Category: Taboo phone sex

Daddy’s Missing Friends


Daddy’s friends from his office keep going missing there are a total of five missing right now. They said they were all tied up to the bed with a collar on their necks. The room lingered of cigar smoke in all the victims rooms. They are saying the suspect is on top of them in a sexual position as she stabs them over and over again with what seems to be a average kitchen steak knife. Then the suspect leaves after placing a lit cigar in the mouths. One of the victims rooms were burnt up by the fire caused by a cigar. Daddy said the detectives are saying the suspect is more than likely a woman that is sadistic and is angry at men for some reason. They told him that every victim’s family said something is missing from them the first one had a ring,second one had a shirt, and third one had his family’s pictures from his wallet they are still trying to see what is missing from the rest. After Daddy was finished talking to the detectives. I told Daddy I was going out for a bit he said to be home by curfew. I was gone for a few hours. Returning home that night Daddy noticed I had a maroon scarf around my neck, and I lingered of cigar smoke. I told him that my friends got it for me and that their parents smoke. The next morning Daddy had yet another friend stabbed and this time he was missing a maroon scarf and the room lingered of cigar smoke.

Burned At The Stake

One of my neighbors came over today he’s a real piece of work. He knows some of the things that I have done,maybe more than he should. He begs me to punish him. I took him out to a secluded area where I make him get on his knees. I grab a branch and start beating him all over his body till he was a bloody mess. I placed his worthless body on the stake. I took the small bottle of gasoline out of my bag and a lighter. I poured it on to his legs and lite him on fire. As he was slowly burning I took my knife and stabbed him over and over again. I then took the knife and grabbed him by the fucking hair and cut his throat. Blood squirted all over me . I stepped back to watch him burn into nothing but charred remains. he shouldn’t of asked to be punished by a fallen angel.

Evil Phone Sex with Indigo

evil phone sexOnce your demon spawn begins to thrive in my womb, the usurpation of the dark lord is inevitable. Our violent overthrow and ascension to the throne begins with a few simple rituals and innocent sacrifices. They must be pure and virginal when first we have them. By my hands and yours, their bodies and spirits will be invaded, taken advantage of and broken down before the blood flows forth from their fragile throats. Take me upon the pile of blood-soaked corpses, ravaging my body and filling me with your evil seed. The lifeblood slicks on our skin as our bodies press close together, our fluids co-mingling to create a force of evil not to be reckoned with. I can already feel the abomination stirring within me, eager to rule the world. In your perfect world covered in darkness and misery with your succubus queen by your side and our foul creation in tow, our reign of terror will last through the ages. Evil phone sex is all I want to do with you forever…

Class is in session!

Rape phone sex fantasiesJust picture it, a classroom filled with eager little brats, all of them ready to learn the sick twisted shit I’m teaching. Isn’t that hot as fuck? I made them all undress and attach special sensors to their privates, those sensors were going to measure their arousal and tell me who was the most excited to watch the special film I was showing. They all watched the screen as a big strong man forced a sweet tiny little thing to do all the sick, twisted shit he wanted her to do. I was practically cumming in my pants watching that movie and I was not the only one, Rudy’s dick was so hard it was pushing the sensor right off! I decided that since he was the most excited, he would get rewarded by getting to fuck the girl who was the least excited by the film. That was little Lilly, her pussy was dry as the Sahara desert and she was crying like a little bitch. I made Rudy fuck the shit out of her and the little bitch acted like it was torture! She was sobbing and fighting but he fucked her anyway, it was so hot I gave him an A+!

Horror Movie Night

BiancaTonight I did something a little different. Normally, I am the one out doing the hunting and then the torturing. But, tonight I wanted to just stay home and have dinner of course that consisted of a little victim of mine from last week. After that I decided to just relax and watch some horror movies. The first and second one were okay but then I started to watch this movie called Karla it is about a couple that got married and the husband wanted young girls to fuck and the first one he wanted was Karla’s sister they got her drunk and then drugged her and then started making a small porn video with them two while she was passed out before long they realized that she was actually dead. That part got my pussy a little moist so I started rubbing myself thinking about all the innocent blood I have shed. Then, they got to the part where they kidnapped their next victim a young girl in her school parking lot. They took her home and her husband made her suck his cock, and then he wrapped a cord around her neck and began fucking her little ass hole over and over again as his wife just stood there and watched. After he was done having his way with her they took her to the basement where they proceed to cut her into pieces and then placed her into cement buckets. The cutting over her young body made me cum so hard. Just the thought of being there and being able to cut her up made me feel so hot. Makes me want to go out on my own hunt.

