The new man in my life is the violent phone sex kind of man. He enjoys hurting women. I am not his sub; I am not really his girlfriend either. I guess I am his rough sex buddy. I have a wild attraction to bad boys. I always have. I know it is risky, but I can’t help it. Nice guys are boring as fuck. Roger was in a rougher mood than usual. I got the booty call around 1 am. I dressed in something slutty that wouldn’t stay on my body long. I wore his favorite perfume and did my make-up like a whore. The little touches he loves so much. When I arrived, he pulled me by the hair caveman style into the bedroom. I was wet because he was so forceful. I love a strong dominant man who takes control of me from the get-go. He tossed me on the bed, stripped my clothes of and sodomized my dry asshole. He never uses lube because he wants my ass to bleed. He pulled my arm behind my back in such a way that I suffered a spiral fracture immediately. I heard the bone snap, so did he. I felt it shortly thereafter. The pain was incredible. He just looked at me and said, “Suck it up bitch. You can’t leave until I nut in your whore ass.” I was fighting back the tears because my arm was useless. He still pounded my ass while my broken arm dangled at my side. I prayed he would nut soon because I needed medical attention. He liked fucking me while I was in pain. Eventually, he came. I had to try to dress myself with a broken arm and drive to the hospital because he didn’t care about what he did to me. My top was unbuttoned, and I drove poorly. I walked into the ER and passed out. I now have a pretty pink cast for 2 months. The price of liking bad boys like you and Roger.
Category: Torture phone sex
Violent Phone Sex Boyfriend
Please kill me
The assailant grabbed me when I least expected it. I was bound up and unable to escape his ropes no matter how much I struggled. He tortured me psychologically and physically. He left his marks up and down my broken and beaten body, scars, bruises, and scratches. He forced himself inside of me and left a little piece of himself each time. I tried fighting back, but he was stronger than me. In the end, it was me who was begging for him to hurt me. To finish me and just let me die. He had finally broken me in every last way. My body was a broken and bloody mess, mentally I was even worse. Now he was finally satisfied with his torment, he was finished with me. Now that I begged for death, he would not give it. Instead, as one last way to prolong my suffering, he handed me a sharp knife and told me to finish it myself. I plunged it into my gut and prayed it would be over soon as the blood and viscera poured out of me.
You will pay for trying Cunt Whore
Fucking cum dumpster cunt whore, trying to fuck my boyfriend while I was away I’ve got something for that bitch. You nasty slut whore I’m going to fix you-you wanted to sleep with my boyfriend you thought that you would get away with that you told him all those lies too. You deserve to get chopped up in little bitty pieces you got damn slut. I’m going to slice your fucking throat I am going to teach you bitch that you never defy me. I love my man and if I’ve got to show all of you cunt bitches how much then I will. Yes I did slip that pill in your drink, and that’s how you got here dirty bitch you thought you were going to get away with your fucked-up Behavior, but I had something in store for you all the time. I’m going to slice your fucking body up because you thought that you could sleep with my man you thought that you could fuck my boyfriend without me ever finding out. I should show you for real why everyone calls me so dangerous. You are about to find out, and it’s so unfortunate for you that you’re going to find out and you’re not going to learn anything else in life again because it will be the end of you. You fucking cunt whore you’re nothing you think that my boyfriend actually liked you that he wanted you bitch he never did. You are the fucking worst bitch in the world. You deserve to get sliced up you deserve to have your body tossed around like a rag doll that’s what you deserve. You are going to get everything that you deserve, you spicy cunt bitch you’re going to get everything I’m not holding anything back. I hate you I hate the sight of you I hate the smell of you I hate everything about you. When I am done with you I will have your body wishing I had only fucked you with this butchers knife.
