Category: Torture phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex with a Crossbow

taboo phone sexI needed some extra cash, so I went against my nature and took a temp job in an office. I am not the kind of girl who plays well with others. I run with scissors aimed at people. I don’t fit the look, and I certainly don’t play the part of a secretary. Very hard for me to fake like I enjoy people. But, it was a week gig for some pretty good money, so I thought I could suck it up. Wrong. People’s voices got on my nerves. The constant stupid ass banter about Facebook and Twitter and whose marriage was in trouble and who was eating where. Who the fuck cares? People take a shit and they post in on their social media pages so people will know when they took a dump and how much it weighed. People need a life. The water cooler losers needed snuffed or tortured, especially the men.

castration phone sex The male office asshats were sexually harassing the Goth temp. That shit needed more than a seminar in respecting women to nip in the bud so to speak. I’m a take matters into my own hands kind of bitch anyway. I Macgyvered a little crossbow with pens, pencils, rubber bands and clips. Mixed a little drug compound that would make my targets loopy, practiced my aim from under a desk, then shot up some testicles like a hunter. I’m an evil genius. The pen would not stay lodged in their worthless nut sack. It would be like a small prick sensation (appropriate). They’d adjust the balls, go to the parking garage or the men’s bathroom where I would follow them with my big ass knife. Men with small pricks who harass women don’t deserve their balls. There are lots of reasons to castrate men, but the truth for me is that it is fucking fun as hell. Really gets me wet.

Suddenly this temp job was looking up. Any time I can castrate a man, I’m in heaven. I love removing junk.  I’d lurk at my desk like Wednesday Addams, shooting the balls of the male employees with my make shift crossbow, torture phone sex castration bitchthen stalk them to where they went next for some junk removal. When I remove the balls of a worthless piece of shit, it commands respect; it commands fear. They look me right in the eyes as I slice off their testicles, take a soldering pen to the spot to stop the bleeding and laugh. They cry, whimper, apologize, beg, but never rat me out. Too embarrassing to admit that the creepy ass temp chick took their balls because they fondled her inappropriately. I will take your junk too if you look at me funny. But they are on best behavior in the office afterwards because they know I will take their dick next. I have a collection of balls in a mason jar in my desk to remind me that no one messes with Venus, unless Venus wants to be messed.

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So, I axed the bitch!!!

snuff sexIt was sweet revenge for me. She stole my BF in high school and I swore I would get her back. She had just moved back to town with her gorgeous husband, hot teen daughter, and sweet little boy. She drove a fancy convertible and I fucking hated her.
I talked to my snuff accomplice, Mr. D, and he agreed that she needed to pay. Plus, she was a tasty little bit and he wanted to fuck the shit out of her while she died, along with her pretty brats. When he tasted blood, he could fuck for hours. I just wanted to taste blood and karma. Plus, everyone would blame her cheating dog spouse for the murders.
We broke in that night into the teen daughter’s room. Her virgin pussy tasted so good. Mr. D gouged bloody chunks out of her tiny pussy while I carved her a new windpipe. She gurgled as she choked on her dying breath. I came twice watching her get fucked. Next was the little guy. Mr. D doesn’t discriminate when it comes to tight butthole. The little fucker was a squealer, as he got that huge cock shoved from his asshole up into his throat. Dr. D gave him a big load right into his bloody shitter. I stabbed him several times but the little bastard got loose, bleeding in the hallway, all the way to Mommy’s room.
I saved the best for last. Swinging my ax, I followed the blood trail to the bitch’s room. She was holding her dead son, covered in blood. I saw the fear and it fueled my rage. I stood over her and reached down, pinching a firm nipple. “Remember me?” I purred. My ax came down right on her head and I smashed her skull to bits. Mr. D watches me, smiling, as I leave her brains in a puddle. He flips her body over and shoves his cock into her dead pussy. I masturbate furiously as he fucks her headless corpse. And just as he’s ready to cum, he pulls it out and spews it all over my bloody face. I lick my lips. Mmmmm, sweet pussy and sweeter revenge.

