Category: Taboo phone sex

Sex with Dead Bodies: What’s Your Sick Fantasy?

sex with dead bodiesI get told all the time I am going to hell. I take it as a compliment. Means I am not afraid to go into the fringes, the dark crevices of human desires. We all have sick and perverted thoughts. Just most of you let guilt or morality or common decency rule your actions. Not me. No impulse control. No censor. I am your perfect accomplice because I will push you to act on your sick fantasies. I use blackmail, torture, even threat of death to you or your loved ones if you don’t do as I want, which is really what you want too.

Take Chad for example. I hacked his computer. Guys are such easy prey for a little dirty IM. They think I am some blonde buxom goddess, start cybering with me, and boom, I’m in their computer seeing all the sick things that make them hard. Chad is a necrophilia wannabe. He wants to have sex with dead bodies. A cold corpse gets him hard. So, when we were sexting about our dark desires, I laid the bait. “I fantasize about being a corpse and getting fucked,” I typed on my computer screen. Funny, he suggested we meet. Men are so easy to manipulate.

taboo phone sexHe was a bit shocked to discover that I didn’t exactly look like my yahoo pic. When he tried to run, I showed him my big knife, and photos of some of the sick shit I pulled off his computer. “Consider me your dark angel helping you make all your dreams cum true,” I said with an devilish grin. I blind folded him and took him on a little trip to the county morgue. I have a like minded sick friend who gets me access to the cadavers after hours. It’s good to have friends in dead places! I had the perfect specimen picked out for Chad. This poor dead girl headless and without any organs. An empty vessel so to speak. I may have helped remove her guts for my own sick pleasure, but that’s for a different blog.

necrophilia phone sexI removed the blindfold. Chad gasped in horror while simultaneously popping a huge boner in his pants. I held the knife to his back and made him fuck her cold dead cunt. It was fucking hot as hell because you could see his cock poking through her open cavity. Just a hollowed out skeleton; all that remained was bones and some sinew. She was ice cold; but his cock was red hot. When he came, I could see the cum decorating her rib cage, from the inside. “Aren’t you glad you met me Chad,” I inquired? “Now your twisted fantasies are a reality.” He still looked at me like I was the Antichrist before scurrying away like a scared puppy.

Face it. Maybe not now, but some time, he will be grateful he met me. You will too. I will help you by whatever means necessary act on your most sick and twisted desires. Everyone needs a dark angel on their shoulder.

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Taboo Phone Sex; Hiker Slut Torture

I was hanging out with some taboo phone sex friends of mine, just talking about our new snuff porn ideas that we had rolling around in our heads. One of the guys informed me that they picked up this hitchhiker by the name of Marley and were keeping the dumb broad in the basement for fun. That was when the real fun started though. One of the guys darted up stairs holdin his eyes with glass sticking from it. Dumb ass let her get away. The guys thought they were going to be busted but I knew how to save the day. Hopping into my car I decided I would chase their little bunny Marley.She did not get very far. I guess she did not learn her lesson the first time and was more than eager to jump into my vehicle. I put on a happy, friendly face. She had not seen me upstairs, which meant I could have some fun with the little thing before I sent her on her way. Marley had tears running down her face, said she needed to get away from some people. Marley begged me to drive fast, which I did in a way. I took her to a discreet hotel, one in which I had been to several times, and that didn’t take IDs or have security cameras or anything like that. It was one of those fly-by-night hotels where he could pay by the hour. There usually was a good selection of hooker there, even the younger ones that I like to play with. 

Taboo Phone Sex

I asked her if she would like to take a shower, which she was grateful to do. Marley got into the shower and I sat on my bed and decided I would smoke some weed to get myself into the mood. I can hear her humming and singing as she scrubbed her skin clean. When I opened up the bathroom door she looked confused, but still grateful. She was wrapping a towel around her plump rump. I held the knife behind my back out of view from her or the bathroom mirror and slid into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Marley kind of squinted her eyes at me giving me this dumb luck, which the guys already informed me that she did. I wanted to punch he is the face right then and there but decided to fuck with her first.

