Category: Taboo phone sex

Glub Glub


torture phonesex angieDay two of torturing the perfect little family. The little girl did so well with boiling water yesterday I thought I would keep the theme up and show her some good old fashioned water torture. War supplies me with so many various methods of water torture and I love each and every one of them. However I have a select few in mind for this girl today. I think it is only fair that since I burned the little thing yesterday and gave her a taste of heat, that I show her the opposite end of the spectrum. Don’t you? I fill the tub with water and ice as they watch all cried out but shivering from the fear. Just looking at their fear filled, tear streaked faces makes my cunt so fucking wet I can barely stand it. As I grab the little one her parents let out desperate cries that make me tingle with goose bumps. I drag her limp body to the tub and throw her in shoving her head under as she struggles against my grasp. Pulling her up, her lips are blue and she is gasping for air. Again and again and again I dunk her under until she passes out. Pulling her out of the water I throw her to the floor with a hard thud bringing her out of her darkness. But I am not done with her yet. I pull the plug draining the freezing water and go to my shelf. One by one I empty jugs of urine into the tub. Not only is this going to be fun but the bacteria from the urine is sure to infect her burns from yesterday. The thought of watching the infection set in makes me cum again. Oh how fun it is to be twisted!

My New Torture Method!

I know I’ve told you how much I like BLOOD and TORTURE but there are sometimes I use torture methods that don’t involve blood, at least at first, lol. One day I was stalking this little bitch and scheming a way to take her and torture her. I waited until late at night, when she was at home alone, and broke into her house and took her by gun point. I duct taped her mouth and dragged her by her hair to my car and throw her in the front seat. I drive with my gun pointed at her head telling her not to move or scream. I am taking her to my abandoned torture house. I have a new torture device I plan on using tonight. I have built this new contraption where I can chain up her legs and hook them on this device that is used to lift slaughtered cattle up in the air. Underneath is a tank full of water. So I get to my warehouse of torture and I drag the little bitch into it. I have her sit on a chair and I proceed to put chains around her ankles and padlock them. I push a button on my contraption and it starts to raise her up above the water. I lower her into the water and keep her head under for a while and then pull her back out. Then I dunk her head under the water again and keep it there for a while and then pull her head back out. This type of torture is called water bondage and it is a lot of fun! I could do this all night long! I keep dunking her head in and out of the water holding her in longer and longer. Finally the last time I do it I just keep her head underneath the water until she stopped struggling and she was dead. Totally different torture device for me but totally fun!

Give It To ‘Em

Snuff Phone Sex Bianca

Ever had a shoe up your cunt? Oh sorry, let me re-phrase that. Have you ever fucked a bitch with your huge ass, dirty  shoe? No. Ah, okay. Well, you’ve met the right Bitch then, because I’m about to tell you how agonizingly painful it is to get stretched like that. I know what you’re thinking . . . have I seen it? Ha. Babe, I’ve done it more then seen it. I’ve caused it. Time and time and time again. I’ve ripped open holes, destroyed them. Fucked them until they split right open at the seams. I’ve maimed pussies and screwed cervixes, I’ve completely rammed assholes until they gaped for days. And you know the best part of all of that? The screams, the fear, the begging. Always the begging. But in the last few days, I’ve wanted something more. Something harsher. Something extreme. And as you know very well at this point, I am a steely, take-no-shit kind of teen who basically takes the crown for extremes. So is it really a surprise that I got an inkling of an ache for the desire to cause pain last night? Nah. I love dishing out agony and suffering.

Sadistic Phone Sex Bianca

I decided to see for myself how true the phrase “up yours” really is. After all, everyone is always going on about kicking other people in the ass and shoving their feet where the sun don’t shine . . . well, it gave me all sorts of nasty ideas. I started trying my plan on my first victim. Using the slimiest, dirtiest shoe I could find–size 13 men’s, I tied a metal pole with spikes into the sole. Then I secured it with a rubber band, and got my bitch all nice and comfortable. After all, we’d need to spread her open nice and wide to expose those sweet holes. Nice and vulnerable, bared before my sight. I loved it. And then I rammed that shoe into her pussy so hard, she screamed through her ball gag with the power of a thousand high-pitched squeaks, a sweet symphony of shrieks–so beautiful to my ears. When I’d abused and torn her open so bad, she couldn’t even find her own voice anymore, that’s when the fun started. The pumping, fucking, screwing fun. Her face was drawn in a horrible grimace of utter and sheer suffering and agony. I couldn’t help myself from grinning ear to ear as the spikes in the shoe ripped her body apart. It’s so HOT! The blood flow was beautiful, and I love that part when their eyes get wide, just before their hearts stop pumping and they get so still . .  .

