Category: Taboo phone sex

Strung Up by my Toes

You have me strung up by my toes – literally. The ropes are cutting into my arms and legs and I can’t scream because you have me gagged. No one would here me anyway – hidden away in your dungeon underground with all your other whores. I have been tied this way for so many hours that my legs have fallen asleep but I can still feel every sweet painful thing you do to my pussy. I try to keep my head up to watch, but my neck keeps failing me and my head falls back limp.

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You pinch and twist my pussy lips so hard I squeal like the fuckpig I am. You fuck me with every toy in your arsenal and your eyes never leave my body as you torture me and live out all of your rape phone sex fantasies. I should have known better than to tease a man like you. I should have known you would find me. Once you did, it was all over, I became yours. I’ve been here ever since in the dark being tortured any time you decide to pay me attention.

I am getting dizzy from the position I am tied in but I know you don’t give a shit. All those times I teased you and made you pay for my services. Now it was time for your payback – you were going to get every dollars worth out of my slutty ass. You are brutal and fuck my pussy and my ass with no mercy. I can feel hot liquid dripping down my ass cheeks. I don’t know if its cum or blood and I honestly don’t care – I love them both the same.

Shockingly Good

Your box finally came in the mail. I was in the basement tied up but could hear the UPS truck drive up and the man ring the bell. I heard you rip open the box and then fiddle around. You had told me you had a present coming for my pussy in the mail. My mind raced in fear as to what it would be. An hour or so later you made your way downstairs. I could barely turn my head to see you, but I could see you were carrying some sort of contraption that looked like a cable box or something but with more wires.

I was so weak from the beating last that I couldn’t even try to resist when you untied me and rolled me on my back on the cold hard floor. My naked useless body just laying there, probably half dead, but I just didn’t even care anymore. You were smiling that grotesque smile you get when you’re about to hurt me and you told me that you had something that would put some fight back into me – light me right up. The fear was crawling through me as you shoved something cold and hard up my pussy. It felt like a metal dildo. I just laid there and took it.

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Then you got up and I could see you plugging a cord into the wall. Wtf were you doing now? And what was that black box that started humming with electricity the moment you plugged it in? You got down on your knees by the box and started turning one of the knobs. At first all I felt was a weird feeling like a strange vibration, but then suddenly it was if my pussy was stuck in a light socket – every muscle in my body contracted at once as you electrocuted me from the inside out. My pussy juices made the perfect conductor for the electricity pouring from that box and you played with the knobs while my body convulsed with each rush of electricity. You laughed and laughed as the jolts blasted through me, and despite myself, I came all over my new present.

Bondage Phone Sex Gone Wrong

 bondage phone sex 2Being a bondage phone sex freak gets me in trouble. When you agree to be tied up, bound and gagged, it renders you powerless. Makes you a victim, easy prey. Last week I hooked up with this guy into hog tying bitches. I like feeling helpless and vulnerable. Now, most guys just like seeing a whore restrained. Limit her breathing, her movement, cause some discomfort and fear. As a submissive whore, I love that shit. I like giving control to another person. Mark was different from the beginning. I should have sensed he was off. He mummified me, which takes patience and dedication on a woman my size. He had be wrapped tighter than King Tut. I couldn’t breathe. Most guys cut a little airway so you can breathe, but not him. rape phone sex fantasiesI must have passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up freed of my cellophane coffin ,to being sodomized on a cold slab of marble. I was still bound and gagged, very vulnerable. He paid no attention to the safe word we agreed on. He force fucked my ass until it prolapsed and bled. I had a ball gag in my mouth. My hands and feet were bound. I was cold and in pain. He tossed me in the alley that way like a piece of trash. I laid in a heap of garbage over night with rats gnawing at my flesh until a city worker found me. He was a nice man, got me medical help. Little did he know that I was such a subby bitch, I would put myself right back in a dangerous situation again and again and again.

