I kill for pleasure in addition to killing for profit but one thing I will never do is take care of some loser’s problems for free no matter how much I may enjoy the killing part. This asshole called me up looking for someone to kill his family for him, he was tired of being a husband and father and all he wanted was the insurance money. What he didn’t want to do was pay me. He felt like I should kill them for free and then keep quiet about it all for nothing just because I am a woman and not a man, can you believe that shit? Well I led him to believe that all that was just fine with me and then went behind his back to show his wife all of his incriminating texts. Well the wife was more than willing to be extremely generous with me so guess who actually died… spoiler alert it was not the wife and brats. I made sure to kill that asshole in a particularly gruesome manner so that the insurance would pay his wife double and we split the profit. It really goes to show you that if you want good work you really need to pay for it.
Category: Torture phone sex
Tired of broke ass losers
Anal Torture Sex Revenge
Torture sex was on her mind. She found out her husband was cheating on her with me. Instead of confronting me or putting me on blast on social media, she plotted a painful revenge. She used her husband’s phone to lure me to a no tell motel on the outskirts of town. I thought my married lover was being careful. I didn’t know yet that his wife had busted us. I soon found out just how pissed off she was over our affair. The moment I entered the motel room, she jumped me. She used a taser to subdue me. She tied me up and fucked my ass with a cattle prod that shocked my ass with every thrust. I was convulsing and pissing myself in a dank, dark motel room. If I screamed, I was sure no one would come to my rescue. This was likely a junkie motel. She yelled at me for fucking her man. She called me a dirty skank and insisted she would teach me a lesson. She would if she didn’t kill me. I wanted to die. I was in a downward dog position exposing my ass to her ass rape porn torture methods. I could feel my asshole prolapsing. She was merciless. She wanted me to suffer. Mission accomplished. I was crying in pain and humiliation. She left me in that motel tied up. The maid found me bound and laying in a pool of my own drool and piss the next morning. I guess I need to find a new boyfriend.
Snuff Porn Star Dream Girl
Your a fucking dirty sadistic man that needs to use and degrade beautiful blondes, and the dummer and and more fake they are, the more exciting it becomes for you. I’m the girl of your sadistic snuff porn dreams and here waiting for your degradation. I’m a whore, my only use is to serve you. I am a pathetic slut that would do anything that promised me stardom. Iwant the ultimate satisfaction of being snuffed out on camera in a award winning cameo of my slow, torturous death. It’s what I fantasize about and to fulfill your filthy fantasies for peanuts is what I will do until the ultimate goal comes to be. I want your forcefully fucking me with your friends live streamed and played for other sadistic fucks to jerk off to. Cum for my demise.
I Adore Hating You
I’ve been having fantasies of fucking you up in the worst of ways because you are such a fucking cunt slut. You’re nothing to me, you mean nothing, and I will not allow you to live any longer. You’re not going to have any peace with me you fucking bitch because you’re a loser you are the worst of the worst. I want to shove your fucking head into a guillotine and watch the blade fall. I have no mercy when it comes to you I want you to be sliced up in itty bitty pieces and have alcohol poured all over your fucking scuzzbucket body. I’m going to be your nightmare; I will take everything that you thought you deserved away from you. When I am done with you you’re going to be crying and begging for someone, anyone to care just a little bit but nobody’s going to because everybody is with me. You’re a goddamn whore and a fucking misfit I want you to know that. When you look into my eyes, you’re looking at someone who truly hates you, and I adore hating your ass. The day will come when I torture you when I shove instruments in your dried-up pussy and make you fucking pay. I smile when I think of what I’m going to do to you it fills me with Glee. I hope that you know you are my enemy; you are the worst human being on Earth. My boyfriend thought that he was getting some different pussy when he fucked you he thought that he was getting a new taste, but all he was getting was you in trouble. You’re going to pay for that night of fantasy that you had, and you are going to pay dearly. Oh yeah, I’m definitely going to feed you to the beasts, and they are going to treat you worse than you could ever imagine. You thought you could smile in my face after you fucked my boyfriend well now you’re going to find out how much that smile is going to cost you. I want your teeth ripped out of your skull with pliers and shoved into your cunt. I love hating you, bitch.
Strangulation phone sex
Strangulation phone sex has always been something that turns me on. I love to be strangled in real life too! There is nothing more sensual than the feeling of a cock sliding in and out of you as you dance on the edge of consciousness. It feels like a million tiny volts of electricity running through your body. As you slowly regain yourself, all you can hear is the deep breathing of the guy as he fucks you hard and raw. My dream is to be strangled to death while I’m being split in two by a huge, fat cock. Nothing makes my pussy more soaked than day dreaming about the one who will finally snuff me while destroying all of my fuck holes. Thinking about gasping and desperately clawing at a rope or tie around my neck while I’m getting laughed at and fucked is my ultimate fantasy. I know someone is out there who can make my dreams come true.
