He forced himself into my room, with my boyfriend out of the picture he knew I belonged to no one else now, only to him. I woke up and he was there and another man was with him, but I couldn’t see his face because he had a mask on. I laid there silently because I was so afraid, plus I was hoping he would leave if he thought I was asleep, but I knew better than to think that.
He caught me peaking at him and his friend, I could see it in his face. The second we made eye contact he tore my pants off me and slung them across the room while his friend rolled me over onto my stomach.
“You’re not going to enjoy this” He said in a stern tone to his voice. His friend laughed in agreement as he stuffed my mouth with a pair of my dirty panties and covered it with tape so I couldn’t scream for help. Then, the masked man held me down.
” Be a little good slut, or else” The masked stranger whispered in my ear. I could feel the blade of a knife running down my back, I started to panic, but I didn’t want either of them to notice. I tried to close my eyes so I didn’t have to see anything, but the mask me slapped me hard across the face and demanded that I open them.
Once my eyes were opened, the masked man nodded to him and he forced his cock inside my tight frightened asshole. Even though my mouth was taped up, I know the muffled screams were loud enough to make both of the men very unhappy. My head was forced down into my pillows, making it difficult to breathe, while my ass was fucked as hard and deep as he could manage. The sounds he made were pure evil, and his masked friend laughing the entire time…I never felt so used or humiliated.
The second he came inside me, the masked man stopped restraining me and they both disappeared out the window leaving me to remove the panties and tape from my own mouth. My face was damp with tears and my little ass was red and sore. I bled a little, but I know he doesn’t care. He just wants to use me up until there’s nothing left and I let him get away with it.
Category: Teen phone sex
Night Visits
He’s started watching me more closely, making sure that I know who I belong to. He watches me when I’m with my boyfriend probably planning on how to get him out of the picture. I wake up three nights a week to his hands around my throat and his engorged cock inside me. He takes my dirty panties and jams them into my mouth so no one can hear me scream during his late night visits. The way I suffer and squirm only makes his dick harder, he has little regraud for my comfort. Yet sometimes he holds me close after these visits whispering in my ear what a good little slut I’ll be for him.
Part of me never wants this to end, but the other part of me is so very afraid. What will happen to me if he goes too far? Will he end up killing me by mistake or would it be on purpose?! What about my boyfriend, would he really kill him? Maybe this is all some twisted and exciting game. None of my friends have told anyone about him peeping in on us at our sleep over, so it must not be serious. I just don’t know.
I like that he has this power over me, I just don’t understand it. I hope he can help me understand or even make me understand if he has to. I just want to know what he wants from me also why the fear he sparks inside me turns me on more than I ever thought possible before.
Bitch In The Red Dress
Have you ever wanted to literally rip someone’s heart out? Sure you have…I know you have…there was a girlfriend, a coworker, a relative, a friend…at some time in your life. The kind of person who you may have cared about at one time, or have hated eternally. But in some way, the pendulum swung and you hated that bitch’s fucking guts. So much, that you felt you could thrust your hand inside of the innermost part of them, and squeeze the life away…
Maybe strip her nice and naked. I know you can’t resist your dick straining against the front of your pants. You can see those pointy tits poking through the thin fabric of her silky dress…you wanna rip it off of her and spread those legs wide open. Wanna play, baby? I mean, look at that beautiful skin…it’s so soft. So smooth…so unblemished. Let’s light some matches and burn her eyelids off.
I bet she’s gonna scream like a banshee and beg for release. Maybe, instead of tying her up, you should give her that release. Take your dick and pound her cervix wide open. Let the blood gush out…Wanna make some art? I’d love to see you carve some demonic symbols in her chest before we snuff her out.
Sticks and Stones; Skulls and Bones
All of the girls at my school are giggly little sluts who act ditzy and retarded. They wear the sluttiest clothes and then complain when horny teenage boys cop a feel of their exposed tits! I mean, it’s high school, people. If you wear a mini-skirt that shows off your fat ass cheeks, you’re going to get leered at–and you’ll definitely be felt up. There’s this one little tramp–Clarissa–who’s especially annoying. She’s always being called on in class and never has an answer. Clarissa just gets this stupid look on her face and goes: “Umh, whaattt?” It’s almost comical. I just don’t think it’s fair for girls to picket against ‘Slut Shaming’ when they act like total whores. Clarissa holes are going to be destroyed. No one’s going to be gentle with the soft tissue of her little asshole when she finally gets shoved down and violated like the filthy bitch she is. I can’t wait to see Clarissa get what she deserves. All of that fluffy blonde hair being pulled out of her skull, and those perky tits sticking out and just asking to be smacked…it’ll be sexy as hell. You wanna go on a bender with me, baby…I know just the bitch to hunt the fuck down…
A Thief In The Night
He came in like a thief in the night. Hovering over my bed with a mask on. Like I wouldn’t recognize his voice.
