Category: Torture phone sex

Road Rage

castration phone sexHe never should’ve cut me off in traffic. Nothing pisses me off more. I passed him, slammed on the brakes and felt him hit me from behind. I screamed in anger, not getting out of my car. This bastard was gonna pay. I took the tire tool from my back seat and when he came storming up to my window, I knocked him in the head and drug him inside.
He moaned as he awoke. His head had a large gash and his face was covered in blood. He was cussing, calling me foul names. I laughed as I plotted what to do with him. “You evil cunt. Untie me.” he screamed. “I’m gonna sue you for everything.”
Sorry but I don’t deal with threats, dude. I punched him in the mouth and laughed as he bled. Men like him shouldn’t be allowed to breed. Hmmm, interesting thought. I haven’t castrated anyone lately. I think I’d enjoy this one.
I cinched down on the ropes around his wrists and ankles. I knew he was going to fight hard when I brought out the knife. I needed shackles. I attached a chain to his cock and balls and clamped an iron device to them. Given a little time, his cock and balls would began to swell. Iron doesn’t give and the blood trapped within would began to expand, blowing his junk up to massive size. This would make things way more fun. The giant swollen blood filled fun bags would explode upon impact. Good thing I was wearing steel tipped cowboy boots. The thought of driving one into him made my pussy wet.
I wanted him to beg first as I explained his punishment and the reason he should be neutered. He squealed like a pig, begging for his nuts and his life.
With one forceful kick, I played football with his nutsac, taking out all of my aggression. They exploded with the first kick, spraying blood all over my face. Licking my lips, I aimed again. His giant engorged penis shattered like a bomb went off, pieces flying all over. I picked up a loose testicle, looked at him, and popped it in my mouth. He screamed again as I popped it like a grape.
I’d let this one live, drugging him and taking him back to his vehicle. He’d look like a crazed druggie and a serial killer when the cops finally stopped to check on him. They’d probably haul him off to the crazy-house when he blabbered about how I kidnapped him and ate his nuts!!! Things happen in the big city. I just happen to be one of those things.

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Ass Rape Porn Starlet

ass rape pornI love ass rape porn. Just call me little anal Annie. This guy I am seeing loves to fuck my ass. Only problem is he is not really all that big so I don’t feel him as much as other guys before him. I have taken everything but the kitchen sink up my back door. I tried to tell him nicely that my ass needed more. He thought I was slamming his cock size. He is a nice thick 8 inches, but that doesn’t compare to a baseball bat up your ass. He decided to call up some of his friends to teach me some manners. He is a nerdy white guy with a big wallet; I wasn’t too scared. That was until about a dozen big black men were at my door. They pushed me inside my apartment; they started punching me in the face. One guy spit on me and another throttled my throat. Cocks came out of jeans. Pretty menacing dicks by their size. Now we had a party. My lover’s nigger posse worked out some aggression on my ass. Often they shoved a couple anacondas up my ass at once, leaving it gaping wide open. I got fisted. One guy even put his foot up my ass. I was screaming in pain, crying for forgiveness and squirting everywhere. This pain whore loves a good anal gangbang porn.

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Snuff Phone Call Gets Me Wet

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Your calls get me so fucking wet. I don’t know why I like it when you torture me but I can’t get enough of it. I didn’t want to hang up. I even came multiple times during our call. You warned me you liked to get violent, and you knew I wanted it badly. You knew that I would submit to you, my body, willingly. Your voice was stern has you told me all the things you would do to me. You talked about burning my tits over a slow roaster, having them get nice and brown just like a Thanksgiving Day roast. Then you started sawing off my limbs, one by one, making me beg you. You made me tell you how much I wanted it. I did want it. I wanted to be your limbless whore. I wanted to do anything to please you and once you filled me up with cum and snuffed me, I came so fucking hard.

