Category: Taboo phone sex

Fairy Tale Endings

I love to make up bed times stories to the little sluts I babysit for….

Taboo phone sex with BlazeOnce upon a time there was a sexy little whore who was loved by everyone who looked at her. She was beautiful and exotic. Always wearing a sexy little Red Riding Hood. And NOTHING else on underneath. Little Red like to walk the woods at night. Teasing and tempting all the men she come into contact with. She was hunting just the right prey. The wolf who liked to hunt little ones in the night. The one that would see her and think he could TAKE her. Red would let him. Little Red would pretend to be a lost little angel. Scared and confused. And she would let the wolf throw her down on the ground! Force her legs open and slam his dick deep inside her. Little Red would sob and say it hurt. Even though it didn’t. She will let him squeeze her and rough her up. Because Red gets off on how much the wolf gets off on hurting her. But the whole time she is just waiting. Waiting for his big thick hairy dick to explode deep inside her young cunt. The wolf doesn’t even pay attention Red as she pulls out the knife. Red looks the wolf right in the eyes as she slams the knife in the back of his neck. Killing the wolf DEAD! Red cleans the blood and cum off of her young body and then goes back out hunting. And it never takes her to long to find a big bad wolf! Those wolves are always waiting to fuck little whore that wander around at night!Taboo phone sex with Blaze 2

After my bedtimes stories those little whores I babysit for wont get out of bed again!

If Only

Taboo phone sex layla (5)

When he beats me I go off into my own fairytale. Instead of harsh lashes all up and down my back they are gently placed kisses. I try to mute out the pain by pretending it’s the static formed by the electricity between us. When we first met I was the most beautiful thing in his world. Now, I get beatings and black eyes if I look at him the wrong way. He much rather smoke his dope than be with the bitch he vowed to honor and respect. Recently, I’ve just been a whore he uses to get his next fix. My cunt is worthless to him now. Just like it is to every mother fucker that decides to put their cock in me. I close my eyes and make the thoughts go away. I drift back to my happy place where the sun is shining a bright as my smile. He’s holding me in his arms and nibbling on my neck like a piece of sweet chocolate cake. I love him and he loves me. Now, I hate that mother fucker and I’m pretty sure he hates me too. He forces his dick in me whenever he wants. When he’s ready to bust a nut he pulls out and I always have to swallow his cum.  To him “Spitting and swallowing are the difference between like and love”. Sometimes he just face fucks me for hours. He says he doesn’t want my filthy twat and when he’s done I can’t swallow or speak. Sometimes in my fairytale I kill his pathetic ass. That’s my favorite part. For each time he made me suck or fuck one of his dope suppliers I cut him with a blade. For every tear I shed  I want a drop of blood at my feet. By the time I’m done he is sliced up from head to toe begging for mercy. The only mercy I spare on him is dousing him in bleach instead of ammonia. Then, as I sit back and smoke a cigarette I watch him drown in a bloody chemical bath. If only I wasn’t a victim to his power.

I Want You to Force Me to Watch

Snuff is an addiction. You are my fucking drug. I need you to take my life blood. I need you to crave me, and be hungry to taste my soft flesh.  I want to feel the sharpness of your blade cutting into my tits.  Cut out bite size pieces and we can eat them together. Make me devour myself for you. Feed me my own nipples and feed me my own clit.  Slice them off and make me chew them up and swallow them.

Take me to the edge of death by draining my blood out of my pussy. Take your spiked leather glove and fist my pussy. Punch the spikes up through my vagina and into my uterus, slicing and destroying my uterus. Make me the worthless piece of shit I am.  Keep thrusting your fist with the spikes deeper and deeper, until I can feel the spikes stinging the back of my throat. Your whole arm is inside me, blood everywhere, and your spiked fist sits in my chest ready to punch itself free.

Slice my eyelids off so that I have to watch. Then curl your arm so that your spiked fist comes straight out between my tits and tears me open in a shower of blood and screams. Then as my staring eyes start to fade, tell me I am your dirty little fucking whore. I need that to be the last thing I hear.

Belly of the Beast

Castration phone sex1

It was time for the annual meeting of freaks; and, when I say “freaks,” I mean people who jack-off to the idea of being devoured. My personal problem with it is that it’s all a theatrical production; no one is really eaten. Why can’t they just commit to being eaten by a cannibal. Anyway, this year’s theme was “In the belly of the snake.” A gigantic snake was created and the attendees were going to be able to be swallowed and digested by the monster; and, better yet, the attendees were supposed to dress as biblical figures. Now, this is the type of irony that I could appreciate.

