Category: Torture phone sex

Ass Rape Porn in a Car

ass rape pornI endured hours of ass rape porn torture from Jim. I needed money to pay the rent, so I decided to use my body to pay the bills. Daddy told me when I was young that all I was good for was sucking and fucking. College was never in my future. I have been a whore ever since I was a school girl. When I need money, I hustle my ass on the street corner with the other whores. I stand out. I am buxom, tall, blonde and clean. Guys pay good money for an hour of heaven with a no taboo whore like me. Jim didn’t want to fuck my used-up cunt, however. He paid for my ass. It wasn’t a typical pull my hair, fuck my ass kind of fuck. He sodomized my ass with various things he had in his car. He started by taking my temperature the old-fashioned way. I needed his cash, so whatever crazy shit he wanted to do was fine by me. I spoke too soon. He started finding larger items from his toolbox like a hammer and a wrench. He made me call him daddy. It reminded me of when I was a little girl living at home with daddy. I was his anal whore first. He trained me to take whatever anyone wants to put up my ass. Then something happened, that made me fight back the tears. He shoved me down on his gear shift. No lube and very forcefully, I was pushed on to the gear shift. Big round leather bulb up my ass. I was sitting on his gear shift. It was all the way up my ass. It was bigger than even a big black cock. He told me to spread my whore legs. He then fucked my bald cunt while his gear shift acted like a monster dildo in my ass. I left blood and shit on his gear shift for which he made me lick it up. It was a painful and humiliating hour, but I can pay the rent now.

My Sadistic Nightmare


Sadistic phone sex

I’ve been having these nightmares about you taking me in the middle of the night out of my bedroom. I’ve been having these dreams that turn into Nightmare about you tying me up and poking me with sharp objects. And every time that you poked me you draw blood, those dreams are intoxicating they are sometimes liberating. Whenever I wake up, and I touch my body sometimes I feel like you’re still coming for me you know that I know you’re mind, you know that I’ve seen your evils genuinely in my dream. I feel like you’re out there waiting to get me waiting to punish me and make me your necrophilia next victim. I know that you look at my ass and you see what you want to slash I see that you look at my nipples and think about biting them off. You’re out there why are you torturing me why are you tormenting my dreams taking over the way that I remember. I’m lost just somewhere in the woods I smell you, and you just smell horrible. You smell like ass and, bacon fat you are slimy, and you feel like fucked up goo. You’re disgusting that’s why you could never get a woman of your own, so you have to stalk and hunt me down like an animal. I woke up last night drenched in sweat from running from you in my dreams. Every time I hear your voice I have a nightmare your mind is so incredibly sadistic. You are a demon, you are a twisted demonic vessel sieving on Earth. Every time I hear you breathing over my helpless body I quiver, and you like it. You want to listen to me cry you love to hear the sounds of my body moaning in pain, it conjures pleasure in you. You are my sadistic nightmare

Ivy Makes You Regret Snuff Sex

Snuff sex

I had just walked in from a night out clubbing. I had kicked my shoes off and started to walk down the hallway. When out of no where I felt someone grab me from behind. You tore my shirt off of my body and then ask me what kind of whore doesn’t wear a bra. You whispered in my ear that tonight you would make your dreams of snuff sex with a white girl a reality.

I couldn’t believe that someone was attacking me the devils princess in my own home and actually believed he was going to kill me. I knew strength was on your side but you had no idea the kind of evil you were dealing with. You were totally naked. You grabbed my long black hair and told me I was going to suck your big cock. You shoved my head down towards your cock and told me to open wide.

Taboo phone sex

Oh motherfucker, you had better believe I was going to open wide and then slam my mouth shut on your big black cock. I licked my teeth right before you shoved your hard black cock into my mouth. I bit down on your big black cock with all of my bite force and started shaking my head. I could taste your blood in my mouth as you were screaming let go you fucking bitch.

My jaws had locked down on your cock like a pit bull. My teeth were ripping and shredding your big black cock. You punched me in the face trying to make me let go of your cock, but it just gave me the adrenaline needed to finish ripping your big black cock off. You laid on my floor bleeding. I spit your ripped off black cock out on the floor. I picked it up and shoved it down your throat. As you laid there crying for help, I kicked you in the stomach as hard as I could. I ask you what kind of dumb fuck thinks they can rape the devils princess.