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I pulled the knife out to where she could see and began to play with it on the tip of my finger. Fear began to enter into her body and she realized she fucked up again. She started to whimper and plea trying to explain again where she had been in the basement and how the guys tormented her for months upon months without letting her see the light of day. I was unsympathetic of course. I took a knife and started to taunt her, running it up the side of her skin. Marley cried again begging me to stop. That began to really annoy me, there was nothing worse than a little girl he thought that she could beg her way your way out of something. I never came across as that kind of person, I don’t know why they felt they could always confided in me that way.

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I took the knife and started slicing and cutting the surface of her skin. She stumbled back falling into the bathtub giving me a perfect view of her nasty cunt. I decided that it would look much more appropriate adorned with some blood seeping from it, and took the handle of the knife and started shoving it into her moldy box. When I heard her moan, moan for joy I quickly turned it to the blade. Stabbing and fucking her with the knife so that she could feel the pain as it entered into her stupid twat. Once I finished Marley off I knew there was only one last thing that I can do with her. I let her lay in her own blood for a while, she was unconscious and I didn’t really want to have to carry the fat cow. I decided to remove her anyway, and take her back to the guys. When she woke up she was back in the hellhole were she had started with more chains more shackles more security tight around her she was in a state of shock. She was their little toy I had given her little taste of what I had offer now she can play with them.

Snuff Porn Cock Muncher

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I used to think snuff porn consisted only of pretty girls getting tortured for the satisfaction of all viewers. It was not until my thirst for blood led me to the male penis that I found out that snuff be way heavier. I was an accomplice, when I realized that the man in charge was not so manly after all. I was growing old of how squeamish he was around dead body that we created decided that it needed to be fixed right away he whimpered and cried for me to stop, I couldn’t. So I decided that I was going to make him into my collection of victims. I tied him up to a chair and smelled close to his neck. His veins pulsated as his heart raced with fear. I love listening to him cry and whimper, begging me not to hurt him. That was only making it harder for him, I went over to my table so I could let him see the tools I was going to be using on him. I thought hard to myself decided a man, a man he called himself. But was he a man? No he was not!

taboo phone sex

I grabbed some rope, easy enough, and I tied it from the underside of his ball sack on top of his already throbbing penis. His cock was hard turned on by the fact that I was dominating him. Something that I knew I would never have problems with but never really faced. I had always been an accomplice never really thought I’d run across somebody who claim to be man, but really a sissy, And I did!Dominating, which came by awfully easy you ask me. He begged and cried for me to stop but his eyes said something else. His eyes, that begged me to continue on with his penile torture. I tied it with a rope from the under side of his balls across the base pulling it hard listening to whimper and then taking two alligator clamps I secured them onto his nipples, and he yelped. He yelled as if he was being kicked in his side. Which I already did intended on doing from the beginning. I took my high heels and kicked it straight across his face scratching him tip of my heel into the side of his mug. I loved every second of it.

Gothic phone sex

As I continued to rip his body apart and burn his nuts, he pleaded with me to get in a moment of satisfaction. Suddenly I had an overwhelming feeling and put his big throbbing cock into my mouth. I began to suck on it running, my tongue along the underside of his mushroom tip, and moving my head up and down. That’s when he said it, that’s what he really set me off,”good girly,” he said to me. Girly? I am no girly, I am  a woman yes but not a little girl. Not like he was making me out to be I became enraged I dug my teeth into the base of his cock.I listened to scream his whole body began to shake as I bit harder. I bit until I met my teeth on the other side completely clamp down on to his wiener. I ripped his cock straight off of him spitting it out into a tray that’s when I started, collecting and munching on dicks for fun. It was a nice hobby and I really enjoyed it couldn’t wait until I got more victims like him, victims I would enjoy torturing for taboo phone sex fun!

Snuff Porn Torture Death the Cure All for Redneck Neighbors

snuff porn knife playSnuff porn is what gets me off. The bloodier, the better. The homemade snuff porn torture death variety is my favorite. I guess you could say that when it comes to my own snuff movies, I like to go medieval. If you are a fan of torture sex, like I am, then you know that in the Game of Thrones era death and dismemberment were extra violent, extra gruesome, extra painful, and very deadly. In other words, awesome.

