Category: Teen rape porn

Ass Rape Porn For The Little Brat Next Door

Some people just do not know how to hold their tongue. When I was walking down the street with my friend this little teenie bopper brat was making fun of him! So he is a little bit different, that is not reason to but such a cunt. He told me to ignore it she was just a little slut, but we all know she would not learn anything then! So I decided I was going to give my friend a nice little present. I took that little slut and I grabbed her ass while the parents were away. She said she was getting ready for a hot date when she was on the phone and I could tell. She had on some sexy stockings and everything. 

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When I showed up with that little bitch he was confused and then excited. The cunt spit in this face so I punched her in hers. I licked the blood right off my knuckles and then duct taped that little bitches mouth. ZZzzz zap! I shocked that whore with a cattle prod. I told him I wanted him to bust that bitch open. Pulling her to the edge of the table that is just what he did. He shoved that cock right into her little tight cunt. What do you know, little slut was a virgin. The sight of blood only further excited us and he turned her over force fucking her in the ass. 

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What a camera moment. I grabbed it and started recording the ass rape porn for all of my snuff porn friends. He took and rope and looped it around her neck. He pulled back hard on either side as he plowed deeper into that little cunts ass hole. Undoing the duct tape over her mouth I listened for her struggling to breath. Gasping for air to fill those little lungs of hers. Her eyes began to show busted blood vessels and she struggled to fight free. Slowly her life left her body. My friend gave me his cum. I sucked it right from his cock, sweet virgin blood filling my mouth. MMM hmm good! 

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gangbang rape pornThe other day I came home from school and was alone all day and night. I kept getting strange feelings that someone was watching me. I was in the kitchen making dinner when all of the sudden I heard my front door open. I quickly grabbed a kitchen knife and went to see who it was. There were five men all dressed in black just staring at me. I grabbed the knife thinking I was going to protect myself, but that easily went away when I froze in fear. They knew the knife in my hand was all a bluff as well. They approached me and no matter how much noise I made, it only made them happier. My clothes were ripped to shreds as they took turns pounding my pussy. I was sprawled out on my kitchen floor trying to get them off. Nothing seemed to work. I regret having the knife once in my hand, because it only turned into a fun torture tool for them. I was counting the seconds until they stopped. I woke up from being passed out. I am bloody and sore, I wonder why they left my alive, maybe they are not done with me?

Taboo Phone Sex Skull Fucker

taboo phone sex

There is nothing I hate more then a man who only likes to use one part of a dying body. You see, there are many pace to fuck someone, each with pleasure and a sensation both new and arousing. Sure, you have the pussy and the ass, but why stop there. There is the mouth, the nose, the skull…you can also lop off limbs and remove the bones and shove in your own boner. That is also sexy, and the warm body hold on tight to your big hard throbbing cock. My personal favorite to watch is a skull fucker. The sounds a brain makes when a big hard throbbing cock is thrust through the eye socket of a little girlie makes my heart flutter with joy. You can decapitate the victim, or leave her little head in place. The satisfaction is the same, only the method is different. Skull fuck her little brains over and over again till you turn her brains to mush then make sure you fill it with your jizz! Then I will pour the mixture from her empty eye socket and have myself a nice treat. Mmmhmmm good! 

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Seamstress Morticia

Taboo phone sex

I was walking home after a night of worshiping. I smelled like weed, and camp fire. I knew I would attract someone. Get them to follow me. My body was barley covered. My ass was hanging out, my tits were out. I knew someone would try to take me and have their way with me. I was hoping for it. I wanted to use my knew hunting knife. I acted like I was drunk, stumbling over myself. Leaning on walls and falling down like a stupid drunken whore would. I wanted to look vulnerable. I wanted to look like an easy target. As soon as I passed him, I knew he was the one. He was a big black man. I knew he was going to act like a nice guy and walk me home. But home was a dark ally, he threw me into the fence and started ripping my panties off. Just as he was about to put his dick inside of me I stuck my sharp new knife into his ball sac. It was like a hot knife into butter. So smooth, so easy to cut into his flesh. I did a number on his cock and balls. If he lives through that, He wont be so eager to help someone out next time!

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Snuff Porn Family Reunion

I love it when a client of mine wants to put together his own little snuff porn with a little girlie he has already picked out. I know that the passion in the taboo phone sex session is going to be so hot and heated that I am going to have to get my cunt off too. When he showed me the picture of the little slut I got really excited. She was cute, tiny framed and blonde. Her little thighs showed the cutest little thigh gap and the way her hips were still thin made you really want to bury your face into that little brats cunt. All I had to do was find the little slut on the street, which I did. She was a little hooker, been that way since her momma sold her she told me. Fuck yea, I was about to end all of her street walked pain. I told her I would pay her double what the peedos were paying for her tiny body to have some snuff  fun. I do not know if it was the money or how naive she was but she was ready to go. 