I waited until mid-morning and set out to the studio; the crowd wouldn’t form yet until afternoon. But, there were a few stragglers; and all I had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity. They presented themselves fairly quickly: they were a young college couple. But, they were dressed as Jesus and Mary Magdalene; and, well, that was just too sweet to resist.

The admissions clerk took their money and then sat squarely behind a garbage can to finish smoking his rock. I snuck in easily; I had placed a couple of cameras in the large constructed snake and I could track their every move. Laughter and awe gave away to eroticism as they began to make their way down the intestines. By the time I reached them, they were mutually masturbating underneath their clothes and yelling, “Eat me. Yeah, monster, eat our deliciously sinful bodies.” I almost laughed.

Castration phone sex2

When I approached, I slid a blade quickly into the male and I told the female that he had, indeed, been eaten. Thinking that I was part of the production, she cried out to be eaten, too. She remained docile but excited as I tied her with rope and gave her some bullshit about being constricted in the snake’s belly. Then, she noticed that her companion hadn’t moved and there was a little bit of blood leaking beneath him. She began to scream; and I was a little glad that she was finally recognizing her dire situation.

I slit her belly open, carving out a large portion of flesh from her breasts to her torso. She bled out fairly quickly, but not before she saw me hack into her friend and place his decapitated head inside of her. And, as a last touch, I chopped off his cock and put it in her mouth. I staged them for the next visitors and pitied myself that I hadn’t brought some kind of manger and doll with me; but, I was proud of my work and took a quick photo.

For Keeps

Taboo phone sex

Just like you, I too have fantasies.  One of My very favorite ones involves keeping a person prisoner.  I want them to become so dependent on Me that even when the time comes for Me to release them from their place of captivity they stay put, unable to function without My unloving guidance.  It makes Me grin and My heart skip a beat every time I think of it. 

I would keep them in a continual state of sensory deprivation for the first week.  Feeding them intravenously instead of orally.  The second week I would allow them to hear my voice.  They would also feel the sharp pain of any number of My instruments that I have to inflict orgasmic pain.  I want them to be conditioned to crave the pain so they can feel the pleasure.

After a few months, they would be brought out into the light.  They would be placed in unfamiliar surroundings, with vague instructions, tethered to the wall to accomplish the impossible task.  If not done properly, then no pleasure will be had, only body wracking pain.  They will learn to please Me, learn how to get what they desire.  They will become so addicted that I could beat them mercilessly hour on end and still they would be curled up by My feet craving even more.

I am not sure I will ever fully realize this fantasy of Mine, but it does not matter.  Just the simple thought of this fantasy causes Me great joy and makes wonderful self stimulation fodder.

Swallow Me Alive

taboo phone sex vore fantasy

When I was a younger girl, I would sit on my daddy’s lap and watch movies like Jaws and Anaconda. I belonged to my daddy. He owned me. Instead of reading me books like Goodnight Moon, we would watch torture porn and horror movies.  I would get aroused watching  Jaws  swallow men whole. When Anaconda came out, I would masturbate furiously to it. Something so arousing about the idea of being eaten alive, actually swallowed hole and forced to live inside someone or some thing’s body. My daddy told me I was the not the only one with vore fantasies. He had often jacked off to the thought of swallowing his baby girl alive. That image has been spank material for me for years. First, I want to be out in the wild, hunted like prey by a ravenous mutant snake. I’m scared and hiding, but its keen senses and stealth hunting tactics prove to be out of my skill league.  It finds me, and paralyzes me with its toxic saliva.  I can’t move, can’t scream. I’m totally helpless. It’s huge mouth opens up and  this mutant snake devours me inch by inch, swallowing me  whole while my daddy watches and masturbates like the sick fuck he is.  I’m sliding slowly into the belly of the beast. Unable to see or move, alone with my thoughts; forced to be inside his belly for years before he digests me or regurgitates my remains. The thought of languishing a slow death inside the belly of a beast soaks my pretty pink cunt.

I have a master who finds the thought of devouring me hot. He doesn’t want to eat me, just swallow me  in my entirety. We role play this often. He kneels behind me, with his mouth open wide and my ass goes in his mouth first until he can fold my body like lawn chair and swallow me whole. Of course, as he devours me, his cock is rock hard and he has to stroke it as he feels his belly expanding from having consumed another living human being.

