Looking for castration phone sex? I am a castration specialist. I do not just take the balls. Often I take the worthless dick too. There are too many of you assholes running around loose thinking their packages are the greatest things since sliced bred. I like to bring men back to reality. In my phone life, men call me and know they have worthless dicks and beg me to remove their testicles. In a bar at 4 am, some loser thinks he can take home the Goth girl. I am a predator. I hunt losers, sluts and brats. I have no tolerance for any of them. When this leisure suit Larry mother fucker came up to me at last call, I knew I had my mark. He did not try to roofie me like most men. He had that going for him, but he was still in denial. He had the comb over hair and the white man’s overbite when he talked. He thought he was smooth and he thought I was desperate. I do not need men. If I want to fuck, I will hire a male stud and tell him not to speak to me. Leisure suit Larry thought if I was still alone in a bar at last call, I would fuck whatever schmuck was left. I was just weeding out the losers from the studs. When we got back to his place, I roofied his drink. He was easy to manhandle. I stripped him naked, tied him to his bed and used one of his kitchen knives to remove his nuggets. His cock was average. He was not a total jack ass. He was just a loser with no game and unrealistic expectations. I cauterized the wound with a hot frying pan. In the end he thanked me. That was a first from an unsuspecting victim. He will live, but he will never fuck again. He is a neutered pup now. Are you ready to part with your balls too?
Category: Torture phone sex
Castration Phone Sex
We Violated Her And Her Brats
So, daddy has me working the clubs for some extra cash and to find some nasty druggy sluts to fuck up. Lucky for me I have a special friend that is also my accomplice. Last night me and my guy spotted a girl from his work trying to score some drugs from a regular. He followed her out and lucky for us her little brats were waiting for her in the car. He kept her talking until I got a break and then I joined him. We convinced her to take us back to her office for some cash to keep our mouths quiet. We had other things in mind though. When we got there, we walked in with her little shits in tow and as she went to get some cash, we decided that we were going to get those little things ready for some fun time. She walked in and was shocked to see them sitting at the table. We told her that in exchange for not turning her in we didn’t want her cash, we wanted to fuck her and all her little rug rats. We started with her and as she undressed and got on the table I climbed on her chest and put my juicy wet pussy in her face. I pushed her face deep into my cunt and my friend lifted her legs and started fucking her. I mean hard, balls deep too. She cried as her cuties watched on and that just made us violate her more. When we were done with her, we smiled and told her it was now her little shits turn. The things we forced her to do with her brats was incredible and you are going to be rock hard and shooting cum before I am finished telling you all the dirty details.
Filthy Pig Gets What She Deserves
I can not help but think about the night I was almost left alone to be taken by angels after being tortured but a man with a big scary knife. How dark and twisted his mind was and ready to use all those scary thoughts against me. I was thrown around like a rag doll and hung up on the ceiling like some animal for slaughter and that is just what he did to me. He took his big, sharp knife and dug it into my tender flesh. My soft skin used as his canvas like art. I have his initials permanently scarred into me after he owned me with his cock and loads of hot sperm all over me. Will you be the next to mark this filthy pig slut?
Violent Phone Sex With Faith
I think everyone gets turned on by something violent now and then. If they tell you they haven’t, it’s just because society isn’t okay with that. They’ll tell us it’s wrong and that we’re going to turn into a serial killer or some shit (although, how cool would that be?!). But I don’t think that’s the case at all. There are just times we have to get our aggression out and violent phone sex really does help take care of those feelings. I had a man call me the other day and tell me that he really needed to put his hands around a woman’s neck and choke the life out of her.
Some women would pretend to be horrified by that, but not me. The more you tell me you want to hurt me, even to the point of death, the more turned on I get. I got my vibrator out and started fucking my pussy while we talked about how good it would feel for him to drain the life out of me slowly. Do you have a fantasy like that and you weren’t sure who to talk to about it? I’m here, ready and waiting to take care of you and your dark desires!