Family History

Growing up I always learned about my family history. All of us evil in our own way. I had a great grandfather who was an Apache Indian Brave. He would raid Cherokee villages. He would sneak in after dark brutally kill the men, chopping their dicks off and feeding it to the wolves. He would spend days with the women of the tribe, fucking them and beating each one of them till their last breath. He even fucked and scalped the young ones of the tribe leaving no one alive.

Evil phone sex

One day as he was searching for more women to kill he found her. The pale white devil woman. Tied to a stake and almost dead. He made the mistake of letting her go. Somehow she recovered from her wounds only to show him how evil she was and how evil they could be together. Like him she loved the sight of blood. They would slit the throats of the villages they raided together, only to fuck in the warm blood of the lifeless villagers. 

Snuff Porn Teacher Shows Young Ones How to Make a Snuff Porn Torture Death Flick

snuff porn venusI love making and watching snuff porn. I run a little film school for the young ones. Every week, I host a workshop with some aspiring killers to show them different ways to eradicate problems and annoyances. This week the workshop focused on how to make snuff porn torture death films. They are my favorite actually. When I make a killer production, I like it to be violent and bloody. I fancy myself a female Eli Roth. I had the perfect subject for my protégés to hone their filmmaking techniques on. An old teacher of mine from my school days. Total pervert. Likes the little ones. I have no real issue with dirty old men. You have rape fantasies about the wee ones, I will help you. Just keep your hands off me and the few brats I actually like.

Mr. Yokomato was easy to lure. Told him I had some little ones for him to play with in exchange for good grades for one of my charges. She is one of my film students; one of the few brats I like. If she had not shared with me that he tried to diddle her, I would not have know that he was still molesting the young ones after school. Of course when he arrived, my little brats of the corn surrounded him like an evil army while I held the video camera. Each was wielding a big ass knife. Like a carnival act, they started hurling knives at him. My pussy was getting wet seeing such young boys and girls hurl knives at a lifelong pervert. With precision, like I taught them, they hit the arteries. Blood was spewing out of him. He was begging for mercy. I informed him that I remembered a time when I begged him for mercy; pleaded with him not to put his thing in my butt but he ignored my cries.

snuff porn torture deathI let my little protégé, who had the most recent indecent encounter with our film star, have the honor of chopping off his pecker. She grabbed his dick, sliced it clear off then shoved it in his mouth as we all watched him bleed out. I was so proud of my macabre munchkins. I took them to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate their first torture sex film. Maybe you will be the star of our next killer film.

World Peace Day? Naw torture phone sex is better!

torture phone sexWorld peace day my fucking ass! Hahaha! Fuck peace, there is nothing more I want more than pain, blood, and torture. I want these little whores screaming and suffering to their fullest fucking capabilities. I don’t want anything but to torment these sluts during torture phone sex, I want them to feel the worst pain they’ve ever encountered, and then I want them to beg for it. Oh yes, I am fucking twisted as they come. And these whores, well let’s just say there will be more than a little blood to go around. If they’re thirsty I will let them know I would be more than glad to make them a nice piss/blood drink. Nice and fucking warm and yummy for those whores. Oh, you can swallow cum but you can’t swallow your own blood bitch? I don’t fucking think so! Ha… this is when things get violent, you don’t wanna piss me off! I am cruel and I will be putting these sluts through the biggest agony possible, it’s what the deserve, and after some torture I am sure they will admit that.

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Fuckpig Roast

I got the rope you asked for from the basement. Why are you looking at me like that? You’ve seemed odd all day today and you’re drinking far too much, even more than usual. I barely get the rope unraveled before you grab me hard and put me over your knee. Just when I think I am going to get a fabulous spanking though, you start yanking my arms behind me and tying me up tight. I start to kick but I am no match for you – you grab my ankles and bind them together in no time flat.