Extreme nipple torment
Daddy loves to torture his worthless slut. Seeing me in pain and begging him to stop makes Daddy’s cock really hard and ready to fuck me. Last night he tied me up and tormented my tiny little perky tits and nipples with hypodermic needles. He took one needle and slowly inserted it into my tender little pink nipple while I screamed and tried to wriggle free. One after another, he slowly inserted more needles into my nipples until I had five of them jammed into each tit. When he ran out of room for more needles in my tits, he was ready to fuck me. Seeing my nipples bleeding and hearing my screams had gotten daddy’s cock hard as a rock and he was ready to fuck me now. He slammed in and out of my pussy while pulling on the needles and making them rip through my skin until my nipples were torn apart and my tits soaked in blood.
Gentleman To Sadist
I answered your ad for a date. Your profile was sweet with a tinge of rebellion in it. I liked your stats. Tall, built, and all around just a sexy motherfucker. We went to dinner and you were a perfect gentleman. I was unaware that when I went to use the ladies room you spiked my drink. As the night started to wind down I could feel the light heaviness in my head. I looked around and the room was spinning. I was drinking wine but I didn’t think this much. Being the gentleman you are you help me to your car and offer me your spare bed to sleep in. When you get back to your place your attitude changes. You become rough with me. Dragging me out of the car and throwing me on the bed. You rip off my clothes grabbing and pawing at my body. I mentally am fighting you off me but I can’t move a limb. I feel the cold air hit my body. I try to speak but all I do is drool and slur. You tell me you are going to fuck me for hours and when you get bored of me that is when you are going to snuff my life out. You start to kick and punch me and I can’t even defend myself. I can feel the pain everywhere and you don’t stop with your hits. My perfect gentleman turned into a sadist.
Snuff Sex Mercy Kill
Sometimes I am just in a snuff sex mood. Last night was one of them. I went cruising for a young hooker for hire. No one ever goes looking for a missing whore, no matter what her age is. Runaways and illegal immigrant girls are always hooking on the corner downtown. Money is money, right? A young hooker will take money from a woman just as much as a guy. I picked up this little Hispanic bitch. She had a chunky ass and big tits. For a moment, I thought she might make a tasty meal, but I was flying solo and she was enough food for a few people. She barely spoke English, but I could tell she had a tragic life. Needle marks all over her arms, bruises on her body, a few teeth missing…no way I would ever fuck her. I was sure she had a nasty coyote pimp who was making her hook to pay for the honor of being brought illegally into our country. This was a mercy killing. Too bad you weren’t with me too savor her fuck holes first. She did have a juicy cunt. She was less than half my age, but her cunt looked like she was 30 years older than me. I fed her, sort of a last meal, I guess. I even let her shower at my place. I knew her pimp likely had a tracking device on her, so he would be coming by when she didn’t return home. While she was in the shower, I killed her. Stabbed her like I was Anthony Perkins in Psycho. She didn’t put up much of a fight as I stabbed her tender flesh. That was a letdown. Now her pimp, he was more fun. He put up a hell of a fight, but I cut off his cock and from then on, I had the upper hand. I made a mess of my house, but I fed them both to the coyotes. No one would be looking for them because no one knew they were in the US. I love killing illegals because no cares about a dead illegal freeloader, right?
Wickedly Evil Ivy
Normal sex doesn’t do a thing for a girl like me. I was cut from a different kind of cloth. My cunt craves wickedly evil and just down right sadistic play. The louder you scream the wetter I get. I want to tie you up and torture your body for hours. I want to drag my nails all over your chest filling my fingernails with your skin and blood. My soft full lips long to lick the blood from your deep cuts. I want to bit your nipples until I taste your warm blood. I long to drag my teeth up and down the sides of your big hard cock before I bite down so hard and use my teeth to rip your hard throbbing cock off of your body totally castrating you. Feeling your big hard cock detach from your body makes my cunt squirt in pleasure.
