I have done the worst thing imaginable. I have went from masters gore snuff porn slave to being his bate for murder. I begged him to kill me instead, I truly wanted the sweet release of death, but he would never give me that. Let me start from the beginning. It all started by us having a great week. I was allowed up stairs and got to sleep in my old bed. He told me I was sorry he was a little crabby with me. If that was a little crabby then I would hate to see what he was like pisssed. Of course I believed it, I always did. He told me we were going to go on a date. I was so happy; finally I had made up for all of my many mistakes. It was amazing; I was having so much fun. I went to the bathroom and came back and he was talking to some other girl. Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks in the face as I walked back towards them. I tried to look cheery as he introduced her to me. His newest victim. He introduced her as new to town, and having no family to help her. Of course we brought her home.
They were waiting there. In my room when I went in to get changed. His snuff film guys just grabbed me around my mouth. They were wearing nothing but vinyl aprons. At first I breathed a sigh of relief I thought I was going to be the one dying. I was handed an apron and then I just cried. I was not going to be the victim he was going to make me help. He was going to make me help him hurt this poor girl. I could hear them start to work on her. He screams went from intense to muffled. They brought me into the slaughter room where she laid there in a puddle of her own blood. She whimpered and struggled to breath and tried to reach up to me.
I cried and covered my mouth, reaching out to try and help her. Master slapped my arm down and put a knife into my hand. He ordered me to finish the job. I tried to run out of the room and caught a fist to the side of my head. He told me that if I did not kill her now, he would keep her around and make me watch as he slowly killed her for weeks. He told me he would feed her to me. Make me so hungry that I would be forced to love the taste of her dead body. I cried and walked over to her, my whole body shaking. I went to slit her throat and her told me too easy. I cried even harder leaning over her and began to scream plunging the knife into her body. I stabbed her over 50 times before collapsing to the ground covered in her blood. He laughed and kicked me to the side locking me in the dark with her. I bear on the door till I passed out, he took the knife with him too, I could not even kill myself.
Category: Teen phone sex
Gore Snuff Porn; The Bloody Kill
Accomplice phone sex
We warned you. Told you that you were going to be so addicted that you would never be able to stop. Highly inappropriate addiction at that. It certainly isn’t grown women that make that cock hard, is it? So, here you are, parked in your car. What is it that you are looking at? They certainly aren’t very tall. Don’t you love the way the mommies are all so wrapped up in their phones, tablets, readers, etc? Leaves a whole lot of opportunity for someone like you.
Sitting there in your car. Oh look, that cock is rock hard you pervert. Looking at them in their swimming suits; others in their skirts and short tops. Certainly don’t leave much to the imagination anymore do they, perv? The question is, is this where it’s going to stop? Come on, say yes, try to convince yourself that this is just as far as you sick, pathetic self is going to go.
How far will you go this time? Will you stop or make her see angels?
Teen Rape Porn Beats Up My Poor Pussy
Master told me I was going to be getting a break from all of the ass rape porn. I was so excited that my swollen, bloody ass was going to be getting a little bit of a relief. He even led me up on a leash so I could use the toilet and take a shower. It was like every time I thought that he no longer cared about me he proved a little glimpse of humanity still remained inside of his cold heart. He did only let me use cold water and also said that I was only allowed to use disinfectant soap but I was appreciative none the less. He took me out into his room and made me change into my uniform; I just figured it was time for another field trip. When I came into the living room 4 masked men stood there. I froze up and stared at them. Master told them to remember my anus was off limits because they did not purchase that package. I flashed my eyes to him in horror.
The men started to approach me. My feet, having a mind of their own turned and ran down the hall way. The men roared with excitement chasing me down into the room where I once slept. I screamed trying to pull free of them. They ripped apart my clothing and tore into me with their cocks. My throat was their fuck hole of shame. I could hardly breathe between the rods and the choke hold I was put in. I kept trying to relax and just take it but my body had other plans, clawing and kicking at them. They punished every part of my body. My ass was getting a break but the now beat up pussy I had was not. Two cocks went into what was once a tight pussy hole. I screamed trying to get free. I was choked until I passed out and woke up in a pile of blood and cum. I curled into the fetal position and cried of it to end.
