Daddy told me it’s human rights day and I don’t know anything about that though. I know I have no rights in this world. I know I am nothing but a pathetic slut that needs to be used as I should. Abused, beaten, fucked raw. I know Daddy likes his little pet, me. I am not one for words a stupid slut like me is only good for beating and fucking as you very well know. I belong on my hands and knees ready to take cock in all my holes, all of Daddy’s friends are going to make me cry and beg for it tonight. I don’t really wish I had basic human rights, I like making Daddy happy and giving him complete control to make me his little victim is what makes me and Daddy most happy and of course most turned on. I would be nothing but a pain slut anyway, begging to be choked cut and hit, begging to feel the darkness. Begging to choke on cock till I passed out. I know that’s all I am, and that’s why I won’t be celebrating human rights day this year. What’s the point? I’m nothing but a teen skank that needs to be recycled over and over until I guess I am of no use anymore and snuffed out for good.
Category: Torture phone sex
Today I Die
Today is the day I die. I know it is because you’ve had it marked on your calendar that hangs on the wall of this shithole dungeon for a year. I’ve watched as you’ve crossed off each day with your red marker and reminded me over and over that I will die today. While you’ve tortured me I always begged to know how but you would never tell me. You want it to be a surprise. I lay awake on the cold floor all the time trying to imagine how you will snuff me and what it will be like.
I hear your boots coming down the stairs and you’re carrying a toolbox full of tools – looks like clippers and a hammer and several knives but I can’t see everything. You’re laughing like a maniac and telling me today is the day – you’re going to snuff me and then I belong to you forever. You bend down and breathe your stank breath right in my face and ask if I know what you’re going to do with my dead worthless corpse. I mumble, “No, Master…” and you laugh again. You tell me you’re going to fuck my dead cunt until its cold. This sends chills through me but somehow makes my pussy throb at the thought.
You spend all day torturing me beyond anything you’ve ever done before and the pain and the blood are flowing so hard that I faint several times. I keep thinking it’s the end but you keep bringing me back to this hell. Then an alarm goes off on your watch. I know what it means – its time. You take a large pair of snippers out of your toolbox and shove them in my belly button. The blood pours out. You begin snipping my abdomen open up towards my face and then back towards my pussy. I see my intestines being pulled out as you slide your cock up through my cunt, and that’s the last earthly thing I remember. As I closed my eyes for the last time I had one regret – that I wouldn’t be able to watch you fuck my cold, dead pussy.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with a Blonde Whore
Rape phone sex fantasies are pretty common calls for me. I use to think most men had such fantasies, but in reality, most men have real experience force fucking bitches. Some complete strangers, but often someone they know. As a woman you can never guess the “type” of man into force fucking a bitch. A few weeks ago, I took a temporary job for some extra cash as a receptionist. Answer phones and look pretty. Pretty simple work. The guy I worked for looked pretty straight laced. Not the kind of man into the BDSM scene. Looks are deceiving. This older man in a designer suit with a Harvard MBA who looked liked he had only fucked to procreate, had a mean nasty side to him. I now understand that many rich boys think they own everyone, especially trailer park whores like me. I messed up a message and saw his nasty side.
He pulled me to the ground with his fingers hooked in my mouth like I was a fish he caught. He shoved me in front of his dick. He made me unzip his pants and blow him. He skull fucked me. Ravaged the back of my throat until I was choking so bad I puked. He shot a load of cum all over my face, smearing my makeup. I looked like a strung out whore. He slapped my face a few times, then grabbed my blonde hair and ordered me to pull up my skirt. He ripped off my panties and fisted my cunt. It was more savage than his cock. He had a huge hand with lots of fancy rings. He fucked my cunt with his fist as I tried not to cry or scream. When my cunt was swollen and red, he tied up my clit. Cut the circulation off. He was clearly into torture sex. My only mistake was not giving him a message promptly. I was informed if I removed my clit restraint on my own, I may very well be a dead receptionist. He reminded me that I was pond scum and replaceable.
I finished off the day feeling like my clit would fall off at any moment. It was one of the most uncomfortable days of my life, and I loved every miserable, painful moment.
You really should be more careful!
