Category: Taboo phone sex

Fantasy phone sex

fantasy phone sex

I am not feeling well, so I thought it might be a good idea to go into the ER and get some care. As soon as I got there, I was given a room. I was so tired, all I remember was someone in scrubs giving me some medicine. I woke up to find myself in what I am guessing to be the ground floor under the hospital. I saw an elevator and it was very dark. I looked at my hands and feet and noticed I was tied up. I was still wearing a hospital gown, that was open, exposing all of my skin. I start shaking, I don’t know if it is because I am scared or that I am cold.

I feel like my veins have ice  them. Out of the shadows walks a man, he brings over a table full of tools. I don’t know what to expect, I just know if I thought I wasn’t feeling good before- I sure as hell wouldn’t feel better now. He plugged in a bone saw, without saying a word to me. I wonder if anyone is going to hear my screams or if I will just drown in my own blood. He looks at me and says he is going to be my doctor and this is only going to hurt for a little. My teeth clench together as I scream at the top of my lungs. He shoves it right into my belly.

He knows where all my vital organs are- he reassures me. I guess I deserve this, for being a little bitch to begin with.

GangBang Rape Porn: Just Another Saturday Night for a Fuck Pig

gangbang rape pornI was coming home from the club. Drunk, not sure where I was but pretty sure heading in the right direction of home. I knew it was stupid to walk home intoxicated late at night, especially wearing what I was wearing, but no way I could drive. I was trying to get a cab and got impatient. Even flashing my big tits was not hailing me a cab. A guy pulled up, seemed harmless, asked me if I needed helped. Offered me a ride, so I got in. He took me home; to his home. “Stupid cunt. You are old enough to know you don’t take rides from strangers. You must be asking for trouble,” he snarled. He dragged me kicking and screaming down to his basement.

I was certainly not his first victim. He stripped me of my clothes and forced me on my knees. I knew what he wanted. What every man wants. Head. I told myself if I just let sucked him off good, he would cum and not hurt me. He wanted more than a blowjob. He wanted to use me like  a gangbang rape porn star. He came all over my face then tied me to a chair. Forced my legs apart. Used a fuck machine on me to loosen my fuck holes up. Then I saw his friends. He ushered them into the basement. Maybe a hundred men. I heard them talking about what a fine piece of meat I was and how much fun it would be to fuck such a hot bitch.

I started to scream, to let the guys know I was not there willingly. No one cared. I was just a blonde worthless fuck slut to them. Cocks got shoved down my mouth and in both fuck holes. Sometimes as many as 4 in a hole. I felt like a rag doll as I was thrashing about as they force fucked me roughly. They treated me like a slave. Every one dumped a few loads in me too. No condoms. My pussy and ass were filled with strangers’ spunk. My face coated in so much jizz it looked like someone poured milk over my head. My ass and cunt were gaping open. I was so sore from the constant pounding, my limbs felt numb. I was kept a fuck prisoner until the sun came up. Then, I was dumped in the alley behind the house like trash. As the men left his house, some even pissed on me like I was a pile of garbage. I loved every minute of being a fuck pig. I did a long walk of shame home and crashed, hoping tonight to get used like that again. Maybe you and your friends will find me walking home trashed? I love rape phone sex fantasy calls.

Balls Deep Until I Die

You snatched a new girl and now there are seven of us in your basement. Most of them are still so drugged up they aren’t much fun for you once you fuck their limp bodies. I’ve been here the longest. I have lost track of the days at this point. I no longer need the drugs to keep me here. You are the center of my universe and I am worthless fuckpig that needs you to be able to exist how I want to. Your cruelties and rough hands are what I crave. Today you said you would be choking me with your cock.

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I know you love your dick sucked and you’ve fucked my face many times before, but you seemed extra excited when you were talking about it. The girls that were awake were propped up to watch, as you love any kind of audience. Some of them still looked terrified and had blood on them from their first encounters with you. I wanted to tell them that it will be okay and that you will put them out of their misery soon enough, but I am not allowed to speak. You put me on my knees with my hands and feet tied tight with barbed wire.

I look up at you and this infuriates you. Just the way you like it. A dirty little worthless whore who defies you just enough for you to feel the rage inside. You yank my head back and ram your cock in my mouth. It hits the back of my throat with the force of a punch. My airway is cutoff and you show no mercy at my choking. My eyes are watering and I start to pass out as you slide your dick deep in my throat. As I faint, the last thing I feel is your hand around my neck. I know you can feel your cock under your hand and I get that tingly feeling all over. Then everything goes dark.