Playground Fun
With the numbers thinning out around my town I’ve had to start skimming through the playgrounds around here. I got a boy in the play house by myself and fucked him with a sharp pipe I found broken off of the monkey bars. I lifted him into the air and put his entire cock in my mouth while railing his ass with the bar. He actually came which was hilarious and not something I thought would happen but he did, twice even. I was so wet and shoved his head into my pussy, making him taste this sweet cunt until I eventually took the bar out of his ass and bashed it over his stupid fucking head. He wasn’t gone at first and he was still hard so I finished myself off with his still erect cock while he was moaning and blurry from the hit and I just left him in there. I didn’t really care enough to finish him off after I came so much any way.
Let it Burn
Yesterday I cut the break lines of a school bus parked outside of the museum. Meh, maybe I’ll see something about it in the news. I’m so bored. In the mean time I’ve got a few brats to watch over and probably torture a bit more. We’ll start with teasing them with cookies and eventually lead up to something more bloody. New snot nosed brats are so easy to come by, and make me come so easy, eating out their little fresh pussies while dragging a blade across their flat tits. Sucking little bitch pussies and cunts is the only thing that really gets me off. I can’t even tell if they’re screaming from the pleasure or from the pain because frankly I can’t really tell if I’m fucking them too hard with my fingers or my knife when I really get into the fucking. It all becomes just one big single penetration into their tiny body when I’m fucking them and the mix is something like no other fucking can compare. And hearing on the news that bus crashed and burned made it even better!
Oooh Butt-hole!!
Big daddy brought home some girl this week. I was surprised, shocked and jealous. Big daddy is mine, Every once in a while we fuck but our relationship is full of drugs, money and torture. So I thought he brought home a sexy little blonde for us to torture when that wasn’t the reason. Big daddy wanted Macey to himself. He told me her pussy was so tight wrapped around his cock he could nut in minutes. Not just her pussy but her ass was amazing. This blonde cunt was stealing my dick, my muscle, my torture guide.
This bitch was going down. I am the queen mother fucking b in this house. Her tight cunt and ass is what he is falling for, Ill blow that bitches cunt out! Since she likes to get fucked up I figured Id give her some extra to fuck with her. She started moaning and fell asleep on the couch. I got her all tied up and started to play with her Blonde cunt! She did have a very tight pussy, even tasted so sweet! I stretched her cunt and ass hole open and now I’m able to shove what ever I want deep into her lose holes!!!
Fallen Angel
Light emanating from my body, a flowing white gown gently touches the floor. Floating above myself I watch the dark shadow approach, smothering the light. Replacing it with something sinister. Innocents leaves and is replaced with evil. the feeling overtakes me and I hear the whisper in my ear. The voice a low growl, sends shivers of delight up my spine. It leads me from the comfort of my home and out into the chill of the night air. My nipples harden and I can feel the juices dripping down my inner thigh. Blindly I follow the instructions being given. I stop in front of the well manicured yard. The same one that she was in earlier, working hard with her long braids and her tight young body. A vision of that earlier scene appears before me as if in a dream. The longing in my loins is a burning flame building slowly becoming uncontrollable. I feel him walking up behind me and the heat of his breath is on my neck. Every nerve in me is alive with sadistic desire to experience his teen rape fantasy. We move together in unison to commit the act that we both long to have. Peering in her bedroom window we see the pretty pink letters over her bed spelling out her name “BECKA”. By the night lights glow her face is almost angelic as she sleeps. The window is open to the night air and the screen easily slips out. We climb through and approach her bed. Placing my hand over her mouth I hold her down and watch his hands slid up her thighs as she squirms to be free. Her eyes wide as tears slip quietly down her cheeks. My heart beats faster watching him take her. I whisper encouragement telling him it is OK. Guiding him every step of the way as he molests her young underdeveloped body. She is our victim this night. Soon she will be a fallen angel. No longer pure, tainted by our desires and filled with the hot cum of his throbbing cock. We cum together in the dark, breathing heavy and delighting in the pleasure that she brings us. What is taboo to others is so right for us. We are united by a craving so strong that we can’t fight it. Letting go and giving in to the only thing that satisfies our lust….sweet young victims of the night. I wake up in a puddle of cum and know I need more. Won’t you join me?
