Category: Suffocation phone sex

She Deserved it!

She was set to play an evil villain who would infiltrate the KKK. She would never be seen fully nude as she’d be married to a white man who was in on the plan as well. With her make-up and disguise fully done she participated in meetings and would often lead the rally’s against the niggers. The niggers knew her well by name, she had instilled the fire of fear into each and every one of them.
Strangulation Phone Sex

There was a rally being held in honor of the niggers that had just been shot and killed right outside of town. Just as she entered someone brushed up against her and forced her wig to get caught on the tent’s hook. Her nigger hair popped right out and she was exposed for the traitor she was to everyone, even the niggers out back watching. The massive group of cheering white people, quickly turned into an angry mob. They crowded around and lifted her, passing her body to the center and taking off her clothes along the way.

She was fully nude by the time she got to the stage, each man of the clan fucked her slave pussy hard and whipped her with each stroke. She was all bloodied by the time the last member came to shove his big white cock inside her. No whip in hand, he strangled her until he was ready to bust his giant load inside her. She surely would’ve been pregnant if he hadn’t strangled her to death.

They left her dead body laying there as they exited the building. The niggers who were watching came inside to get their taste of her dead but juicy pussy. They opened her legs and her pussy squirted cum right onto them. With a big black cock one of them went right into her pussy, shoving his huge dick all inside the Klan’s nut. Grabbing onto her big tits he pushed his cum right inside her dead pussy. One by one they filled her dead pussy right there on the stage, she deserved no better for dishonoring them both.

Domination phone sex

Growing up my mother wanted me to worship Satan and all of his dark glory. She wanted me to stay pure until my first blood. I had other plans. I hid my first blood from her.

Taboo phone sex

After it was done, I laid down with her man. He was big, strong and had a log of a cock. At the ripe age I was I hadn’t seen anything so big. It was throbbing, and the head of his cock was dripping his sweet baby batter.

That first taste of cock changed me for the rest of my days. If I could I would have swallowed that big throbbing cock. I choked on it, I slobbered all over it.

My saliva slowly running down the shaft, into his big bushy pubic hair and down over his full balls. My tongue went around and around the head of his cock.

Taboo phone sex

Then all of the sudden He grabbed the back of my head pushing his cock half way down my throat and he held it there. He was suffocating me with his cock.

As my sight was getting blurry, vomit was flowing out of my mouth and nose, I could not breath. I could see my soul moving from my body as he was violently fucking my throat so deep and hard. I watched myself outside of my body.

I watched as my hands found his balls, I was becoming weaker and weaker but my fingers wrapped around those big hairy balls and I found the strength to pull on them. It was not a soft  yank, I pulled down so hard on them I almost ripped his balls off.

Taboo phone sex

He pushed me back and started to scream from the pain. I laid there, gathering my breath.. Laughing at him. Laughing at how powerful he felt and then in a few seconds he was powerless and worthless crying out in pain.

He did not like me laughing at him. He tried to get up to hit me. but every time he moved.. his balls ripped more and more. Men are for nothing more than fucking.

Cutting daddy off !

Well I’m so fucking tired of this holiday season, this damn family shit is for the birds.

Just last night, my father was so busy being drunk he didn’t even know mom slipped out to get a quick fuck from the new neighbors.  I don’t feel sorry for the pathetic fuck. He’s been nothing but a fucking drunk and done nothing for this family. All he ever does is drink, every holiday down the hatch.  Now he’s turned mom into a fucking cum slut with the neighbors.  Tonight I’m going to solve the problem.  I will wait for him to drift off into a drunken sleep. I will sneak in with my strategy.suffocation phone sex

The night is quiet mom is next door the time is right. Hatchet in hand I slip in quietly. There he lay rhythmic snoring because of the booze. He’s not going to know what hit him.  I grab mom’s soft satin pillow, slide it over his face. He wakes up violent shaking.  Its ok daddy I will help you sleep. He wakes and pushes me off and I fall to the floor.  I regain my stance, he’s in no position to fight me.  I’m able to push him back down with the pillow. He’s such a drunken bastard.  He tries to fight back but he’s to tired and drifts off to an unconscious state.  Now I bring my plan into action, he doesn’t even flinch at the first slice.  I get up a big blow and whack his worthless dick off, I mean mom’s fucking another men.  Why does he need it?  The blood pours out.  Soaking the sheets and bed, I put the pillow I used to suffocate him over it.  I stare at his dick on the floor thinking of how noble I feel at the task I have completed.  Though the time is getting late and I’m covered in blood I must retreat to my room before someone discovers what I have done.  I must clean up and compose myself.  If you can think of an alibi don’t hesitate to call.