Taboo Phone Sex; Dumb Boy Learns Fellatio, The Twisted Way!

Taboo Phone Sex

Little fucking ass holes and bitches, fucking disgust me. Why people would ever want to breed such nasty creatures is beyond me. When I was approached by a little idiot at the corner of his fucking bus stop I about threw up in my mouth. The little brat had the nerve to tell me I was “fine as fuck” and that he wanted me to suck his “giant dick”. Now, I am a fairly fair person, I walked away that day. A couple days later though I was walking again past the same corner. The little shit had the nerve to not only call me “sweet stuff” but ask if I came back for more. That was it.This taboo phone sex bitch was done and I was going to teach this little ass hole a lesson! So I turned on my charm and brought him back to my place. He really thought he was going to score. 

I brought him inside and took him down into my torture chamber down stairs. This is how dense this guy was, he thought it was my sex room! Blood and chains everywhere and he still thinks I am going to give him head. My friend came from around the corner and my eyes turned to meet his only to get inrupted by the little chump, little ass had his clothes off already. “Well babe, you going to show me how a real women gives blowjobs,” he asked of me. “Oh I am going to teach you about it alright, but it is going to be you giving the fellatio, not me.” He looked at me, I could tell the word fellatio was rattling around that brain of his. I grabbed my hand out and gripped it around his throat pulling him near me. 

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I grabbed his head and forced him on my friend. When he let out groans of satisfaction for the mouth force fuck he was being given I slapped him across the face and asked him what his problem was. He told me he was just doing what he was taught. Well, I was going to show him the propper way, folding him in half I shoved his head towards his own cock. “Now little boy, stick out your tongue and say AHHHH” I laughed as I shoved his face down onto his own cock. He wanted a lesson and he was going to get it. He grabbed it hard at the base and sucked right on. The little ingrate was actually listening to me. “That’s good now, choke on it!” I shoved his head down further, he began to gag on his own cock. Sure enough he started doing it on his own. I watched in awe as this little fag sucked up his own pre-cum. 

I flipped the idiot upside down. He did not want to stop sucking his cock. I grabbed a big spike studded dildo and shove it into his ass hole. First he whimpered and then, he came. The little ass was enjoying the fucking punishment I was giving him. Like a little pain slut sissy fag he came into his own mouth. I was in awe. This was not punishment for him, which made me very very angry. Well if he wanted to enjoy his auto-fellatio then he could forever. I took a chainsaw and cut that little bitch in half. When he was done I let all my friend come over and fuck his dead remains, while his dead body sucked his own worthless, dead cock! 

Sex with dead bodies

Crowley and Me

I hate people. My mother made sure I never liked people. I do how ever like my fur babies. I spend more time with them than I do with people. I have been used and abused since I was pushed out of my cunt of a mother. I have been fucked and beaten by men and women all my life. So when I was laying in bed and my fur baby Crowley started licking my pussy it felt good. His big wide tongue felt so good going across my pussy lips. He nudged his nose inside of my cunt, right on my clit.

Taboo phone sex

His cold nose woke me up, I tried to push him away but he growled at me. I laid there letting him finish when I noticed he was actually getting me close to cumming. His tongue was warm against my pussy and traveled up in my cunt hole. He licked me clean and didn’t care that I was a bloody mess. He even licked my ass hole which made my body go wild. I noticed his knotted cock was out and dripping with cum. I rolled over and pushed my ass up in the air. His big claws dug into my skin as he climbed on top of me. I loved the pain, I was waiting for him to enter me. I reached around him to help guide his knotted cock inside of my wanting and waiting pussy.

Young voice phone sex

He bit down on the back of my neck, not extremely hard but I could not move. Feeling his cock pumping in and out of me was amazing. His furry balls were slapping my pussy lips as he went in deeper. The pain of his bite and his claws digging into me, plus the added pleasure of his cock made me squirt all over him. Once Crowley came inside of me he climbed off of me and started to lick me clean again. Now Crowley and I have the best relationship. He protects me from the people who try to hurt me. He eats the ones I hurt and we fuck often. 