Snuff phone sex

snuff phone sex

I got caught at church fucking in the confession booth. I think what gave me away was the fact that I was moaning and screaming “fuck me harder”. Well any way a nice cop put me into his handcuffs and escorted me out of the premises while the congregation looked at me with such disgrace. As I hopped into the back of the cop car,  I smiled at the cop and with the sluttiest voice I said ” pretty please don’t take me to jail I’ll do anything!” The cop smiled and drove me to a parking garage near the police station. He opened the door to the back of the squad car and began choking me. I began to cry begging him not to kill me that I would do anything! He decided to grab me and kiss me, groping me hard feeling my breast and ass and slowly working his way to my pussy. He ripped off my underwear exposing my ass and began to penetrate my cunt until It was covered in his cum. The cop was still not satisfied so he began to fuck my shit hole sliding his shaft deep into my ass until I started to bleed. Crying since he was making my ass hole bleed and stretch out so much I was in fear of getting a Cyclopes pussy. The cop began penetrating me harder and faster hitting me in the head with his baton until I went limp. I awoke shorty after with him tasering my clit. Screaming in pain the cop grabbed some yellow tape and rapped it around my mouth until I could not be heard. He left me in the parking garage with my holes filled, and a bloody ass hole. At least I’m not in jail…

Medical fetish phone sex

Medical fetish phone sex

I was in a fog, cold and shivering. I couldn’t move my arms to warm myself. I couldn’t move my legs, I tried to open my mouth but I could not. It was so dark, I could hear his foot prints coming towards me. The bright light burned my eyes, taking me a while to adjust. He walk walking around me, rubbing his gloved hands up and down my body. I could hear him moving something close to my head, I started to cry. Once my eyes began to work again I wish they never would have. I knew him, I fucked him once a week for the last 6 months.

Torture phone sex

He was twisted, but nothing like this. I tried to open my lips and felt pain as I tried to move my mouth. He laughed as he lowered a mirror so I could see my entire body. I was strapped down to a metal table. My body is completely hairless, as I am looking in horror at my body I see him coming closer to me. He was holding a knife, I tried to scream but i only ripped my lips. He told me how he has always wanted to explore a body like Doctors do.   I passed out as he stuck his knife into my belly. 

Silly little slut

snuff phone sexOh silly little slut. Thinking she is the hottest little bitch ever and talking to my most regular clients. Doesn’t she know I don’t like to share? That’s okay I can show this little slut that the only call I will be sharing with her is snuff phone sex. If she wants to please a man she can do it with me right by her side forcing her to do things she never imagined she would do. And let me tell you, as much as I am pissed at this little bitch – I am certain she can definitely please a man however he may want…with the right persuasion of course. I know whatever she might not want to do; I can certainly make that bratty ass of hers do anyway. This little bitch will do it all regardless if she is willing or not because I am in control, and I am feeling extra mean tonight. So what did you have in mind? I am going to make her do all the work… this certainly won’t be a pleasant last few hours of her life! She needs some experience in toilet play don’t you think? I am sure this little bitch might like to get into some shit. Literally! Haha. I would truly love to see that slutty little cunt digging her entire body into some shit just for you. Don’t you think she would look just gorgeous sharing golden showers with you? Ha! I think we have quite a lot to show her, now don’t we?  If she wants to resist that’s okay I’ll just have to smack her around and use my knife on her slowly but surely… she’ll learn to obey soon. Now let’s get started…you already know I am not patient at all.

Torture Phone Sex Fun

torture phone sex karmaShe was a bad little bitch in her leather and chains. Leaving her husband at home to set out for an adventure with the bad boys on the rough side of town. She had no idea she would run into me. I saw right through her tough persona right to the innocence that was her true self. Some things just can’t be covered up. It didn’t take me long to convince her that she should come home with me and one of the boys. He has the same desire for torture phone sex as I do and he just loves getting sweet things like this and showing them what real evil sex is all about. We started slow just because we wanted to build up the momentum. We whipped her with a cat of nine whip tearing her flesh and watching her wiggle, scream and bleed for us. That is when I got the cactus off the window ledge. Carefully I broke a piece off and slid it in her oft mouth watching as the spines tore at her tongue and lips. In that moment I knew her cunt would feel the fucking from my prickly plant. I fucked her good with my green dildo. With each brier that stuck in her pussy, my cunt became wetter. I grabbed a large bottle of rubbing alcohol and began to pour it all over her. In her mouth, on her body, and cunt. The pain was to much for her and she passed out. I didn’t let that state stop me. The torture continued till late in the night as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

