Category: Torture phone sex

Torture phone sex chalk outline

torture phone sex

He has come back to finish the job. I thought I could escape him, but I started craving his attention. I felt like he was always around but I just could not see him. I ran away from him, and then I soon came to realize that I needed his validation so much. I craved his attention from his knife and his hands grabbing my neck tightly. I missed the blood dripping from my wounds from my bad behavior. I crave to get his acknowledgment and his criticizing remarks. I want so badly to be his victim and for him to humiliate me. I was out late begging for him to get me in his grasp again. He finally found me and he had a very bitter attitude. I had made him so very upset.

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He tied me up and mutilated my body, he took pictures and videos. He was going to humiliate me and turn it over for everyone to see. He was going to take my life and let my blood drain out. He said that once I am dead, everyone will remember me as the pathetic cum whore. He made me choke on my blood as he bashed my face in. He laid my body on the ground for all to see. He drew a chalk outline around my body to help the cops out. He could have drawn just my body, but no, he was out for humiliation and revenge.

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He gave me a flappy cock and a fat body. He whispered in my ear that he felt bad for the cops- that not even they would want to touch my dead carcass and where I lied because I was so disgusting. He made every bum on the street pass by me to piss and squirt their jizz load on my naked body. I will at least always be remembered, right?


All Barbies Must Die!!!

murder phone sex fantasiesAs a goth teen, I hate everything. But most of all, I hate fucking Barbie dolls. You know, those idiot bimbo blondes who use stupidity to get a man. I’d love to kill them all.
Barbie is such a nasty cunt rolemodel for little girls. She uses her big ass and big tits to fuck men over. She has no skills. Men just bust their ass to cater to little Miss Barbie Doll. Meanwhile, I gotta work my ass off just to survive. If I could, I would eradicate Barbie from the face of the earth. I’d use one of my rich boyfriends to help me do the job. Lure the little cunt to his place to see his new car, yacht, or plane and then slit her fucking throat.
Of course, we’d have our way with her first. You could fuck her in every hole. Oh, fucking boo-hoo. Might smear her lipstick or get a hair out of place. I’d love to see you ram your cock down her throat while I stick a foot long pipe up her cunt, fill it with gasoline, and light her up. Then she’d have a really hot box!!! Or maybe stick some electrodes on those big fake titties and turn the voltage up until her implants burst. Love it!!! You really think she has feelings? Her orgasms are all fake, but I wonder how loud she can scream when you’ve got your condom covered with razor blades in her ass, and she’s bleeding out on the floor. Now, that makes my cunt wet.
Oh, I can think of some pretty horrendous ways to murder all of the Barbies of the world. Fuck ’em and kill ’em. Please don’t let them breed. The only good Barbie is a dead one, lying on the pavement like a broken doll, with a chalk mark outlining her worthless carcass and cum leaking out of her plastic hole.
Wanna be my Barbie-slaughtering accomplice? Let’s get together and plot to remove Barbie from the human species. It’ll be my pleasure to watch her die, slowly and painfully. I have 100 ways to do it. No one will ever know.


Fantasy phone sex

fantasy phone sex

I am not feeling well, so I thought it might be a good idea to go into the ER and get some care. As soon as I got there, I was given a room. I was so tired, all I remember was someone in scrubs giving me some medicine. I woke up to find myself in what I am guessing to be the ground floor under the hospital. I saw an elevator and it was very dark. I looked at my hands and feet and noticed I was tied up. I was still wearing a hospital gown, that was open, exposing all of my skin. I start shaking, I don’t know if it is because I am scared or that I am cold.

I feel like my veins have ice  them. Out of the shadows walks a man, he brings over a table full of tools. I don’t know what to expect, I just know if I thought I wasn’t feeling good before- I sure as hell wouldn’t feel better now. He plugged in a bone saw, without saying a word to me. I wonder if anyone is going to hear my screams or if I will just drown in my own blood. He looks at me and says he is going to be my doctor and this is only going to hurt for a little. My teeth clench together as I scream at the top of my lungs. He shoves it right into my belly.

He knows where all my vital organs are- he reassures me. I guess I deserve this, for being a little bitch to begin with.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Taylor

You’re such a perverted old man. I saw you watching me for weeks as I walked down to the store to get some food. I should have known you were a dangerous man just by the way your dark eyes never stopped staring. I could feel them on me even when I wasn’t looking at you. Today when I went out, you weren’t in your usual place. I felt relieved to not have your eyes on me, but then to my surprise you were inside the store. You came up beside me and stuck a knife to chest and told me to be quiet and follow you.

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You led me back to the back room of the store but there were no employees back there. It seemed odd but I was too terrified to think about that. You made me take of my pantyhose and tied them around my mouth so I couldn’t scream. You kept the knife close to my throat and began acting out all your rape phone sex fantasies on me. You ripped my skirt up around my waist and tore my shirt completely off. You began groping my entire body and I felt so naked and violated and afraid.