Ass rape porn from a big nigger dick

ass rape porn

So I have this guy who was not very nice to me. He would humiliate me and then leave me. Usually I am okay with that sort of thing- however I am sick of him always leaving me. I think the tables need to be reversed. He needs to get a taste of his own medicine. He agreed to come over and see me again today and give me some attention, but little does he know that I have some things in store for him. He is here! He comes in and I have my friend Big Cock Chris here. He is standing naked in the kitchen patiently waiting for us to make our way over there. He has the biggest, blackest cock ever! He is long, strong, thick, and quick. His nigger cock is 8inches wide and 12 inches long.
taboo phone sex
It is like he grew a tree trunk out of his groin. We are going to make this ass hole take his nigger dick deep in his mouth and suck him off! We make him get on his knees and open wide. I take pictures of him sucking and chocking on his rock hard nigger cock, he loves it! I don’t know how much he is going to love getting bent over and having Big Cock Chris penetrate his tight virgin ass. I spoke too soon, blood gushes out of his ass as he lets out beautiful screams and squeals. I don’t think he can take his big cock, what a shame! Blood rushes down his legs as he puts his pants back on and I show him his face in the portraits I have. Big Cock Chris came so good, that I can smell all of his milky cum in this guys ass. I show him the way out, so that way I can have some fun with Chris. I know I can satisfy him way more being the little stupid victim cunt that I am.

The night I helped Daddy

Snuff Phone Sex

I woke up with a start; Daddy had his hand on my mouth and whispered to me not to scream. I obeyed and he pulled me up and told me we were going for a ride. I quickly pulled on some clothes, and followed Daddy out to the car and I guess I was going a little slow for Daddy because he smacked me real hard in the back of my head so I quickened my pace. I made sure to keep my mouth shut and let Daddy explain what was going on. We drove for a while, we were out in the middle of nowhere and I was really starting to get worried about what Daddy planned to do to me. Suddenly Daddy said we would be arriving soon, and I saw an old barn in the distance. It appeared to be abandoned but I knew better. “Now you do everything I tell you to do or you’ll end up worse than this girl.” He warned me as we pulled up. I nodded my head and followed him into the barn. There tied up with a rag stuffed in her mouth and a blindfold on her face was this girl…she was covered in dried up blood and cum and she lay there motionless. Daddy walked right up to her and kicked her waking her up with a muffled scream. She could barely move and I saw the sly look on Daddy’s face as he ripped off her blindfold telling us she won’t need it anymore because she won’t be living to tell anyone about us. Daddy ordered me to do all types of horrible things to this girl, from fucking her with a knife to making me hold her head firm as he fucked her mouth with his bloody cock. I knew this wasn’t going to end well, and I was right. Soon Daddy was bored and in the blink of an eye her life was over and Daddy turned to me to make me his next victim… I just remember thinking to myself that I hoped Daddy wouldn’t snuff me out too.

Sweet Revenge

taboo phone sex angieWhen she called me sobbing because he cheated all I could think about was fucking him up for her. Instead she made my cunt tingle with delight when she told me she wanted sweet revenge and she wanted my help in administering it. He had no clue that she had found out. She wanted to poison his food and watch him die slowly looking at her as she told him why he had lost his life. But I had a better, more evil plot in store. After all revenge is a dish served cold, ice cold. We talked about my idea and she loved it. The crying stopped and she began laughing. And evil, sadistic laugh that told me she was ready I invited them for dinner that night and got him very tipsy. After dinner she took him to the guest bedroom for “dessert” Once they were naked and she was ridding his cock in a grudge fuck that had her in a frenzy, I entered to room. He thought he had just got lucky and was going to get both of us. I took off my clothes and took out the huge ice pick. While she rode him, cussing him out and telling him what a low life he was I began stabbing him all over his abdomen and chest, careful not to hit any vital organs. The look in her eyes as she watched his face twist in agony, his eyes wide with disbelief and fear, was enough to make me cum. When she screamed she was going to cum on his cock and it would be the last thing he remembered, I raised the pick and drove it deep into his throat, his blood spewing all over her naked body and her cum flowing all over his dick. There is no vengeance like a woman scorned. 

Taboo Phone Sex; Never Pick Up Hitchhikers!