I’m no vanilla girl. I have no desire to be your phone GFE. I want to be your sick, twisted taboo phone sex whore. What wicked, morbid fantasies do you have in mind for us? Would you like to devour me perhaps? accomplice phone sex taboo fetish

Stalking Blair

Fantasy phone sex Blair

She was at the local coffee shop on her way to the next-door bakery. She had luscious red curls and thick, juicy thighs. She was the perfect body type for one of my cannibal friends, but she was a little older than co-ed age; regardless, she provided the perfect opportunity to hone stalking skills. Her day patterns were easy and consistent.  But, her night patterns were changing. She cautiously made her way to an abandoned building; her car and two more were hidden in the brush of the dilapidated building. Any stalker’s footsteps would be barely audible because of the echoing of their voices and their own movements along the creaky floor.

Around the corner, her bare, porcelain rump was in the air. She was gagged and both men stood on opposite sides of her. They began ridiculing her for being so fat, so plump; and, they yelled obscenities at her for being a whore who was about to receive her just desserts.  She seemed to be begging for her release, but she wasn’t very convincing. The little whore was enjoying the scene, which was apparent as one of the guys mocked her sloppy wet cunt. One of the other men took off the gag and slapped her face, instructing her to beg for them to fuck all of her nasty holes. One pulled her head back by her hair and grunted, “It’s not like your fantasy, is it, pussycat?!” She began to cry but she was enjoying it all.

One man shoved the handle of a hammer inside her cunt and then proceeded to force his cock inside her asshole. The other man placed a contraption in her mouth that kept her teeth spread open and he pushed his cock inside her mouth. “Don’t bite me, or you’ll be sorry, bitch.” She nodded. After the men were through shooting their cum on her, they whipped her and kicked her. She struggled to get up after they left; she was bloodied, bruised, and saturated with cum.  This little cunt had some wicked fantasies that she was exploring; and, anyone who watched the scene would’ve wondered how far she would go to have those desires satiated.

Babysitter and the Man Upstairs

I started babysitting for this new family in the area a few weeks ago. Everything seemed to be going good. They had two little ones. They were adorable. I knew this would be easy money. Just get to sit around the house all day and watch them. Everything was going good. Until that one night. I had just put the brats to bed. I was downstairs in the living room sitting in front the T.V watching a good movie. My cell rang and it was an unknown number. I answered and it was the hot guy from school that I had a crush on. I couldn’t believe he was calling me, me of all people? I was so excited. We talked for a hour and then the house phone rang. I told him I’d have to get back up with him about that date. I answered the house phone and it just felt weird before anyone said anything on the other line. The hair on my arms and back of my neck stood up. It was a strange man with a raspy voice. He started asking me all these questions. At first I thought it was someone from school playing a joke so I went with it. I started to get freaked out so I hung up. Then he’d call back. Asking more personal questions. I had come to realize it wasn’t a joke. This was seriously a creepy man. The phone rang again, and he asks a question that made me feel like the air had been knocked out of me. He asked me when was the last time I’ve checked on the little ones and if I have been checking on them. Granted it had been a while, but what could they get into while they are sleeping. I’m so freaked out I call the police. They said they’d do their best to trace the call and call back and let me know.




With what seemed like hours, but really only minutes, the phone rang and I almost jumped out of my skin. They made my heart drop with the next few sentences that they said. They informed me that the call was coming from inside of the house. That I needed to get the little ones and get out as soon as possible. I froze and the phone fell from my hand. As I’m rounding the corner to head into the living room, I see red and blue lights flashing through the windows. I run to the front door and let them in and they come rushing in. I point them to the stairs and we’re all running up to the little ones room. Soon as we get into the door, my hair is standing up again. The same feeling I got when the stranger was on the phone. I look to the left and see a shadow of a man jumping out the window to the tree and down he went. One of the officers turned on the lights and what I saw I will never forget. It was too late, the little ones had been brutally murdered. There was blood every where. Written in blood on the wall above their beds was, “You’re mine”. Was he talking about me? I don’t even know this man. What did he want from me? I didn’t care if cops was all over the house. I had to get outside and get fresh air, and a smoke. I went to the dark side of the house so they wouldn’t see me smoking. I couldn’t seem to stop shaking and getting that brutal image out of my head. What did they go through? Did they feel any pain? I heard leaves and branches crackle behind me. As I turned to see, a hand came over my mouth and started dragging me into the shadows.