I have had my eye on new neighbors. Annoying fuckers who violate every code of decency. Their lawn looks like a Griswold Christmas year round; they blare country music at all hours of the night; their junker Ford pickup truck leaves toxic fumes for days and they are meth heads so tweakers in and out 24/7. No one wants them in our little community, but no one has the balls to do anything about it. We all know I have bigger balls than an elephant. Normally, I don’t hunt or kill in my back yard, but pretty certain if I got caught, my neighbors would high five me rather than turn me in. Sometimes bitches just have to die.

snuff porn torture deathThese ass hats were worthy of a slow tortuous death. I was inspired by watching some vintage medieval porn with religious under tones. Decided to make the crime scene look rather frantic and religious. I walked right into their home early one morning and found them making crystal meth in the kitchen. Stupid cunt was pregnant too. High as a kite, so easy to control. Tied the bitch to her dining room table spread eagle. Took an old huge ass crucifix, fucked her cunt until her insides started to spill out. Left her breathing so she could watch me sodomize her man from Deliverance baby daddy with that same crucifix. I enjoyed torturing their worthless fuck holes. Neither had the right to procreate.

After about an hour of playtime for me, I broke out my medieval sword and beheaded them. I started with him. Blood spurted out the neck stump and his head rolled off the table with his eyes wide open. Perfect. He could watch me behead his skank ass wife, who was likely his first cousin too. Their heads ended up smacking against each other. I may have played a little soccer for shits and giggles while the blood poured from their lifeless bodies. Oh, and I may have filmed it. Turns out, I enjoy killing inbred redneck tweakers. It is very satisfying to rid the world of useless fucks. I confused the crime scene with equal parts religious fanaticism and drug war gone bad. It will be unsolvable like all my kills. It will also be coming to the world of underground 8 MM films very soon. Maybe they can repay me in death for exposing me to “Drunk on a Plane” at 3 am every morning. In hindsight, I didn’t torture them enough.

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Taboo Phone Sex Desires Better Explored with Two Submissive Whores


taboo phone sexExploring your darkest taboo phone sex desires is always better with two sluts. Two victims equals twice our pain and double your pleasure. I have a lot of sick Masters, but one in particular gives me chills down my spine. Normally he just abuses me solo, but the other day, he wanted his daughter Macey to watch as he fucked me unconscious. He is training her to be his private fuck slut. When I arrived at the dungeon, Macey was just sitting in her little school girl outfit awaiting my arrival. I think she thought of herself as daddy’s accomplice.

bondage phone sexAfter her daddy had me bound and gagged, he turned his attention to his baby girl. Macey was surprised that her daddy would tie her up like a filthy pig and put nipple weights on her tiny tits. Poor thing thought she was special. All women are worthless cunts. We are here to be fucked and treated like animals. Nothing more. She screamed and cried. Tried to tell him I was the real whore. So naive. That was just going to get her hurt. I guess being a good submissive whore comes with age; Macey had a lot to learn. I think I was there to school her in proper submissive behavior.

ass rape pornHe daddy suspended me by an above beam and fucked the shit out of me. My hands were bound, so were my breasts. I was hogtied and restrained. Macey was strung up spread eagle above us, being forced to watch us fuck while restrained. I could hear her whimpering, but she was no longer screaming and acting like she was special. She was learning. Being a proper fuck pig is a learning curve. With every beating, with every restraint, with every brutal encounter, you learn something; you improve. Master was using me to break his daughter.

rape phone sex fantasiesSuddenly he got more violent with me. Lowered me down and started punching me in the stomach; slapping my face; force fucking my ass with his fist; spitting on me; calling me names; pissing down my throat; burning my nipples; pulling my hair; he even carved whore in my forehead. By this time he had Macey bound and tied to a rod like a pig on a spit roast in front of us. “Learn from Blair you little cunt. She has aged out and I need fresh new meat to abuse,” he said. I felt a sense of relief that Master had grown tired of me, wanted to trade me in for a younger model, but also insulted. A woman is never too old to abuse.

My keepsakes


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I know what I do is against the law. I do try to honor ever part of my victims but there are a few things that I keep. I keep them to remind me of things that I have done. All the time I spent with them. I spend hours hunting them down following them. Then when I finally get them home I spend so much time with them. I had an idea while I’d sit in my car rubbing my cunt thinking of all the things I could do to them. Like the uncut man I found. I cut his dick over and over again. I poured bleach in his wounds, salt, and I would pour vinegar on him. Then After I beat him, tortured his cock, Fucked him in the ass and made him suck his shit off my cock; I sewed his foreskin together. I tried to keep his cock, but I couldn’t keep it hard and after a while it started to stink. I did how ever keep his head… I keep all of their heads…

Taboo phone sex

Snuff Porn Trophy Collector Killer Babysitter Gray

Well it’s been an interesting week I have met a guy this dating site.The site is not your normal dating site in fact it’s a little different. This site is geared toward serial killers and those that like serial killers. Obviously the site is for anyone interested and the serial killer type. His name is Brad and he’s an undertaker.

