Category: Taboo phone sex

Killer Phone Sex exclusive this Nigger Bitch Cunt must die!

Killer phone sex


What were my captors  going to do to me now? The gates were closing and I saw them walk away. I heard the growling of the canines and I turned around to see the Doberman’s almost too late. They pounced on me like a tiger to it’s prey and soon my flesh was being eaten by these ferocious beasts. I yelled and screamed but there was nothing anyone could do. As the flesh was ripped from my body I thought of all the things I wanted to do before this had happened to me. I was certainly going to kill that crack addict husband  of mine but ,what did it matter now? He was going to hell for what he had done but I was going to. The needles that were pinched into my pussy were numb now not to mention the little one that they sent into me to suck and fuck had been turned out into the street. Gladly no doubt to feed a heroin addiction. It was my guess that he was going to bring this gang a lot of money or be killed. I was past that point of my life and I needed so much more than that. I wanted death but it would not come. It was just going to have to wait. I was trying to sing to fill my lungs with air but the blood that filled them was increasing and these canines that were eating at my flesh were certainly going to take my life now. 

     I remember them putting the blood on me just laughing as they taunted me. Crack Addict whore is what I heard. Fucking Nigger was another slant. It wasn’t’ that I was going to die I knew that I had to die.  I had met my end with the countless rifts of cocks that had flooded my hole or the baby that was conceived.How long ago? I was standing with my daughter now with the blood all over me, they  would not let me  live. And if my daughter were to survive what would happen to her?. I kissed her closely and waited I tried to throw her away from the wrath, but  it was not to be. Would death be any better? Would death be better for either of us? Slamming her against the wall and breaking her neck would be her chance of peace. I thought of seeing her in heaven again. When the canines came and my eyes closed I felt one humping my cunt but it was too late it was always too late to know. I heard my baby scream and then darkness was all there was.


I knew you had been watching me for a long time. You call my house constantly and hang up the phone. All times of the day and night. You send me letters with no return address and the handwriting is scrawled like a maniac. The police haven’t done shit to help me, and I walk around scared all the time. Last week, there was even a note on my car. It said you were watching. I had no doubt that you were.

I got an alarm system for my house, and started carrying pepper spray. Everywhere I went, I checked behind me to see if you were there. I rarely went anywhere at night because the dark just seemed more scary, knowing you could be lurking anywhere. You emailed me pictures of myself from everywhere – the grocery store, the park when I jog, and it was never ending. You had me acting like a scared little mouse, just waiting for the cat to pounce.

snuff phone sex stephanie
Last night I had to go visit a friend at the hospital. I was there much longer than I thought I would be and I had to walk back to my car alone in the dark. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. The parking lot was quiet, and I just kept thinking about you and if you were watching me. I was almost to my car and remembered my pepper spray was in my purse. As I went to reach for it, you came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I could smell sweat and leather and you had a grip on me that I couldn’t break free of.

You shoved me against my car, ripping my blouse open, and I could feel my tits against the outside of the cold window. You had been there waiting all along. Your months of patience had finally paid off. You had me alone, and in the dark, and now I would become your prey. As I felt your cock enter my pussy, and your hands go around my throat, I knew that I wouldn’t make it out alive. You tightened your grip, and the last thing I remember is feeling your hot cum shoot inside of me… then it all went black.

My New Ass Master

taboo phone sex anal whoreI have a new ass master. That is what he calls himself. He wants nothing to do with my pussy. According to him, good women, the kind you marry, get fucked in the pussy; but dirty worthless whores like me only get fucked in the ass. It is not about my pleasure, but about the pleasure of my masters.  It feels like master is training me for the anal Olympics.  He fucks my ass for hours. He is relentless. The objective is to ruin my whore ass; make it gape open so everyone will know what a filthy fuck pig I am. Once my ass is open so wide he can slide his fist in and out of my cavity without touching skin, he pisses into me.  Not just him, but all his friends. It’s a circle jerk of sorts only instead  of spraying me with cum, they piss into my asshole.

domination phone sex fantasies analAfter a dozen or so men  have peed into my anal fuck hole, he shoves a butt plug in my ass and forces me to hold it in for hours. It feels like my ass is drowning in piss. If I leak any out on the floor I get kicked so hard I puke. Eventually, master lets me shit out the piss in my ass into a pitcher. I then have to drink every last drop. If I spill, they all piss into my ass again. It’s degrading to drink my own pee. Can you imagine how humiliating it is to drink strangers’ piss that has been  in your dirty ass for hours? According to my ass master, I am worthy of the upmost form of humiliation. For I am a special breed of worthless trash. I know you agree.

