Category: Taboo phone sex

Snuff Porn made with teen tarts A revenge story

Snuff pornSnuff Porn made with teen tarts has me begging to help my accomplice kill! See I have this crazy desire to destroy every slutty little bitch in my school. I hate the way these bitches tease me about being a whore. But what they don’t know is I have to be a whore because I have no titties, and I’m a very tiny girl! Some men age play with me But all the past sexual abuse has made me a really violent little bitch! And I love it! 

So what if I help a man tie up a little slut and torture her body? I didn’t think about killing her right away. It was only after he set up the camera and started filming as he cut on her plump young breast. At first I thought it was just going to be a little Ass rape porn, ya know?

Snuff Porn made with teen tarts A revenge story

But the more he cut on her and a more he tightened her restraints I knew she wasn’t going to survive his wrath. And what’s even better is she’s not even gag so she’s begging him not to hurt her anymore. She wants her mommy and daddy, oh how quickly a little slut becomes a baby girl in a moment before her death! I know the perfect place to dispose of her body and tell him as I watch her eyes get big at me.

Maybe you and your little cheerleader friends should not have been making fun of me! I have no compassion and no regret for what we’re fixing to do to her. I want to see him slice her throat and fuck it as she dies gurgling on his cum and her own blood! Cum for sadistic fun with Evil Teen harper! 

Bondage phone sex and water play is pure evil.

            Bondage phone sex and water play is pure evil. That is after all why is it so prevalent in the bible. It must be remembered that water torture is ancient. Used on witches, enemies, old and young. The Chinese had an ancient water torture that included bondage.

            Now I know what you are thinking, how is it torture. Well, they would bind you. Tie you tight. Then let one drop of water every few seconds hit you in the middle of the forehead. Oh, to be sure you are thinking this will not bother me.

            Bound tightly. Not able to move. Hours later you feel like you are being drilled into the head with an ice pick. This is a slow torture.

Bondage phone sex          Evil phone sex when it comes to water explained.

Whereas at the same time, the puritans would simply use bondage to hold you to the chair as you were fully immersed in a pond on a chair. At the same time when I think of this, I like to picture at a carnival the person you throw balls at to dunk.

Same concept. Dunked down into the water. For this reason, we have made a game out of it. In the long run you are going to learn that water torture really is some of the worst tortures out there.

From time to time, you may be thinking how is water torture so evil? To point out that it is wet, and you like to swim in it. From a great height it would be like hitting concrete. Not at all present.

Once more there is the fact that Christians have used it for killing witches for hundreds of years. It is said that fire will release the soul of a witch as she was born in the fiery hell.

Given these points if you drown a witch there is no place for her to return to. Doomed to suffer for all eternity. In summary which would be preferable? A quick death and return home to the bowels of hell or slow and painful.

Accomplice Phone Sex Blonde Babes Make Wonderful Partners in Crime

accomplice phone sexA sexy blonde babe makes a wonderful accomplice phone sex partner. And I love helping men with their perverted fantasies for young girls. Most men think about fucking some Lolita slut, but never do for fear of getting caught. However, I take most of the risk when I lure a young girl to a man like you. And it’s a risk I do not mind taking for the right price. I mean, I do have bills to pay, LOL.

For the past couple years, I have freelanced as an accomplice on the dark net. My former owner showed me how to access the dark net. Not sure how all the perverted, illegal stuff goes undetected there, but somehow it does. Recently, Ed hired me. His cock teasing neighbor girl just teased him one too many times. And now he needs to explore his rape phone sex fantasies for a young girl.

When we met, I explained we needed to search for a surrogate. Fucking the Lolita next door to you, simply poses to many risks. However, some little lookalike whore in a different city does not. Just another missing girl likely kidnapped and sold into slavery. Although he did not want to kill a little girl, he trusted me to keep him safe from detection. And I did.