I skinned her alive
I found a little whore all alone and I thought to myself that she would be perfect to try something new on. I’ve always wanted to see if I could skin something while it was alive and then make something with the skin but I’ve never had a chance to do it till now. I restrained her and started with her face and worked my way down her body nice and slow. I didn’t want to tear the flesh I wanted one big piece to make into people leather and I actually did it! She lived thru most of it too she was screaming in agony the whole time I was cutting and I swear my panties were soaked! Finally I guess the shock and blood loss got to her and she died right before I finished but it was really fun anyway. I used her skinless bloody hand to masturbate with and now I have a whole girl suit to get crafty with. What do you think I should make with it?
They made a big mistake
I went out looking for a victim or two and this young couple fell right into my lap. They were drunk as hell and looking for a threesome so I acted liek I was interested and took them back to my place. I tied up the guy, he thought that we were gonna do sexy things to him but instead I started the torture. His girl was freaking out and trying to get me to stop but I just hit her upside the head and she fell right over. I threw her unconscious body on top of his and tied them together and began to beat them both black and blue. I waited for them to wake up and see that they were well and truly fucked, there would be no escape for them. The real torture started then because they were awake and sober enough to really feel the pain. I did everything from throwing boiling water on them to cutting them to breaking their bones. It was hot as fuck and when they died I took them out back and burned their bodies in the garbage pile.
Snuff Sex Sunday
It was a snuff sex Sunday. I am just recuperating. It was a nice day on Sunday, so I went for a run. I occasionally try to do something normal and healthy. I made the mistake of cutting through the wooded area. I encountered some skate board boys. They saw it as a free opportunity to fuck an old broad. One boy tripped me as I ran by. I fell, which gave them the chance to jump me. I didn’t see it coming. They ripped my clothes off. Within minutes they were shoving their teen cocks in me. Cocks in my ass and pussy, my mouth too. I was screaming but cocks were in my mouth to muffle my screams. They sodomized me three at a time. That ripped my asshole open. I was not planning on a gangbang rape porn on my run. I was in so much pain as they pinned me like a bug to the ground and nutted in me. They kept telling me they hoped that they knocked me up too. When it was over, I had many loads of boy jizz in me. I hope I am not knocked up, though. I don’t need to raise a sadist son.
Dark Sex Nightmares
Let’s get twisted tonight I feel like Fire and Ice I want to be hot and cold all over you. Can I straight razor slit your little girlfriend because she’s sexy when she’s bleeding and she looks so good when she’s crying tonight? I can fuck you in front of her while she is screaming from the pain she’ll go crazy, and I love it. I’m a terrible slut. I want to fuck you so bad I want to be the one that is the worst of them all. Yes, my body is fantastic see my tits they’re so big, and they do the best things of all if you want them to. I will feed you my cream from my pussy, and I will pour my squirting cunt juice all over your girlfriend. She looks scared she looks terrified; I don’t think she’s okay. Look she’s bleeding, and she’s hemorrhaging. Your poor girlfriend is going through this like she’s already and hell, and she’s on her way. Love guy her tears I want to lick them I want to drink her blood. Why don’t you slap your girlfriend and her face with your cock? I really think that would turn me on. You are fucking the darkest bitch in town I know that that’s okay with you. I’ve heard of the rituals that you’ve been dreaming of doing all the time I can teach you how to be the devil. Would you like to go deeper go darker be wicked would you like to feel the excitement? Let’s go to the bottom of the brimstone together you, and I look in my eyes, I’m ready for the devil in you.
Medical Torture Sex
My gynecologist was into torture sex of my girl parts. I had no idea. I signed up for some medical experiments for extra cash. I was desperate for money to get some drugs. The ad seemed harmless. The ad made it appear it was just a few medical experiments. The ad was misleading. I was sexually tortured. First, their was the breast exam from hell. My boobs were squeezed so tightly that I thought my boobs might pop off my body. If I had fake tits, I would have popped the fun bags. Dr. Demento used vice grips on my tits to see if I had real or fake boobs. My tits were black and blue almost instantly. He quickly moved on to my pussy. He put a sounding device in my urethra that made me scream in pain. That was followed by being opened wide with a speculum. He started inserting various sharp objects in my pussy. He said he was getting cells from my cervix, but this was medical torture for his own pleasure. The more pain I was in, the more I cried, the harder he got. My pain fueled him to delve deeper into his medical fetish. He said there would be some pain involved, but I had no idea how much pain. When he was done, he fucked me. I had a bloody cunt and bruised tits, but that just turned him on all the more. What a sick medical fetish phone sex call.