Category: Teen rape porn

The Woods are Bleeding….

snuff phone sexShe fucking knew better. Seriously, a petite little thing like her can’t keep bumming rides and expect to live. I spotted her on the road and called my pervert friend. I could hear him slapping his cock in glee as I described her firm, young body. I knew his demons and what he planned, so of course, I agreed to stop by and help him out.
Driving home a bit later, she was gone and I knew he had her. It was his game, picking up tender teens and taking them to hell. His own private hell back in the woods. He’d use them, fucking every hole on their body before poking a few of his own, and fucking them, too. He loved to peel the skin away from their faces, just leaving a bloody gash to shove his cock into. He’d cut off their tits for dinner, and cut them from asshole to pisshole. The more they screamed, the harder his cock got. He was fueled by torture and pain, which made me his immediate friend. You know I’m hardcore with the pain and blood fetish.

knife play phone sex
I pulled up behind him, deep in the woods. I could hear her screams already. He was laughing. Poor little cunt thought she’d run, not knowing that these woods were booby-trapped. A spiked tree had caught her mid-section, ripping her tits open, and she was bleeding profusely. He had her on the ground, jabbing his fingers into her open wound as he viciously pumped her ass. I stood and watched, fingers in my panties, rubbing my swollen clit. Just as he was ready to cum, I grabbed his hand and slipped one of his bloody fingers into my mouth. And then I slit her throat. …..
He left her lying there on the ground where the critters would gnaw her carcass. Her bones would join the dust of our other victims. We got back in the car and drove away, already looking for our next victim.

bloody phone sex

Missing Person

Cannibalism phone sex

It is so sad when a young teen run away who is  hitchhiking goes missing. The worst part is when they finally get to their destination. A lot of teens runaway to Vegas to get away from the rules their parents make. Once they are in my home, they wish they could go back home. They will never leave my home again. I trick them into coming with me. I promise a hot meal, shower and a warm bed to sleep in. Once I get the runaway home I feed them a home made meal. Even tho it is left overs my meat is still juicy. My new Meat source is getting sleepy as she eats. Little did she know that in her meat I put a ton of sleep meds in there! I love it when she finally woke up. She was strapped down on the counter top, as I was getting her skin all oiled up. I don’t want her to dry out as she cooks away in my oven. I love explaining to her what she is going to be cooked for! I am so excited to eat this runaway hitchhiker!!

Taboo phone sex

Redneck Rest stop from Hell

rape phone sex fantasiesI was traveling through Mississippi on a dark evening when I had to pee. I usually wait until I get gas because roadside rests creep me out. But, my bladder was screaming so I had no choice.
The lights were out. I eased out of my car and looked around. Grabbing my cell phone to use as a flashlight, I crept across the lawn. I ran into the Ladies Room, slammed the door shut, and locked it. That’s where I screwed up. I heard sounds from within the room. A voice whispered. “I’m coming to get you, girl.”
I flew to the door and ran for my life. A pick-up barreled across the grass, heading for me. I crashed through the shubbery, but was met by more men. One grabbed me and kissed me with foul breath. He threw me to the other one, who ripped off my clothes. I landed face down on the hard ground. “Well, lookee here. Sweet young pussy.” the older one unfastened his jeans as the others crowded around. Taking turns, they had their way with me, taking me 2 at a time. My pussy was an overflowing dumpster, my asshole was a gaping bloody cesspool of white trash cum.

teen rape porn
He hit me hard across the face. “Suck my cock, you whore.” I tried to babble something but choked on the blood, as my mouth was violated. I felt my legs being stretched out as another one got behind my knees. “Scream for me, slut.” he roared as he rammed a huge fuckstick up my young ass. I screamed until I collapsed. And still they violated me.
I awoke later, bruised and bloody, my hair stiff with jizz. I pulled myself to my car. I could feel blood on my tits where they cut me and my skull was cracked.  Just as I started the engine, 2 more pick-ups pulled up and blocked me in. Sweet darkness took me in and I passed out.