Late Night Cravings


It was late into the night when everyone in the house was sleep when I arose having one of my late night cravings. I knew there was no more in the freezer. I dressed and decided to go for a late night stroll. As I was walking along I came across two girls all alone barely being able to walk from being so intoxicated from their college party. I walked over and offered to help them home they were both lost and did not know which way they were going. I told them that if they walked home with me I would give them a ride back to where they live the next town over. As we got to my house they came inside and had a seat on the couch before long they were both passed out cold. I called my friend Liz over to help me carry them one by one to the basement where we placed them in the tub where we shaved and them washed them down. Once they were both cleansed we took them and placed them both in our large baking pans and chopped from delicious veggies and potatoes to bake them with. As we were doing so the slowly started to awake that is when Liz told them they were going to be the main dish, as she stuffed each of their mouths with a apple. We placed them in the over. After just a few hours you could smell the wonderful aroma of two delicious young girls that were going to make the best meal for Liz and I.


Soak and Die Bitch

taboo-phone-sex-indigoJust imagine the solace a warm, relaxing bath brings. The mood is set with a gentle glow of candles, the fragrant aromas of kiwi and bergamot and smooth jazz fills the air. All the stress and cares from the day are submerged and washed away. All is well, peaceful, serene and pure bliss ignorant of a strangers’ presence looming nearby. The last moments of this lucky victim are enviable; so few people get to experience calm right before their lives are taken from them. She’s lovely, lying there with her eyes closed and a slight smile touching the corners of her luscious mouth. She embodies absolute perfection as you pick up the radio and hover your grasp above the still surface enjoying the view. You’re ready for the moment and finally it comes as she flits open her lids to discover you. The split second of horror in her eyes is all you need before you release your grasp allowing the radio to plunge into the tub. What a display


Babysitter Phone Sex

Pandora 4I am not what you call the ‘babysitter’ type. However I have done it in the past for friends or family to help them out if they really needed someone to watch their fuckin’ brats. Like this weekend, one of my friends asked me to watch her young daughter last week while she was out of town to a funeral. Well, I am certainly not going to stop going to work because I am babysitting. So I brought her with me to work. I told the girl to stay in my office while I went into the next room to work. By the way, I never to that brat what I do for a living … maybe I should have told her the fact I get to play with dead people all day long and that might have prevented what occurred. Ha!Ha! But little ones never listen when you tell them to stay put in one spot so this became fun for me. I was working on examining this old man that died during sex due to a heart attack from taking too much viagra. So this poor bastard died with a huge hard-on and never got to blow his load. Therefore this man came into the morgue with his cock hard and fully erected. I already stripped his clothes off and started examining his body when I heard a tiny gasp. I looked up and there was my friend’s annoying, young daughter. She was completely freaked out at the fact she was looking at a dead guy with a huge boner. She tried to run out of the room but I quickly snatched her ass back into the room and locked the door behind me. Then I dragged her over to the corpse and made her look at his stiff cock. I told her that since she can’t listen when she is told to stay put in one spot that she has to pay for her actions. I knew she was frightened by looking at this dead man and I was going to make sure that she will listen to me for now on. I whispered in her ear “Do you want to see that hard dick go down?” She nodded her head yes and I told her to grab it with both of her hands. She refused to and then I told her sorry ass that if she didn’t do what I told her that I would tell her Mommy that she came down here to play with all of dead people. So she grabbed that hard cock and I forced her to suck on his cock until it went down. She gabbed and cried her eyes out when that cock exploded into her mouth. At least she will learn to listen when she is told to do something and well, my corpse finally got to loose his erection. Ha!Ha!Ha!

Accomplice Phone Sex

picture2life_87003_originalWe were out walking around late last night, just wandering, not really paying attention to where we were when we realized we were in a really bad area. I guess if we were two normal girls we would have been scared to be in the ghetto so late but this is me and Lydia I’m talking about here and we are far from normal. And when two ghetto ass gang bangers walked up on us thinking they could intimidate us and maybe even rob or rape us, we just laughed in their faces. That made them very angry, the bigger one grabbed Lydia by the throat and picked her up, at first he was screaming in her face that she better learn some respect but after about two seconds he was just screaming in agony because she pulled out the knife she always carries and stabbed him in the gut. The bitch pretty much disemboweled him with one stroke of her knife! He was sobbing and crawling away from us and his friend took off running like a little bitch, it was hilarious to see two big ass thug wannabe gangsters crying and running away from two little white girls like us! Shit with an accomplice like Lydia, anything could happen!

Deadly Sweet

DeadlySweetWhen I first heard about “National Cheesecake Day” I thought, how silly.  I like cheesecake but I didn’t get having an entire holiday named after it.  Then I started thinking I could totally use this to my advantage!  What better way to lure in prey with sweets?  Sure it’s a bit cliche’ but with my innocent looks and angelic voice, they’ll never see it coming!  Of course with something like this I’ll need an accomplice.  I have so many special helpers lol!  I invited a few neighbors and encouraged them to bring their families.  I do like variety after all.  My deadly sweet treats looked like something fresh out of a Rob Zombie movie.  I told them I was just getting an early start on Halloween but the silence in the room could be cut with a knife.  Oh well, the jig is up, giggles.  Now it’s time for total annihilation.  We rounded them up like cattle to the slaughter.  I let my special helper have some fun with the Moms and young ones while I got everything prepared in the basement.  One by one they screamed and begged, pleading for their lives.  I just giggled at them telling them in my sweet little voice not to worry, they would get their just desserts.