He cut a hole in the bottom of the chair where my ass hole was fully exposed if he knocked me over. Oops I spoke to soon. I went face first into the dirt. It hurt so bad, my ass hole was up in the air being stretched out by as many objects as my master could find. He pissed all over me while I was still in the dirt. I am nothing but a nasty little whore, he was wanting to claim his territory. He dragged me up and sat my chair back up. I was covered in dirt and a little bloody. He was going to have his wild way with me and we were just getting started by the look in his eyes. I love him, and just want to please him.


taboo phone sex

Clit Removal

How cruel can you be? I know I promised you that I would be your one and only and I promised you that I wouldn’t see other men. But this as punishment? You can’t keep me here and expect me not to suffer. I am a dirty little slut that needs to be fucked day in and day out. I don’t understand why you want to keep me all to yourself. Is it because you are afraid I will tell people the dark and nasty things you do to me. The crazy things you say?

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I would never betray you, as you are my master, but I need freedom to get fucked by men who only want my tight young pussy. You get everything else – my soul and guts and blood. But I still have needs. You’ve told me you are going to fix that. I don’t understand what you mean, but I see the sharp surgeon’s scalpel by the bed. You come in the room and tell me that without my clit I will no longer have desire for other cocks.

I can’t believe what I am hearing and I beg you to stop. I am bound and gagged and unable to escape as you pin me down and sterilize your blade. You spread my legs and prepare to slice off the source of all my physical desires. My clitoris sears like fire as you cut it off in one swift motion. I see it fall to the floor and I cannot even scream. I watch in horror as you take your foot and stomp on it like an old cigarette butt. Then all at once, just like you said, I feel nothing.

Taboo Phone Sex Means Anything Goes

taboo phone sex bondageWhen you are a taboo phone sex slut, that means you have to be ready for anything. Friday night I was at the club getting freaky with some cute guys. Saturday morning, I was chained to a garage door getting whipped and flogged by the same men I was blowing. Either I drank way too much and passed out, or they drugged me. Both has happened before. “Little whores who fuck beer bottles for strangers in clubs, need punished,” said the one guy whipping the crap out of me. I was covered in red welts. The Cat o Nine tails was leaving a mark. I love to do nasty things to get a guy’s attention, but often it results in painful attention. After they punished me with various BDSM tools, they punished me with their cocks. Ass rape porn stars had it easier than what these guys were doing to my back door. Cocks, fists, multiple dicks all got crammed in my butthole. I even got sodomized by the cat o nine tails. They made me look like a pony with that thing hanging out my ass. I would like to say that something like this won’t happen again, but that would be a lie. I love the unexpected.

Torture Phone Sex for a True Killer Fantasy

torture phone sex

    Torture phone sex for a true killer fantasy  begins with me!    I am a sick twisted bitch! I just got off the phone with someone who wanted to release me after they had finished torturing me. I am looking for the guy who won’t let me go! I want him to hunt me  like prey just like these gang members did! I want him to rip that brat from my rotten flesh and choke the shit out of me with the little nappy head’s chord of life! I seek to have him  cut a living organism out of me! Maybe eating the flesh will serve him good as well!

  Once  he hears my voice the rules for release go out the window! I want him to be a cold calculated killer that will  beat the shit out of me and just be what he is; a  cold killer that lusts for my blood! I guess there is a true art to being a cold calculated killer!  A killer that will crush my bones and eat my flesh! I think I get a kick out of being hurt or watching someone hurting me and it looks just like you are the person to do it!

    I am not one for the squeamish the amount of torture I want to endure must equal his dark nature. If you don’t enjoy the idea of torture, blaspheme and fantasy rape then I know I am not the girl for you! But, if your soul thirst for blood and you can get as twisted with your desire as I can, then let’s talk!

Make sure the knife is not dull, and the duct tape you plan to use on me is strong! I don’t want to be able to get away! Make sure the ax is sharpened  and when you deliver that blow to my neck, it severs my head completely off. You can take my head and position it on your cock and shoot your load in there. The colder my body the more you will cum! If it’s sick and dark let’s do it together because, whore’s like me don’t deserve  to live!

My Fur Baby is hungry!

Taboo phone sex

The young ones are easy to eat. Their bodies are easy to get rid of and its even easy to trick the young ones and get them into my car and house. I can get em with the promise of candy or by telling them my fur baby is stuck I need their help. They are suckers for animals. I have a big boy who loves their young flesh and insides. I enjoy having them for dinner. Their meat is soft and tender. It has great flavor. But I also enjoy the fun that happens before our meal. My fur baby’s name is Buddha. He is a big mean fur baby, about 150 pounds of muscle and anger that is focused on a young cunt. He hates to hear the ankle biters screams. It sets him off and makes him angry.

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That is where I have my fun. I like to take my razor blade and cut her young skin all over! Listening to her scream is part of the fun for me. Then I’ll piss, pour lemon juice or bleach all over her body. As she screams I let Buddha’s chain lose and he grabs her right on the belly. Riping her to shreds as she screams louder and louder. Buddha is such a good boy! He will get a yummy peanut butter treat and mommy will get the best lick of her life.