My Rest Stop Nightmare

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I was so excited! Daddy told me this past weekend we were going on a trip, we were going to stay in a hotel and go out to eat and he even told me he was going to take me shopping. He promised he wouldn’t be mean to me either, I couldn’t wait. He said the only condition was I had to dress nice and slutty for him, so I of course put on my shortest mini skirt, ready to start our mini vacation! He didn’t tell me where we were going, so I just fell asleep for the ride. I woke up as we were nearing a rest stop, I asked Daddy why we were stopping because I didn’t need to pee and he told me I better try anyways. I know better to argue with my Daddy so I did as I was told. I went in and there was a beautiful woman in there as I went into one of the stalls, she left. I was just washing my hands when all of a sudden there was a knife to my throat and a hand over my mouth. I realized it was the woman I had seen before, and she whispered in my ear “Surprise whore, you’ve been set up.” Before I could make a move there were all these men surrounding me, grabbing at me kicking and slapping me. There were too many of them to fight off and the woman was just sitting there watching them violently beat me and tell me what a little fucking whore I am. I don’t know what happened but I was suddenly being dragged by my hair all the way across the bathroom, the woman was ripping my head up yelling at me telling me she was going to make me be the submissive little whore I am just as she shoved my whole face in the toilet water. At this point I tried to scream and struggle, flailing around as they flushed the toilet over and over again. I couldn’t breathe, I was choking on the toilet water unable to fight them off no matter how much I struggled. I felt myself fading away… slipping into sleep forever, when all of a sudden my face was ripped out of the toilet and I could breathe again. I was choking, trying to catch my breath as I looked up and made eye contact with my Daddy, he had his cock in his hand, it was rock hard just like the other cocks next to him… there was more than I could count. I couldn’t believe Daddy had done this to me, and I didn’t have time to think. The woman was positioning my head and telling me to open my fucking mouth to take all the these cocks and when I was to speak to her,  I better fucking call her Mistress Shadow or she’ll let me drown next time. I obeyed and opened my mouth to being the object of all of their rape fantasy phone sex dreams…


Rape phone sex fantasies are my specialty!

rape phone sex fantasiesOh this is a good story for ya, laughable even. I guess my extensive experience in violently fucking, torturing and snuffing out girls got around. That’s my reputation. There was this guy who owned a construction business a couple cities over…he was looking for an accomplice. He sent me an email telling me exactly what he had in mind… and wanted to see if I could help. Well of fucking course I took his offer, as if I would ever in a million years turn down the opportunity to quench my rape fantasy phone sex desires. He was very specific with what he wanted, so I made sure to give him exactly what he asked for… It was clear it wasn’t the first time he had done this to his daughter, I knew he wanted to spice things up a bit, put a new edge to things. He told me he would be meeting me at a rest stop very late at night, when it would be mostly abandoned except a few trucker guys. Not just any trucker guys, guys that were ready to torment this little bitch till she was begging for it all be over. I’m not sure of the story he told her, the plan was to get her in the woman’s restroom, so I waited patiently. She came in, dressed like a slut as I knew she would be, I knew it was time to fuck this little whore up. I quickly left, putting signs up saying the restrooms were closed and sending a quick text to my friends and her Daddy. I came up behind her as she was washing her hands, holding a knife to her throat as I covered her mouth. “Surprise whore, you’ve been set up.” I whispered in her ear. Before she could struggle all my friends were surrounding her, grabbing at her, kicking, and smacking her. Telling her what a nasty fucking whore she is, ripping off her slutty skirt. I laughed at her, dragging her by her hair to the biggest stall. This bitch was about to get it, but first I wanted to show her just how fucking serious I was about her behaving like the submissive little whore she is, I shoved her face in the toilet holding her head under water as my friends helped. We flushed the toilet over and over, not letting her come up for air. She was struggling frantically… and just when I knew her vision was starting to go out I let her up to breathe. I made sure the first thing she saw was her Daddy who betrayed her, and all my friends who were more than ready to abuse her.

In The Dead Of The Night

taboo phone sex karmaAll tucked in, teddy held tight in your arms, your eyes are heavy and you long to be in that magical world known as dreamland. You feel yourself drifting closer to that place where the clouds are giant marshmallows and you can play with all the animals. Not tonight…..tonight I am sending the darkest shadows to that happy place. Where you thought there would be light, there will be dark. Terror lurks in every shadow and evil is chasing you. Your heart is beating with fear, the faster you run the closer it gets. The walls are closing in on you, breathing in and out and trapping you. You open your mouth to scream but no sound escapes your lips. Mommy and Daddy are no where to be found. You’re alone, abandoned, helpless and the devil himself is breathing down your neck. You can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck. You dare to turn around and look into the glowing red eyes that are the face of death. Your going to die here in what was once your safe place. You wake up with a start, sweat soaking your cute little pajamas, your walls softly lit by glowing stars and moons. Afraid to close your eyes and go back to sleep? Good that is how it is supposed to be…. 