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You roll me off your lap onto the floor and I land with a loud thump bonking my head. As the stars begin to clear I see you getting your lighter and a bottle of 151 Rum off the side table. I thought you were going to just take a swig, but instead you took some in your mouth and then spit it at me while lighting the lighter. A huge ball of flame poured over my naked body and singed my skin and hair. I started screaming and tried to roll away but you just kept spitting fire onto me, burning me all over.

I couldn’t roll away anymore, my skin was raw and blistering and it hurt to move. You stood over me, with about a half a bottle left and began to pour it on me. The alcohol burned so fucking bad on my raw skin and you just watched as I begged you to stop. The stinging pain was taking my breath away and just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, you lit the lighter and brought it down to my body. I tried one last time to roll away, but the flame had already caught. I thought all you wanted was some rope, but I guess you wanted a pig roast.

Nasty Whore Aubree

taboo phone sex aubreeIf your an open mined Guy looking for some hot kinky phone sex? Do you want a sexy slut that has no taboos and no limits . If so then you have found the right place to be. I love it all and will do anything at least once . I have a hole big bag filled with toy’s just waiting to be played with. I need a real man that can take control over me and use me like that whore I am. I want to feel you slapping as hard as you can in my face. I want you to grab my hair and pull me around the room like you own me. I am now your cum dumpster and will do any thing you tell me to do. I need to be treated like dirt Spit on me Piss on me slap me around. I NEED IT .. not just only want it. I want you to fuck my ass until I beg you to stop . But we both know your not going to stop any time soon. I will do anything you want be any thing you need. I’m your slut and I need you to treat me as such …. No limit , No taboo, kinky phone sex.

Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phone sex

You’ve always known me as your go to girl for all your most extreme, and scandalous fantasies, but have you ever thought about how young I am? Well, I am pretty young, young enough to be a teen in fact. That’s why it’s perfect for me to be your teen accomplice for our accomplice phone sex. Our victims will never ever suspect me; teen accomplice phone sex with me will always be in our favor…who wouldn’t trust this face? As your little accomplice we can work together to pick the perfect girl for this time, I am looking for a precious virgin…so hard to find these days. I will start at the library, she will be studying instead of going out; she has no friends…that’s why being my friend appeals to her even more greatly. I mean, come on, look at me!  It won’t take long before she admits she hasn’t ever had sex, and she is waiting till marriage. Typical. I will invite her to hang out, and how could she refuse? As soon as I get her to my place I will slip a little something into her drink, and out she will go…When she awakes I will have this precious virgin all tied up and naked, ready for us. Are you ready to completely destroy this little bitches cunt? Let’s make this nice and bloody. I love to watch and record as she cries and begs for you to stop, and how it hurts. As if we care! I’m getting so horny watching your bloody dick push into her sweet pussy…maybe we should tell her it will all be over soon… after all she does now me as the sweet girl she met at the library. Oh but dear, I am not finished with you yet!

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Time To Feast

taboo phone sex angieThanksgiving is just around the corner and I have a feast in the fridge marinating and getting ready to cook and serve to all my guest. Obtaining my feast was an adventure as always. I found a new “farm” way out in the country that has a wide variety of flesh to choose from. The “farm” is very innovative in their approach to this very selective process. They offer a variety of options for one to make a purchase. One may mingle with the live specimens and examine them up close and personal before making a choice. One may view their choices from behind a one way mirror for a less personal purchase. One may actually hunt their meal in a secured area on the grounds for a more sporting approach to their purchase. Or one may simply go to the meat shop where there are pre-butchered cuts of meat for sale. Being a selective connoisseur of the finer meats, I combined the up close and personal inspection with the sport of the hunt. After choosing several select specimens I had them sent to the hunting grounds and used my favorite hunting weapon, my bow and arrow. After felling my prey I was able to gut her there on the property before they wrapped her up and put her on ice. Now the main course is marinating and the bits and pieces for my “giblet” gravy is marinating in a pot as well. I look at her every day while masturbating in the kitchen with the anticipation of sharing this feast. Won’t you join us for dinner?