As soon as felt his presence over me my pussy began to respond.
I could feel the danger and the sexual tension.
I didn’t open my eyes. In less then a second I felt his hand over my mouth and his cock pushing into my pussy through my panties.
I recognized his smell even though he didn’t say a word. He was one of Daddy’s friends. I knew he wanted me to fight. So I struggled as he shoved his hard cock into me.
Thinking he was taking me against my will turned him on.
Knowing I was giving it to him because I wanted it. Knowing I was fooling him, made me cum so hard I thought I would never catch my breath.
My body quacking made him cum like a man that just won the lottery.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Cum True
I know I am Daddy’s fuck toy. I know I am to please which ever friend he brings over.
Last night Daddy brought over his boss. A fat wicked looking man with evil in his eyes. As soon as he laid eyes on me he walked over and kissed me with his foul mouth. Teeth all rotted out, stinking like he hadn’t showered in days and reeking of booze.
He was rough when he grabbed a hand full of tit, squeezing and pulling it so hard that I have bruises today.
He told Daddy I would do, handed him a fist full of money and dragged me by my hair to the room.
He ripped all my clothes off and threw them in a shredded heap on the floor before throwing me down right next to them.
He beat the shit out of me swelling my eyes and busting my lip before he took his big hard dick and shoved it inside of me. First in my mouth, gagging me till I puked all over him. Then in my pussy, ripping me opened and enjoying my cries and then up my tight ass, sending flashes of pain through my body.
He grunted like a pig when he shoot his load in my soar ass and then spit on me, calling me a worthless slut before he left.
Portrait of Death
Portrait Of Death ~ NarcissusNarcosis
I will never forget the night
I first experienced the delight
of what it felt like
to take another human’s life..
I had fantasized nonstop
for a very long time
I knew no drug could top
the high I would find…
I spent the days leading up
carefully dissecting my plan
deciding how it would come to fruition
stalking out my first victim..
Still not sure why I picked him
maybe it was because he seemed
so set in doing good deeds.
And no good deed goes unpunished…
I tirelessly studied
his daily routines
even went to church
to watch him preach.
He would stand at his altar
babbling on and on about
hell, brimstone, and fire.
He talked about how demons walked the earth
to bring about the end.
If only he knew
the demon that would end him
was in the front row…
He had a beautiful wife
2 young tykes and a dog
she would be a widow
weeping at an empty altar
and those brats would grow up
without a father.
I sharpened my blades well
different knives for different purposes
one for stabbing, one for slicing,
one for peeling skin
and a meat cleaver for dicing.
A bone saw to dismember
along with a small plastic case
to keep a trophy of him with me
He was a set-in-his-ways man
so I knew what he would be doing
we had a very nice date planned
no way it could be ruined.
I dressed in black fatigues
long-sleeve black shirt and black boots.
My tools were already in my car
as I left my house with a smile
didn’t have to drive far
he lived away only a few miles.
I drove to his house and parked
and waited for him to depart
just as expected, 8:29 PM
he said bye to the brats.
I followed him to the parking lot
of the Saturday night restaurant
he always went to
meeting friends at the I-HOP
for some self-righteous laughs and food.
He always parked at the side of the building
where I knew no cameras were filming
I crept behind him with a wire in my clutch
wrapped around his throat
until he ceased to choke
then dragged him to my trunk.
Once he was properly bound and gagged
we were off, on our way back to my pad.
He awoke wide-eyed with a look of fear
strapped to a table in the heart of my shed
I removed the tape so I could hear
him pray to a god that was already dead.
He asked me why I was doing this
and offered me money to let him go
said he had a family, had 2 brats
and I replied, “I already know.”
I took my time and had fun with him
wanted to see how much pain a body could withstand
I burned him with a torch and hammered his feet
and drove nails through his knees.
After such a short time, he could take no more
he kept passing out, he was such a bore…
I slit his throat and watched him bleed out
he almost looked like a pez dispenser..
After hours of cleaning up
any and all traces of blood
I placed his head neatly in a duffel bag
with a hole drilled through his skullcap.
I decided to play nice after all his work
and took him back to his very own church.
I used his keys to get in the back entrance
and placed his head on the altar
through the top was jammed a crucifix…
What a beautiful sight that would greet the Sunday crowd
I decided to go again to hear them scream aloud…
It all felt so right…
I knew I would be powerless to resist the urge
to kill again…
but this was only my first victim..