I was tied and blind folded with tape across my mouth. I was taken to a basement. I only realized this once my blindfold was gone. The man had an evil smirk on this face. I was thrown onto the bed and tied up. He stripped his clothes off and pushed my skirt up and pulled my panties to the side. I’ve been waiting for this he said. He rammed his hard cock roughly inside my cunt. I tried to scream out but he covered my mouth. He said I’d have plenty of time to scream later. Once he was done pounding my fuck box he got off and went to his phone. I could hardly hear what he was saying. I knew that he was talking to someone he was telling to come over and bring friends. I guess I must of passed out because I woke up to 4 men surrounding me. They were shoving foreign objects inside of me. I can’t describe the pain, anything they could their hands on. Rolling pin, cucumber, their fist. I was being stretched more then I could take, I was fading in and out. Screaming and crying. I was fucked in all my holes, over and over again. That was a few weeks ago. I managed to escape when he got drunk and forgot to tie me back up. I didn’t fight it when he fucked me. I made sure it was what he wanted and tired his drunk ass out. I ran as fast as I could. Naked, scared and alone. Bruised, broken and in pain. I don’t go outside anymore. I don’t look out my window. I wont even babysit. I still to this day have not seen or talked to the little ones family. I haven’t even used my phone. I am scared of my own shadow and I can’t forget what all those men have done to me. They still haven’t been caught.

Approaching Storm

taboo phone sex keisha (1)

Urban legend has it she comes when you are sleeping. You don’t suspect it but while you’re cozy and snug in your bed you’re awaiting your death. The one catch is, she comes when she feels like it. This once loophole makes people walk on egg shells hoping she doesn’t see something in you that pisses her off. Legend has it her father was the one who turned her into this sick torture freak. When her daddy pierced her nipples instead of crying and begging for mercy, she begged for more. When he branded her, instead of trying to run, she became his whore. Supposedly, he taught her by example on how to be cruel and heartless. Now, she is a pro on how to drag out the hurt and cum from any type of pain. I never believed in urban legends but this one sends chills up my spine. Being a black pain slut I’d love to see what Storm had in store for me. Pain is always painful but it always makes my pussy drip too.  Looking back on your past couple weeks, should you be preparing for the approaching Storm?

taboo phone sex storm

Killer Phone Sex with Blair: The Legend of the Hook Man

taboo phone sex mutiliation bloody

My best friend called me to tell me she had heard a news flash about an escaped mental patient from the nearby insane asylum. According to the news, he has a hook for one of his hands and is considered unstable and highly dangerous. He had been in Briarwood for 40 years for killing young couples being naughty in cars on lookout point. I told Sherri that was pure urban legend and she had just been punked by someone. I insisted I was fine and not scared. I was not going to let some silly practical joker prevent me from a hot date with my youngest son. I was driving out to our local lovers’ lane to meet him. My husband is home so we can’t fuck in my bed tonight; we were both so horny we decided to fuck in our town’s little lovers’ lane area under the moonlight.

I get there early and he is not there yet, which is odd. He is usually waiting for me naked. I try to text him, but I have no cell reception. Suddenly, I hear a loud thumping on the roof of my car. I’m thinking, my son is trying to scare me. I get out the car, and I’m horrified to see a man with a hook, sitting on the roof of my car with what appears to be a severed head. I scream and start to run, but he throws the head at me, knocking me down. Oh my god, the head belongs to my baby boy. I’m in shock, crying hysterically. I even vomit. I try to get up, when I feel this intense pain in my back and blood trickling down my spine. I’ve been impaled with the hook and this mad man is dragging me through the mud and grass like a dead deer. I can barely move the pain is unbearable. As he is dragging me, my flesh is getting ripped from my body; I’m starting to choke on my own blood; and I’m getting cut further by rocks and glass on the ground. I start praying I will die soon; and be with my lover, my son.

But, no; I am not as lucky as my son to be dead. This crazed hook man drags me into a little cabin hidden in the woods and ties me to a rack. Already bleeding and near death, he begins to taunt me with his nasty hook. He never says a word to me, but scrapes his hook on the wall creating a horrible sound. I actually peed on myself because I was that scared. He is impervious to my screams, my pleas, my tears. I can’t get him to release me, or tell me why? Suddenly, he leaves the room and for a moment and I think I reached him; he is gonna spare my life. No.  He comes right back with some torture device, flips me over this saw horse looking thing and starts anally torturing me. Then he starts cutting me with his hook. The pain was unbearable. I kept coming in and out of consciousness. Then, the coup d’état; he shoves the hook up my pussy, turning it as he shoved it in me deeper and deeper. He is scraping my insides, gutting me like a pig through my pussy and ass. I lay there like an animal just killed; bleeding on the floor, feeling my insides pool on the ground below me, gasping for my last breath, dying a slow and painful death.

I should have listened to my best friend. The Hook Man is real, so very very real….killer phone sex torture murder