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I took the little slut back to the warehouse that I was supposed to meet my client at. He gabbed her hands and held onto her. Her eyes welled up as she cried out “Let me go Daddy!” Daddy? that was certainly a surprise to me, but it was too late for her now. I slammed the heavy metal door behind me and locked her little ass inside. She screamed and tried to run away, she said she did not want to fuck her Daddy and that the deal was off. I giggled grabbing a handful of blonde hair and dragging her across the floor back to the feet of her father. She did not have an option, and the only one receiving payment would be me. I took two large fish hooks into my hand and put one in each side of her mouth, making the perfect fuck hole for daddy to start getting hard. She cried as the corners of her mouth started to bleed. 

taboo phone sex

My client loved every second of it though! He grunted as he shoved his cock past her thin lips. He told her that she was a good little whore, just like her crack head mommy. She cried, cheap mascara running down her cheeks. He bent down sliding his cock from her mouth and smiled ear to ear and she braced herself against the concrete floors. He told her to cheer up as she cried begging him to stop, he had a surprise for her which I went and grabbed. Her mother’s severed head was starting to decay in my hand. I loved listening to her scream as I tossed it to her feet. Her Daddy said that was getting him good and horney and pulled her up to force fuck her. She tried to fight free, but I was going to teach her how to work it. Finally I got the go ahead to finish her off and slit her belly open. I reached in and grabbed his cock pulling it into my own pussy, his dying daughters body still on it and rode him till he came! 

Taboo Phone Sex; Hiker Slut Torture

I was hanging out with some taboo phone sex friends of mine, just talking about our new snuff porn ideas that we had rolling around in our heads. One of the guys informed me that they picked up this hitchhiker by the name of Marley and were keeping the dumb broad in the basement for fun. That was when the real fun started though. One of the guys darted up stairs holdin his eyes with glass sticking from it. Dumb ass let her get away. The guys thought they were going to be busted but I knew how to save the day. Hopping into my car I decided I would chase their little bunny Marley.She did not get very far. I guess she did not learn her lesson the first time and was more than eager to jump into my vehicle. I put on a happy, friendly face. She had not seen me upstairs, which meant I could have some fun with the little thing before I sent her on her way. Marley had tears running down her face, said she needed to get away from some people. Marley begged me to drive fast, which I did in a way. I took her to a discreet hotel, one in which I had been to several times, and that didn’t take IDs or have security cameras or anything like that. It was one of those fly-by-night hotels where he could pay by the hour. There usually was a good selection of hooker there, even the younger ones that I like to play with. 

Taboo Phone Sex

I asked her if she would like to take a shower, which she was grateful to do. Marley got into the shower and I sat on my bed and decided I would smoke some weed to get myself into the mood. I can hear her humming and singing as she scrubbed her skin clean. When I opened up the bathroom door she looked confused, but still grateful. She was wrapping a towel around her plump rump. I held the knife behind my back out of view from her or the bathroom mirror and slid into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Marley kind of squinted her eyes at me giving me this dumb luck, which the guys already informed me that she did. I wanted to punch he is the face right then and there but decided to fuck with her first.

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I pulled the knife out to where she could see and began to play with it on the tip of my finger. Fear began to enter into her body and she realized she fucked up again. She started to whimper and plea trying to explain again where she had been in the basement and how the guys tormented her for months upon months without letting her see the light of day. I was unsympathetic of course. I took a knife and started to taunt her, running it up the side of her skin. Marley cried again begging me to stop. That began to really annoy me, there was nothing worse than a little girl he thought that she could beg her way your way out of something. I never came across as that kind of person, I don’t know why they felt they could always confided in me that way.

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I took the knife and started slicing and cutting the surface of her skin. She stumbled back falling into the bathtub giving me a perfect view of her nasty cunt. I decided that it would look much more appropriate adorned with some blood seeping from it, and took the handle of the knife and started shoving it into her moldy box. When I heard her moan, moan for joy I quickly turned it to the blade. Stabbing and fucking her with the knife so that she could feel the pain as it entered into her stupid twat. Once I finished Marley off I knew there was only one last thing that I can do with her. I let her lay in her own blood for a while, she was unconscious and I didn’t really want to have to carry the fat cow. I decided to remove her anyway, and take her back to the guys. When she woke up she was back in the hellhole were she had started with more chains more shackles more security tight around her she was in a state of shock. She was their little toy I had given her little taste of what I had offer now she can play with them.