Prison Gangbang

gangbang rape pornIt all started so innocently. I visited the prison to see my old friend, Bucky. He was doing 20 years and I knew darn well that he was hornier than fuck. I reached under the visiting table and began to stroke his cock through his prison orangies. He smiled and whispered. “Let’s have some fun.” The guy behind him with another visitor turned and smiled. “Suck that old man’s cock for me.” he pointed. I laughed at him. He knew I would take any fucked-up dare.
I had that old man’s cock in my mouth as soon as his ‘ol lady left the room. I was jerking on Bucky’s meat, too. I noticed the guard at the front table eyeing us, but then I saw his hand go underneath the desk and start fondling, so I knew it was cool. I felt like I was in control.
That’s where things got all fucking twisted. Two more guys sitting at the back moved forward. One of them grabbed me and tore at my clothes. A big guy yanked me away and shoved his cock in my face. I had always been the bitch in control and this wasn’t fun. “Get the fuck off me.” I screamed.
“You wanna tease, little girl. We aint had no pussy in years. You gonna get it.” I was surrounded by men. The guard was still playing with his own cock, just staring at my body. “It was just a fucking game.” I screamed. “There are no games when you have 12 years of cum build-up, bitch. We want pussy.” the big black one snarled.
I was knocked to the floor and they were on me. My panties were ripped off. I felt one trying to shove an oversized meatstick into my asshole. Another one pulled me on top of him, thrusting up into my juicy hole. A third grabbed me by the hair and forced his cock into my mouth. I wanted to bite him but I knew he had no reason not to kill me. I was screaming as they tore me, pumping furiously and filling me with globs of overripe sperm. When I refused to open my mouth, they punched and kicked me. These were some sorry fuckers.
Buddy was cheering them on. “Fuck her. Ride that cunt. make her take that cum. Knock the slut up.” He had them so inflamed that they just hurt me more. My tit was bleeding where one bit me. Clumps of my hair lay on the floor. I was bruised, inside and out. And still, they fucked me. It was an endless nightmare that finally ended when the guard came over and finished off on me, jerking out his last spurt on my face. “Ok, boys, that’s enough. Visiting hours are over. Finish that nut and git!!” As the last one splattered me with inmate goo, the guard flipped the security camera back on.
“Time to go, ma’am. Playtime’s over.” he smiled, showing a missing tooth gap. I vowed right then that I’d get him, make his life hell, fuck his wife and   wee ones want to see him whimper. This isn’t the end. Oh, no. He done fucked with the wrong little g


Accomplice Phone Sex Police Officer Helps Make Young Rape Porn

accomplice phone sexNormally, I like accomplice phone sex, but not all masters are created equally. My eldest stepson, for example, is a sick bastard. He blackmails me into doing his dirty work. He knows about my cocaine habit and that I fuck my much younger biological sons. He showed up today with a police uniform for me to wear. I really had no clue how sick he was until he told me I was to pose as a school police officer and lure a few brats off school grounds for a special sex party. That was 7 years ago. I am still donning that same outfit to help him make young rape porn.

I do as I am told or he will ruin my life. More so than he already has that is. I walked right on to school property. No one questioned a female officer. Even teachers who never saw me before didn’t ask for a badge or proof of identity. I went into the girl’s locker room. I know his type. Really young. Not fully developed yet. No hair on the pussy. Little bumps for boobs. Cute little bubble buts. And, extremely angelic looking. I observed for a moment then found 4 girls together dressing who appeared to be friends. I explained that I was sent by one of their parents to take them all home to one girl’s house as there had been an accident. They started crying. Guess I should have thought of a better story. But it got all of them in the molester van as I call it.

young rape pornOld police van we got an auction years ago. Lots of sick shit has happened in the back of that van. Wasn’t stopping anytime soon. My stepson was in the back posing as an officer too. Those little girls had no idea they would never see their families again. My step son makes top dollar making underground movies with little girls and old men. Young little sex slaves are big earners. I know my part. I drugged them, undressed them, used a dildo on their little bald mounds and asses to loosen then up a bit. They did have cute little bodies. I can see why men like those school girls. I am no angel. I love my school bus riding sons, but I would never torture them, sell them to John Wayne Gacy or snuff them out. My step son has no morals. All he cares about is profit. And young flesh yields him top dollar. I brought him 4 school girl virgins to be molested and force fucked on film by old rich perverts.