You grabbed my little nipple and squeezed and pinched and twisted so hard it made my eyes water. You spun me around to face the dirty wall and I felt you taking your cock out of your pants. You got up behind me and all I could smell were cigarettes. You rammed your cock up between my legs into my throbbing pussy. You were long and hard and I yelped a little even through the gag. You fucked my pussy then my asshole and then shot your cum all over my bare back. You told me to get on the floor and stay there until you were gone. I did as I was told, but now I have to walk home again and I wonder if you will be back for more.

Snuff Porn Shot In A Hospital Makes For Lots Of Bloody Rooms!

Snuff porn

I have always been a chat of Dr. Victor Fries’ work. I know that he really gets into his creations, turning humans into monsters, and being a wicked brain surgeon, of course he is completely mad! So when I approached him that I wanted to make a snuff porn film for all of my admires and my own amusement in his back woods busted down mental hospital I expected him to tell me no right away. When he said yes I was both honored and excited. I gathered by camera and selected a couple of nice pretty girlies for my portion of the movie. 

I started filming in his room. It smelled heavily of iron. That was the layers of dried caked on blood that immediately flooded your senses when you entered into the abandoned mental hospital. In a rusty wheel chair sat the Doctor’s latest victim. His skull was already partially removed. The poor babbling idiot would not quit crying as the Doctor preformed brain surgery to get rid of his desire for being a weak women server. Dr. Fries did not believe in that, and only tolerated me for my talent. Once he decided the project was to be scrapped I left the camera on a tripod to watch the mans demise. I could hear his screams echo throughout the halls void of life, but full of their remains. 

bloody phone sex

I could hear my two crying from their gags. I grabbed them each from the broom closet I had them stuffed in. Their blonde hair gripped nicely between my fingers. I chuckled as they fought, thinking they were going to be getting away. Once we were in their room I strapped both down to their urine soaked gurneys. I was going to give these little bitches the makeover of their dreams. I filmed myself making a big bloody phone sex mess as I cut the scalpel into their skin. Their shrieks were like music to my sadistic ears. I even gave the fillers, of course it was concrete and not collagen, but same thing right! 

Blode dripped down their faces and over their beautiful hair. Once they were done I styled them very nicely I must say! I even persuaded them to help me make a promo ad for my movie. They said I was the best Doctor ever. What dumb sluts, they actually thought I would let them go. They screamed as I showed them their reflections. Bad little skanks, it is not nice to be so unappreciative! That was all it took too! I slammed the mirror right against ones face. Taking a large shard of glass I slit their dumb throats. How dare they insult me. Dr. Fries took all of the bodies downstairs where we watched them burn in the crematorium. Bye Bye barbie bitches. 

taboo phone sex


Souls Cry out within the Bloody Room

snuff phone sexAlone in the bloody room with closed eyes.
Afraid to look ahead,
Afraid to look behind.
I fear that death has come for me.
My end is near.
No one hears my pleas.
So I lie here waiting, my breath abating.
My heart still beating.
Splattered in red,
that comes from me.
Evil is here.
It won’t let me be.
The knife twists deeper
and still I bleed.
And into my cunt,
he pumps his seed.
I pray to heaven
that I die tonight.
That my end is quick
and the light is bright.
Cause alone in the dark is no place to die.
Left here to rot
until my bones are dry.
Evil is near.
Her name is Natasha.
If she catches you,
the devil has gotcha.
Run for your life,
girls and boys.
Cause you are nothing to her
But pretty fuck-toys.

Taboo phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

I could not fight him off, he just took me. Middle of the day and people around. They just kept walking like they did not hear me screaming. Maybe they thought he was my pimp coming after me for money. He got me to him home and threw me down the stairs. I know my ankle is broken the bone is sticking out of my skin. He walked down laughing his evil laugh. He ripped my panties off  and stuck his cock inside of me. I was screaming trying to fight him off. “You like this don’t you! Your pussy is wet, you are a dirty whore.

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You love it! Tell me you fucking love it!” He came inside of me as I screamed. He chained me up to a wooden pole in his basement. I am not the first one he has taken. I am not the last. I sit here on the cold floor, screaming for help. I am bleeding and watching the door at the top of the stairs. What is he going to do next? Is he going to end my life? Tell me what you would do to a druggy whore locked in your basement.

Violent phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Harper Makes A Snuff Porn Japanese Fans Will Be Dying To See

Sometimes I have to admit I am even impressed with what a taboo phone sex slut like me can come up with. When I was asked by one of my many fans to make a snuff porn Japanese fan’s like him could appreciate I was totally up to that challenge. I decided that with him funds and my brains this would be a well funded adventure that I could take fun advantage of. I sat down with him and sketched out a plan, then it was onto the happy hunting of my little Jap skanks. They were easy to catch too, slow, quiet voices and every last one light as can be. 