Pain Whore Ass Rape Porn

I fucked up. I am such a stupid whore sometimes. I don’t know what made me think I would get away with letting your brother fuck my pussy. He told me that you knew and that you had sold me to him for the night. I can’t believe I fell for his shit, and now I will pay dearly. You are furious and telling me my pussy is now tainted and dirty just like the rest of me. You slap me so hard I can’t even focus my vision. I try to beg you that he tricked me and that just makes it worse. You tell me what a stupid cunt I am and throw me down on the hard floor.

You grab the paddle and begin to slam my ass so hard with it that tears stream down my face, but I can’t even scream.  You tell me what a filthy, dirty pussy I have and that you are not going to be able to even fuck me there anymore. I feel worthless, as always, and my pussy is aching to be fucked by your cock. Now I know you will keep it from my pussy to punish me. You kick me in the side and tell me to put my ass up in the air higher and spread my cheeks apart for you. Without hesitation, you ram your hard cock into my tiny asshole.

You push my face down into the floor with one hand, and it feels like my skull is being crushed as you place all your weight on that arm while you fuck my ass brutally. I can feel blood trickling down the insides of my thighs, and I know you’ve ripped me wide open. I deserve it, my darling Master, for letting anyone else touch what belongs to you. I let the pain wash over my body and its the only thing that makes me feel good. You are my addiction, and I am your pain whore. You clasp your other hand around the front of my throat and begin to squeeze. My vision starts to fade, and I take comfort knowing you will continue to fuck my ass even when my body goes limp…

Mhmmmm Ribs…

Accomplice phone sex Ivy2


I have to admit he is a good looking man, but he is such an arrogant fuck that I knew I had to bring him down a notch or two. When he looked at me as if he was irresistible and that I would melt and said “hey baby why don’t you suck this big cock for me?” I knew what I would do. He was going to get his dick sucked all right. I took him back to my place and offered him a drink while I slipped into something more comfortable. When I came out of my room in my leather corset, thigh high spiked black boots and a whip in my hand his jaw hit the floor and his dick damned near busted the zipper out of his pants. When he whipped it out I was impressed, it was quit the cock! He tried to push me to my knees so I could suck that dick but all he got was a good smack from my whip. The look in his eyes told me that he knew he was in trouble. I slapped some handcuffs on his ass with a quickness and shoved him onto the floor before grabbing the two by four and slamming it into his ribs. The sickening sound of his bones cracking made my cunt spew juices down my leg. The sigh of him writhing in pain only spawned my need for more. Dragging him up to a sitting position I hissed in his ear “you want your dick sucked so fucking bad? Well then suck it mother fucker!  I shoved his head down and his mouth on to his huge dick making him slobber all over it. I showed no mercy and shoved his head down over and over again making him gag ans choke. Finally I saw the blood and heard the unmistakable sound of a man choking on his own blood. I knew a rib had punctured his lung. taking delight I shoved his head down harder and watched as his mouth filled up with cum and blood before he took his last breath. I came hard then, and licked my lips…”Suck this punk!”