I Love It When I Can Sell a Girl to Two Different Men

After I found the best little surrogate for him, I talked with my former master to see if he wanted to buy the little used slut for his harem of jailbait whores. And he did once I showed him her pictures. I milked two men’s wallets with one little whore. Pretty ingenious of me, if I do say so myself. Client number one paid me handsomely to make a teen rape porn with her. And the other man paid me to sex traffic the little slut afterwards.

I love it when one little whore can satisfy two different men. And I profit off her used-up jailbait body not once, but twice. Survival of the fittest. And I prove to be the fittest over teen whores every day.

The art of Snuff sex is easy to Master, if you’re brazen

Snuff sexSnuff sex is more than just cum and gore, it is an elevated experience. Only a true artist like my Master can really get it right. But you will be surprised how easy it is to get into it. First you have to lose all that bullshit, that so called compassion. Fuck that, these are nothing but slaves to serve my Master’s cock. I am lucky that he has seen something special in me. It is why I am allowed to be around still. 

My initiation into this world was a baptism of fire. I emerged victorious, making me the envy of all the other slave whores. They come and go, their cries of mercy only make him harder. Only when he finds release, they will too. It’s never quick though. He’ll fuck them for hours, sometimes days, his camera always rolling. He is so creative the way he makes them meet their end. As the curtain falls, they are soaked in his cum and if they are lucky about to meet their end.

I remember when I did not just accept this lifestyle but embrace it. I fell in love with the depravity and gave my Master a performance he still compliments me for. She was still alive, bloody and bruised, we brought her outside for her to crawl in the dirt. She had to beg her God for forgiveness to see if he would actually save her.

That’s when I felt the power of the mighty spirit, the Dark Lord himself called to me. I took my master’s ten inch blade and pounded it into her flesh. The blood soaked me and my pussy flooded. I got on top of the little slut and fucked her to death. This was more than just one of his Snuff movies, this was a love letter to my true Master, Satan.


Teen Rape Porn Punishment Provided Me With Lots of Coke

teen rape pornTo score a copious amount of cocaine for the holiday weekend, I need to help make a teen rape porn. I know what you might be thinking. And you are correct. I am way too old to pass as a teen girl anymore. But I did not star in the film. I merely assisted. Unlike most movies in this genre, this one had a constant theme throughout the film. It did not just contain violent acts against women. This movie had a bad schoolgirl theme.

And I played the schoolmarm who needed to punish the naughty schoolgirl. Although I felt relief that I would not suffer the brunt of the torture, I felt badly for the girl. She looked trafficked. All strung out with needle marks between her toes. Sex traffickers hide the track marks because men who pay the big bucks for jailbait pussy, never want them to look like trashy whores. They want clean, cute, girl-next-door ass rape porn stars.

I Had to Punish a Schoolgirl Severely for Coke

As a submissive, I never get to be the dominatrix. But it made me happy to not be on the other end. As the schoolmarm, I brought my naughty student to the principal’s office. I pulled up her little schoolgirl skirt and spanked her bare bottom first. I whispered in her ear that I was sorry, then I went to town on her porcelain bubble butt. My hands left huge marks on her bare bottom. When my hands got tired and sore, I used the ruler. I needed the coke, so I did as the director instructed. And I left huge, long welts on her bare ass.

Eventually, she went over my lap so I could fist her asshole and her cunt. Periodically, I forced her head in between my legs to eat my pussy and ass. And I almost suffocated her. She seemed on another planet. My guess the smack they pumped her with put her in a trance like state. I told her she got lucky that this was not a snuff porn. But I do not think she understood anything I said. Her ass and her holes will hurt today, but at least she is alive. In her situation I am not sure if that seems like a good thing or a bad thing.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Pegging Men’s Assholes Consume Me Most Days

rape phone sex fantasiesWomen enjoy rape phone sex fantasies too. However, my forced fantasies do not always involve women or young girls. I mostly harbor them for asshole men. For centuries men have acted like cavemen towards women. Not all men of course. And not even most men. I think most men in the world know how to treat a woman with respect and dignity. Or they can at least fake it in public settings. However, there remains still a percentage of cavemen who think women owe them sex. And those sorts of men I love to anally torture.