Ass Rape Porn: The Things I Do for Drugs

ass rape porn MILFI owed my drug dealer quite a lot of money. In fact, he cut me off until I could settle the score. I had no money. I had already sold everything I could for my next fix. I pleaded with him just to give me a little more until I could figure something out. “You have not sold everything Blair,” he said giving me that look. He suggested I make a little ass rape porn with him. He would wipe my debt clean and give me an eight ball. “Deal,” I said, even though I was a little nervous about what exactly ass rape porn meant.

I soon found out. He took me to this dingy basement studio where he makes underground porn. Nothing vanilla about his movies. He caters to the darker, more perverse fantasies. According to him, women who get anally tortured is a huge market generating lots of capital. I’m a coke whore, but he insisted on shooting me up with some smack to relax me. I refused, but he insisted. I had no choice; he shoved a needle in my arm. Bam, just like that I was relaxed. Perfect timing since he showed me all the things that would be rammed up my ass for his sick little movie.

But before he had his sadistic bitch of an assistant start violating my ass, she spread my cunt wide and started fisting it. Got her entire arm up my pussy. So deep inside me I thought she was going to yank my uterus out. The smack helped dull the pain, but I could still feel immense pressure, and blood. Warm blood trickling down my thigh, or maybe it was piss. She went right from my fisting my cunt to fisting my ass. No lube, just my pussy lather and piss to insert her arm up my back door. When she pulled out, I knew it was shit coated. She shoved it in my mouth and made me suck her f clean. I gagged.

torture sex hardcore analAfter that it was a series of objects up my ass. A baseball bat; wine bottle; speculum;  a barbell; various huge vegetables and dildos; but the worse was the meat hook. That was saved for last. She shove a meat hook in my asshole and hoisted me up in the air screaming like a slaughtered pig. While suspended, she whipped my ass with a cat o nine tails. My skin started to separate from my ass, blood oozed from my wounds. I was crying from the pain, begging for more smack. The only smack I got was across my face. For hours my ass was tortured with objects not meant for anal penetration. By the time it was over, my ass was a bloody mess. In fact my asshole was inside out. Looked like a deformed rose.

I was released from the hook into a pile of my own piss, bile, blood and vomit. My dealer said, “Good whore,” and tossed me a 8 ball, but I begged for more heroin.  Guess we can add junkie to my list of titles.

Layla’s Last Moments

Torture phone sex


Blood drenched from every area of my body I knew I was going to die and it wasn’t like heaven had a open door for me with the life I had lived. But I couldn’t help it I loved that crack addict husband and if this was to be the end then I was glad for a little while at least that I had lived it fighting off these assholes that were violating my ass every time they had a chance. Come to think of it I don’t know if it was the lack of oxygen from the rope wrapped around my neck or just the will that had gotten me so over the edge that I just wanted my neck to break. To hear the snap would be the best thing in the world for me before my eyes closed I was say my prayers but there was none to say. They had used razors and needles on my skin and now they were cutting me up again with glass. I knew the next thing would be the beer and bottles and things that they were going to throw at me. It was the piss showers that were better. I could take all of that but to be ripped open by another gang member I don’t know if I could take it.


      They had said amongst themselves that I was going to be taken to another location to earn my keep and I knew whatever plan they had in store for me was going to be worse than what I had endured already. It was hot and sweet to think that my love for a no account asshole is what had got me here and it was just as cruel to think that this was not going to be the end of me. I needed to try to live for the little one they had just brought in but I couldn’t. I was on my way out and I knew it was only a matter of time before my rotten corpse would be in some alley or street. As they forced fed me I felt the drool or glue lining my lips and the way they had the smiles on their lips let me know they had something in store for me that I couldn’t control. The thing that bothered me the most was the fact that I didn’t think things were going to get any worse boy was I wrong. The glue was placed on my lips and then the duck tape. Placing one hand firmly on my head and the other behind my neck he pulled with such force that my body shook. Then my neck snapped and then …..

The new sheriff

violent phone sex maceyDamn! Woke up on the floor of the men’s bathroom again…well at least I still have my skirt on if nothing else.

I guess I should start walking home. No biggie that I am half naked. It’s not like I haven’t fucked most of the men in town and half the women to.

It’s still early Saturday morning so the whole damn town is still sleeping. Just my luck, it starts to rain. the water stings my skin as it drizzles into the open cuts, every painful drop bringing back an erotic flash of the night before.