Snuff Porn

Our first date played out as an interesting one I was that curious about his career. so Brad decided that you would invite me to his underworld. The business has been his family for generations. come to find out Brad does more than the prepare bodies for funerals. He has acquired an interesting little hobby. this hobby of Brad’s involves a form of taxidermy in which he creates sculptures out of dead things. as you can imagine finding this out has me excited. I explained to him my little hobby of killing sweet young innocent things.
The two of us got so fucking hot that we fucked right there on the gurney used for preparing bodies. As he was fucking me I asked if he could prepare a trophy I plan on taking from my next  victim. I mentioned I wanted it preserved special so I could have a special souvenir.

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I explained how I wanted a foot from my victim and I wanted to be able to look at the foot and remember this special slut. He had the perfect idea of making them into bookends! I was not planning on severing both feet but it sounded so cool!

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I never had a real body part as art much less a pair and this sounded excellent! I am anticipating my next babysitting job for sure! I hope to snuff out the father of my victim making her watch as I fucked daddy to death! I would then have my way with her forcing her to watch the video of daddy dying as I dismembered her while she was still alive!

Bagged Pussy

taboo phone sex chelseaEver since I was a little girl, pain and torture have intrigued me. Watching my father beat my mother probably had something to do with it. He would beat her for hours, busting her nose, lips, biting her breasts, and making her scream. Afterward, they would have loud make-up sex. I’d hear her screaming for him to hit her, that she deserved it. They’d fuck so loud that our ratty old trailer would shake. Sometimes I masturbated to the sounds.
By the time I was in my late teens, I, too, had become a victim of violence. My boyfriend was a druggie who would force me to do drugs and then beat me unconscious. I associated brutality with love, for that was all I had known. Just a simple slap or arm twist would make my pussy leak through my panties.
One night, my BF brought this new man home. He told me that I was expected to cater to his whims and do as I was told. He said he was making money and I was a worthless slut who needed to work.
The man, only known as Master D, was a sadistic bastard. He got off on hearing a woman scream and beg. The things he did to me that night are beyond mention. He drugged, gagged, raped, and tortured me. He made me lick his shitty hole and pissed on my face.
My boyfriend stayed quietly in the corner, just out of sight, jerking off as I was demeaned and beaten. I could tell that he enjoyed the show. My pussy started throbbing a bit as he beat welts onto my back. Never before had I felt so alive and turned on. I screamed louder and that seemed to inflame him more.
Finally, Master D was ready to cum. He took a plastic bag, and despite my begging, placed it over my head. “You are a worthless cunt and you deserve to die.” he rasped. My breath was cut short as he tied the bag tightly around my throat. The world was spinning as he slammed his monster cock viciously into me, tearing my flesh. My pussy begin to pulse as my oxygen level dropped. My back arched, my legs kicked.
Without warning, I was wracked by a massive orgasm that made me suck the plastic tighter over my face. At the same time, I felt his beefy cock begin to pulsate deep within me. He roared like an evil beast, pulling his cock from my bloody hole and spewed his load all over the plastic bag. My world went black.
I awoke several hours later to find my boyfriend standing over me. He smiled wickedly, his erect cock in hand, as he gazed upon my broken body.
Now I knew my real worth and I was ready to be the worthless slut, just like my mama.