Ultimate Teen Rape Porn

Teen Rape Porn

Daddy caught me…caught me wearing makeup to school and the shorts he said were too short and slutty. I thought I was going to be alone when I got home but I was wrong, he was home early from work with all his buddies. When he saw me he slapped me and called me a whore. I knew I was dressed like one, so I knew I deserved to be treated like that. I cried and begged for Daddy to give me mercy and he told me that if I was going to dress like a whore he was going to fuck me like one. Him and his friends were merciless, pushing their cocks into my unwilling little holes as I screamed and screamed until they shut me up with a cock in my mouth. I swallowed load after load of cum, I could feel it rolling into my eyes and smearing into my whore makeup. Daddy was laughing and calling me a slut as he slammed his cock into me making sure he hurt me good. I could do nothing but take it because I knew this was my punishment for being a dirty teen slut.

Help from Strangers

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I went out last night, I didn’t find anyone who look good enough to eat. I ended up getting lost. My phone was dead, my car was almost out of gas. I pulled over at a gas station to as for help. I walked through the door and there were 4 big black guys. 1 behind the counter talking to all his friends. As I walked passed I heard the disgusting comments they said. One by one they all followed me back to the bathroom. I did a few lines and opened the door to see all four of them waiting. They asked me if I was lost. They grabbed me, forcing me back into the bathroom.

Fantasy phone sex

They ripped my clothes off, choking me telling me how they are going to rip my holes open. They uncovered my mouth telling me not to scream or they would make sure I would never take another breath. I laughed and said “Make sure you make me cum, I fucking love it rough.” One of them punch me in the face as the other stuck his cock into my ass. The fucked all of my holes, filling me up with their nigger spunk! I screamed “Fuck me hard you worthless pussies” They slammed their cocks into me. I would say this night ended out much better. I didn’t carve my cravings, but I was fucked hard by four big black cocks!  

Fucking Cops

Rape phone sex fantasiesI knew better than to take my Daddy’s car that day. My friend and I wanted to go shopping so bad, though. Daddy wouldn’t be home for hours and he would never know. So, I took his beautiful BMW out for a trip to the mall. All was going well until we were on our way home. Behind me I see flashing lights. Oh no, I couldn’t believe it. The officer approached the car asking if I realized I was going 65mph in a 35mph zone. “I did not realize I was going so fast”, I told him.. He took my drivers license and registration and went back to his patrol car. Daddy was going to kill me! The officer came back and asked was the owner of the car my father. I told him that it was and he advised me my Daddy was in big trouble with the law. He was going to impound Daddy’s car and take me to jail for being a Super Speeder. He told me he needed to know where my Daddy was hiding out so they could pick him up on his warrant. He said he had other plans for me first with my fine little ass. The next thing I know he had me in cuffs spread over the car hood. Other officers were pulling up and I was getting more frightened. I knew he wanted to fuck me. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I was not allowed to fuck anyone Daddy didn’t tell me to, but if I didn’t he and I would both go to jail.

Gangbang rape pornThe cop didn’t give me a chance to say no though, so it really didn’t matter. He and his fellow officers on the scene kept me in cuffs, stripped me down, and started to fuck me in any hole they could find available. The original cop rammed his cock down my throat all the way to the base, choking me, making me gag and cry, and taking my air supply. He would pull out a little and shove it back in hard. All the while, they were telling me they had heard stories of what a worthless whore I was and how Daddy gave me to all his friends and now it was their turn. I was placed on a bench with my arms cuffed around it. They took turns fucking my throat, my tits, my pussy, and my ass. They were hard and unrelenting. They slapped my face and my tits hard. I tasted blood. One even used his nightstick to hit me with and to fuck me, further humiliating me. They came all over my face and laughed at their artwork as their cum dripped down my face, into my eyes and hair. They used my poor body so badly, I thought it would break, and I would surely suffocate from lack of oxygen. Thankfully, they were done before that happened. Then they backed off and told me to have a good day! I guess I wasn’t going to jail after all! Maybe it wasn’t so bad being a bunch of pigs’ play toy for a few hours.