Category: Taboo phone sex

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Tiny Victim In A Bikini

Bloody Phone Sex

“Can you put this on?” He asked as he handed me this retched piece of pink shit.  I just looked at him and gave him the finger.  He laughed and said, “Come on Indigo, humor me.”  He threw it to me.  I just looked at it.  It made me ill to see the color. PINK!  It is the ugliest color on the face of the planet.  Only prissy faglets and stuck up bitches wear this color. I am neither of the two.

He started to walk out the door and told me that he wanted to see me in it.  He had a surprise and it wouldn’t be much of one if I didn’t get the bikini on.  I went into my bathroom and swore as I put the damn thing on.  I looked ridiculous in the thing.  I would have to smudge my body with fire to get rid of the total puke factor when I took it off just to make sure no residual pink shit was left on my skin.

I heard the front door slam, then the distinctive sound of a hard slap.  I ran out of the bathroom and he was hovered over the couch hissing words at something.  I walked around the couch and there it was.  In almost the same damn bikini I had on.  I gave him a quizzical look and he just smiled at me.  I told him that I didn’t appreciate him bringing his playthings to my home, and he knows it.  He just waved his hand at me in a dismissive manner and told me that this was just some harmless fun.

He told me to stand in front of it.  I did so.  It had a tiny trickle of blood seeping from the corner of it’s mouth.  You could tell it had been crying a lot, and you could also see the slap mark across it’s face.  He sat down and said, “Go on, touch it.”  I moved my hand to it’s long hair, and it tried to fucking bite me!  He laughed so damn hard.  This made me pissed.  He knew that it would do that.  I walked over and punched him hard in the arm.

It made a run for the back door and he tackled it.  It’s head made this awful crunch noise as it hit the hard floor.  He kicked it right in the stomach.  It started to groan, then he leaned down close to it, smiled and said, “Awww come on sweetie, it’s not so bad.  Look at her over there, she is wearing the same thing you are, twins! I told you I knew someone who had the same bikini as you, and that’s why you came with me isn’t it? To meet the other girl that had on the same thing as you?” With that he yanked it up by it’s throat and my tiny little twin began to fight for her life.

Such soft skin…


We make the perfect pair; the most dynamic duo this world has ever seen! Your charming good looks draw those poor, ignorant sluts in and by the time the sun rises we’re dancing among the crimson stained dungeon walls. I have no problem waiting for you to bring them back to me, I know how much the chase excites you. I can see the excitement in your eyes as you drag the little whore by her arms into the last space she’ll ever see. I can’t help but start to feel wet as you secure her to the metal exam table in the middle of our little sanctum. Poor thing; she has no idea that no one will ever hear her screams through the soundproof walls. Why don’t you sit back and watch; you worked so hard to acquire the little tramp and you deserve spectacular show for all your hard work and planning. The excitement in your eyes grows as I slowly take a scalpel from the instrument tray and begin to slice the girls smooth, flat stomach… Her skin is so soft that my scalpel glides through it like soft, warm butter. I would love to hear your thoughts on our latest little specimen, we have as long as we want with her after all.

Jill Frost

Taboo phone sex

It is fucking HOT, way too fucking HOT!  I hate the warm weather.  The only thing the sun is good for is decay, making things rot so their pungent aroma can fill the air.  That I love, sitting around sweating just sucks ass.  However, it does give me time to think, and I when I think I always go dark.  It’s much more fun to do so.

I have been working on a fantasy, one in which a little person with the name Jill gets the best cool off in the history of man kind.  I would take her into a deep freezer, she of course would be naked.  It wouldn’t take long for her core temp to drop, and that is when the fun begins!  Tell me.  Have you ever been outside when it has been ball busting cold and as soon as you get into a warm place  your fingers and toes tingle and burn? 

Now imagine our friend being so cold that she is almost to the brink of hypothermia, then taking her naked body and plunging it into hot water.  Hmmmm, I wonder how that would go.  Would she scream? I would fucking hope so.  Would her whole body ache? If I were a guy I would be getting a boner from just thinking of this.