Taboo Phone Sex Desires Better Explored with Two Submissive Whores


taboo phone sexExploring your darkest taboo phone sex desires is always better with two sluts. Two victims equals twice our pain and double your pleasure. I have a lot of sick Masters, but one in particular gives me chills down my spine. Normally he just abuses me solo, but the other day, he wanted his daughter Macey to watch as he fucked me unconscious. He is training her to be his private fuck slut. When I arrived at the dungeon, Macey was just sitting in her little school girl outfit awaiting my arrival. I think she thought of herself as daddy’s accomplice.

bondage phone sexAfter her daddy had me bound and gagged, he turned his attention to his baby girl. Macey was surprised that her daddy would tie her up like a filthy pig and put nipple weights on her tiny tits. Poor thing thought she was special. All women are worthless cunts. We are here to be fucked and treated like animals. Nothing more. She screamed and cried. Tried to tell him I was the real whore. So naive. That was just going to get her hurt. I guess being a good submissive whore comes with age; Macey had a lot to learn. I think I was there to school her in proper submissive behavior.

ass rape pornHe daddy suspended me by an above beam and fucked the shit out of me. My hands were bound, so were my breasts. I was hogtied and restrained. Macey was strung up spread eagle above us, being forced to watch us fuck while restrained. I could hear her whimpering, but she was no longer screaming and acting like she was special. She was learning. Being a proper fuck pig is a learning curve. With every beating, with every restraint, with every brutal encounter, you learn something; you improve. Master was using me to break his daughter.

rape phone sex fantasiesSuddenly he got more violent with me. Lowered me down and started punching me in the stomach; slapping my face; force fucking my ass with his fist; spitting on me; calling me names; pissing down my throat; burning my nipples; pulling my hair; he even carved whore in my forehead. By this time he had Macey bound and tied to a rod like a pig on a spit roast in front of us. “Learn from Blair you little cunt. She has aged out and I need fresh new meat to abuse,” he said. I felt a sense of relief that Master had grown tired of me, wanted to trade me in for a younger model, but also insulted. A woman is never too old to abuse.

Taboo phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

All I wanted to do it make him happy. He wanted to take me to a new level. A deeper darker level. All I remember is waking into his house and feeling the jolt of power hit my neck and now I am waking up tied up. Im in the bath tub and as I am looking around I see some of my hair in my lap. I start breathing heavy and freaking out because my hair is in my fucking lap!

Snuff porn

I try to sit up and I slip. I feel liquid splash and I look down at my feet. I see blood. I am in a pool of my own blood and hair. I start screaming and crying, I hear his soft voice saying “Hello” He opens the door and pops his head in and smiles his dark smile at me. He is here to take me closer to death. He is going to shave my head bald, He is going to bleed me out.

Snuff Porn Online Murder Fantasy Trade

Snuff Porn

Snuff porn is only something that I use to get my taboo phone sex cunt off when my supply of victims is running low.  I have been experimenting with a lot of CBT lately so I did not have anyone in my basement to have fun with when all of my slut piggies went home. I searched and googled on torrent sites to see if i could find something that was going to make my cunty wet. What would you know it came up with zero result. Zero snuff torrents, that was just not going to do. I was going to change that! I went out hunting for a little brat. I was going to make a murder fantasy porn for all of the snuff porn lovers like me. Something everyone would love. I started with a little brat with piggie tales. I set up camera to catch every angle of her death. From me ripping her little cunt open wearing a strap on, to force fucking her throat hole with a baseball bat. When i slit her throat I sat under her coating my body in her blood. Using the slick and warm liquid I played with my cunt cumming all over my fingers and then shoving the bloody cum mixture into my mouth to taste. 

taboo phone sex

Rape Phone Sex Fantasy & Brutal Rape Porn Fantasy with the Force Fuck Queen

rape phone sex fantasyRape phone sex fantasy calls are my specialty. The men in my life have been force fucking me for decades, ever since I was knee high. I talked to a caller the other day who had a brutal rape porn fantasy. Before we explored his scenario, however, he wanted to know about my real experiences. I have many, but the one that sticks with me the most goes back to when I was a young teen girl. Daddy had a bunch of his friends over for poker night. They were drinking and getting high. When I came in the room to bring them fresh beer, daddy grabbed my blonde ponytail and threw me on the poker table.

brutal rape porn fantasyHe yanked my cotton panties off, and shoved his fingers in my tight pussy. Pulled them out and let his friends sniff my young nectar. They all got hard, pulled their dicks out and gangbanged me. I was crying, begging for them to stop, but it made them fuck me harder. They sodomized me with their cocks and beer bottles; blow banged my mouth; covered me in cum; fisted my cunt; joked about getting my baby girl pussy knocked up. I was not a virgin thanks to daddy, but I never had multiple men yet; so my tiny holes were swollen and bleeding. They used me as their private ass rape porn star. They smelled of sweat, liquor and weed. I was lying on the table naked, scared, covered in cum. I thought that was the end of it. I was wrong.

ass rape pornDaddy tossed me out side in the yard. He smeared peanut butter all over me first. He blew a whistle, and the furry beasts came running. I was assaulted all over again by a gang of man’s best friends. It hurt so bad. They had spike like things on their peckers that hooked into my ass and pussy. Daddy and his friends were stroking their cocks watching me get violated by four legged beasts. When the furry ones busted their nuts in me, the men took another turn at me. As I was finishing up my story, my caller let out a huge moan. He came before we could explore his rape fantasy. “Your real experience is much hotter than my fantasy, Cassandra,” he informed me. Sadly, I have many more force fuck stories. I create new ones weekly too as a submissive whore.