Man, parents should really be more careful these days. Letting their little brats run around unsupervised, not noticing when they are coming up missing for hours on end… they should really think about the consequences. Someone like me could find their little one all alone, some nice looking woman like myself… and it would be so fucking easy to get that little brat to come home with me. Too fucking easy, just like the one I have now. There is so much fucked up shit I am going to do to this little whore, she’s never going to see the light of day again. I think they make horror movies out of this kind of stuff, but this is the kind of thing that turns me on more than you know. I know it makes your cock hard thinking about all the massive cocks she was given, all those little holes ripped wide apart and raw. Turned into the perfect little fuck toy, if her parents won’t be responsible for her – I sure will. Make her my sex slave, my pathetic little pet. Until, of course she annoys me or bores me, but for now…she’s been a very obedient thing!
Killer phone sex is what really turns me on!
I looked down and smiled, all I could see was red. I finally felt happy and at peace, all the anger gone, a bliss feeling it was. Her eyes were open, staring and unblinking, her pussy was sill dripping cum, her body was lifeless as it gets and saturated in blood. My pussy was starting to get wet all over again thinking about it, killer phone sex is what really gets me nice and turned on, the only thing that makes my pussy soaking fucking wet. It all started with a little thing I like to call boredom, I knew it was time to go out and find my next victim. I live in a town with a very big school, a party town that has stupid whores crawling around it all times of day and night, all I needed to do was find that one extremely drunk slut, and get her to my car and she was mine. It’s not hard, I’ve done it too many times to count, I wanted one that was especially deserving to be cut and bled out. As soon as she got in my car, she passed out, too trusting… She woke up soon after though, tied up and helpless as I was cutting her slowly on her exposed tits. I’ve never seen someone sober up so quickly! She was screaming, begging, crying the whole works but I just kept cutting her all over, feeling my pussy get wetter and wetter. I was feeling extra mean, my friends were there to fuck her, and they did. Filled her up with cum and made her choke on their bloody cocks. While I helped, of course. Mmm… that’s what you get for being a stupid trusting whore.
Tis the Season for Snuff Porn: What is Your Holiday Death Wish?
Tis the season for snuff porn and good deeds. The holidays bring out my charitable side. I see the need for blood increases over the holidays, so every Christmas season, I make a sizable donation to my local blood bank. In fact, I am their number one contributor. I don’t actually give my blood because I am iron deficient, however, I always find a variety of folks willing to part with their blood to help someone in need. On Black Friday, I started my holiday blood drive. First to make a sizable donation for me was this twit Ariel who ,was how we say, a complete and total idiot. She was so stupid it was a wonder she remembered to breathe. Young pretty coed. Perky tits and ass. Every man’s cream dream. My antithesis. Everything going for her expect for brains. She answered an ad in the Backpages I had looking for pretty healthy coeds for a private blood drive. She was willing to show up at a stranger’s house who wanted to take her blood for $50. She clearly had a holiday death wish.
I walked her into the basement; she asked where the blood drive machine was, then she saw my rather large knife collection and a shit ton of empty gallon water jugs. Blonde bimbo paused for awhile. I could see the hamster spinning the wheel in her head. Her stupidity was mind numbing. I grabbed a knife and slit her throat. Grabbed a jug to capture the blood; I let her bleed out. I gave her a bunch of slices to the torso and extremities to sped up the bloodletting. Shoved some tree ornaments up her worthless snatch for shits and giggles. She contributed several gallons of blood for my blood drive, which I promptly put on ice so it would not go bad.
Since I am a charitable bitch, I didn’t want to let her lifeless cold body go to waste. I called up some male friends of mine with certain predilections and offered up her dead body. I felt like I did lots of good work that day. Obtained a sizable “to die for” donation of blood and spread a little holiday cheer with some necrophilia. How I love this time of year. What is your holiday death wish? I’m feeling very charitable still.
