Category: Suffocation phone sex

Can You Breath?

torture sex karmaWhen he asked me if I would come over and put him in his new vacuum table I agreed right away.

He was an annoying fuck that I had been aching to fuck with for a long long time and this was going to be perfect. And just like Karma, the best part is that it is all his idea. Imagine that shit!

I laid his naked body on the metal table and covered him with the black latex careful to put the hole for the mouth in just the right place. I flipped the switch and watched as his cock got hard as soon as he heard the sound of the vacuum.

The latex hugged his body like a glove. I stopped the vacuum pumps, for now and admired the fact that he was sealed in and helpless. He was at my mercy now

Reaching my hands in my pants I started fingering my wet pussy debating what I was going to do next. I decided to let the bastard eat my cunt. How well he did that would determine what would come next.

I climbed on the table and straddled his head lowering my pussy until I felt his tongue reach out and touch my cunt lips. It didn’t take long for me to realize that he was extremely inept when it came to cunt licking so I rewarded him with a mouth full of warm piss.

Climbing down I turned the vacuum on again and watched as it tightened around him making it difficult for him to breath.

Laughing and finger fucking myself I watched as he tried to beg with no air in his lungs. Finally with his last breath he gave me the mind blowing orgasm that he should have given me with his mouth.

I Was Ordered To Piss

Taboo phone sexOne day I will learn to not judge a book by its cover. The couple I was to entertain had a spotless, well decorated, beautiful home. I thought this would be an easy task. Of course, I was wrong. The woman met me at the door and escorted me to the basement, where things were more like I was accustomed to. There were all types of bondage equipment as well as punishment apparatuses. My Mistress ordered me onto the St Andrews Cross and secured me tightly. She put clamps on my nipples and clit and secured them tightly. I whimpered only slightly. I had learned to withstand the pain. She took a large dildo and inserted it into my ass. Once she touched me with I realized it was frozen and shivered. She continued on about her business without speaking, Her husband soon joined us. He began toying with my cunt, giving me pleasure beyond what I was accustomed to. He got my pussy soaking wet and then proceeded to soak it even more. He coated my body with his hot urine. He aimed it at my clit and the warm fluid hitting my pussy combined with the frozen dildo in my ass caused me to have a huge orgasm. The Mistress decided that was enough play and she led her husband to a table strapping him down. She undid my restraints and led me over to him, ordering me to piss on him. I had never been trained to piss on command and it took my body too long to comply to her demand for her liking. She became angry and used a flogger to whip me brutally, leaving bloody stripes down my back and ass. She them undid her husband and placed his cock into my mouth, shoving it down as far as she could force it, and ordered him to piss down my throat. Obviously he was more well trained than I as I soon felt a huge amount of urine flooding my throat. I could not gulp down the fluid fast enough and felt it welling up in my nose, choking me. I feared I would drowned as the urine continued to bubble into my nose, blocking my air passage. I was weak and bloody and covered in urine. She praised her husband for his performance and gave him permission to fuck me after tying me roughly to a table. The dildo was still in my ass though it was not as cold anymore. With every stroke he took in my pussy, she shoved the dildo in further, making me cry out in pain. The clamp on my clit bit down, adding to my pain. She moved in front of me on the table straddling my face, ordering me to eat her cunt until she squirted lady cum on my face.

When they finished using me,  I was untied and left in the basement floor, weak, bloody, and covered in urine and cum, like a worthless pile of trash, which is exactly as it should have been.

Suffocation phone sex

Strangulation Phone Sex

snuff sex

When I arrived home from some errands there was a line of guys waiting outside of my door for me. Inside seated in his chair was my husband. He told me to get ready because I was only minutes away from being skull fucked by all the men I had seen lined up outside. He made me drop to my knees and tied my ankles together making sure I could not get up and walk away. He told me if I did not make every single guy cum with my mouth within a 1 minute time frame that the next action would be my ass making them cum. And that he would see to it that they tore my asshole open just like he had weeks prior. My shit hole had just started to heal and the thought just terrified me. I stayed there on my knees with my mouth wide open while cock after cock gagged me and cut off my airway plenty of times nearly knocking me unconscious. My husband sat next to me with a stop watch keeping close track of time. When I was not performing up to my husbands expectations he would come over and wrap a thick piece of rope around my neck tying it tight. Practically strangulating me until I satisfied him. There were some many times I thought this was going to be my last breath. I woke up laying on the floor covered in cum from head to toe. My asshole was not bloody so I am taking it my mouth was sufficient this time around.