Taboo Phone Sex

I got 4 teen sluts to participate in our little venture. They were all crying and begging to go home their mommies. The two of us could not help but laugh. “We are going to play a little game my slant eye princess'” I started to announce to them. “Me and my friend Akio are going to go hunting, and you see, you are our prey.” The girls all started to whimper and back themselves into the corner of the room. They were jumpy as they bumped into each other. “Of course we will be fair, we are going to turn around and count over the loud speaker to 100, there are weapons on the table in the basement,” Akio went on to speak before I interrupted him “Now run little Jappy’s RUN!”

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The girls screamed, one of them went to take the lead shoving to of the others onto the ground. Once the girls cleared the room Akio started the count down by hitting a button on his computer system. The two of us started laughing. We could see the girls running around like mad trying to get away. We knew they would look for a way out first, to escape, not knowing we were stuck on Akio’s father’s island. That guy was as sick as he was. After the count we went down to track down the girlies. Too easy there were three of four little sluts all trying to get off the island. 

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Akio scared them shooting towards the ground. One of the little sluts tried to shoot at us, missed every single shot. Akio did nothing but laugh and release his entire clip into them. He killed two of them right away. The third was injured but still mustered to tell Akio he was a pathetic loser and would burn in Hell. Akio kicked into her, making her squeal. I liked that squeal. High pitched and yippy he went over to the one last live one. He yanked up her little blue skirt and shoved his cock into her tight virgin cunt. He licked the blood that was on the side of her face then put the mega phone to her mouth so the last girl could listen to this one scream for mercy as she was force fucked right in he Jap V-Hole!

Murder phone sex Fantasies

The last one was harder to catch. We came up on her and she was wearing a yellow track suit, just waiting for us. Akio went at her slashing the side of his face open with a sharp blade. She wiped her wound onto her finger and licked it off giving him a menacing look. I bit the edge of my lower lip. This one was hot, she was feisty and I liked that. Her and Akio went at it and the little slant eye slut wound up on top. She took her knife and sure enough, she stabbed Akio over and over again right in his dick! Good little girlie. Before she got to me I smirked at her, it was like we connected and I told her she won the game. Maybe a future companion? I hope to have fun with her in the future! 

Worth Every Penny

You’re finally here and I am finally ready for you to get what you paid for. I watched you buy me from that scummy guy in the basement of that shithole. Now I am in your mansion and you gave me pretty things to wear and allowed me to shower and smell sweet for you. I lucked out – you are handsome and have a certain dark charm about you. I know I will not live through the night, but if I am going to be snuffed then I am glad it will be by a man like you.

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You enjoy toying with my body and using small blades and needles to cause pain and bright red blood to drain from my nipples. You lick it off and then kiss me so that I can taste the sweetness that pumps through my veins. The pain is what I crave and you are delighted that you finally bought a girl who enjoys it. You keep telling me that I am going to die, and I just smile and say nothing. You appreciate me showing no fear.

You fuck my body slow and hard as you continue to slice my torso and arms. You do everything with exact movements and the designs of cuts look gorgeous on my tiny body. You lean down to cover yourself in my blood and it looks so gorgeous on your strong chest. I reach up and touch it with my bloody hands, leaving my prints dragging down your stomach. As you cum deep inside my tight pussy, I know the time has come for me to say goodbye. You place the blade next to my right ear and pull it to my left. I feel myself getting cold and the vision of your piercing eyes begins to fade. I hope I was worth every penny.

Babysitter phone sex

Babysitter phone sexI am suppose to watch my younger step sister tonight. It is a weekend so I know she is going to be annoying wanting to stay up. I don’t really know her too well, I actually didn’t know my mother had another daughter. Her father I have met a few times, but my mother and him decided to try and rekindle things recently. They warned me not to open the door for anyone. I thought that was strange because I am old enough to asses if  I would open the door or not. They are being dumb obviously. So anyways it is getting later and later and this brat is still up. The door bell rings and she goes to look at the door. She tells me it is her brother. I think nothing of it and go ahead and open it.

After all, I will never object to meeting my other “family”. He comes in and I immediately get a strange vibe. My step sister is very quiet, he tells her he misses her and asks her if is it time for her to go to bed? He immediately grabs me and ties me up. I start screaming and he quickly puts something in my mouth and tapes it closed. I look up at my step sister and she is just watching. He caresses her body, and I squirm trying to break free. He grabs me and takes me to the garage. He then introduces himself and begins making every inch of my body full of pain. I guess this is what my mothers boyfriend was  warning me about. I wonder if they will be home soon. He tells me how pretty I am and begins examining all of my holes while his sister watches.