Killer Torture Sex Trophies

torture sexMost girls grow up idolizing singers and actresses, even athletes. Not me. I was always fascinated by serial killers. Did you know most serial killers keep souvenirs of their kills? Little trophies to help them relive the moment. Serial killers even give their trophies as gifts to loved ones or family members. Anatoly Onoprienko kept the underwear of 52 victims in the Ukraine. Ahmad Suradji killed 42 chicks in Eastern Europe and kept their saliva. Ted Bundy sometimes kept the heads of his pretty victims. Elizabeth Bathoy, a 16th century Countess linked to over 600 brutal torture sex deaths, kept some of her victims blood. And of course we all know that Jeffrey Dahmar kept the genitals of his dead dinner guests.

castration phone sexFrom body parts to jewelry to clothing, the world’s worst murderers, my heroes, have kept trophies. I’m a sadist. I don’t always kill for sexual pleasure. Sometimes it is for sport, sometimes money, sometimes opportunity, sometimes to teach a lesson, sometimes because an annoying fuck has exceeded his or her tolerance level with me. Whatever my motive at the time, my heroes have taught me to take tokens. I am not as random in my souvenir taking as I am with my killings. I love to take balls. I appreciate the twisted mind of Dahmer, so I keep them in a lobster pot on the stove, just like he did. I, however, don’t eat them. I make my female victims devour them in a sick game of “Would You Rather?” You see, if a worthless cunt has the choice between eating the testicles of a dead asshat or dying a painful death, she always selects option one. There is no integrity in that, so she dies regardless. I have spared the life of a couple bitches who stood their ground: no eating human rocky mountain oysters under any circumstance. In the face of death, folks show their true nature. Desperate people with no principles, no personal code of ethics, don’t deserve to live.

snuff pornJust last week I took the balls of a stupid fuck I saw kick a dog. I may be a sadistic bitch, but I pick a fair fight. I put on some steel toed Doc Martins and kicked him in his worthless balls till he was puking up blood. “How does it feel to be kicked loser,” I asked as I channeled my inner David Beckham on his groin. Crying ass pansy. I strapped him to this old electric chair I got at a prison auction, chopped his balls off first, then his pecker which I stuffed in his mouth as I slit his throat. I pissed on the bloody stump that use to contain his tally whacker and masturbated as I squeezed his balls in my hand watching him bleed out. The next morning, I had a contract kill scheduled for a cheating whore gold digging wife. As she was chomping on his severed balls, my little trophy, in a worthless attempt to save her life, I asked her how her douche bag boyfriend’s testicles tasted. The expression on her face was priceless. Almost as good as the expression when she realized I was going to kill her anyway. “Maybe you can keep your whore legs crossed in hell, bitch,” I giggled as I stabbed her cheating cunt with a 12 inch serrated blade until she no longer twitched. I don’t usually take trophies from female victims, but it was kind of poetic justice that I had her boyfriend’s dead balls, well one ball, she ate the other one. So, I took her worthless clit. In an old cigar box on my mantle I have the ball and clit of dead stupid lovers. Who says I am not a romantic?

taboo phone sex




Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies: Death by Exsanguination

taboo phone sexI saw her staring at me all night. Beautiful dark goddess. The way she looked at me consumed me with naughty thoughts. My pussy got so wet from her gaze. She looked like she could own me. I wanted her to own me. Normally, I am only submissive to men, but there was something so mesmerizing, so intoxicating about her, that I knew I would do whatever she wanted. She bought me a drink. We went into a VIP room at the club.

No words were ever exchanged. I saw the BDSM equipment adorning the walls of the room. I gave myself up willingly to her. Arms extended, head bowed, I fell to my knees and kissed her feet, slowly working my lips all the way up her perfect body. He skin was alabaster white and cool to the touch. She collared me. Yanked me up by a chain. She escorted me to a chair where she strapped me in. Looked like a flogging chair. I wanted her to beat me. She sniffed my hair, my neck; she seemed to be drinking in my scent.

bloody phone sexShe spread my legs. I was excited beyond my imagination at the thought of her eating my pussy. Then suddenly, I felt a sting followed by a warm cascading sensation. I must of peed myself in excitement. I felt cold, however. The warm sensation of earlier was gone. She stood up from between my legs covered in blood, my blood. She bit my femoral artery. I was bleeding out, not slowly either. I could feel myself getting weaker, colder. Yet somehow I was aroused. Nipples erect, clit hard.

She kissed me with my blood on her lips. The only thing I ever said to her was, “Bite me.” He mouth opened wide and I saw the fangs. Pretty white razor sharp fangs bit into my external carotid artery. Blood gushed out my neck. Two small bite marks would drain me faster of all my blood than 100 stab wounds. I guess I need to be careful who I pick up in a bar.

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