Then I would turn the hose on her when she is curled up freezing again in the deep freeze.  Then defrost, then freeze, then defrost.  I wonder how long you can keep someone alive doing that.  In the end though, I think that I would just make her into a Jill Pop.  Put her outside on my balcony as a winter decoration.  Nobody would ever think that it was actually real,so why the fuck not.  Now I just have to find someone named Jill and make this fantasy into a reality.

Taboo Phone Sex

taboo phone sex keisha (3)

Master has been mad at me ever since the whole incident in the grocery last week. He cut my hair and tits so I can’t really go out or get tortured by master for a while. I know that when I do heal master will punish me for taking so long to recover. I have flashback of that almost every night. I remember how the blade sounded cutting my mahogany skin bearing pink flesh.

taboo phone sex keisha (3.0)

 My big tits tear open all over again if I move too quickly making it even more painful than the last time. I rub my cunt with fervor when I feel my skin reopen. It reminds me of when master was near me using me as his pain slut. My blood coving his face and hands making him look even more vicious and powerful than he did the last time. He is the monster under my bed that I love to play with when everyone is asleep. Even as my shirt stains with blood I cum from the thought of having master abusing me again.

Filthy Taboo phone sex

taboo phone sex keisha (2)

Whenever master isn’t torturing and abusing me I spend my time doing the things I like to do. I take off my makeup and tie my hair up. Then, I put on a comfy pair of sweat pants on and sit on the couch. I wait for about an hour until my bladder tells me it’s time to “go”. Instead of getting up I relax and let my piss soak my sweat pants and sofa. The warm sensation of it trickling down my pussy lips and legs sends chills up my back. I don’t do this often for I can’t keep replacing my sofa whenever I want to. I only pee on myself if I’ve been a good nigger slut for master all week. Master allows me to do it but thinks I’m a filthy piss whore. He leaves whenever I pee then when I’m done comes and humiliates me for being so disgusting. I like the feeling of being so below him yet grateful for him still dealing with me. I would do anything to make master happy but I wish he would let me be his pissy princess way more often. He would never allow that though and beat me senseless if I did something as ungrateful and ask for more.

taboo phone sex keisha (2.0)

Accomplice phone sex

Accomplice phone sex layla (5)

The way you react seeing your first dead body is never how you expect it to be. They dragged her in the house midday Tuesday. I was cleaning up after a long night of the men pre-gaming before the club when the door swung open. Rodrigo had a little chicquita flung over his shoulder as the others followed behind him. He slammed the door and threw her body on the ground. I knew she was still alive when she hit the floor and groaned. She was about my height but a little thicker. She had a fat ass and medium sized tits. If I was a free whore I would definitely fuck around with her. Rodrigo told me to tie her up to the bed and put down a tarp. She and I knew exactly what he planned on doing hence why she started to fight back. I had to knock this bitch out before she did the same to me. Rodrigo was impressed at how well ii fought back but his being impressed was the last thing on my mind. I tied her up as quickly as possible and slapped her until she woke up. I was ready to see someone besides myself be the victim for once. Rodrigo pulled out his cock and pissed all over her. She screamed were gargled as his piss filled her mouth and ran down her chest. I cackled with sick pleasure as he shoved his cock down her pissy face hole. Then, I fingered my pussy as she screamed from the pain of his cock getting shoved forcefully up her ass. Finally I came all over my panties when she slit her throat and came all over her bloody dead body… I never found out what that girl did to deserve that, but I really didn’t care.

Cannibalism phone sex

torture phonesex karma.JPGFinding quality fresh meat gets harder by the day. I have many creative ways to find meat but the pickings for humans with just the right flesh, just the right age for tenderness and flavor and not on drugs are getting harder and harder to find. I wish there was a human meat market for those of us that enjoy the flavor of human flesh. If you have never tried it you just don’t know what your missing. There are so many ways to prepare it, so many different ways to season and flavor it. I prefer to roast my human on an open spit, slowly turning the body for a nice even golden brown on the skin. Making it nice and crispy and so good for snacking on like chips. My favorite cut is the nice meaty flesh of the inner thigh. Just the right mix of flesh and fat for a flavorful plate full of tender, tasty meat. The arms are wonderful for stew meat and the organs are so delicious, especially the liver and kidney. My favorite organ however is the heart. I love to remove it and feel it beating in my hands before I drop it in a post of seasoning and cook it ever so slowly for a mouth watering treat. I would love to open my very own meat market ans share my love for this fine dining.torture phonesex market

Taboo phone sex is where I start!