I had some great ideas and plans
to taunt the police
and let them know
something stronger than them
is taking over…
One for The Money
There’s this skank I know who doesn’t understand how to keep her piehole shut. She’s been causing a lot of shit to hit the fan running that mouth of hers, so I decided to use it for something useful–making me money. How many dicks can you fit down the throat hole of an annoying little twat? Mmmm, baby, let’s find out.
I’ll get the scissors and we can cut a nice, neat little slit right across that little bitch’s tummy. Everyone loves a nice pussy hole, asshole, and of course a tight, wet pink throat hole–but I’ve got a bigger plan. How would you like to whip that rock hard cock right out of those pants, baby . . . take it in your hand and grasp that boner while it twitches. Feel the heat radiating off of it in droves and picture pumping it in and out of this stupid fuckcunt.
I’ll sell this whore out and get her nice and used up, so by the time I’m ready to snuff her out, she’s made me mounds of cash. It won’t be hard to get her to the area where she’ll spend the next weeks of her life as a living cumdoll. I’ll just sprinkle a ‘lil something-something in her drink to keep her nice and compliant while she’s fucked up and creamed in. Such a stupid cunt . . . she’ll regret crossing me, that’s for sure. I’m gonna mess that bitch the fuck up.
Caught in the Act
They say that the eyes are the window into the soul, but what if the eyes are completely black? I didn’t mean to make my daddy so angry, I really didn’t. It all happened so fast, first he was yelling and then I was yelling and the next thing i know his hands were wrapped around my throat and they were squeezing…hard. All I could see were my daddy’s eyes. They were as black as midnight. He had caught me touching myself with a belt wrapped around my neck. As scarred as my daddy was making me, all I could think about was the way his fingers were working inside my dripping pussy. The combination of his rough fingers and his tight grip on my throat made me feel like I would explode at any moment! I was so scared, my daddy was squeezing my neck so hard I couldn’t breathe and then all at once stars exploded in my eyes and it was over. My daddy looked angry still, but he looked more disgusted than anything…he left my room without saying a thing.
this little light of mine…
I like to hang out in houses that aren’t exactly finished. Some say it’s because I’m ’emo.’ Others give me frightened glances and then quickly lower their eyelids before my own shoot back. They think I don’t hear their whispers in the halls, catch their fearful expressions when I walk past; but I always do. The other day I was in my room, peeling the corner of a NIN poster back, and realized I was feeling a little chilly . . . and no, before you say it, it wasn’t just my cold heart. I needed some heat, a little excitement, a risk–and of course, a prize. So I slipped on my loafers and wandered into Northhaven–the quaint little subdivision being built a few miles down the road from me.
And there it was…a two-story McMansion under construction before me, with raindrop-splattered tarps and a material-strewn front lawn. I snickered to myself; this was just too easy. Crawling up onto a bulldozer on the left side of the house, I wiggled my way in through the open window. Brushing myself off, I surveyed my surroundings. It wasn’t long before I heard the voices of the very young little ones whom I’d overhead planning a trip here earlier that day. I cackled to myself and strode across the wooden planks of the upstairs bedroom, careful to avoid the unfinished sections of the house with exposed beams.
Following the giggles, I walked to the utmost back room and hide behind the large stone fireplace obstructing me from their view. I peeked out slowly and . . .
There they were: my prizes. Two of ’em–a little boy and his bitch, drinking vodka procured from their parents’ liquor cabinet, no doubt. I stood there silently for awhile and watched them pass the bitter drink back and forth between each other. Their faces twisted into grimaces as the burning heat flooded down their throats each into the pit of their stomachs. And my hands were struck with a sudden and distinct urge to rub together greedily.
Play time . . .
Baby, I’ll tell you all about what kinds of horrible things I made these two little songbirds do to one another with their pants off. Alice gave them a nice taste of what grown-up fun feels like . . . and then she added in some of her own sickness. Sitting on their faces, pissing down their throats. I stripped that little virgin bitch’s dignity and innocence away with her little boyfriend’s erect cock, and he wanted to cum inside of that cunt so bad, I bet he would’ve thanked me if I hadn’t had my fist rammed down his throat. When I was done with my game and the sky was growing dark outside . . . I stepped over the broken glass of the once-solid vodka bottle. Grabbing it along with my shoes, I strode back out the window, pouring liquid all the way.
. . . A bright orange spark flaring–I dropped the match. Flames. And then I walked away and left the dying screams behind me.