Taboo Phone Sex

I need it. I need it now. I need to hear the sweet screams of an entire family dying in my ears. What better way to have the taboo phone sex satisfaction then to go on a little road trip. Now, I am not going to be the one doing the driving. That is going to be the sorry bastard that is going to pick me up in his car while I am hitchhiking. I am going to dress like a super slut too! Armed with my favorite glock I set out and wait for my prey to come to me. Sure enough there he is. Driving his four door sedan, I can see the tan line on his finger from where he just removed the ring. He goes on about me not being out the alone, “hasn’t your mother ever told you not to hitchhike?” he asks of me. About that time he turns around to my gun pointed in his face. “Take me to your family now,” I demand of him. He tries to act all noble but I quickly remind him that once I blow his brains all over the windshield I will go get them anyway. I know we are in the right place when we pull up to that perfect suburban home. He pulls in the garage and walks in the house, with me standing behind him. 

I scream for everyone to sit the fuck down. The picture perfect family of four takes their seats. They all cry and whine while I have daddy start tying them up and taping their mouths. I take the daughter down stairs, the dumb bitch looks familiar, I think she is from my school. I tear off her clothes and bash in her head a few times with the gun. With her arms chained up and blood rushing down over her white skin I snap a pic and message a client her price. Leaving her there passed out I head back upstairs. What to do, what to do? I ask dear old dad how come he tried to pick up a naked teen, and why he cheats on his wife. At first he does like every other idiot and denies the affairs. But after I take a meat cleaver from their knife block and chop of four fingers on his son’s hand he fesses up. He says that she never wants to have sex with him and he has urges. I asked him how come he did not just take it if he wanted to. 

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They all are whimpered and crying through the duct tape, and the son’s hand had blood everywhere. Quiet frankly I am getting annoyed. I pull his cock from his fly and get down on my knees. I take a knife and point it at his stupid sluts throat. I want her to watch me, watch how to please a cock. Once he is good and hard I take my knife and slice it right the fuck off. Everyone is squealing now, which does nothing but excited me further! “Your turn mommy!” I yell out extremely excited. I push the bitch back in her chair knocking her to the ground. Holding her husbands flaccid cock now removed from his body in the air I cut off her panties and shorts. I shove my hand into the cock and fuck that stupid bitch right in her cunt. She must not had been getting in from someone because her twat sucked my fist up inside her like it was a fat brat!

I laughed and looked back at the son! He was breathing heavy and his eyes kept darting around the room. First his hand, the his dads new sex change and then to the severed cock I held in my hand. I sat on the boys lap and asked him what he wanted? Did he want his moms stretched out puss, or dear old dad’s flaccid cock. When he groaned and nodded his head I knew exactly what it was he needed! I grabbed the back of his chair and my gun and drug him down the stairs. His sister was starting to come around. “You know there Junior, I think you might be onto something.” I untied his legs and let him off the chair. Pointing the gun at him I ordered his sister to suck his cock. She cried and began performing fellatio on her older sibling. After a few minuets she wiped her mouth and looked at me. “Now fuck her,” I demanded of his. The two kept sniffling and snorting and he turned and moved to her cunt. “No, tear that little bitches ass hole wide open!” She shrieked out no, but he went right at it. He fucked her till he filled up her cunt. Once I was done with the I bagged and redressed them. I am sure they thought they were going to live because they all walked outside with me quiet easy. Tying a noose around there neck I set up it up so as the branch broke they would all hang. I recorded the whole thing, even fucked my cunt to it later that night. Ahhhhh, family fun at its finest! 

Murder phone sex Fantasies

It was so easy

taboo phone sexIt was easy to lure this little family in, they were so desperate for help…living in their beat up minivan. No one will be missing this homeless family. It was as simple as telling them they could stay in my home while they got back on their feet. They were so happy and grateful so they just followed me home with their two little brats in tow. I had called up a couple friends to help me in the destruction of this family because I certainly couldn’t take them all out by myself, and plus it would be cruel not to share the fun with my friends who are into these type of things… like I am. I bet you’re getting hard already, just reading this, wishing you had been there to take turns torturing, fucking, and humiliating each and every one of them. Don’t worry…there are more pathetic people out there that no one will miss that we can get our hands on together. This family though… they were especially fun. The Mom tried to trade herself in exchange we let her husband and little brats go… ha! How noble of her, but when she said that I just HAD to make sure she got the worst punishment of all. I watched as her clothes were ripped off of her, as she was smacked, punched and kicked. I smiled and laughed as the tears ran down her bloody face. I started to get nice and wet as I saw all my friends forcing their cocks in each and every one of her holes. She was trying so desperately to resist but her ass and pussy were already full of rock hard cock and she was already choking on the dick pushed to the back of her throat! And you can’t even imagine what we did to the rest of them!