The candy is starting’ to wear off. I hate it when that happens. I lose the moment and reality hits. It fucking sucks!

I hear a police siren behind me…thank fucking god. Officer Jansen. He always keeps a little something in his car for me. He confiscates it from the guys he locks up and then trades it for whatever.

He slows down next to me and tells me to get in. He throws a t shirt at me as he opens the back door to the patrol car. As if the sight of my bruised cum soaked body doesn’t turn him on.

He does a U-turn and starts heading back to town. He offers me a little devils dandruff, a take it and then let my head fall. SHIT, what was in that snow!

I remember pulling up to the jail and I looked at him. He must have seen the confused look on my face because he said “There is a new sheriff in town and he thinks you need to learn a lesson”.

The steel bars felt so cold on my beaten skin as they hand cuffed me to the inside of the jail cell. They chained my wrist first, stretching my arms so far above my head that my feet didn’t touch the floor. It pulled my swollen tits even tighter. Then they shackled my ankles with my legs spread so far that I thought I felt the muscles of my inner thighs tear.

The few detainees from the night before are in the cell with me and take turns fucking me while another stands on the chair and chokes me with his cock. That’s when I hear him, the new sheriff. My back is towards the civilian side of the cell so I can’t see his face but I will never forget the sound of his voice.

He took out his billy club and whipped my ass as my cheeks were pushed through his side of the hard steel bars.

I was beaten and bruised and my skin stung with blood and sweat. I can still hear the anger in his voice as he saw my cunt swell and jerk, begging for more.

That’s when he took that club and rammed it up my ass.

The inmate fucking my mouth apparently got tired. Pussy! The new sheriff ordered officer Jansen to keep my head back so the next guy could have a turn.

Officer Jansen grabbed my hair through the bars and yanked it hard so my skull slammed against the cell… the whole time, I am getting off and the sheriff is getting pissed.

I can still hear the anger in his voice as I was getting off. He told Jansen to unchain me and I laughed as my limp body fell on the cold cement floor.

I tried to get a look at his face but he had turn to leave. I can still hear that voice saying we will meet again. Saying that he will break me, and that he was going to fuck me into submission. Telling me that I would be begging him to be his whore.

I don’t know if there is a man alive that could break me…but oohhh..I love the challenge! And that voice….

Blasphemy Sex Exploitation of Sister Anna

Blasphemy sex and exploiting a servant to the Church is what this Sunday entailed. You see this dumb fucking penguin thought she could lay her judgement upon me and my gang this morning. As we were enjoying the sunrise with our booze chilling on the green behind the old monastery. We weren’t bothering anyone and were just passing around a blunt when the whore approached us. She felt it was her duty to try “saving” us. Well… little did she expect she would need the saving.

Blasphemy Sex

I got up and pulled her close to me by her fucking crucifix and beads. She was sputtering and willing to back down and leave us alone, but it was too late. We bound and gagged her and hauled her into the rectory where we tied her up on a large wooden cross. My guys and I took in the sight with laughter and drinks proclaiming her a sacrifice to “OUR” fearless leader Father Satan.

Taking my switchblade out I sliced her penguin gown off her trembling body. Look at the pathetic whore of her Lord wearing the most prudent under garments of some old bag. However this whore had to be in her late 20’s and had a hot body, so pure and pale. She made me sick so I sliced into her sweet c cup breast and licked the blade only to spat her blood and my spit in her face. I grabbed a large crucifix from the wall, I cut her panties off and started fucking her with the relic of her worship. Laughing the whole time.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My guys wanted her, they wanted her bad so we cut her down, spread her legs and bound her wrists as we bent her over the pulpit. I soaked her panties in the holy water receptacle and ringed them out ensuring her cunt juices were wrung into the basin ultimately desecrating the purity of that basin. I shoved her panties in her mouth gagging her as my gang had their way with her other two fuck holes. We left her naked and dripping with cum in the church ready to greet the congregation.


Your Blade

You always make me strip in front of you. The camera rolling as usual, Sir. You and your snuff movie fetish has become an unquenchable addiction, and I am the only girl who can handle the pain. Not only can I handle it, I long for it. You bought a new knife. I see it gleaming from the bedside table. Its short but sharp, and looks like it could gut a deer in a matter of moments. I knew it was a new gift for me, and would be used to spill my insides for your camera.

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You never cut me yourself – you make me do it.  You make me mutilate my own body. You tell me I should be ashamed of how beautiful men think I am and that I need to deform myself so that men stop staring. I know you are right, and I ask your permission to pick up the knife. Of course you make me beg, and I do, because I need the pain.  I take the blade and follow your instructions to pierce my nipples, one at a time, slowly so they bleed down my bare stomach.