Killer Phone Sex Bathtub Fun
I got a fun client this week who hired me for a little bit more than my normal slaughter and run. He wanted me to do my normal hunt like I usually did but he wanted it to be less of a bash and grab and more sensual and trust between the two of us. I went out to a local underground gay club. He wanted a pretty chicky and I knew I would be able to pull it off no problem. I sat at the bar and went through lady after lady before the perfect one met me. She had long legs and brown hair, and I knew she was going to be just his type. I was to take her back to his house which I would tell her was my own. When I got there I continued to feed her drink after drink. She was already pretty sloshed but I wanted her nice and wasted so that every sense of hers was down. I asked her to excuse me while I drew a bath for us both to play in and went into the bathroom shutting the door. He sat in a chair in the corner of the dark bathroom. It was a really large one, the kind with not only a bathtub, but also a stand up shower straight across from it. He already had the bathroom ready; candles were everywhere, and enough light to barely see. The tub was full of warm blood, a thin layer of soap suds laid across the top of it. I looked at him and winked leaving the bathroom. I went over to her and kissed along her neck, removing her dress from her shoulders. We undressed each other till we were both naked and I walked her into the dark bathroom.
I backed into the tub pulling her in with me. The blood was thick and warm around us, she leaned against the back of the tub and I continued to make up with her slutty face hole. I pushed my hand in between her legs and played with her twat roughly. She whimpered a little bit and asked me not to be so rough. That made me want to be worse, I shoved four of my fingers inside her and leaded forward and bit she side of her neck. She moaned out again a little bit louder. I took a deep breath and then went into the blood searching for her clit with her tongue. When I opened my mouth it greeted my taste buds and lapped at her cunt with excitement of the familiar iron taste in my mouth. I got a little too excited and bit hard at her twat taking it into my teeth. I could feel her just and then I came to the surface. Blood drained down my face as I gave her a menacing smile. Her eyes grew wide and she lifted her hands from the water and looked at the blood draining down her arms. She began to scream, and I slowly lifted myself out of the tub and walked across the room to the sink. I grabbed the knife that was sitting in it and flipped on the light turning to face her. She squealed and begged me not to hurt her. I laughed as she lay in the tub trying to reach her arms out to stop me. I looked over to my client sitting in the chair and her eyes followed in the direction of mine. She gripped the edge of the tub and tried to lift herself out. With a nod from my client I turned to her again and slid my knife across her throat. Blood sprayed across the bathroom and she slowly sank into the tub.
I glanced back to my client. He gave me a pleased smile. Blood drained down my naked body. He nodded his head towards the shower and I stepped in. There was a wash cloth and some soap in the shower. He adjusted his chair in between the tub still gurgling with air bubbles and me in the shower. I turned the water on and began to rub the blood all over myself. Slowly it left the surface of my skin and formed in a puddle below my feet. I moved my fingers to my tight bald pussy and began to get myself off. He removed his cock and stated to stroke his throbbing cock alongside me. He dipped his hand into the tub of blood, her hand dead resting on the side and stroked himself with his blood soaked hand. We both came together; it was intense, staring into each other’s eyes. He thanked me and paid me my money and I went about my ways. I had so much fun with him and wished that he would enlist in my services again.
Daycare Fun
I pass the time at the daycare just fantasizing about getting alone with the twenty or so little shits I have to watch every day. I just want to string them all together from the roof, Making a ladder of young naked bodies and turn them into a waterfall of blood after I gut them open. I can see a Christmas tree of their guts dangling from the ceiling but there’s no way I’d get away with slaughtering an entire school house of them, So I just wait for the individual jobs I get from unlucky parents in desperate need of someone to watch their shitty little ones while they go out and be fucking irresponsible like they always want to do. Giving the job to someone they don’t even know. So I just have to go to the bathroom during breaks and rub my wet cunt while thinking about it instead of actually doing it. What a disappointment.