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It was Me or Her

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I stumbled and fell, but was ripped back up by my nipples. “Get the fuck up slut.” A guy from my Dad’s crew ordered me. He twisted my nipples hard then attached nipple clamps to each one. My nipples were rock hard and throbbing. “Mmm you like that don’t you, you fucking pain slut” he spit in my face as he attached a chain to my nipple clamps, dragging me along. I stumbled some more but he continued to tug me along by my nipples. We reached a place in the middle of the woods; a mattress was there on the ground, as was more guys than I could count. I recognized almost all of them, all were either my Dad’s workers or friends. They were going to torture me again. Fuck me raw until my holes were wide open, dripping with cum… blood and cum dried onto my face. He threw me onto the mattress face first, taking a fist to my ass already causing me to scream. As I opened my mouth another cock was there already fucking my face. I coughed and gag and moaned as my ass and mouth were violated. I am such a fucking slut. I deserve this, I love this. I feel my cunt sopping wet, and I am ashamed. Being their whore, their cum dumpster, their pain loving slut makes me so turned on. Suddenly my face is being brought up and I see another girl has arrived to the party. But I know she won’t make it out, I am the only one who lives to remember what happens at night with Daddy’s friends. They push her to the ground and begin to fulfill all their rape fantasies, and drag me over to fulfill their snuff phone sex fantasies too. She is laying there, sobbing, bloody and covered in piss and cum. They hand me an ax and tell me it’s me or her, and of course I obey them… I am a good submissive slut – I bid her goodbye with one good hack to the neck.

I die, They cheer…

Bloody phone sex

So I was lost in this big foreign city while I was hitchhiking across europe. I couldn’t read any of the signs cause it was all in another language. My friends had all split, leaving me on my own in the dark. I was heading down a street when this guy came up to me. He asked me if I was lost and I nodded. Just my luck that he knew english. He told me he was taking me some place I could rest and then he’d help take me back to my friends in the morning. It wasn’t safe in the dark, there were creatures out. Crazy old world crap. LOL Like there are monsters and such.

The place he took me was some kind of theater and we went in the back where I got to meet many of his friends. Lovely folks in costumes as they were putting on a show this evening. They said I could watch. So setting my stuff down, I moved to the side stage behind the curtains to watch. It was a little silly as they were all pretending they were playing vampires or something like that. Then I felt someone grab my wrist and they pulled me out onto the stage.

The lights were blinding for a moment as my clothes were ripped from my body. They were saying something about a sacrifice and a feeding. A group of them surrounded my body. I cried out for help from the crowd, but they laughed as they thought I was part of the show. Then I felt teeth. Looking to my wrist, there was the guy that had pulled me off the street, he had sunk his teeth into my wrist and was drinking it. Then someone else bit into my skin and I cried out. More teeth, more pain as they drank from me till I started getting cold and shaking. These vampire freaks were draining me dry… to the sound of people laughing and clapping..

The Woods are Bleeding….

snuff phone sexShe fucking knew better. Seriously, a petite little thing like her can’t keep bumming rides and expect to live. I spotted her on the road and called my pervert friend. I could hear him slapping his cock in glee as I described her firm, young body. I knew his demons and what he planned, so of course, I agreed to stop by and help him out.
Driving home a bit later, she was gone and I knew he had her. It was his game, picking up tender teens and taking them to hell. His own private hell back in the woods. He’d use them, fucking every hole on their body before poking a few of his own, and fucking them, too. He loved to peel the skin away from their faces, just leaving a bloody gash to shove his cock into. He’d cut off their tits for dinner, and cut them from asshole to pisshole. The more they screamed, the harder his cock got. He was fueled by torture and pain, which made me his immediate friend. You know I’m hardcore with the pain and blood fetish.