Snuff Sex Hook Up
I signed up to swing with a couple, not for snuff sex. In their ad, they stated they were a kinky couple looking for a blonde buxom playmate for bedroom fun. They said light bondage and BDSM. It sounded fucking hot and not dangerous. I guess if I would have thought with my head instead of my cunt, I would have known going to a stranger’s place is always dangerous. Things started out fun. No read flags went off for me until the wife handcuffed my hands behind my back and shoved a spiked dildo up my ass. One moment we were laughing and spanking each other affectionately, the next moment she was treating me like I was her slave. The husband retreated from the room for a few. He came back with an executioner’s mask on and a spiked cock ring on his dick. When he skull fucked me, the skin on my lips and inner cheeks started to tear. All I could taste was blood in my mouth. When he came, it stung, and I pleaded for mercy. She fucked my ass harder, and he followed suit with my mouth. I was swallowing blood and it was dripping down my ass too. They told me they always wanted to make a snuff porn and I fell right into their laps. I used an anonymous hook up app that was untraceable. I was in trouble. They fucked me for hours with spiked objects, while I bled. She branded their initials on my ass. They burned my flesh for some perverse pleasure. Finally, they grew tired of me for the night. They left me chained in the basement while they went upstairs to sleep. It was hard to fall asleep when I knew I was dead in the morning. I heard the door to the basement open. Down came a young boy. Fuck, they had a son. I pleaded with him to let me go. He did, but not after he forced his little dick in my battered ass. Like father, like son, I guess. I would have let him impregnate me if it meant I could escape. I ran out of the house like a bat out of hell and never looked back. No more online hook-ups for me.
Small Game Hunting
My Grandfather is the one who taught me how to hunt. He is also the one who taught me how to dress all manner of animals properly. I thank the Goddess for him every day. He also taught me how to stalk prey. How to use a bow, rifles, traps, snares, and various knives. He was a good, very strong man. I once saw him go after a member of Law Enforcement with a shovel. My Grandfather took no shit, nor were any fucks given by him. It is because of him that I am so proficient at what I do. When most girls were going to sleep overs, or playing with dolls, I was with him. I was sharpening his blades, cleaning his guns, practicing my marksmanship, and stalking skills.
The best part of hunting was when Small Game Season started. I would spend many cold months out with him hunting rabbits, squirrels, and other tasty things. My very favorite part was when he would hit something but he wouldn’t kill it. We would send the dog in to retrieve it, the retriever would place it gently at my Grandfather’s feet. If it was still alive he would say, “Indi? What do we do?” I would pick up the animal. I will never get the smell of a feral animal out of my brain, or the sight of it’s eyes, looking at me, it’s heart beating fast beneath it’s still warm soft body.
I would hold it up by it’s scruff, then place my one hand below it’s neck, then the other under it’s face, and twist. Sometimes I would have to do this a few times, because I was small. Have you ever heard a rabbit scream? If you have you will never forget it. When it’s head was finally hanging like a rag doll to the side of it’s body my Grandfather would smile and tell me that I did a great job.
I still go small game hunting. The smells are different, it is more like warm sun kissed skin mixed with soap, or salt from tears that have stained it’s face. They are still soft, they still have big eyes that look up at you, they still have the rapid heartbeat, the only thing that has changed is the scream. It is louder now, but I love that, don’t you?
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies
Murder phone sex fantasies on your mind? They are always on my mind. No one gets out alive with me. So, don’t come to me with your vanilla dreams of fucking a little one and letting him or her go. First rule of being my accomplice, we get rid of the evidence. Once you fuck a sweet little girl pussy, she must die. Now don’t get me wrong. I am in no rush to execute her. I want you to have some fun with her tight little holes. I like watching you destroy her as much as you are going to enjoy destroying her. But make no mistake, the little slut we kidnap, is destined for a snuff porn. The younger the better, but I don’t judge. You can pick any girl young or old or somewhere in between. Whatever gets your dick hard. I just want to be clear that the bitch needs to die when you are done with your fun. I keep men like you out of prison. I keep you safe from being some big black dude’s butt pirate. So, trust me, killing your play thing is in our best interest. You can help me kill her or I can do it for you. I am a stand up girl. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. What do you think? Want to find a young cunt and have some dirty fun with her?