Evil Phone Sex Bianca

Your Pain My Pleasure


torture phonesex angieIt is time to inflict pain again and this twisted bitch is feeling extremely wicked. I am feeling like this should be a family affair. And that it should last a few days maybe even a week. I know just who is going to satisfy this wicked and twisted desire building in my heart, my head and my crotch. They are a story book family with a sweet little mommy and a rugged handsome daddy, the little boy looks just like his daddy and the little girl looks just like her mommy. They couldn’t be more story book then if they came off the pages of a rustic novel. Makes you want to gag doesn’t it? I took them this afternoon, a lovely Sunday, sun shining, birds chirping and them in their Sunday best returning from church. Fuck me I think I just puked a little in my own mouth. Once they are secured in the basement I start the fire pit in the middle of the room. torture phonesex caulronMy huge iron kettle filled with water is heating to a beautiful boil. They are all sobbing and scared just like I want them. I slowly undress in front of them rubbing and pinching my hardening nipples and licking my fingers covered in my juices while I wait for the the water to boil. As the steam begins to rise and the bubbles start to rise and pop I know it’s so hot it will burn the skin off of that cute little girls arms. Grabbing her by the hair while her parents and brother watch I take her arm and shove it in the boiling water. To my satisfaction she screams and pisses all over the floor and when I pull her arm out the blisters begin to form as soon as her arm hits the chill in the air. Her mother is hysterical, her father is furious and I am in my element. I go upstairs for a drink and dinner leaving them there. But I will be back for more. I think after dinner I will remove daddy’s balls and cauterize the wound. We shall see….torture phonesex arm


Taboo phone sexWhen I was a young girl I HATED the Disney movie Cinderella. I remember my Mother popping it into the DVD player and sitting me in front of it.  She had told me it was a great movie that all girls my age loved.  I was actually a bit excited to see it.  Then it started, what a horrible piece of shit fairytale this pile of brain numbing junk movie was.  Bitch was forced to do housework? What? Bitch please.  You are young, fucking leave you stupid cunt. I was disgusted by her worthless useless self.  I didn’t even watch all of it, my Mother was very disappointed that I didn’t like the movie.  Tough shit Mother, tough shit.

That night while tucking me in my Mother asked me what I didn’t like about the movie.  I told her exactly what I said above, and ended up getting my mouth washed out with soap.  It wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last.  I thought that maybe I should come up with my own Cinderella story to tell my Mother so she could see that the movie was just a load of shit.

Accomplice phone sexIn my story Cinderella was a doll, whom had an evil spirit dwelling inside of it.  She was taken to an orphanage where all the little girls played with her.  However, there was one girl in particular who the doll held a certain fascination for.  The Demonic presence inside the doll took over the girl, whom became an embodiment of the doll.  Cinderella went around the orphanage scaring the shit out of the loser orphans.  She would raise up at night, climb over them, bite them, cut them, fuck them, what ever she wanted.  Eventually Cinderella ended up in a psych unit where she continued to do all her weird shit.  It was a wonderful twist to the story, at least I thought so, my Mother however, did not.  She backed away from me, there was something in her eyes that made me think she was frightened.  It’s so hot to know that I scared the shit out of my Mother that badly that from that day forward, she would never ever be alone with me again, and she got a lock for her bedroom door.  Meanwhile, I would go over my story over and over again in my head.  To date, Cinderella is still in the mental hospital doling out sick and twisted enjoyment for all.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Crack Fuck

Rape phone sex fantasies

There are times when I like to go out searching for some slum pussy.  I know it’s disgusting for most people, but for me it’s so hot.  Dirty, filthy cracked up bitches  just will do anything to make money to get their next rock.  It can be damned incredible.  The thing I don’t like about it though is they constantly talk.  I do not know if that’s like some sort of fucked up side effect of the snow pebble, or if they just like to hear themselves speak.  Some of the shit they say is pretty fucking funny, it makes no sense what so ever.

I have a favorite pipe princess who has a very sweet pussy.  I fuck guys too, but not often, I love pussy.  She always smiles when she sees me walk into her crack house.  I go there just to find her.  She is always there, in a corner just fucked up out of her mind, but she recognizes me right away.

Snuff phone sex

There are a shit load of pathetic bitches in this place.  Drug use to me is a weakness.  I have no respect for hard core drug users, but if they want to get so fucked up to the point where they lose their teeth, then that’s on them.  I don’t really care.  To me they are just bugs that can be eradicated at any moment. Worthless burdens on the whole fucking world.  However, my little Crack Fuck has something about her that just gets under my skin and I need to abuse her pussy for my pleasure.  She pretends to like everything I do to her, but I know she doesn’t, which is why I enjoy it so much.  I think the bitch actually loves me.  I take her home for a night of torture and pussy pounding and she gets paid, which makes her slum cunt the perfect play toy.

Violent phone sex

Office Crush

Accomplice Phone Sex

There are times in this life where you just have to take what you want.  No matter the cost, no matter the collateral damage made.  I had just one of these types of opportunities.  Sometimes the way to get someone to do something you want them to do isn’t in hurting a family member or themselves, it’s in hurting a dear beloved pet.