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I pulled up behind him, deep in the woods. I could hear her screams already. He was laughing. Poor little cunt thought she’d run, not knowing that these woods were booby-trapped. A spiked tree had caught her mid-section, ripping her tits open, and she was bleeding profusely. He had her on the ground, jabbing his fingers into her open wound as he viciously pumped her ass. I stood and watched, fingers in my panties, rubbing my swollen clit. Just as he was ready to cum, I grabbed his hand and slipped one of his bloody fingers into my mouth. And then I slit her throat. …..
He left her lying there on the ground where the critters would gnaw her carcass. Her bones would join the dust of our other victims. We got back in the car and drove away, already looking for our next victim.

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Compete to the Death

strangulation phone sexHe slept, lying there on that couch like a baby. He was evil. Pure evil. He had kidnapped me and another girl two days ago. His sexual needs were insane. He could fuck for hours and he had grown tired of that. His new game was mental. Once he had abused all of our holes and had cum more times than humanly possible, he grew bored. He began to make us do things to each other. I had already poked holes in her with a fork, making blood rivelets on her flesh. She had fucked me with multiple objects. I was torn up inside, my asshole ripped from puckered rim to pussy. I had bitten chunks out of tits and eaten them. I knew how to be a victim but I was fighting for my life. I would do anything.
I knew she couldn’t handle it. She was just too good. Not evil and drugged, like me. That night, our capturer said only one of us was allowed to wake up alive. If we were both alive, he was killing us both. She screamed and said “I’m telling. You’ll never get away with this.”  He left a knife, an axe, poison, and a rope for us to decide who got to live.
That night, she hanged herself. or did she?…….

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Redneck Rest stop from Hell

rape phone sex fantasiesI was traveling through Mississippi on a dark evening when I had to pee. I usually wait until I get gas because roadside rests creep me out. But, my bladder was screaming so I had no choice.
The lights were out. I eased out of my car and looked around. Grabbing my cell phone to use as a flashlight, I crept across the lawn. I ran into the Ladies Room, slammed the door shut, and locked it. That’s where I screwed up. I heard sounds from within the room. A voice whispered. “I’m coming to get you, girl.”
I flew to the door and ran for my life. A pick-up barreled across the grass, heading for me. I crashed through the shubbery, but was met by more men. One grabbed me and kissed me with foul breath. He threw me to the other one, who ripped off my clothes. I landed face down on the hard ground. “Well, lookee here. Sweet young pussy.” the older one unfastened his jeans as the others crowded around. Taking turns, they had their way with me, taking me 2 at a time. My pussy was an overflowing dumpster, my asshole was a gaping bloody cesspool of white trash cum.

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He hit me hard across the face. “Suck my cock, you whore.” I tried to babble something but choked on the blood, as my mouth was violated. I felt my legs being stretched out as another one got behind my knees. “Scream for me, slut.” he roared as he rammed a huge fuckstick up my young ass. I screamed until I collapsed. And still they violated me.
I awoke later, bruised and bloody, my hair stiff with jizz. I pulled myself to my car. I could feel blood on my tits where they cut me and my skull was cracked.  Just as I started the engine, 2 more pick-ups pulled up and blocked me in. Sweet darkness took me in and I passed out.