Accomplice phone sex Ivy





Snuff Sex Goes Splat

snuff sex karmaWhen you have a twisted and warped mind, the most innocent things give you the most wicked ideas. There is no fighting the urges within. When the thought enters your head, your nipples stand at attention and your cunt begins to produce juices that soak your little black panties, you know that you must live this out. Watching a show about science and seeing the experiment showing what falls faster, a bowling ball or a feather made me want to do my own gravity experiment. What falls faster a dead body that isn’t fighting or a live one that is kicking and screaming? So what do I need for my experiment? Two bodies of course, a building or a balcony to throw them off of and a stop watch to time it. All in the name of science….I got my two bodies and I took them to the abandoned warehouse that I often use along with a stop watch and a plan. My hypothesis is that the dead body will fall faster because it is dead weight.  Now to test this out and see. I know that both of my bodies weigh about the same, I don’t want to make the dead body weigh less, so suffocation or strangulation will have to be the method I use to snuff one of them. With them both tied up I play eeny meeny miny moe. Laying the looser on the cold hard concrete I cover her face with a clear plastic bag and hold it tight around her neck. While she kicks and flails under my naked cunt, the movement and excitement coupled with the sobbing coming from my other body, makes me cum hard. Now that she has stopped moving I lick my cum off her dead body before grabbing my stop watch and dragging her body to the edge of the balcony. Pushing her over and hitting the button I watch her fall and can’t help cumming again as her body hits and her skull pops open with a popping sound splattering brains on the floor below. Ahh this is so much fun. Now time for the second one. As I get closer to her she is shaking with fear and I just smile. I drag her up by her hair, stand her in front of me with a knife in one had and my stop watch in the other. I slice the restraints on her wrists, shove her and hit the button. Watching her fall kicking and screaming. Unfortunately she doesn’t hit the ground the same way and all though the way her body is twisted and mangled and the sound of her breaking bones makes me cum, her skull isn’t popped open. What a shame. And I am wrong, they fall at the same rate. I love fucking gravity!

Suffocation Phone Sex with Blair: Break Me Master

Suffocation phone sex mommy bondageSometimes a bitch needs broken. Not every bitch breaks easily either. I try to be a good bitch. I do know my place. But I am not always great with the pain, which causes more pain to be inflicted upon me. I need to learn to cry and scream on the inside only. I was suspended upside down being whipped nonstop while being sodomized.  I tried really hard to hold in the pain, but I was weak. Master cut me down and put me in a rubber suit. It was so tight. It hurt my flesh. I could barely breath, but I could not talk or scream. Master wanted me quiet, as in dead quiet.

 I had little slits for eyes so I could see what was going on still. Master dumped my body in a coffin.  He shut the lid and dared me to scream and cry all I wanted to. “No one will hear you now. No one will care,” he said. I knew he was right. No one cares about worthless whores. I wanted to still scream though, but even if I could it was futile. I needed to conserve oxygen. Master was trying to suffocate me. Force me to be quiet, maybe forever.

Suffocation phone sex extreme bondageNot sure what happened next, but pretty sure I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up still in coffin. Could hear Master and his pals laughing, speculating if I was still alive or not. They were amused by my predicament. At that moment, I heard the coffin door open. I was pulled out of the coffin, stripped of my constraining rubber suit and hung back up for more whipping and anal torture. This time the whippings were more severe; so severe my flesh was being sliced and torn. But you know what, I didn’t make a peep. I am a good quiet whore. I learned my lesson. I would rather suffer quietly as the flesh is ripped from my body than to suffocate in a dark coffin any day.

 How would you break me?

Suffocation phone sex latex domination

Suffocation Phone Sex with Cassandra: Death Pond Asphyxiation

suffocation phone sex torture bondageI woke up in a basement. Not sure whose basement, or how I got there. It was cold, damp and musky smelling. I could feel spiders crawling on me as I laid on the floor groggy and bleeding from my head. I suspected I had been hit over the head with some object and kidnapped. I tried to speak. Ask where I was, barter for my freedom. A big huge man in leather and one of those S and M masks that obscured the face, grabbed my blonde ponytail and dragged me across the cold cement, and strung me upside down from the rafter.

He started to shrink wrap me. I had been mummified before, but this was not quite the same. This felt sinister, even darker than bondage. He wrapped my face so tight I could not breathe. He was suffocating me with the plastic wrap. I was gasping for breath. I was in a panic  but trying to breathe slow ; trying to breathe period. I couldn’t move or breathe. Suddenly, he inserted a small tube in my mouth, giving me an airway. But, very little air was coming through, so I was still suffocating, struggling to breathe, struggling to stay alive.