I found myself trying many other ways to get that which was coming to me.  That was money.  I do not do favors for people.  I do ‘jobs’ for people, and that means payment.  I had done some creative work for this person, and when I approached him for money, he told me he didn’t know what I was talking about.  I smiled politely and walked away. 

Three weeks pasted, then I showed up at his office one more time.  This time I had his precious “Fifi” with me.  He was shocked to see her in my arms.  He got up from his desk and walked toward me, his face red with anger.  I put Fifi down, lifted up my heel, and embedded the sharp point right into Fifi’s neck.  Not very hard, but hard enough to have her yelp.  He stopped and looked at me.  I simply said, “Either you pay me right now, OR Fifi goes into the great beyond.” I began to push my foot down harder.

I walked out of there with a bit of Fifi fluff attached to my Stiletto and a stack of green, crisp, cash.


Taboo Phone Sex

Erotic S & M And Bondage With Wicked Aria

We know each other like the back of our hand, sometimes all you need to do is give me that certain look and I know exactly what it is you need. I’m the perfect Accomplice because I am a chameleon when it comes to switching up my look to deceive and confuse these worthless, doomed little fucks.

I can sound and look so demure and sweet, no one could possibly envision me doing anything that would hurt someone so innocent and defenseless…Mmmm, such fucking fools! I get off on luring these brainless, useless little cunts into believing I am someone they can count on to protect and care for them.

In reality, I want nothing more than to see the look of sheer terror and disbelief in their wide eyes after it dawns on them that I am their worst nightmare come true, and their fate is sealed. Do I feel any pity for these pathetic pieces of flesh…..fuck no!

They let their guard down with the wrong Bitch and now they’ve let the Devil inside their own home, so they have only themselves to blame for the deviant, evil and sadistic torture that we are about to inflict upon her young, untouched, tiny body.

Mmm, my pussy is aching and so wet at the thought of how we’re going to relish in the pleasure of devouring and shredding her perfect, little cunt. Your cock is throbbing right now isn’t it baby, are you ready to begin satisfying our hunger for that bald, tight pussy? Fucking with her worthless mind and body is all set up and ready to begin…


Taboo phone sex with BlazeI got to babysit Briona this week end. She is just the sluttiest little piece of ass around! She is a nasty slut who begs for cock! Like crack whore begs for crack. I LOVE to pimp her out! I give her a little powder and let that slut make me money! Friday I threw a Gang bang for her! Eight thick cocks for her to handle3Of course I brought the powder. And the video tape! Briona knows just how to work those horny men! She did a little strip tease. Bending over and flashing her pussy and little ass. Then she asked who wanted to be the first one to fuck her pussy. She picked Frank and sucked his cock till he was begging for her pussy. Then she asked who was going to be deep in her ass. She grabbed David and told him she wanted his cock in her ass. Then slipped it into her mouth. She sucked him till he was dripping and made him sit on the couch while she climbed up on his dick and pushed his fat cock in her ass. Then she told Frank to mount up! Briona pointed to the next guy in line and had him stand right in front of her. Then she motioned over 2 guys and wrapped her fingers around their cocks and started jerking them really hard. At the same time she slide her mouth all the way down on the dick in front of her face. Briona bounced up and down on those cocks while she was Jerking and sucking 3 dicks! The other 3 guys jerked off and gave her a good cum shower! She was dripping from head to toe in cum. As she was walking away I watched the cum pouring out of her pussy and ass.

Taboo phone sex with Blaze 2

Unique Gifting

Taboo phone sexGifts are wonderful things.  Being able to get just the right gift to give to someone is even more wonderful.  There are many in this world who are very hard to buy for.  They have everything one could want already.  Finding that something extra special takes some time, and you must know the right people.  I am one of those “right” people. 

Two months ago I received a call from a woman who wanted to give her Husband the ultimate gift.  She was blunt about what she wanted, she has been trying for years to make this happen.  Unfortunately for her those who she has contacted in the past were unable to deliver, or would just simply hang up on her.  I however, did not.  I listened to the specifics and told her it wouldn’t be a problem.  She didn’t believe me.  Fuck her.

It took me two weeks to find what she wanted.  I am not sure how others were unable to do this, perhaps an attack of conscience, or maybe they have a soft side.  I have no soft side, it’s weak as hell to have one.  I am not weak in the least.  I phoned the woman back, she was shocked to hear from me.  I told her that I could keep the gift, for a fee of course.  She asked for proof, I sent her pictures, she sent me the fee.

When the big day arrived for the gift to be delivered I was actually invited to stay and watch.  There the gift was, dressed as a common whore.  She was used by many men and many “things”.  I sat and watched drinking some champs and eating birthday cake.  It was a fabulous night.  When I left she was moaning on the floor, disorientated, eyes devoid of any more humanity, pain wracking her body.  It was delicious.  I think I found a new job as a party planner, what do you think?