Taboo phone sex with BlazeI got some new vibrators today. I ordered a gift pack offline. I was super excited to try them out! And I knew the perfect place to try them. I had a babysitting gig tonight. With my favorite little sluts ever. Michelle and Misty! At first they hated when I would let the guys fuck them! Some guys pay much more for little fighters! But now they look forward to our little play parties. That makes the the perfect little testers to try the toys! I invited a few guys over. Then I made them watch as Misty and Michelle picked up the vibrators and started rubbing their tiny little pink pussies. They were REALLY getting into it! And the guys were REALLY getting turned on. Of course I know a good thing when I see it! I told the guys the bid begins at 500 dollars. And boy did it take off! The more the girls moaned the more money I made. Finally Dan won and I let him jump right in! He was so turned on he couldn’t get his cock in Misty fast enough! He shoved his dick BALLS deep in the tiny pussy all at one! I was shocked she could even take a whole pussy! Dan pulled Misty on top of him like a little pocket pussy and pumped her up and down on his cock till he exploded. Then he pushed Misty off his dick and pulled Michelle over to his dick and told her to lick it up! Michelle licked up EVERY single drop of her sisters juices and Dans cum! And I can’t believe how much MORE money I made letting the girls play with toys first! I made 5 times MORE than normal off the little sluts! I have to order more toys!

Taboo phone sex Blaze 2



Taboo phone sex is what I am all about!

Taboo phone sex with StormWell summer vacation is almost over! THANK God! All these little fuckers running around all day is pissing me the fuck off! I have just about had it! Some smart ass skateboarder scratched my car! The girl that lives next door “accidentally” rode her bike over my new flowers! AND then.. I got knocked down my some little fuckers having a shopping cart race at the store! Those little fuckers Laughed at me! And that was all I could take.. I on the way home I bought a big bottle sour apple pucker schnapps and some antifreeze. I mixed my own little cocktail up. I knew being the last week end before school that there would be a big party out on the beach. A bon fire blow out. And I know what a good bon fire needs. So I put my gloves on and wiped down every part of the bottles and lids. Then I went to the bonfire. The teenagers where running around like crazy. The leader was a football player giving orders and thinking he was the man. It was easy to get his attention. I asked him to throw a bag away for me. A bug of nasty drinks. He was more than willing to help me. Ha ha ha. He thought it was his lucky day! He passed the drinks out. And kept one for him self. The were downing them like water! They were already drunk and It hit them so fast! It first they thought they drunk to much. It must have made them very hot because they were peeling out of there clothes! They were naked and acting drunk and stoned. But then they started puking and gut wrenching screams. And then the blood started pouring out of every hole as the antifreeze dissolved there guts. I knew there was no way they could survive. Perhaps if they had called for help sooner but they were to afraid of being caught drinking and partying. After a bit they were just wiggling around on the ground covered in there own blood! I killed every single one of them. With out ever touching them. I had to play with myself looking at all there naked bloody bodies! I came so much! Then I picked the log I was sitting on up and threw it into the fire. And turned around and left. I feel much better now.

Taboo phone sex with Strom

Rape phone sex fantasies Alice ~ do the dirty

I am not a law abiding citizen of America. I say this fully intending to disclose a little secret I’ve been keepin’ about my true self. Maybe I’m not a picture perfect version of the United States’ sweetheart, but I can make you cum harder then anyone has every made you orgasm in your life.

That’s because I know what you really want. The stuff you’re way too scared to tell your wife or girlfriend. The dirty, nasty, sickeningly dark and violating aspects of human life. You want to mess up a slut and fuck your way through an entire all girls Catholic school, don’t you?

Well, I can help you with that. See, I have a thing for babysitting little ones myself. I can get in undetected and let you in through the front door without a hint of suspicion from the neighbors. When we have those young little babies all to ourselves, that’s when the fun begins. You try to keep your hands to yourself, but those pigtails and cute little diapers are too much for you to resist. It’s okay . . . bite into those miniature asses. I won’t tell a soul. That’s because I’m just as twisted as you are, baby . . . even more.