Category: Suffocation phone sex

New neighbor

When my new neighbor invited me to his new place, I didn’t think anything wrong about it. I should have known things would not of end well as soon as I saw the inside of his place. The whole place reeked of alcohol and it screamed murder scene. He tried his best to cover his tracks, but he was terrible at hiding who he was. My neighbor noticed my eagerness to leave.

He locked the door and threw me on the couch, And started to beat the shit out of me for even thinking I could leave. I was not allowed to go anywhere. I’m going to have my snuff sex rape fantasy come true with you whore. ” You knew what you were getting into when you came over with those shorts and tiny top. He started to rip my clothes off and began to pound my pussy merciless. I was his cum whore for the night. I was going to take his cock till I was a dead slut.snuff sex

Strangulation phone sex

strangulation phone sexI was at my friends house and I was black out drunk. I was laying in my friends bed as we chatted and joked around. Next thing I know she disappears to go find the bathroom. I closed my eyes for maybe a second and then heard the door open and lock. I could not pick my head up to see if it was her.

I felt a tough hand go over my neck and start to squeeze. I was gasping for air, as my jeans were forced down my legs. I had no strength to keep my legs closed. He was able to slide right inside my wet pussy. He started fucking me harder and harder as his grip squeezed harder around my neck. I felt like my eyes could pop out of my skull.

I felt his cock digging deeper and harder into me. I hope if I pass out due to lack of air, that I am not too sore.

Torture Sex: Death by Roman Crucifixion

torture sexTorture sex was how I died. He was my executioner. I had been sentenced to die by a judge, but this was no ordinary prison. This was an experimental prison exploring new forms of torture and death for women like me. My executioner had been exploring death by Roman crucifixion. Do you know how painful that is? It is a gruesome and painful way to die. Before he nailed me to the cross, however, he whipped me over a hundred times. Both sides of my body were battered and bleeding from the lashes of his whip before he nailed me to the cross with outstretched arms and legs. I didn’t look peaceful nailed to the cross like Jesus. Did you know they don’t nail you by the hands and feet? He drove 6 inch nails into my wrists and my ankles. My entire body weight was being supported by my nailed limbs, which but a strain on my rib cage thus making it torture to just breathe. I couldn’t take in a full breath. I didn’t die of exposure or pain; I died of asphyxiation. I could feel my battered and bloodied body turning blue from lack of oxygen. I could feel myself getting weak. I thought I would be on that cross for days, but it was more like hours. My executioner stood watching me die, aroused. It was like he was looking at a work of art, not a dying woman. I deserved my death, but even as a pain slut, my executioner enjoyed my capital punishment more than me.

Tinder date gone wrong

strangulation phone sexI met this guy on Tinder. Everything started it out fine. We met up at a coffee shop and he was such a great person to have a good conversation with. He wanted to Netflix and chill and I know that means a quick fuck for the night. I had just gotten out of a serious relationship and I thought fuck why not? Well had I known the drive from the coffee place to his house would have triggered something monstrous I would have ran like hell. In the car ride the topic of past relationships came up and he was mentioning how his ex left him because he was too controlling and I said in what ways? He said she would get angry cause I’d call her a couple time in a single hour. I thought he was joking and I said jokingly “shes right you are a nut case”  if looks could kill would of died right then and their. He stayed quiet and I felt awkard and wanted to uber my ass out of his drive way, He asked me to come in and I didn’t want to be a complete bitch and went in. Things escalated quickly because he locked the door and told me it was time I learned a lesson. I was frozen and fear and pulled out his gun out of his case. I fear rushed over my body as he stripped me down and put on the sharpest needle clamps on my tits. He told me if I screamed I would die. He began to stangle me while I was bleeding all over fromt he needle clamps and he shoved his cock deep in me and he let out a wicked laugh. He was enjoying my pain and seeing me hopless got him off.  after a couple hours of torture he past out and I ran like hell.

Suffocation phone sex

suffocation phone sex

 I was really hoping not to be a pathetic piece of shit victim! No matter how much I begged for him to let me go, it was no use. It turned him on each time I whimpered while he tortured my pure flesh. His cock would twitch with every tear that ran down my face. He got a plastic bag and blew every single cum load he had in his balls into it for days.

I wondered what he was going to do with it. He kept forcing his dick into my holes, ripping them open only to take his cock out and to nut in that bag. He filled it up almost all the way. He hung me upside down from the ceiling and took his bag full of cum and put it around my head. I was drowning in his cum. He jerked off as he watched my face move around in the cum bag that was tied around my neck.

What a way to die.

Accomplice Phone Sex and Snuff!