When we got to his studio, the girls were wasted. They had stopped crying and asking questions. There were over 100 men, mostly Russian and Eastern European waiting with wads of cash. The four highest bidders went first. They paid to pop the cherries. Watching fat sweaty men hump young little girls was hotter than I imagined. I started masturbating as I watched countless men violate the holes of innocent school girls. Their innocence was lost that day. Lifeless little strung out whores, covered in cum had all their holes stretched out. Asses prolapsed. Little cunnies ruined and coated in blood. Used whores now. Can’t take them back to their parents, but can profit off them again. Besides pimping out young girls as whores to dirty old men, the second biggest money maker is young snuff porn. Force fuck them then snuff them means double profit. I have probably lured away 100s of milk carton faces over the years. Yet no one ever expects a ginger haired soccer mom to lure little ones to their demise. I steal innocence instead of baking cookies.

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Will this be the end?

Snuff Phone Sex“Please please don’t!” I cried and begged… I didn’t want this to be the end for me. He hit me again, I saw stars and all I could think about was the crime scene the police would find me at, my father acting like he was distraught over my death, all lies. It all started when I decided it would be okay to tell my Daddy no. I knew better, I knew what was going to happen. He’s taught me good and well what I am good for, and that being said I guess I had this coming. I have no one on my side, all his friends use and abuse me as they please. When Daddy told me we would be hanging out with his friends that evening, I should have just listened and put on the slutty outfit provided for me. Instead, I told my Dad I had plans and he had surprisingly acted okay with it – but my only plans were to not get the shit beaten out of me that evening. Thinking I was in the clear I took myself to bed nice and early, even feeling safe enough to only sleep in my panties tonight. Big mistake! I woke up with hands around my throat, I tried to scream and squirm away but there were more hands than I could count holding me down. I tried to gasp for air, and was greeted by the taste of piss in my mouth followed promptly by a giant cock. I could feel myself starting to pass out from lack of air, I was choking like crazy, all my holes were being violated and I could hear my Daddy say in my ear “Were these the plans you were talking about babygirl?” I could hear the anger in his voice and felt him as he punched me over and over. Was this going to be the end for me? Would Daddy be okay with fucking my lifeless body? I hoped he would see some use for me as him and his buddies beat and fucked me till I was covered in blood and cum, too exhausted to beg anymore.

Taboo Phone Sex; Dumb Boy Learns Fellatio, The Twisted Way!

Taboo Phone Sex

Little fucking ass holes and bitches, fucking disgust me. Why people would ever want to breed such nasty creatures is beyond me. When I was approached by a little idiot at the corner of his fucking bus stop I about threw up in my mouth. The little brat had the nerve to tell me I was “fine as fuck” and that he wanted me to suck his “giant dick”. Now, I am a fairly fair person, I walked away that day. A couple days later though I was walking again past the same corner. The little shit had the nerve to not only call me “sweet stuff” but ask if I came back for more. That was it.This taboo phone sex bitch was done and I was going to teach this little ass hole a lesson! So I turned on my charm and brought him back to my place. He really thought he was going to score. 

I brought him inside and took him down into my torture chamber down stairs. This is how dense this guy was, he thought it was my sex room! Blood and chains everywhere and he still thinks I am going to give him head. My friend came from around the corner and my eyes turned to meet his only to get inrupted by the little chump, little ass had his clothes off already. “Well babe, you going to show me how a real women gives blowjobs,” he asked of me. “Oh I am going to teach you about it alright, but it is going to be you giving the fellatio, not me.” He looked at me, I could tell the word fellatio was rattling around that brain of his. I grabbed my hand out and gripped it around his throat pulling him near me. 

Snuff Porn

I grabbed his head and forced him on my friend. When he let out groans of satisfaction for the mouth force fuck he was being given I slapped him across the face and asked him what his problem was. He told me he was just doing what he was taught. Well, I was going to show him the propper way, folding him in half I shoved his head towards his own cock. “Now little boy, stick out your tongue and say AHHHH” I laughed as I shoved his face down onto his own cock. He wanted a lesson and he was going to get it. He grabbed it hard at the base and sucked right on. The little ingrate was actually listening to me. “That’s good now, choke on it!” I shoved his head down further, he began to gag on his own cock. Sure enough he started doing it on his own. I watched in awe as this little fag sucked up his own pre-cum. 

I flipped the idiot upside down. He did not want to stop sucking his cock. I grabbed a big spike studded dildo and shove it into his ass hole. First he whimpered and then, he came. The little ass was enjoying the fucking punishment I was giving him. Like a little pain slut sissy fag he came into his own mouth. I was in awe. This was not punishment for him, which made me very very angry. Well if he wanted to enjoy his auto-fellatio then he could forever. I took a chainsaw and cut that little bitch in half. When he was done I let all my friend come over and fuck his dead remains, while his dead body sucked his own worthless, dead cock! 

Sex with dead bodies