If I go out any weekend night to a bar, I can find men who need taught a lesson in how to treat women. Sometimes I simply peg or fist their ass into submission. And other times, I use castration phone sex to neuter the cavemen. Last night, I did both. Told you, I just felt in the mood to wreak havoc on a man’s sexual pleasure. Although, I do not consider myself a man hater, I do see myself as a punisher. If a man cannot behave, I show him how.

I Enjoy Putting Cavemen in Their Place

Danny made the mistake of acting like a tool at the bar last night. He sexually harassed me. Some men just think they can break a woman’s will. Or they think that when she says no it’s some sort of game. Danny did not get the memo that in 2024 women can reject a man’s advances if she wants. So, I let him think I caved to his persistence and wanted to blow him in the bathroom. As if any woman really wants to blow some caveman in a dirty ass bar bathroom.

I caught him off guard. My knife forced him to turn around so I could restrain his arms behind his back. Once I secured him, I pulled down his pants and I fucked his ass with a homemade dildo that I affixed shards of glass to with super glue. And that let me shred his ass. But I did not stop there because I felt in the mood to castrate him too. I gave him the reach around for some cock and ball torture sex. With one clean swipe, his worthless caveman balls fell to the ground, and he passed out on the floor.

I left him bleeding out on that dirty bar bathroom floor, just like he would have left me after he got what he wanted. Some one needs to put cavemen in their place. Might as well be me.

Cannibalism Phone Sex Was Fucking Hot

I had the best call ever. It dealt with two of my fetishes, cannibalism and breeding.  It was so fucking hot I was playing with my fucking pussy the whole time I was on the phone. So the fantasy was that he got m knocked up to cook and eat the crotch goblin once it arrived.  Once the little semen demon arrived.  Once it arrived we wanted to enjoy it a little first. The caller violated its little mouth with his huge cock. I started to stick my fingers in its little pussy and ass. The thing cried and cried.  I finally got up and found a nice roasting pan and turned on the oven. I put the little crotch fruit in there naked and screaming and shoved the pan into the oven. The more the thing screamed the wetter my pussy got. While it was screaming from being cooked alive we couldn’t take it anymore and started fucking on the floor to make a new toy. After a few minutes, the screams were quiet. The meat was the mot tender I have ever tasted.

cannibalism phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Provides Cathartic Release for Your Young Rape Fantasies

taboo phone sexI specialize in taboo phone sex as a sexy switch. My pussy gets wet when I help men fulfill their dark fantasies. I love the accomplice role so much, that I rarely get to play the victim anymore. But I am not complaining. Life seems better helping you force fuck some little bitch. And most men need a female accomplice because we can get access to little ones that most men cannot. At least we can with little girls they do not know personally.

However, earlier in the week, I helped Adam with a brat problem. His daughter’s best friend cock teases him every chance she gets. Perhaps you know a little whore just like her. She leaves the bathroom door open when she visits his house. And she flirts with him. Blatantly too. Even sits on his lap and wriggles her cute little butt against his cock. A girl acting like that wants some trouble.

And as his accomplice phone sex partner, I helped him get that. While the wife and daughter went out of town this weekend to visit grandma, he stayed home. And he sent that little slut a text acting like his daughter. Even young girls never call anyone. All they do is exchange texts all day. He invited her over, and she discovered her friend had indeed gone out of town. But it took her a while to realize why he duped her into coming over.

I Enjoy Helping Men with Their Brat Problems

I held her down, while he ripped her little cotton panties off her. He pushed up her little sundress, exposing her puffy nipples and buried his head between her legs. I think he had long imagined what her bald cunt would taste like. I continued to hold her down. But she rarely fought. Little whore wanted this. She wanted him to force fuck her. However, when Adam shoved his big daddy dick inside her little cunt, she cried. He popped her cherry.