I could hear voices, but the plastic wrap was so tight on my face I could not open my eyes. Then suddenly I was moving. Three men were carrying my mummified body like a coffin out of the basement. I was struggling to understand them. I was moving but not sure were. I was getting weak from lack of oxygen. Then one of the men made an opening where my eyes were. I heard him say, “We want you to see where you will take your last breath.” It was a creepy ass pond or lake. I could see hands sticking out of the water. They were going to bury me alive in a liquid tomb. I was starting to shake.  I even said a prayer. I felt myself being submerged in the slimy noxious smelling water. It smelled like death; like rotting flesh. They buried me up to my chin. The horrifying thing was I could see other women struggling to breathe like me. And I could see the decaying hands of the women who were unlucky to stay afloat or keep their head in such a manner that they did not suffocate.

My breathing was so labored. I could feel myself suffocating. Very little air could get in through that tiny tube. Wind was making the water splash into the tube. The pond water tasted nasty. My head was cramping in the only position that kept me alive if even barely. I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up in a fisherman’s boat. Never been so close to death before. I was the only one that made it. The rest suffocated or drowned in that death pond. I still don’t know who took me or why. It could have even been my kind rescuer. I am grateful to be breathing again, but I will always live in the fear that my captors will find me again once they realize I did not perish in that death pond like they intended.

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Suffocation Slut

I knew her time was almost up. Hell, the poor slut was just worn to shit. I know she wasn’t much older than me when you captured her, but she has been ridden hard with your torture and I have seen you stretch her skin right off her bones. It never snapped back quite right and it aged her. With winter coming I know you need fresh meat and the dungeon is crowded with some pretty worthless whores.

Time to trim this hell hole down. I knew when you put the pink bra on her that her time was up. Somehow she was too stupid to fucking realize it. Your slaves only wear pink when they are coming in or going out. This bitch was about to go out. You had her tied and struggling around on the dirt floor. She looked scared, but we are used to that. Being scared is a feeling I can no longer live without.

You were pacing, and I know you just wanted rid of her. Snuffing the piece of filth was too good for her ugly wrinkled body. She didn’t deserve that kind of relief. She had almost bled out last time you played with her, so she doesn;t even have enough blood left to make your cock hard. You snap your fingers at me and call me over. I crawl on all fours, as you taught me, and you tell me to take care of it.

She hears what you told me and her eyes go wide. She knows she is done and will not even get any pleasure out of it. I look around the dungeon. I see an empty bag on the table and decide suffocating the worthless cum slut will be the best way. Suffocation phone sex can be a cruel way to go for such a filthy bitch. I get the bag and try to get it over her head. With all the strength she has left she struggles and even tries to bite my hands. You kick her in the jaw with your boots, and her head lulls back so that I can get the bag on.

It didn’t take long, and I watched, almost jealous, as her last breath struggled to be taken, but couldn’t be found. She was such a waste of space. Hell, so am I, but at least I made room for another girl for you. I take off the pink bra she was wearing and offer it up to you. You stuff it in your pocket and head upstairs. You will be on the hunt tonight, and next time I see that bra, it will be on fresh meat….

Snuff By Suffocation

suffication phone sex angiePinching my pussy lips while I sit in the tub thinking about my very first suffocation fantasy and how I lived it out the only way I knew how, with my Barbie and a little sandwich bag. I saw the scene in a horror movie and it made my little girl pussy twitch with longing. I had to play make believe with Barbie and pretend I was suffocating her and taking her life.sufication phone sex barbie Now I am all grown up and I have a real live Barbie in my basement. Securely bound to the large metal X that I have. Ankles and wrists shackled well. I can hear her screams for help. The sounds of her screaming fueling the fire that is building inside me. I have already administered a great deal of torture and pain and delighted in every bit of it. Right now she is hooked to a shock machine that is set on a timer. Every few minutes she receives a jolt to her pussy and ass, The electrodes are placed just so. I am looking at the clear plastic bag on the counter in my bathroom and I am imagining putting it over her head, securing it with duct tape and standing back. Watching her struggle to breath. I will of course increase the intensity of shock and decrease the time between them to maximize her suffocation experience and my pleasure. With my fingers covered in my own juice and my nipples as hard as they can get, I descend the stairs, bag in hand. She let’s out one last scream as I adjust the electricity and lower the bag, taping it shut. The time has cum for my climax and her end. sufication phone sex2