Accomplice phone sexShe was so young, and the guy who had me captive wouldn’t let me go unless I helped him. He’d been infatuated with her for some time, it seems, and today, he wants to rape her. He’ll have to kill her afterward, of course, so he needs help. I distracted her by talking about being a photographer’s assistant, and pulled her down a side alley. Those little jeans of hers were so snug on that little body, I couldn’t understand how her mother could let her out of the house looking like that. I helped her pose as he joined us in the alley. Then, I sat on her upper body while I pulled her little legs apart and used a blade to cut the seam of the crotch of her pants open. He’d made sure I understood he has a thing for jeans, so I made sure he had plenty of jeans left on her body while he fucked her. He pulled her little panties aside through the hole I’d made, fingered her tiny cunt. Then, he drove his dick into her, and she screamed up into my cunt and ass. He fucked her good and hard, his eyes never leaving the area just around her pussy, where her jeans were still hugging her little body. He fucked her senseless, eventually wrapping his hands around her throat and cutting off her air supply. We disposed of her a few towns over… I’ll never forget her…

Hunting Brats To Torture Tonight, Join Me

If you like a good hunt then I have something that will be really fucking fun, fucker. I want you to join me in hunting bratty little ones that really need to be taken care of… properly. When I am not hooking up a dirty fucking babysitting job, and I really love those gigs as I get easy access to prey, I am on the look out for my next victim(s).

I love getting an accomplice and we both get to have fun terrorizing the girls holes and her innocence. Fuck innocence man fucking over rated. I think we need to punch that sweet little face, and shove it in a pillow while her naked little ass is impaled by your daddy cock, and I will certainly pull out my favorite gel cock that I have inserted a few razor blades in it. Nothing like tearing up some sweet virginal cunt before we totally destroy and dismember this doll.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies


Strangled during home invasion

Home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex with my filthy pervert caller always makes sure to snuff me out exactly how I like to be snuffed out! After violently killing my Mommy and Daddy in their bedroom and leaving them to lay in pools of their own blood, the filthy pervert then makes his way into my bedroom and creeps himself up into my bed while I am sleeping soundly. I wake up startled by this disgusting stranger on top of me and he forcefully shoves his hand over my mouth to keep me as quiet as possibly as he spread my legs open wide and fucked me deep with his throbbing cock. He wrapped his other hand around my tiny throat and squeezed as hard as he could, cracking the bones in my throat as he strangled me to death. The suffocation was horrific as I gasped for air and tried to break free from his grip. But it was no use, he had done me in and snuffed me out as he busted a huge load of cum inside of my tight cunt, moaning loud in pure pleasure! He left me there all bundled up in my blankets to rot as I was oozing with his cock cream! I love having strangulation phone sex!

Help Me

I was walking home from school today when someone grabbed me from behind and covered my head. I was screaming, begging whoever it was to please leave me alone. Let me go. My body was shivering and convulsing with both fear and cold. I really didn’t know what to do. Then I heard them, multiply male voices laughing at me. “Stop fighting bitch and maybe we won’t hurt you.” One said harshly. I did try to stop, honestly I did but my body had other ideas. Soon I heard a door open and echoing voices, so I assumed we were in an empty building. Within minutes I was thrown onto a hard, cold, concrete floor. My clothes were torn off my body. I was still screaming only now nothing was coming out. A hand slapped my face, then my tit, my back, ass, and pussy. I was in so much pain, I just wanted it to stop. I heard a tearing of foil then something big was pushed extremely hard in my asshole. My nails scraped the floor, I was trying to get away. The pain was completely unbearable. Hands held down my wrist, my hair was being pulled out of my scalp. “Please stop, Please.” I cried.
More laughing “shut the fuck up you little whore, we are going to fuck you until we get bored with you.” He pulled out of my ass and I was flipped over. Someone thrust into my cunt so hard I could feel my insides tear. Another cock was shoved into my gaping mouth, gagging me, stealing my breath. I felt like I was going to die any minute and then everything was gone. The blindfold was taken off and I looked into the eyes of my brother and his friend. They both started laughing and I began to giggle as well. “Fuck guys, I wanted you to do a rape fantasy with me, not beat me.”
My brothers face reddened a bit “I’m sorry Langley, I guess we got carried away with all the excitement of it.” I sat up and rubbed all the spots I was hit, “it’s fine but next time we do rape play no beating, OK?”
They both agreed. Regardless I was happy, I love rape fantasies, feeling lost of all control. Hopefully we play again very soon. Or maybe next time you can play with me?
ass rape phone sex

Strangulation phone sex

strangulation phone sexI thought I was having a normal fuck tonight with this guy I was seeing. We were in his bedroom about to hook up until I changed my mind. I told him no, but I guess it was too late. He told me he was going to take my pussy and holes how he wanted and I do not have a choice. He pushed me down on the bed and ripped my clothes off of my body.

I tried to wiggle my body out of his grip but there was no way to break free. The more I struggled the more tighter his grip got around my neck. He was squeezing my neck so hard that I could not even gasp for air. His cock slid inside of my pussy and he thrusted huge thrust into my pussy rocking my whole body up and down his bed and cock.

He was fucking my dry pussy so rough that it was hurting. I am going to have a choker of bruises embedded on my neck from his huge hands.