I told her my daddy popped my cherry when I looked younger than her. Not sure that made her hurt any less, but if a girl acts like a cat in heat, she’s old enough to be a teen rape porn star. I may have filmed this angel losing her virginity to her best friend’s dad. I mean he deserved to have this memory preserved forever.

Blasphemy Phone Sex is Designed to Corrupt Clergy Men

blasphemy phone sexBlasphemy phone sex was made to corrupt men of God. And I was made to be the whore who does it. Sin exists in everyone’s hearts, but you’d hope that a catholic priest would be a lot better at resisting temptation. I use their supposed good nature to lure them in. I climb into the confessional and say hello to the priest. Then, I confess my sins. Every sexy sinful thing I’ve ever done. A lot of premarital sex, sex with women, sodomy, and taking God’s name in vain. Then I weep for my eternally damned soul.

Sir I’m Addicted to Blasphemy Sex

Of course, the priest tries to comfort me. But I admit that no amount of Hail Mary’s can save my soul. The sin of sex is embedded in my brain. I’m addicted to fucking. Then I admit my final sin. I’ve always wanted to fuck a priest. He goes silent. I leave my side of the confessional and open his side. This man of God has a rock hard cock in the middle of a fucking church. I get on my knees like I’m about to pray. I ask God to forgive me and then start pulling at his robes.

Sadistic Slut Sucks the Cum Out of the Priests Cock

He barely tries to stop me. I push his cock into my mouth and swirl my tongue around his cock. Every time he says my child, I moan around his cock. Then take his dick so far down my throat that I could lick his balls. His head is up to the sky like he’s already apologizing for his sins. The idea that God is watching me swallow his cock makes me suck even harder. I want God to see me suck the cum out of this saintly cock. The priest shoots his load down my throat. I wipe my mouth and tell him maybe God will forgive him too.

Rena Shares Her Favorite Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasiesOne of my favorite rape phone sex fantasies involves being the ultimate cunning seductress, luring two young and naive not yet adults into a trap. I’d find an older man, someone who’s depraved enough to share his apartment for our little rendezvous. I’d dress in my sluttiest outfit, revealing as much skin as possible, and strut my stuff over to the apartment. Once inside, I’d start by teasing the man, kissing him passionately and undressing him slowly, making sure to give him a show of just how much I want it.

Then, I’d turn my attention to the two unsuspecting older young ones, pretending to be their friend or even a sibling. I’d invite them in, acting all innocent and harmless, while secretly planning on using them for my own twisted desires. Once they’re inside, I’d lock the door and pounce on them, pinning them down and taking turns using their holes. I’d suck on their young cocks like they were popsicles, relishing in the taste of their innocence.

I’d take turns fucking their tight pussies and asses, making sure to hit all their sweet spots. I’d be rough and dominant, slapping their asses and calling them dirty little sluts as I take them both at once. The older man would watch, his cock rock hard and eager for a turn. When he finally gets the chance, he’d join in, fucking me hard and fast while I continue to pleasure the teenagers.

We’d switch positions, with me riding their cocks like a slutty cowgirl while the older man fucks me from behind. I’d scream out in pleasure, my body shaking with every thrust as we all reach climax together. The young ones would cum all over me, their sticky seed mixing with my juices as we all collapse in a heap of sweaty, satisfied flesh.

As we catch our breaths, I’d lean in close to the older man and whisper in his ear, “That was just the warm-up. Want to see what else these little fuckers can do?” With a wicked grin, I’d lead him to the bedroom where I’d have prepared a special surprise – a strap-on dildo, bigger and more realistic than any cock they’ve ever seen. I’d force the first-timer to take it up his ass while the other one watches, moaning in pleasure as I fuck him hard from behind.