Treated Like Trash

Home invasion phone sex


I’m a dirty fucking white slut, and I love to fuck black cocks black cocks can’t get enough of me either. I don’t care about black bitches those whores are not Queens to me. You fucking big butt big tit disgusting low-life trash bitches make me so upset. All those black bitches love to call me a horny little jealous trailer trash harlot, but I don’t care I’m still going to fuck your husbands and boyfriends and baby daddies. Black guys treat me like shit they fuck me and throw me around and beat me and I love it. I can’t help myself I’m just that kind of nasty fucking vicious whore. I let black men pee on me I beg them to spit in my face and wash my face off in the toilet. I love gang-rape fantasies with a bunch of big black cocks. All of you pretentious sluts that think you’re too good to get fucked by big black dicks, I want you to know that you’re missing out altogether. Black guys from the ghetto love to treat white girls like we’re trashy whores and I can’t get enough. I am a cheap whore, straight from the trailer trash territory, and my dad hates black guys. I love black guys so much that I bring them around my father and he gets so mad. I wear really really short skirts with no panties on in front of my dad, and I let my black boyfriend stick their dicks out in front of him. My dad says I’m so disrespectful I guess that’s why he ties me up and fucks me with his white fucking cock. Yes, I live a demented life because I’m a fucking blue-eyed devil and if you don’t like it you can suck my ass.

I Needed More

Bloody phone sex I went with this guy to his house last night to have some nasty brutal fucking. I told him I loved it rough and how I get so fucking wet when pain is inflicted on my sadistic body. He was a big strong black dude and I thought for sure he would be a horny sadistic mother fucker on my white slutty body and brutalize the fuck out of me. He was rough slapped me around a few times, gave me a few kicks, punched me and dragged me around by my hair but that was all he did. he didn’t even tear my flesh. I enjoyed the beating but all in all, it was pretty lame and rated G. I needed more I was no were satisfied. He was asleep next to me and I snuck out to his kitchen to find a nice sharp serrated knife. I snuck back in the room and stood by the edge of the bed. I took the knife and started cutting my fleshy tits as soon as I could feel the blood start to drip my cunt responded. My moans escaped my mouth loudly to only wake him up. He was shocked to see what I was doing to myself but that did not stop me from jumping on him. I gave him the knife and told him to start cutting away on my skanky body as I fucked the shit out of him.

Torture Sex of My Girl Parts

torture sexTorture sex is what he made me endure for hours. Sexual mutilation with a sadist was not what I signed up for. I met him online and we clicked. I never told him I was a submissive whore. I didn’t want him to think less of me. I try to have normal adult relationships even though I know I don’t deserve them. He was a poser. He was friends with Master and they set me up. I had to be punished for being a cheating slut and thinking I was worthy of a man’s affection. He drugged my drink and when I woke up, I was hanging from a beam naked with my clit tied up and puffy. My master was there assisting with an evil grin on his face. I knew that look and I was in trouble. Maybe enough snuff porn trouble. He threatens to kill me all the time. Somedays, I wish he would. It was hard to hold back the tears as I knew what was coming. I saw the torture instruments. He had on a table in front of me a blow torch, various knives, a taser and clamps. The thought of a blow torch to my clit made me piss myself. “See something you like Cassandra,” Master seethed as he touched the blow torch like he was reading my mind. He knows my fears. He lit it and laughed. His accomplice thought he was just taunting me. When Master actually melted my clit away, his partner puked and passed out from the grotesque image of my mutilated girl parts. The smell of burning flesh lingers in your nostrils for days. I was in shock from the pain. I puked, but didn’t pass out, which might have saved me. In Master’s eyes, I was tougher than his failed assistant. He turned the blow torch on his balls and dick and I was just grateful the focus was no longer on me.

Torture Sex With Ivy

Torture sex

Torture sex always makes my cunt wet and tingly. I am very possessive of my man if I even see another bitch looking at him I will fuck her up. So you can just imagine how I felt when I saw our new neighbor. I’m sure the look on my face said it all. She is a little petite Asian chick with a fake boob job. She never has on a bra and her shorts are so short you can see her ass checks.

She is always waiving at you and yelling hi hi. You keep telling me that I am over reacting that she is not your type. You tell me that you would never cheat on me. You tell me that I misunderstand her intentions due to a cultural difference. But I know better I see the way she looks at you. You decide that the best way to handle this is to invite her over for dinner. I leave the room to get us a bottle of wine.