I love killing them slowly!

snuff phone sexSometimes it’s fun to take your time and kill a whore nice and slow, don’t you agree? Don’t get me wrong, I love a good quick death too but when you have time to really savor the moment, why not take it? Like last night, I had this whore all to myself, she was tied up and bleeding and I was about to stab her in the heart and kill her but then I was like why rush it? I had no place I really had to be, nothing important to do, so why not just have some fun right? So I decided to go old school, I grabbed a plastic shopping bag and pulled it over her face and held it tightly… oh she struggled and tried to get away but she couldn’t, I was way too strong. I held the bag over her head until she passed out, then took it off to see if she would wake up. It took a while, but she did wake up and tried to get away so I just jumped on her, wrapped my hands around her neck and strangled her until she was quite dead. It was so fun that I will definitely have to do that again, wanna join me?

Suffocation phone sex with the other beings

suffocation phone sex

I was sleeping in my bed and I saw a huge light coming through my window. I got really nervous and tried to put the covers over my head. My body started floating to the ceiling and I realize that I can not move. My windows open and I fly out, onto a big spaceship. I know it sounds crazy, but it was literally like the movies.

When I got onboard it was so bright that I could not even see anything in front of me. I got shackled down to the floor and I felt something taking my breath right out of my body. I could not breathe at all. I felt huge hands squeezing my neck, I tried gasping for air, but there was no use. I felt my body loose my last bit of life that it had in it. I was almost in third person, having an out of body experience. I started to float above my unconscious body that was chocked out. I was suffocated to death. I saw huge beings over my body, they were pounding away at my holes.

They were using machines to split me open, Probing my ass hole, and I was watching my lifeless body grow a belly. Shortly after a hybrid alien human being was pulled from my tummy. They started using that baby to fuck my lifeless body. They pulled my eyelids back and they shoved needles in my eye balls. I could not believe what I was seeing. We are not alone in the universe.

Fucking Daddy Out Of Trouble

snuff phone sexI get asked all the time why I allow myself to be treated like a worthless fuck whore simply because my Daddy is addicted to gambling. He gets himself into a large debt he can’t pay and those gamblers can get really angry and mean. He always offers my services to pay his bill in full. He tells them I will be a perfect subby pain whore for them. I will graciously accept torture sex as what is due to me for being such a dumb little nasty cunt. Daddy especially loves loaning me out for suffocation phone sex. He loves getting all those videos of my head lolling around as everything blacks out from your tight hands at my throat. The more sadistic your fantasies are, the more I enjoy them. The reason I always fuck Daddy out of trouble is simple. I am about as addicted to painful fucking as Daddy is to gambling. I could never find this many kinky men on my own, but they seem abundant in Daddy’s circle. Besides being addicted, be treated like a worthless dumbass slut always gets me turned on. So – how much does Daddy owe you?

Suffocation Phone Sex with Paulina

taboo phone sex

He told me that no one wanted to look at my ugly old face while they fucked me so he put a plastic bag over my head and then he started pounding my dried up old pussy. At this point I was just happy he choose my cunt and not my ass. I had just started to heal from him tearing me apart the last couple of times. I started to panic feel claustrophobic with that bag over my head and was breathing real heavy. I was sucking the plastic up my nose and mouth and started to scream for him to take it off. He did not give a shit in fact I think my screaming turned him on even more and he started pounding me even faster and harder. I guess this was a good thing because he came pretty quick. He took his dick out right before he was ready to blow and shot it all over the plastic bag. Then took the bag off my head and made me lick it clean.