My Rest Stop Nightmare

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I was so excited! Daddy told me this past weekend we were going on a trip, we were going to stay in a hotel and go out to eat and he even told me he was going to take me shopping. He promised he wouldn’t be mean to me either, I couldn’t wait. He said the only condition was I had to dress nice and slutty for him, so I of course put on my shortest mini skirt, ready to start our mini vacation! He didn’t tell me where we were going, so I just fell asleep for the ride. I woke up as we were nearing a rest stop, I asked Daddy why we were stopping because I didn’t need to pee and he told me I better try anyways. I know better to argue with my Daddy so I did as I was told. I went in and there was a beautiful woman in there as I went into one of the stalls, she left. I was just washing my hands when all of a sudden there was a knife to my throat and a hand over my mouth. I realized it was the woman I had seen before, and she whispered in my ear “Surprise whore, you’ve been set up.” Before I could make a move there were all these men surrounding me, grabbing at me kicking and slapping me. There were too many of them to fight off and the woman was just sitting there watching them violently beat me and tell me what a little fucking whore I am. I don’t know what happened but I was suddenly being dragged by my hair all the way across the bathroom, the woman was ripping my head up yelling at me telling me she was going to make me be the submissive little whore I am just as she shoved my whole face in the toilet water. At this point I tried to scream and struggle, flailing around as they flushed the toilet over and over again. I couldn’t breathe, I was choking on the toilet water unable to fight them off no matter how much I struggled. I felt myself fading away… slipping into sleep forever, when all of a sudden my face was ripped out of the toilet and I could breathe again. I was choking, trying to catch my breath as I looked up and made eye contact with my Daddy, he had his cock in his hand, it was rock hard just like the other cocks next to him… there was more than I could count. I couldn’t believe Daddy had done this to me, and I didn’t have time to think. The woman was positioning my head and telling me to open my fucking mouth to take all the these cocks and when I was to speak to her,  I better fucking call her Mistress Shadow or she’ll let me drown next time. I obeyed and opened my mouth to being the object of all of their rape fantasy phone sex dreams…


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I was going to go back to school to get an education so I could get a good job but it seems like everything keeps stopping me in my tracks. When I went down to the campus to enroll and meet with the councilor, things went way different then I expected. As he got up behind me to get something off of his fax machine he injected me with something in my neck. I woke up tied to a rolling chair dressed in a school girl outfit. I actually like this outfit. As I wait alone, I look around and observe my surroundings. My hands are tied so tied behind my back, the material is cutting into my skin and there is some blood leaking out of my wrist. In enters the room three men. They are all completely naked and look like they are ready to play with me and my body. They are being rough as they pull my hair and head back and choke me. I gag and gasp for air to the point where I vomit. One of them shoves their vomit covered cock in my throat and skull fucks me. He explodes his cum load deep into my stomach. Before I can swallow his remaining cum in my mouth, the other guy shoves his cock straight into my pussy with a knife against my pubis. With each thrust inside of me he pokes slits in my cunt pouch. The third man can not wait to get in, I can tell his attention towards me is going to be the roughest. For now he keeps stroking his cock and staring at me. Blood keeps dripping down my thighs all the way down to my toes. This definitely delays my education, or does this mean I am enrolled?


She learned not to cross me

killer phone sexYou would think she would have known not to cross me – but she just assumed since I was somewhat friends with her I would let her get away with ripping me off… oh how she was wrong! Bitch I’m not your fucking friend! You underestimated me, I have NO friends, and when I lent you money I expected it back paid in full in the time period you said you would be paying me. And here it’s been two fucking weeks?! You’re right, I was too fucking easy on you and that’s why you’re really going to pay for it. There is nothing I fucking hate more than being deceived. I’ll snatch up your fat unsuspecting ass in no time. I’ll humiliate and torture you for days and soon you will be begging to eat out of the palm of my hand. You’ll lick up dog food on the fucking floor like it’s the yummiest shit you’ve ever tasted. You will worship me and whomever I bring this time to fuck you raw. You are absolutely nothing… and you’ll know that no matter what you do, no matter how much you beg and plead and cry…you will NEVER see the light of day again. No bitch crosses me and gets away with it. I will fuck your little brains till you beg on your knees for more. And then I’ll make you beg for the pain. The pain from the brand you have all over you, my little whore now no longer a friend to me in any way you are mine forever…. Until I snuff the life right out of you the very day I get bored with you. If I were you, I would have never borrowed money from me – but then again, I probably would have done this anyway to your dumb fucking ass.