Dead whores keep better secrets about snuff fantasy porn
It was my worst beating yet, right out of a snuff fantasy porn movie. You punched me hard in the tits, knocking the wind out of me. “Tell me you’re a dumb cunt.” you ordered. “Nothing but a druggie slut.” I slurred the words and that seemed to piss you off more. You loved beating me and nothing I did was ever right. I don’t know why I stayed with you except for the good drugs that you fed me to pimp me out. “Show me your pussy.” I pulled up my skirt to reveal my nasty, bumpy razor-burnt snatch. Blood oozed from around my clitty where I had been fucked raw. A trickle of cum flowed down my thigh, stale and musky. “Look at you, you filthy slut. At least go douche yourself out before your next client.” Your hand shot out, busting my lip. “Please, sir, I apologize.” I lisped between broken lips. “I just need a little candy to get me right.” You shook your head, pulling out the needle. I felt heaven flow into my veins and my pussy got hot. I was ready to fuck again. I knew your dirty little secret too. You only liked to sniff my ripe pussy at the end of my shift when it was still full of fuck sauce. A couple of lines and a whiff of cum and you were jerking furiously, degrading me, pulling my hair. I opened my mouth to catch your load. Deep down I knew you were a cum-slurping fairy faggot, but if I dared speak that truth, I knew I would be dead. Maybe I would be better that way. Then you could rent out my cold dead pussy to all of the freaks who loved necrophilia phone sex and you could have cold leftovers for dinner. As this thought went through my mind, I felt your fist slam into my head and I was out cold.
‘Tis the Season to be Dead
Deck the halls with decaying bodies. Tis the season to be naughty. Fa la fucking la. Christmas and its evil, greedy consumers make me sick. Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, who gives a fuck?
I’m having this evil fantasy about playing Santa. Santa with a scalpel. Crawling down chimneys and slitting the throats of the sleeping. Can you imagine the look of fear when all the little rugrats open their eyes in the night expecting Santa but getting Satan? I’d gut them like deer in their beds, leaving them for their parents to find on Christmas morning. Or maybe even better, how about them waking up on Christmas Day to find the house decorated with boughs of intestines, scrotum in the tree, a liver in their stockings, and a heart in a pretty Christmas box. Yes, I am a sick and demented bitch and I feed on pain and weakness. Wouldn’t you like to come play Christmas with me and help me spread some Christmas FEAR? Stabbing and torturing my victim with sharpened candy canes sounds like soooo much fun. It makes my pussy throb with delight. Not even the Grinch knows how to destroy Christmas better than me.
Ass Rape Porn for Thanksgiving
Ass rape porn is what I got for Thanksgiving. My boys felt like stuffing their mommy full of boy gravy. I had just served the pumpkin pie when my oldest son pushed me down on the table. Slammed my face in a big bowel of mashed potatoes. I could barely breathe. My other boys stripped my clothes off as my oldest son kept me pinned me down. They started shoving turkey legs up my pussy. They sodomized me with kitchen utensils. They even held a knife to my tits threatening to slice and dice them if I resisted. They dumped food all over me. I was informed that since I was a fat whore, I was going to be treated like one. They force fed me food until I puked it up. Then, like a pig I had to lick the regurgitated food off the floor. Once they were done humiliating me they started force fucking my ass which was gaping open from the spatula and gravy spoon.
As they fucked my ass, sometimes two at a time, they continued to force feed me food until I puked. When they were done, they pissed on me to give me something to wash the food down with. I was a hot mess. Food was on the walls and floors, all over my body. Mashed potatoes and gravy matted in my hair. I had stuffing in my cunt. I felt so degraded. I smelled like a toilet. I started to get up to clean the mess in the dining room and myself, when my sons ordered me to push out the stuffing on a plate. I grunted like giving birth and pushed out a glob of stuffing. My next order was to shit out the cum they deposited in my ass on the gravy. I knew were this was going. But before I could eat the boy gravy stuffing, they shoved the plate in my face, once again reminding me that I am nothing but a fuck pig.
Taboo Phone Sex
“I will own you, you will submit to me and all I say…do you understand me” Willow spoke with a very demanding voice. I wasn’t going to say no. I knew I was nothing but a wimpy victim. Daddy taught me that and now he was going to have her teach it to me too. I should have known better than to try to lie to him, even when he’s drunk he can tell. I’m just pathetic. I deserve to be beaten and used. It’s all I am good for anyway, and she’s making me admit it. My face down and ass up is how she wants me, I obey and spread my pussy lips ready to submit to the many men I know she probably has waiting for me but she surprises me when she brings out a strap on. “I’m going to prepare your pussy for my friends… chances are I’ll be even rougher than they are.” She told me this as she came closer and closer. I was bent over and ready to take it like the stupid slut I am. She yanked me up by my hair and smacked my face and told me a good whore begs for cock and as soon as I open my mouth again she hit me. I knew this was going to be a long night as her and her friend’s victim, but what else am I worth anyway?