You look on calmly, cock rising with every poke of the blade into my tender breasts.  The pain sears through me like fire as the blade slices right under my nipple and severs all the womanly glands inside. I start to sweat from the pain and my heart races like a little bunny, knowing I am nothing but a toy to you. Then I take the blade to my other nipple, and do the same. They hang there, a bloody mess, and you begin to stroke your cock. I stick my chest out to show the camera and I know you are proud of me.

snuff movie stephanie
I withdraw the blade and you point to my pussy and I know what I have to do. I take it down between my legs and begin to stick it straight up my pussy. You smile, and I love it. It is so sharp, it slices both sides of my tight cunt as it enters and and fresh red blood pours down my legs onto the floor. I fuck myself with the knife, and each stroke makes me more and more dizzy with pain and ecstasy. I pull it forward and cut my clit in two. Blood spurts out onto your leg, and you laugh – the video has captured it all. It won’t be long before my vision starts to blur… and we still have so much to do….   

Home Invasion Phone Sex with Blair

home invasion phone sex rape fantasiesI was sound asleep when my dog started barking. I got up to see what was going on, assuming my husband or my son just got drunk and couldn’t find their keys. I heard footsteps. I reached for the baseball bat I use for home protection, but before I got it, I felt hands around my neck, choking me. I was thrown to the ground by a strong shadowy figure. Then the lights came on. I saw three strangers standing over me with their cocks out. I pleaded for them to go. They just laughed. I heard muffled screams. I looked to the corner and saw my baby girl tied up. They were going to force her to watch as they violated her mommy. “As long as you do what you are told bitch, nothing will happen to that sweet little cunt over there,” one of the intruders said.

The next thing I heard was “start sucking cock whore; show your little whore how it’s done.” I was afraid they would take my daughter’s virginity, her innocence, so I did whatever they wanted. I let them skull fuck me. Three large cocks crammed down my throat until I gagged, almost to the point of puking. They slapped my face for gagging, then shoved their dicks back in my mouth. I was being the best dirty whore I could to keep my baby safe. I thought all they wanted was to shoot their wads on my face, but they wanted to violate my holes while my daughter watched horrified.

They threw me on the ground, penetrated all my holes while my baby cried. One of the men , pulled his cock out of my ass, went over and shoved it in my daughter’s mouth. I was being a good whore like they wanted, but he forced my baby girl to suck her mother’s ass juice off his cock. I started screaming, begging for him to leave her alone. He ran back to me, punched me right in the face. Broke my nose. Blood was running out of my nose as the two continued to fuck me, while the third guy forced himself on my virgin girl.

I had to listen to her screams, her pleads for her mommy to help her.  I was powerless. After hours of forcing themselves on us, they left. Made it clear that we were both dirty whores. My baby girl is so tiny. They ruined her fuck holes.  No worse feeling than not being able to help your daughter. I guess some men get off on ruining innocence while a mommy watches helpless.

Taboo phone sex with Ivy


Taboo phone sex

I’m just gonna come right out with it. I love torturing people, especially other women. I love getting them hot and bothered and then threatening to do t terrible things to them if they don’t satisfy me. I usually end up doing them, anyway. So I was cruising down the boulevard on the way home from getting my nose candy when I saw this bitch standing on the corner, fighting with her man. I pulled over and asked if I could help.

Torture phone sex

She was a prostitute and she’d gotten mugged, and she needed 50 bucks or this pimp was going to make her sleep outside. There was a storm rolling in, so I told him to Fuck off, and I took her into my car. She thanked Me endlessly, telling me she was so thankful, didn’t know how to repay me, all that good shit. I laughed “just keep me company.” She started to cry when we got to my place and as you can imagine, there’s nothing that gets me hotter than a woman crying. My pussy was sopping wet thinking of the terrible things I could do to this bitch. I took her into the house and offered her a line which she gladly snorted like the dirty whore she was.

Evil phone sex

I made a quick call and took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom where I started licking her pussy. She whimpered and cried and begged for more, and she gladly obliged when I stuck my fat dildo in her cunt. She came so hard for me, her eyes closed, and screamed when she opened her eyes.  My brother was standing over her wearing a clown mask and holding a machete. “Choke on this dick” he growled. She did as she was told and he came down her throat, tears pouring Down her face. I’d been preparing my dldo as they played, lacing it with poison tipped razor blades. See, thing is, the pimp I gave the money to, he was my brother. You don’t Fuck with my brother.