What will you do for a Kentucky Klondike Bar ?

Accomplice phone sex

He worships me, he wants to be mine.

He will do anything for me and he has proven to be a good slave.

I have sent him out to do things for me and he has done them perfectly.

I love looking back at the photos I have taken of him fucking that little whore mouth of that ankle biting bitch.

That yappy fluff ball pissed me off.

Thanks to my evil slave and how he worships me.

He brought that fluff ball home to me.

He stuck his cock down that fucking fluff balls throat.

Making that worthless fucking living shit slowly choke on his cock.

Taboo phone sex

I hated that little fucking thing, it would shit in my yard.

I squatted over that slowly choking bitch and took a shit on its head as he choked her with his cock.

When my warm hot shit touched his cock he blew his load so fucking hard squeezing my shit in his hands and cock.

Now that I know my nasty fucking slave loves shit, I keep saving it for him.

After each shit I mold it together, making a big frozen cock made of shit.

Once I give him his order’s to get the neighbor’s offspring to me.

I can show him his Kentucky Klondike Bar made of his Mistress’s shit!

He will do what ever I fucking tell him!

Goth teen phone sex

You Lied To Me And Choked Me Out

domination phone sex

Foregoing the dungeon playroom, you pulled your cock out in the living room and told me to suck it. I was confused because nothing turns you on more than tying me up and beating me. You said you planned to take it easy tonight since you had been riding me so hard. You were gonna be my sweet Daddy for once. Uncertain about this change of events, I leaned over to take your cock into my mouth. Then I felt a heavy weight applied to my back. You had put a heavy crystal chess set on my back. You tell me I must balance it and not let the pieces fall. You grab my head and begin to force me down on your cock. Trying desperately to keep the pieces upright, I straighten my back hard as I am being forced down your cock. I felt a piece topple and knew I was in for it. Smack! came the blow on my ass cheek.

You straighten the piece and continue pushing my head down on your cock. You are so large you are gagging me, but I am careful to keep my back straight. I know that I must remain completely stiff if I wish to avoid punishment.  I hear another piece fall and SMACK you hit my other cheek. You tell me I am worthless, not even good enough to be a simple piece of furniture. Another piece falls and another SMACK! This one stings so badly, I jump involuntarily. The whole board crashes down. You snatch me up by my neck and begin choking me and tossing me around like a limp ragdoll. As blackness begins to set in, I say “I thought you were going to be my sweet Daddy tonight”. You reply, “Dear daughter, It is “Tell A Lie Day. I lied. You will never be treated as a sweet daughter because you are a worthless whore”.

suffocation phone sex

Choked Out

suffocation phone sexI was in a sound sleep. The first sleep I have gotten in days after my husband decided to go on a beating binge. Just like he did when we first got married all them years ago. He was the sweetest guy and it was like a switch flipped the first week into our marriage. He would go on for weeks throwing me around the house punching me with his fists and pounding me with his cock. The it would suddenly stop. Well it is happening again. About a week ago he came home he kicked the living hell out of me and even cause me to lose a tooth. Of course when his rage ended I went to the dentist and had to have it fixed. He made sure I was not going to be an old toothless whore. So after my procedure they sent me home with some medication. I am not used to taking these pain killers but I will say this. The put me into a deep sleep and I finally was able to rest this old beat down body. That was until I woke up with a cock shoved down my throat. What woke me up was my air way was restricted with his swollen dick head. It had my throat plugged and I could not breathe. I tried to move my head to free him from my throat but he quickly grabbed me by the head of my hair and held me there just until he seen my eyes starting to shut as I was losing consciousness and beginning to see little black dots. He would let me catch my breath just enough to keep me from falling out then he would ram his rod back down my throat. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take I tried to mumble that I was dizzy and the room was starting to spin but just then thankfully he busted his shooting it right down my throat filling my stomach up with his hot sticky mess. I was thankful he was satisfied for the moment and I was able to get that much needed rest, because I knew it would not e long before I was at the hand of his desire.