When I return that fucking little cunt is sitting on your lap. I drop the bottle of wine on the floor. It breaks and leaves shards of glass and red wine all over our hardwoods. I grab her by her long black hair and throw her to the floor. You are telling me to calm down. I tell you that if you really love me you have to prove it to me. I have my foot on her throat.

Accomplice phone sex

I tell her to open her mouth and suck your cock but she refuses. I tell you to hold her mouth open and I piss down her throat. I reach over and pick up a shard of glass off of the floor. I apply more pressure to her throat while I start slicing pieces of her tits off and feeding them to you.

I feel the life drain out of her body as I am slicing off her pussy lips. I put her bloody pussy lips into my mouth. I shove you onto the sofa. I slide your big hard cock into my hot wet pussy and start fucking you. As we are fucking I feed you her bloody pussy lips straight from my mouth into yours. As you shot your jizz in my pussy I whisper in your ear how much I love Asian food.

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Ivy

Cannibalism phone sex

I had just put on my cheetah print swimsuit. I had planned on going out on the prowl. A manhunt so to speak. When my doorbell rang and who do I find standing there. A fucking bible thumping annoying as hell Jehovah’s Witness. Apparently, you had come to save the princess of darkness from her wicked ways.

Normally I would have told you to fuck off but today was different. You were in your early twenties and not very tall for a man. I decided that you might work out quite nicely for the dinner I had planned. I invited you in and had you sit at my dining room table. I ask you if you would like something to drink. You ask for a water. I put a mickey in your water along with a slice of lime. Now I just have to listen to your Jesus shit until it takes effect. It knocked you out cold. Perfect for me.

All I have to do is get you undressed and tied up. Then it is time to fit you in the roasting pan. I hog tie you so tight that I break your arms. Your head is the only thing hanging over the side of the pan but the rest of you fit in very nicely. You are just starting to come to when I start shoving frozen sticks of butter up your ass. I think four will do. You start moaning and begging. I can’t stand all of your crying and complaining. So I shove a stick of butter down your throat and cram an apple in your mouth.

I pour hot melted butter all over your body before covering you with rosemary and sage. I light the fire and you start cooking. Not only do you smell delicious but your agonizing cries of pain make my pussy hot and wet. My boyfriend arrives home and I greet him wearing nothing but an apron. As we are on the sofa fucking he tells me how good dinner smells, but he asks what is the sound he is hearing. I laugh and tell him that too is dinner my love. I cum all over his big thick cock as I hear you finally succumb to your death. When my dinner party guests arrive I carve you up and serve you as the main course. Everyone enjoyed you including my little furry friend.

Kinky Bondage Phone Sex

Bondage phone sex gets extra kinky when you are high as fuck and your master has you trapped in his basement. I don’t know how I got where I was, but I woke up upside down suspended from the ceiling getting skull fucked. Sucking a big dick upside down is not easy. You can’t breathe and you gag nonstop. Carlos was going rough too. That was the point. He wanted to suffocate me on his cock. My hands were bound as were my legs and arms. I couldn’t move. Carlos was in control. He had me floating in the air gagging on his cock. He would shoot a load of cum in my mouth and damn near kill me. I didn’t know who he was or how I got there. I could have been sold to the highest bidder for all I knew. He didn’t talk much. He was just interested in cumming and smothering me with his big dick. I was getting sick suspended upside down. At one point I puked. Cum and vomit sprayed out my nose and mouth. It was gross, but it made him just fuck me harder. He fucked me until he was drained. He cut me down and I landed in the pile of cum and puke. I was still restrained, so I couldn’t get up. He let me stay there overnight until he freed my hands. I ran as fast as I could home.

bondage phone sex

How deep is your love?

snuff sex

My master knows I worship him and will do anything and everything for him. He wanted to know how deep was my love for him. He has an insatiable appetite for youngins. I see the way he looks at hot young sluts. I know he wants to fuck them bad. He likes hot co-eds like me but what really make his cock twitch is snuff sex with youngins. He has made me prove to him how deep I will go to satisfy him. I will go above and beyond for him. One of the most sinister things came out of his mouth. I didn’t think twice I knew if it made his dick feel good it was something I must do. He wanted me to bring my younger sister and he wanted front row center. My master wanted to see me fuck her up and use her till she was a snuff doll. I had no choice but to do just that. I brought over my cute young step sister and made her into a slave of my own. I think I passed the ultimate test.