Castration Station, All aboard! (Jezzy Borden)
I don’t fuck loser cock. Perhaps why castration phone sex gets me off so easily. Even though there are some nice big fat dicks I have sliced right the fuck off. The fact of the matter is they are all loser cocks. I suppose I am like most women who have a long list of cocks she would like to chop right off. Circa Lorena Bobbitt. I know a few women who cheer for her to this day, a name synonymous with cutting your loser man’s dick off.
I am a jezebel, a evil cunt that you should never turn your back on! I am not one too degrade or fuck with in any way as many have found out the bloody way!!!
My Name rings true for those who have harmed me. Jezabel gets even and enjoys wacking off a dick with a sharp knife!
Jezzy Borden gave that cock 40 whacks when it just needed one!
My molesters and forced me at a young age men who dared hurt me have all been dickless and dead for a while now. I have scars from where I sliced myself with each death just so I can get off each time I see that mark on my body.
Not convinced I’m sick enough to put your balls on the broiler and your cock on a skewer and eat them while you bleed out.
Then you will never be convinced and should just go put your cock in balls in a meat grinder anyways! I have no use for pathetic mother fuckers like you. Pussy is better anyways, which is why I keep a bitch at my side until a worthy cock shows up… If one ever will. Good thing me and my bitches love to eat cock and balls for dinner! At least your cock will be useful after all!
Snuff Porn With Your Dark Whore
I love being naughty and slutty dark whore for huge dark dicks but I never expected to be attacked in the middle of the night to be used as a cum whore! They had tore into me and used up every hole I have on my body. They came in quietly and silenced my screams but shoving a huge daddy dick down my throat to swallow down! I was made to be a worthless fuck whore for men to be used up and fucked anytime they wanted or needed. Being a kinky whore is what turns my pussy on and they were please to see how wet my cunt was when the ripped my panties straight off my body and began to force fuck my holes. I was so full of cum and wait for more every day!
Beat Me And Use Me
I woke up today feeling a little naughtier than usual. I was feeling frustrated and needed something or someone to take that out on. Luckily for me I have you as my dark fantasy accomplice. What should we do today? Should we go to the playground and abduct a nanny or one of her little ones? Should we grab a few crackheads or hookers? Or maybe we should just play together. A little asphyxiation perhaps? It has been a while and I do enjoy the feel of a strong pair of hands around my neck as I struggle to breath. My body shaking and flailing as I try to break free. Then becoming limp and passing out only to be brought to with your big cock being rammed down my throat. Oh, baby I think we go with the latter. Sound like a good time to you? But before you strangle me, I want you to tie me up and abuse me. I want to feel pain. The slap of your hand and the strength of your fist as you beat me into submission. Don’t be gentle, I can take it. Actually, I need it. I will be waiting for you baby.
Little ones CUM to me…
Yes, bring that young niece over to me so we can give that hot little tease something to think about in the after life. Only a true deviant soul such as yourself would hire me to keep an eye on her. She says she doesn’t need a freak babysitter. She is old enough to fend for herself. I’m not babysitting her, I’m making sure she doesn’t go anywhere as I lock up the house tight and hit the breakers. It’s a fun game of cat and mouse for me as she begins to call out for me. I hear her trying the front door. I sneak up behind her and tell her that she cant get away from me. I let her wrestle away from me but not before I cut her arm, just enough for her to be very afraid. I smell blood as she runs through the house. Little while bitch corners herself and hides in a closet where she finds her very fucked and cum filled mother corpse. My cunt is so wet from the terror and the way things are being broken. SHe tries to break a window But Uncle Steve grabs her from behind and his flashlight lights up her little face. She actually thinks she’s been saved until he tells me to cut this little teen teases clothes off and to go grab her sister from the basement. We are going to have a little fuck party!
Your Snuff Bitch Loves Daddy
Recently daddy played with me and my sweet little sister and her dripping innocent cunt! She had almost no idea what was going on when I took her away from the store to meet with him. She listens so well to her older sister to make me happy! I have been taking daddy’s cock for a long time and now it’s her turn. He took us to a hotel room that smelled like cigarettes and had me rip off her clothes! I shoved those pink frilly panties of her down her throat and spread her ass cheeks wide apart so daddy can take his wet cock from being down my throat and force fuck her shit hole. I love playing with you daddy!